
The highest mountain in Greece
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synonym Olympus (a mountain in northern Greece) usually refers to Mount Olympus (the highest mountain in Greece)
Olympus( Greek : \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Greece The highest mountain, located at aegean sea Selmai Bay On the north bank, the highest peak, Miticas Peak, is 2917 meters above sea level, which means "Pantheon" The Olympic torch The kindling is in Olympus Hera Temple obtain. [2] [4]
stay MYTHOS Central Olympus is the mountain of God. The original meaning of "Olympus" comes from the meaning of "light place". In Greek mythology, it is equivalent to heaven, the gods Demigod And live here with their servants. The gods endowed the mountain with sacred and glorious power. [3] Mount Olympus is located in the north of Greece, near the Salonika Bay, and is the watershed between Thessaly District and Macedonia. [2] The perimeter is 150 kilometers, the average diameter is 26 kilometers, and the area is 500 square kilometers [4] It is a Mediterranean type mountain. It is usually warm and dry in summer and wet in winter. The temperature drops by 1 ℃ on average every 200 meters. More than 1700 kinds of plants, a quarter of the whole Greek flora, grow on the mountain. [3] Western roe deer, wild boar, red fox, sparrow eagle, vulture, rock partridge, white stork, rock pigeon, European robin, blue falcon peregrine falcon Golden Eagle Short toed carving And other animals. [4]
Mount Olympus National Park is the first area in Greece to implement specific protection laws and regulations. It was declared a national park in 1938. In 1981, the Olympus area was identified as a "biosphere reserve". The EU lists Olympus as "an important area for birds in the EU". [4] In June 2016, the Olympian National Park Information Center in Litoholong was opened to the public. [4]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Oros Olympos
geographical position
Located at Greece North, near Salonika Bay, yes Thessaly Area and Macedonia Watershed of the section
climatic conditions
Mediterranean climate
Opening Hours
Open all year round
Ticket Price
No ticket
area covered
500 km²
Famous scenic spot
Miticas Peak Hera Temple Olympus National Park

Formation and evolution

The sedimentary rocks formed in the shallow sea 200 million years ago rose, and an Olympian mountain with an altitude of 2917 meters rose abruptly near the Aegean Sea. [4]
About one million years ago, glaciers covered the Olympus Mountains, forming plateaus and low-lying areas. The resulting temperature rise and ice melting caused the river to wash away a large number of gravels at the lowest point, forming an alluvial fan. From the foot of the mountain to the sea, this area is full of alluvial fan [4]
In order to distinguish from the adjacent "Lower Olympus Mountain" in the south, Olympus Mountain is also called "Upper Olympus Mountain". Ancient Greeks regarded it as a holy mountain. In Greek mythology, Olympus was born in the abyss of hell, rooted in the river of soul, and gradually formed from chaos. The gods who ruled the world lived on the top of the mountain, which also made it an absolute symbol of power and power. [2]

Location context

Mount Olympus is located in northern Greece, near Thessaloniki , Yes Thessaly And Administrative divisions of Macedonia The watershed between. [2]

Geology and geomorphology



Mount Olympus is mainly composed of sedimentary rock Etc. [4]


Olympus Mountain has deep canyons and dozens of peaks, many of which are more than 2000 meters above sea level. Scoured by the wind and rain, the tops of many Olympus peaks are round. [4] There are many almost vertical rock cliffs in the middle of the mountain. The throne of Zeus, 2902 meters above sea level, stands alone on the top of the mountain because some rock cliffs near the top of the mountain rise sharply by 200 meters. [4] From the foot of the mountain to the sea, it is an alluvial fan. [4]


