British Empire

British led colonial empire in world history
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British Empire Dominion , Colonies Trusteeship And other areas under British administration international society And the historians regard it as the largest colonial empire in the world history, with a ruling area of about 34 million square kilometre The British Empire was Guinness World Records It was identified as the largest empire in history. [1-2]
It is generally believed that the Glorious Revolution in 1688 overthrew the feudal rule in England, and the《 Bill of Rights 》China and Israel Legal form The royal power was clearly restricted and established Constitutional monarchy , providing Britain with unprecedented productivity military strength Science, technology and culture are developing rapidly. 1763 Seven Year War After that, take the whole thing from France Canada , marking that Britain has become an undisputed maritime overlord. Defeated in 1815 Napoleon Bonaparte Leading the First French Empire Later, he dominated international affairs for a century. This period was called "British governance".
In 1914, Britain participated in the First World War In 1921 after its victory, according to the former colony of Germany captured by the Paris Peace Conference, the territory area reached 34 million square kilometers, covering a quarter of the world's land. It is the largest country in the history of mankind, with territory covering Antarctica Inside Seven continents Four oceans There is always a place where the sun shines on the territory of the British Empire, so there is“ The sun never sets ”It is called.
The British Empire reached its peak at the beginning of the 20th century, after the First World War Territorial expansion To the limit. And when the Second World War At the end of the war, the huge loss of Chinese power showed side effects, while the other two Superpower The United States and Soviet Union The rapid rise has divided up the existing interests of Britain and the world nationalist movement The rise of the British Empire, and the combined effect of a series of factors, led to the gradual disintegration of the British Empire, and finally transformed into today's Commonwealth
Chinese name
British Empire
Foreign name
British Empire
National Day
June 11th
National anthem
God Bless the King/ God bless the Queen
Country code
official language
Time zone
All time zones
National leaders
Henry VII (First King) Robert Walpole (First Prime Minister)
population size
413 million (Imperial Period)
Population density
248 persons/km2
Major ethnic groups
English Welsh scotsman Irish Hindustan Negro germanic people etc.
land area
35500000 km² (1921)
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $2.85 trillion (International exchange rate in 2015)
GDP per capita
USD 43734 (International exchange rate in 2015)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the left
National Motto
"Heavenly Mandate"
The largest empire in history
National flower
National tree
Quercus summer
National composition
Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Across time zones

Country name

The "British Empire" is also known as the "British Empire", which was first proposed by Elizabeth I The Queen's astrologer and mathematician John Dee (John Dee), his first British royal family This concept is put forward.
1877 [3] , UK Queen Victoria To inherit Mughal Dynasty Of Legality He was formally crowned emperor, announcing the nominal birth of the "British Empire". stay British monarch During the period with the title of emperor, "British Empire" is the official name of the country, and the scope of "British Empire" (British Empire) Including but not limited to Today, the "United Kingdom" (Britain) in the usual sense is centered on the British mainland, including all overseas possessions , Colonies Dominion , and even the global empire that controls the sea area. In its heyday around 1900, its territory reached 34.67 million square kilometre , while World War I In 1921 after the victory, it reached its largest area ever, 35.5 million square kilometers. The Treaty of Versailles: The British Empire brought five autonomous dominions (Canada Australia South Africa New Zealand India )Sign the contract.
English version
The country that signed the treaty: the British Empire
In 1947, the Emperor of the British Empire George VI , give up Mughal Dynasty The title of emperor obtained by Legato, which allowed India to achieve peaceful independence, announced the end of the nominal "British Empire". However, from the "British Empire" to the United Kingdom today- federal Kingdom state federal“ Commonwealth ”After a long evolution process of one century, the major colonies and autonomous dominions have finally become completely independent countries. They have close relations with the United Kingdom National dignity Equality. So far, the "British Empire", the largest colonial empire in history, has completely completed the peaceful disintegration and transformation.
As "the United Kingdom" is composed of“ England ”In Chinese, it is often called "Britain". The "British Empire" also originates from the "Britain" at its core, which is often called the "British Empire".



On overseas

Expansion of the British Isles and France
Since 1066, France duke of Normandy William I Conquered England After that, add European medieval Relationship between church and state England Has been involved for hundreds of years Continental Europe Transaction for. because Norman The royal court and Anjou Dynasty Since all the monarchs came from France, the kings put a lot of energy into their French territory. By the end of the 14th century, the foreign trade developed from the wool trade with Europe had become the most important national policy of England.
This period was the beginning of England's foreign conquest, including the war in 1169 Ireland The conquest of Welsh Expansion of. In 1296, England Scotland The temporary control of the two regions was interrupted in 1314, and the real unification of the two regions would not take place until 1603 when Britain passed Law of succession to the throne To achieve peace. Although the monarch of England lost in 1204 Normandy However, the rulers of England still owned a large area of French land through intermarriage and inheritance, until they defeated Britain and France in 1453 Centennial War Finally lost France Land. From then on until 1558 England The monarch only owns strategic ports in northern France Calais But even the port of Calais has been lost since then.
Growth of overseas empires
Overseas British Empire, here refers to the British maritime exploration and immigration or colonization on the British Island and outside the European mainland. Its roots can be traced back to the Henry VII Positive Ocean policy
On the basis of the wool trade established by Richard III, Henry VII created the modern British maritime trade system and developed the British Shipbuilding industry And Navigation technology This system also creates conditions for the establishment of future trade institutions, such as Massachusetts Bay Company and British East India Company Something like that Trading enterprises And made important contributions to the expansion of the British Empire overseas. Henry VII also ordered Portsmouth Build the first in Britain Dry dock Strengthening construction was still small at that time Royal Navy
1587 Walter Raleigh Sir Walter Raleigh in Roanoke Island, today North Carolina Virginia was declared a colony of England. But due to lack of food, bad weather, shipwreck and local aborigines England soon had to give up the colony.
1588, positive the tudors Of Elizabeth I Period pair Spanish Armada Was officially established Kingdom of England As a maritime hegemony, although the failure of the Spanish conquest in 1590 temporarily delayed the ambitious overseas colonial plan. 1604 Stuart Dynasty Of James I Finally, the London Treaty was signed with Spain, officially ending the hostility between the two countries.
But those who defeated Spain Armada Does not mean that Britain has replaced Spain Britain still has a long way to go.
England in Virginia in 1607 Jamestown Establish the first permanent overseas colony. In the following three centuries, England continued to expand overseas Sphere of influence And consolidate domestic Political developments England and Scotland The parliament of London Merging to form the Parliament of Great Britain.

