Genesis Star

Kuiper Belt Objects
zero Useful+1
synonym Quaoar asteroid (The asteroid discovered by Brown and Trujillo in 2002) generally refers to Genesis
Genesis Star Official name by 50000 Quaoar , transliterated into Chinese Quaoar , by the United States California Institute of Technology Discovered by Brown and Trujillo on October 7, 2002 Kuiper belt Celestial bodies. The word "Quaoar" originates from U.S.A The original Tongva tribe myth is the god of creation, so the Chinese official translation is called the Star of Creation. International Astronomical Union Previously, this object was given a temporary number of 2002 LM60, also called asteroid 50000。
Chinese name
Genesis Star
Foreign name
50000 Quaoar
Quayle, 2002 LM60
Chad Trujillo Michael Brown
Discovery time
June 4, 2002
1.4✕10 twenty-one kg
Average density
4.2 g/cm³
surface temperature
≈ 43 K
Escape speed
0.523 – 0.712 km/s
0.199 +0.13 −0.07
Apparent magnitude
19.3 etc
Absolute magnitude
Rotation period
17.6788 hours
Semimajor axis
43.405 AU (6.493 353 Tm)
zero point zero three nine four
Angle of plane approach
280.554 degrees
Rail inclination
7.996 degrees
Ascending intersection longitude
189.033 degrees
minor planet category
Kuiper Belt Objects
45.116 AU (6.749189 Tm)
forty-one point six nine five AU (6.237 516 Tm )
Number of satellites

Basic Introduction

Little is known about Quaoar. According to judgment, the diameter of Quaoar is about 989 - 1346? Km, equal to earth One tenth of. According to preliminary calculation, this Celestial distance About 42 on the earth Astronomical unit It takes 286 years to operate for one week.
The discovery of Quaor made Pluto As solar system The ninth planet The status of be placed in jeopardy In 2005 Kuiper belt It has also found objects larger than Pluto.
People believe that "Quaoar" and many Kuiper belt Celestial objects are similar. They are all composed of a mixture of rock and ice, but Albedo Low (~0.1) means that the outer ice of the celestial body has disappeared. In the future, when New Horizon No When the spacecraft explored Pluto and other Kuiper Belt objects in 2015, people could learn more from the data sent back.
In 2004, scientists found that there was ice on the surface of "Quaoar" crystal The existence of signs means that its temperature has risen from 55K (- 220 ° C) to 110K (- 160 ° C) in 10 million years. Some theories point out that the reason for its temperature rise is that it has been continuously Meteoroid Collision heats the surface of the celestial body. But the most striking theory is that the core of "Quaoar" may appear Ice volcano Activity, which is kernel Radioactive material Caused by decay.


The position of Genesis when it was found was Ophiuchus Apparent magnitude 18.5, etc., and on October 7, 2002 American Astronomical Society The discovery was announced at the meeting of. The earliest rediscovery can be traced back to May 25, 1954 Palomar Observatory Of Dry plate


It has been found that there are Water ice Signs that it may have Ice volcano Activities. There is also a small amount of methane
In February 2007, Michael Brown discovered the synchronization of Genesis Asteroid satellite Weywot, 80km in diameter. Genesis and its satellites are located in Southern California Of America Native Tongeva Mythological figure Naming. Kuaoer is the creation god of Tongeva people, and Vivote is his son. The Chinese translation is Chuangshen Star (also known as the asteroid 50000) and Chuangwei. [1]


In 2004, astronomers estimated that the diameter of Chuangshen Star was 1260 ± 190 kilometers, and then the diameter was continuously revised downward. When astronomers discovered Chuangshen Star in 2002, Chuangshen Star was solar system since Pluto The largest celestial body since it was discovered in 1930. later Eris sedna Haumea And Bird God Star And so on. Genesis is about (if not smaller) Pluto satellite Charon Quite, about Orcus 2.5 times. The diameter of Genesis is about one twelfth of the diameter of the earth and one third of the diameter of the moon, Pluto Half the diameter.
Known Large Outer Sea Uranian Objects
Chuangshen Star is the first direct Hubble Space telescope HST )Take pictures to measure the size of Outer Sea Uranus Astronomers adopt a new and complex method. Given that the distance of Genesis is located at the resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope (40m Angular second )Within limits. Brown and Trujillo, through careful comparison Background picture And use the optical precision model of the Hubble Space Telescope( point spread function ), you can obtain the most likely diameter data of Chuangshen Star. This method was used by Michael Brown to measure the size of Eris.
The Hubble Space Telescope completed the unadjusted estimation data of Genesis in 2004, and astronomers passed the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) measurement infrared The data of Genesis means that the albedo of Genesis (0.19) is higher than the original Estimated value Higher, so create god star Diameter ratio The original estimate was small (844.4+206.7 − 189.6 km). During the observation of Genesis by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2004, few people knew the surface properties of Kuiper Belt objects, but astronomers know that the surface of Genesis is similar in many ways Uranus And Neptune Of Ice satellite Astronomers use Uranus satellite After the surrounding dim data, according to the observation results of the Hubble Space Telescope in 2004, the diameter of Genesis was overestimated by about 40% previously, and the relatively correct diameter was estimated to be about 900 km. As of 2010, astronomers used data from the Spitzer Space Telescope weighted average After correcting the estimated data of the Hubble Space Telescope, the diameter of Genesis is estimated to be about 890 ± 70km.
In April 2011, Chuangshen Star covered a 16 class star. Astronomers estimated that the largest diameter of Chuangshen Star was 1170km, and learned that Chuangshen Star was slender in appearance. stay Herschel Space Observatory new measured data And the Hubble Space Telescope data display The diameter of Chuangshen Star is 1070 ± 38 kilometers, and that of Chuangwei Yizi is 81 ± 11 kilometers.


The orbit of Genesis is about 6 billion kilometers (3.7 billion miles) away from the sun, Orbital period 287 years.
The track is nearly circular, Rail inclination About 8 °, although typical Small objects in the solar system , classified as Kuiper Belt objects, but relatively large. Feluna of similar size Haumea and Bird God Star With high orbital inclination and relatively large Eccentricity
Aerial view It is possible to compare the nearly circular orbit of Genesis with the orbit of Pluto with high eccentricity (e=0.25). (The orbit of Genesis is blue, and Pluto is red, Neptune The description in the figure is the position, relative size and color of April 2006; Perihelion Apohelion And the date of passing are indicated in the figure.
Unlike Pluto and Neptune, which have a 2:3 Track resonance The Genesis star in 43AU and near circular orbit is almost unaffected by Neptune perturbation. from Ecliptic surface The observed diagram shows the orbital inclination of Genesis and Pluto. Pluto's aphelion (below) is outside the orbit of Genesis, so Pluto is sometimes closer to the sun than Genesis, while at other times it is farther than Genesis.
In 2008, the distance between Genesis and Pluto was only 13.9 AU, which is the closest distance between it and Pluto. By the standard of Kuiper Belt, this distance is very close.


The orbit of the Genesis satellite has been confirmed, and the discovery report was published in the IAUC 8812 Express on February 22, 2007. The satellite is 0.35 away from Chuangshen Star second At a distance of, Absolute magnitude The difference is 5.6, etc. Assumed albedo vs Primary star Similarly, the diameter of this satellite should be 100 kilometers. Creationistic Discoverer Brown gave the naming right of Chuangwei to Tongeva ethnic group, and they selected Weywot, the god of creation in their tribal mythology, as the Chuangwei I Was recognized in 2009.