Brown Kiwi

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synonym Kiwi (New Zealand's national bird) generally refers to the brown kiwi
The brown kiwi is a wingless bird [8 ] Is also a group of flightless birds [9 ] The brown kiwi has a body length of 40cm, a shape like that of a dog, a small head, a long and slightly bent beak, and a hard fur at the base of its mouth; The shrunken long neck, plump body and fluffy fine feathers are mainly yellow brown with reddish brown stripes, and the degenerated wings are covered by feathers; Both legs are thick, short and powerful, each with four toes [8 ]
The brown kiwi is mainly distributed in the North Island of New Zealand; Koromandel Peninsula from Gisborne to the northern Ruvasini Mountains, Tongariro to Taranaki; Reintroduction of the small Baryl, Kawa and Pelnui groups. Its habitat is mainly located in subtropical and temperate forests, regeneration forests, shrubbery, pine plantations and pastures. The brown kiwi is a nocturnal animal. Its eyes are small and underdeveloped, and it can only see things within a few meters. It is a very "alternative" bird. It finds its prey through smell, eats invertebrates on soil and leaves, especially earthworms, spiders and insects, and also eats fruits, seeds and leaves. Its breeding period is from August to September. Females lay 1-2 extra large eggs in caves or natural holes, and the incubation period is up to 11-12 weeks [8 ]
The rapid expansion of agricultural and residential land has destroyed a large number of forests inhabited by kiwis. At the same time, the invasion of predatory mammals such as cats, dogs and ferrets has further forced them to their doom. Under the combined effect of various threats, the brown kiwis have disappeared in large numbers [9 ] Therefore, the brown kiwi is listed in the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species and is not evaluated (NE) [8 ] However, thanks to the meticulous and all-around monitoring plan, the conservationists are very familiar with the number of kiwis. The population of kiwis has been restored by removing natural enemies, transferring eggs and raising young birds artificially until they can fight against natural enemies. However, similar efforts must continue to save brown kiwis [9 ]
Chinese name
Brown Kiwi
Latin name
Apteryx australis
kiwi Kiwi
Foreign name
Brown Kiwi
Southern Brown Kiwi
Animal kingdom
Brown Kiwi
3 subspecies
Named by and date
Shaw, 1813
Protection level
Vulnerable (VU) IUCN standard [1]

morphological character

The brown kiwi is 46-50cm long, Male bird The weight is 2.125kg, and the female bird weighs 4kg. genus a kiwi The most primitive bird in the class. It has a small head, the body shape is like a pear, and the whole body is covered with fluffy and fine feathers, and the feathers are soft without feathers. The degenerated wings are covered with feathers, without tail feathers, and cannot fly. The legs are short and powerful, good at running, and the speed can reach 16 kilometers per hour. Kiwi The beak is sharp and slender, about 10 cm long, and the beak base is long with a cat like beard; The nostrils are located at the tip of the long, curved mouth rather than at the base of the mouth; Small eyes, lack of vision in the daytime; Earholes are large and developed, and the base of the mouth has a long beard (may have a sense of touch). The neck is very short, the ears are highly sensitive and developed, and the feathers are mottled from charcoal grey to light brown. [2]
The male and female birds are heteromorphic, and the difference is more than 1 kg. The biggest difference from most other birds is that they cannot fly and can only walk on the ground. Their legs are located at the rear of their bodies, short and strong, with strong legs and well-developed muscles; All four toes have big claws. It has a strong tarsometatarsal part, and the front and rear edges of the tarsometatarsal also have hexagonal horny scales. There are 4 small and flat toes on the foot, 3 toes forward and 1 toe backward, with sharp claws on the toes, which is convenient for digging on the ground and looking for food. [2]

Habitat environment

It lives in the dense forest and in the dark ferns at night. The brown kiwi lives in a cave. It can only be used after several weeks after the nest is dug moss and lichen And natural vegetation grow again, which is convenient for camouflage. [2]

