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Space program

Plans to explore space
Space program refers to the exploration plan of space.
Chinese name
Space program
Plans to explore space


  1. one U.S.A
  2. two China
  3. three Russia


The new space plan plans to send four astronauts to the moon in 2018, establish a space base, and finally let Americans step on Mars through this springboard.
stay NASA In this picture of landing on the moon, four astronauts will return to the moon as "vanguard forces" to build a space base with multiple functions such as living, power generation and communication. Astronauts should first find appropriate energy and water supplies on the moon, and then build bases according to specific conditions.
It is reported that scientists are considering the site selection of the "base", which may be the south pole of the moon. Researchers believe that the hydrogen content near the south pole of the moon is relatively high, which provides conditions for energy demand, and there may be some solid water in this area. Other possible settlements include the Arctic region of the moon, and the Sea of Tranquility, where Apollo 11 landed on the moon in 1969.
In addition to the booster that can send astronauts to the moon, NASA is also developing a new type of lunar rover, which can facilitate astronauts to find places and move freely on the moon. If all goes well, NASA will also launch a "regular" moon landing program from 2018, and visit the moon at least twice a year.
The biggest problem of this plan is still the excessive funds. If this plan continues, it will consume US $217 billion by 2025. This moon landing plan is designed as a "space springboard" for American astronauts to explore Mars. As early as 2004, Bush had put forward the idea of "building a lunar base", hoping that the plan would become the base for future human missions to Mars and explore the entire solar system. In the recently disclosed NASA plan, scientists also put forward the same plan, that is, send a team of six astronauts to Mars through the moon 35 million miles away from Mars, and the entire Mars landing plan will take about 500 days.


Chinese scientists have proposed a sky survey plan through space telescopes to search for habitable earth like planets outside the solar system about 32 light-years away from the Earth. If implemented, this will be the first international space exploration mission dedicated to finding habitable earth like planets around nearby solar like stars. The "Nearby Livable Planets Survey Plan" will observe about 100 sun like stars about 32 light-years away from the Earth for a long time, and is expected to find earth like planets in the habitable zone around them for the first time, especially "Earth 2.0" (a planet very similar to the size, orbit and environment of the Earth), achieving a major breakthrough of "from 0 to 1". [1]


The unified national plan for Russia's space activities from 2021 to 2030 includes the federal special plan for developing the GLONASS satellite system, the sub plan for developing the super heavy rocket space complex, the plan for creating a multi satellite orbit group Sphere, the plan for building ground space infrastructure at the Oriental Space Launch Site Investment projects to develop new industrial complexes and modern production facilities. [2]