The Olympian region has a typical Mediterranean climate, that is, hot and dry in summer, and wet and cold in winter. In these areas, it snows all winter. Even in summer, it is not uncommon for rain and snow to fall. The temperature is about - 10 ℃ in winter, and from 0 ℃ to 20 ℃ in summer, with wind almost every day. With the elevation rising, the temperature and humidity change more violently, often with strong wind, and the winter will become colder. [4]
The highest altitude reached up the mountain is 1076 meters, at 11:50, the temperature is 26 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity is 53.7%. At the same time, the temperature on the mountainside at 950 meters above sea level was 27 ℃ and the relative humidity was 49.1%. The relative humidity at the mountainside is about 45-50%, while the relative humidity during climbing is above 52%. [2]
Scenery of Mount Olympus


Mount Olympus belongs to the Olympus Mountains. [2-3]

Resource status


Biological resources

  • Botany
Data in 2020 shows that there are more than 1700 plant species and subspecies in the region, accounting for 25% of the Greek flora. Among them, 187 species have obvious characteristics, 56 species are unique to Greece, and 23 species are local. At low altitudes, most are common Mediterranean and Central European species. The northeast of Olympus Mountain is densely forested, because there is the most rainfall, while the vegetation in the southwest is obviously sparse. [4]
Evergreen broad-leaved trees grow between 300-500 meters above sea level in Olympus Mountain. In addition to holly oak and Greek strawberry trees, there are also carmine oak Laurel , ash tree Elm , Cotinus coggygria, etc. In the middle mountain area with an altitude of 500-1000 meters, evergreen broad-leaved trees are gradually replaced by European black pine communities. Under some conditions with good microclimate environment, broad-leaved trees will also grow in relatively high valleys. On the north slope of Chirorax Valley, there are about 120 hectares of tall oak forests at an altitude of 600-700 meters, and there is a black pine forest in the east and north of 500-1700 meters above sea level. In this area, there are also smaller areas of fir and broad-leaved shrubs. Such as elm Cherry plum , holly Cornus officinalis Mannose , maple, and a large number of different herbs. [4]
The typical plant species in the area with an altitude of about 1000-1500 meters is Bosnian pine. The forests in subalpine areas above 1500 meters become sparse. Above 2500 meters, the trees are climbing. There are more than 150 kinds of plants in the alpine flora here, which grow in snow covered meadows, grassland swamps, alpine gravels and rock cracks. Most of the unique plants of Mount Olympus grow on the grassland, rocks and steep slopes, including some of the most beautiful wild flowers in Greece. [4]
Olympus vegetation
  • animal
Data in 2020 shows that there are 32 recorded mammals, including wild goats, western roe deer, wild boars, red foxes and red squirrels. Birds include sparrow eagle, vulture, rock partridge, white stork, rock pigeon, European robin, blue falcon peregrine falcon Golden Eagle Short toed carving , birds, etc. There are also 22 species of reptiles common in Greek fauna and 8 species of amphibians in streams and seasonal ponds. [4]

tourist resources

Mount Olympus National Park is the first area in Greece to implement specific protection laws and regulations. It was declared a national park in 1938. According to the relevant laws and regulations on the management of the park, economic development activities other than tourism are prohibited in the core area on the east side of the 4000 hectare mountain range of the park, but scientific research and public environmental education can be carried out. [4]

Historical culture


Olympian Games

In 884 BC, the Greeks, suffering from the war, decided to hold the Olympic Games in Olympia, and stipulated that the "Holy Armistice Month" should be implemented in the year when the Games were held, linking the modern Olympic Games with peace. [1] [4]

