Joseph von Fraunhofer

German physicist
zero Useful+1
synonym Fraunhofer (Fraunhofer) Generally refers to Joseph von Fraunhofer
Joseph von Fraunhofer (March 6, 1787 June 7, 1826) Germany physical scientist Fraunhofer from an optical institute worker He became the director of the institute and designed and manufactured many optical instruments, such as Achromatic lens , Large Refracting telescope diffraction grating And so on. They were all great achievements in the physics field at that time.
Fraunhofer's most influential contribution is to discover and study Solar spectrum The absorption line in, i.e Fraunhofer lines [1]
Fraunhofer combines the talents of technologists and theorists, combines theory with rich practical experience spectroscopy Has made important contributions.
Chinese name
Joseph von Fraunhofer
Foreign name
Joseph von Fraunhofer
Ethnic groups
German nationality
date of birth
March 6, 1787
Date of death
June 7, 1826
University one is graduated from
Benedict Boyon Abbey School of Optics
physical scientist
Key achievements
Curator of Physics Museum of Munich Academy of Sciences
Has made important contributions to optics and spectroscopy
Invented the spectrometer
Found the Fraunhofer line
Published Fraunhofer diffraction
one's native heath
Representative works
Published the research results of parallel light diffraction through a single slit
Birth and death

Character experience

Joseph von Fraunhofer
Born on March 6, 1787 Munich Strauss nearby is the eleventh child of a glassmaker, whose parents are very poor. Fraunhofer became an orphan at the age of 11 and became an apprentice in a glass workshop in Munich in 1806.
In 1801, the house of this workshop collapsed Maximilian I Take people to rescue him from the ruins. Maximilian I took great care of Fraunhofer and provided him with books and learning opportunities. Eight months later, Fraunhofer was sent to the Optics Institute of the famous Benedict Boyon Monastery for training Benedictine Monastery Great importance is attached to glass manufacturing process.
In 1818, Fraunhofer became the main leader of the Academy of Optics. He designed and built Achromatic lens , first used Newtonian ring Methods The inspection of optical surface processing accuracy and lens shape has played an important role in the development of applied optics. The large scale he made Refracting telescope And other optical instruments. Due to Fraunhofer's efforts, Bavaria replaced Britain as the production center of optical instruments at that time, even Michael· Faraday I can only bow to the wind.
In 1823, he served as the curator of the Physics Museum of the Munich Academy of Sciences and University of Munich Professor, academician of Munich Academy of Sciences
In 1824, Fraunhofer was awarded Pour Le Merite , become a noble and Munich Honorary citizens. Due to heavy metal poisoning caused by long-term engagement in glass making, Frang and Fei died at the age of 39.

Key achievements

Fraunhofer's Scientific research achievements It mainly focuses on the spectrum. In 1814, he invented Spectrometer In the spectrum of sunlight, he found 574 black lines, which are called Fraunhofer lines More than 30000 pieces have been found.
Fraunhofer can also be regarded as one of the founders of spectroscopy because he discovered the absorption lines in the solar spectrum, realized that they are equivalent to the emission lines in sparks and flames, and first used diffraction gratings (which have also been made into various forms of gratings). [2]
In 1821, he published the parallel light passing through Single slit diffraction (later called Fraunhofer diffraction, Far-field diffraction )The experiment of spectral resolution was done, and the diffraction grating was studied quantitatively for the first time, with which the wavelength of light was measured, and then the grating equation was given.