Life habits

A pair of brown kiwis may dig 100 caves in their territory as shelters, and usually change their shelters every day. They do not leave the cave during the day, except in dangerous circumstances. Generally, holes are opened at night. The foraging time is about 30 minutes after sunset. With insects, snail , Spider, worm centipede Grub And many Orthoptera mainly, and even can eat small lizards and mice, but also eat fruits and berries on the ground. The nostrils of kiwi birds are not like Thrush Or as long as a swallow Beak The root is at the tip of the mouth. It has a very good sense of smell. It can smell insects at a depth of more than ten centimeters underground, and then dig it out with its claws or mouth to eat it. In addition, its mouth has an unexpected function - when it needs to rest, its mouth can act as the third leg, like a tripod to support the body, relaxed and stable. [2]
They are good at running, digging with their feet, or pecking east and west with their long beaks, pecking earthworms, insects and mollusks from the soil, decaying leaves and dead branches on the ground. They eat a lot of worms, insects and mollusks, and eat dozens of them at a time earthworm , can swallow 500-600 pieces a day worm Local legends, Kiwi There are also many unique skills, such as being able to drag rabbits out of tree holes, and even fishing in the shoals on the coast.
Kiwi birds have poor eyesight and are shy and timid, but their hearing and smell are very keen. In addition, there are sensitive tactile sensation These characteristics are very suitable for night activities. It often sends“ kiwi One kiwi ", Male bird The sound of the female bird is hoarse. Kiwis also have a very good relationship with local residents. If they do not close the door at night, they often rush into the house and become "uninvited guests". Not only are they harmless to people, but they always seem to intend to stay with people for a while. They are often curious and playful, and will drag away forks, spoons and other small items in the house if they are not careful.

Distribution range

The brown kiwi is Kiwi The most common in South Island North Island and Stewart Island There are three different subspecies distributed on the three islands. [3]
Distribution Map of Brown Kiwi [4]

Reproductive mode

The brown kiwi is a strictly monogamous bird. Couples live together for at least 2 or 3 breeding seasons. Kiwi Since they can't fly, they have to build their nests at the bottom of tree trunks or directly nest on the ground. The breeding period is in late autumn, and the eggs are Female bird The gestation period in the body is up to one month. During the whole pregnancy, the female bird must reserve enough fat to produce a well nourished bird's eggs Because they can't fly, the kiwi's nest is often in the hole at the root of the tree trunk, sometimes on the ground. Kiwi's reproductive capacity is not strong. Generally, females lay eggs once a year, 1-2 at a time. Egg white. Although the kiwi is not big, its eggs are very large, with an average of 435 grams. The incubation process will last for 84 days, usually by Male bird Incubation. One week after birth, Nestling Continue to consume the remaining yolk in the body to provide nutrition, and then start to learn from the male birds to find food and various survival skills. The feather of the downy bird is uniform brown, and the growth of the chick is also very slow, which takes about 4 years to mature. [2]

Subspecies differentiation

Brown kiwi (3 subspecies)
Chinese name
Latin name
Apteryx australis australis
Apteryx australis awryi
Apteryx australis mantelli

Protection status


Protection level

Included《 World Conservation Union 》(IUCN) 2012 Endangered Species Red List Ver 3.1 - Vulnerable (VU). [1]
Of《 Washington Convention 》Appendix II: Class I protected animals.

Population status

Based on the annual decline caused by the introduced species, the inland population of this species may decline extremely rapidly. However, Stewart Island The number of brown kiwi is still stable, so the overall decline speed may be slower, but it is still rapidly decreasing, and it is in a weak position overall.
Based on geographical relationship, New Zealand and Australia have been separated from Asia and other continents by oceans in the past ten million years. Therefore, New Zealand has not been invaded by carnivores from Asia, making this isolated island once a paradise for birds, and many unique birds have also been able to breed here, especially Flightless bird , which is not found in other continents.
But since maori Europeans have brought alien species , such as rats, dogs, sheep, cattle, horses, cats, etc., not only gradually become dominant animals, but also change the ecological balance of New Zealand. In addition, the island's ferret Will be right Nestling Constitute a threat. In addition, human activities such as reclamation and construction have damaged and encroached on the original habitat of birds. Fortunately, the protection of animals is getting more and more attention Stewart Island And minority forest national park They can also be seen.
In addition, New Zealand The government considers that cats (carnivores) Kiwi The biggest threat to the birds is that laws have been issued to Domestic cat implementation curfew To reduce the kiwi being killed by cats when it leaves at night. [5]
(Note: Website of all pictures of brown kiwi [6-7]