Climbing history

Climbing Mount Olympus is an outdoor sport. It is a special honor among outdoor and hiking people to climb the holy mountain. At present, 10000 people climb Mount Olympus every year. Most of the climbing routes of Mount Olympus start from the town of Lituohoron, because this town at the foot of the mountain is called the "City of Gods" and the only entrance to the "Pantheon". [4]
Olympus Mountain Climbing Path
In order to make mountaineering activities safer, the park has built a large number of tourist rest places and shelters. The first refuge in this area is the Spilios Agapitos refuge established by the Greek Mountaineering Association, located at an altitude of 2100 meters. The second refuge is behind the Mavrachas Valley, which has been managed by the military since 1961. [4]
On August 2, 1913, the Greek Kacarlos reached the highest peak in Greece. In 1921, Kacarlos and Mazer Kurz reached the second peak of Mount Olympus. [4]
In 1928, several painters climbed Mount Olympus together, and later spent many summers painting the mountain scenery. Since then, there has been a climax of mountaineering, and a series of climbing and winter climbing of the steepest mountain peak have achieved success. [4]

Myth and legend

stay Ancient Greek mythology At the beginning of the universe, there was a boundless and empty space, and there was only one god, Kaos. Then came Gaia, the mother of the earth, Tartarus, the master of the abyss, Erebus, the god of darkness, Nix, the goddess of night, and Eros, the god of lust. The world began from then on. Gaia is the daughter of Caos and the mother of the earth. She gave birth to the sky Uranus, the ocean Penthos and the mountain Uria. Then she and Uranus gave birth to the second generation of gods of all gods and the twelve Titans, representing the world's first day, month, day, time, justice, memory, and many other gods, the most famous of which is Prometheus, known as the creator and protector of mankind. Later, Zeus He overthrew the rule of his father Cronus, established a new ruling order, and enfeoffed the twelve main gods in charge of various things on earth. Later, the planets in the solar system were also named after these twelve main gods. [4]
Olympus is the place where the 12 main gods live
The ancient Greeks revered the gods living on Mount Olympus, especially Zeus, the head of the gods. In his name, they held various grand ceremonies in various parts of Greece, as well as various recreational and competitive activities, which constituted a large part of the traditional Greek culture. In 884 BC, the Greeks, who suffered from the war, decided to hold the Olympic Games in Olympia and stipulated that the "holy truce month" should be implemented in the year when the Games were held, which also linked the modern Olympic Games with peace. During the Olympic Games, the Olympic flame must be lit in the main venue, and the flame must be taken from the Temple of Hera at Olympus. The flame was brought to the world by Prometheus, for this reason Prometheus They were also nailed to the Caucasus Mountains and were eaten by eagles. Later, each Olympic Games will go to the Hera Temple to get the flame, which symbolizes the Olympic spirit handed down from generation to generation. [4]
The ancient Greeks invited the gods to Mount Olympus, because the ancient Greeks thought that Greece was in the center of the earth, and Mount Olympus was the center of Greece. These main gods should live in the center of the world. As for why we should live on the mountain, it is because God must be high. They are in the same shape with people, but also divided into different genders. Some people have different emotions and desires. They also go down the mountain from time to time to participate in the activities of the common people, and do some things for their own interests, showing different aspects of being like people or gods. [4]


Greece issued coins with the words "Greek Olympus National Park", "Battle of Titan" and flowering branches on them. [4]

Relevant first edition

The works related to Olympus, including Homer's Epic and God's Manual, have become one of the jewels of western literature and are talked about by many Greek fans. Greek mythology not only produced Greek literature, but also influenced the literature of the Roman Empire, and had a profound impact on the later European literature. [4]

Development protection

Mount Olympus National Park is the first area in Greece to implement specific protection laws and regulations. It was declared a national park in 1938. According to the relevant laws and regulations on the management of the park, economic development activities other than tourism are prohibited in the core area on the east side of the 4000 hectare mountain range of the park, but scientific research and public environmental education can be carried out. In addition, the park has an Olympian Library, which collects relevant information about the climbing history of Olympian Mountain.
In 1981, the Olympus area was identified as a "biosphere reserve". The EU lists Olympus as "an important area for birds in the EU". [4]
In June 2016, the information center of Olympus National Park in Litoholong was opened to the public. The content of propaganda and education includes introducing geology, archaeological sites, myths, monasteries, plants, animals and other relevant content of Olympus to tourists. [4]