Sirius A

Astronomical terminology
zero Useful+1
Sirius A is also called Canis Major The main star is used by people naked eye 5776 visible fixed star The brightest one, brightness - 1.46, 8.64 away from the earth Light year , brightness is sunlight (sun). companion It's a White dwarf It was discovered in 1862. Sirius A has a diameter of 2512560 kilometers, which is about 1.78 times larger than the Sun. Companion name Sirius B, diameter 9655.8 km. Although it is about the same size as the Earth, it is as heavy as 350000 Earths. Perhaps, in 61000 AD, the apparent magnitude of Sirius will be - 1.67.
Chinese name
Sirius A
Foreign name
Sirius A
-1.46 etc
Distance from Earth
8.64 light years
Discovery time
2512560 km

Detailed introduction

Artists Sirius Imagination diagram of the system. Sirius A is the larger one. Sirius A is about 2.1 times the mass of the sun. Optical interferometer Measure the radius of the star and estimate Angular diameter 5.936 ± 0.016 mas. its Stellar rotation At a slower speed of 16 kilometers per second, the star was not effectively flattened into a disk.
The celestial model indicates that Sirius A was formed once Molecular cloud When it collapsed, 10 million years later, its energy generation has been completely nuclear fusion Yes. Its core has become troposphere , and utilize Carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle Create energy. It is predicted that Sirius A will exhaust the hydrogen stored in the core within one billion years (109) after its formation. It will experience Red Giant Stage, and then soften down to become a White dwarf
Sirius A
The spectrum of Sirius A has deep metal lines, showing the enhancement of some elements heavier than helium (such as iron). Compared with the sun, the iron content of Sirius A's atmosphere relative to the hydrogen content is, also equal to 100.5, which means that the iron content in its atmosphere is 316% of the sun's. Not likely to be the whole one fixed star Are rich in metal elements, which may be suspended on the surface troposphere On.


In 1909, Eichener Herzpoon was the first person to propose that Sirius was Moving constellation Ursa Major He came to this conclusion after observing the path of Sirius system in the sky. ursa major move cluster 220 fixed star Composed of and in Space There are the same moving paths. It was originally formed as Open cluster From then on, it gradually disengages from the traction of gravity. However, the analysis made in 2003 and 2005 shows that Sirius may not belong to this cluster. ursa major Moving cluster The estimated age is 400 to 600 million years, while Sirius's Amount of metal It is similar to the sun, so its age is only 200 million years, which is too young for this star cluster. Sirius may belong to a proposed "Sirius supercluster", and the open stars that may belong to this cluster are Auriga β、 Corona Borealis alpha Grand Duchess β、 Eridana β and Serpent β。 this cluster It's 500 near the sun Light year One of the three star clusters within. The other two are Net Star clusters and Pleiades , each with hundreds fixed star

Related music

Sirius, created in the 1970s, is a work full of fantasy by Stockhausen. Its main feature is to combine electronic elements with traditional musical instruments and human voices to form a variety of strange sounds, so as to express the mystery and vastness of the universe.
In addition to electronic sound, the work also uses trumpet Bass clarinet , soprano and Bass The trumpet player on the record is Marcus, the composer's son. The music consists of four parts: Cancer ("Cancer"), Libra, Capricorn and Aries.
On the dim background of rumbling sound, sharp sounds from far to near constitute the beginning of Cancer. The bass makes an unusual sound, accompanied by the sound of smashing the ice and walking in the snow, followed by the sound of burning firewood on the trumpet. The strange singing of the soprano leads to the sound of water flow, accompanied by the sound of wind Bass clarinet , the male voice and female voice start a dialogue, and then enter a fantasy of the soprano lead singer A passage 。…… After all kinds of wonderful changes, it ends with the intermittent singing of soprano and bass.
"Libra" takes bass clarinet as the main instrument, trumpet and electronic sound as the background, soprano singing and Bass The position of the voice of "Li" basically intervenes between the two, so as to form a noisy effect in silence. Capricornus ”It is a crazy chapter. The bass and soprano sing freely, the trumpet and the bass clarinet form a stimulating sound, and the electronic sound forms a flash on the background. Aries ”There are mainly trumpet and soprano playing the leading role, and the bass is usually just an ornament on the background, and the electronic sound emits a sound like wavy current.
Through this work, which lasts nearly 100 minutes, people can integrate themselves into the universe, which is pregnant with life but cold, light but dark, in many unexpected sounds, and experience all kinds of wonders about the universe in the vast and lonely.
The Bass clarinet The performer is Susanna Stevens, and the soprano is Annette Melvese, Bass It's Boris Calmily.

world record

The brightest star in the world: Sirius A, also known as Canis Major, is the brightest star among 5776 stars that can be seen with the naked eye. Its brightness is -1.46. It is 8.64 light years away from the earth, 26 times the brightness of the sun. (Guinness World Records)