Colonial America and Australia

The British Empire took shape in the mid-17th century, when England was already America Establish multiple colonies, including future colonies United States of America 13 states Canada Atlantic and the pacific ocean Province and Caribbean Some small islands, such as Jamaica , Barbados and Bahamas Etc.
Sugarcane rich Caribbean Region Highly dependent on slave work, it was the most important and profitable colony in early England. North America The colonies in the south supplied England with tobacco, cotton and rice, while the north produced fur; They are not as economically beneficial to England as Caribbean islands, but large tracts of arable land attract many English immigrants.
England's American Empire is gradually expanding through war and colonization, for example, through Anglo-Dutch Wars England won New Amsterdam (i.e New York )。 Evolving American colonies Keep exploring westward to find more arable land. Seven Year War Central England routed France , and occupied it in 1760 New France All areas of the UK North America Control over a larger area.
Then, Australia (became a British colony in 1788) and New Zealand (became a British colony in 1840) became another destination for British immigrants, while Australia and New Zealand As a result of war and disease, the number of indigenous people has also dropped by 60% to 70% in more than a century. These colonies later became autonomous and were exporters of wool and gold.

free trade

Original Britain Colonial system Changes began in the 18th century. stay Whig Party People control China for a long time political power From 1714 to 1762, the empire became less important to Britain until a series of measures (mainly including collecting more taxes from the colonies) were taken to reverse the neglect of the colonies American Revolutionary War (1775-1783), making Britain lose its most populous colony British Thirteen Colonies
This period is sometimes called the "First British Empire", that is, the expansion of Britain in America from the 17th to the 18th century. Since the 18th century, Britain has Asia and Africa The expansion of Britain was called the "Second British Empire". The loss of British control over the United States shows that Political domination It does not necessarily have a decisive impact on Britain's economic profits: Britain is giving up its defense of American colonies and administrative management After that, it soon resumed its dominant role in American trade.
mercantilism It is the theory of economics, which refers to the competition for wealth between countries. It is the first time for Britain to go overseas Colonial expansion Features. But during the "Second British Empire" period, mercantilism soon gave way to Adam Smith Laissez faire Economic liberalism
The experience that Britain learned from the event of the independence of the North American colonies is that trade can bring economic prosperity even without colonial domination. That's why in the 1840s and 1850s Britain was willing to grant grants to people like British Canada And British Australia Wait for the white colony Dominion The reason for their status is that the white people in these countries are regarded as the "motherland" people living in the colonies. And British Ireland It has a completely different fate. In 1801, it was incorporated into the full name of“ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ”Britain.
During this period, Britain also announced its abolition slave trade (1807), and soon imposed the ban on other countries. By the middle of the 19th century, Britain had basically eliminated the slave trade on a global scale. Slavery The British colony was abolished in 1834, and the situation did not take shape until around 1920 stable state
The old colonial and Slavery The end of the degree is free trade Implemented together, the principle of free trade reached its peak around 1840, marked by the revocation of the British《 Cereal law 》And《 Navigation Act 》。 Free trade is completely open UK market It also prompted other countries to open their markets in the mid-19th century.
Some people will think that, free trade The rise of the British only reflects the economic status of Britain, and has nothing to do with any philosophical point of view. Indeed, Britain has always been more enthusiastic about forcing other countries to implement a certain policy than it is about implementing the same policy itself. Although Britain lost 13 American colonies, in 1815 Continental Europe upper Napoleon Bonaparte The final defeat of Britain established its world hegemony. stay industrial revolution When Britain becomes an indisputable economic power, Royal Navy It dominates the ocean. Britain, which has always kept a distance from the affairs of the European continent, has also been able to implement an expansion plan aimed at expanding its economic and political influence. This overseas expansion is through free trade and Strategic advantages Build an "informal empire" (Palmerston, the most outstanding British diplomat in the heyday of the British Empire Lord , with the British Empire as the world's first power gunboat policy Control the implementation of the sea with naval force Free trade policy Establish an invisible business empire and implement a continental balance policy on the European continent). For example, China and Persia (formerly Iran )It was included in the "informal empire". Under the threat of British force, the governments of these countries were forced to open their markets and had to unconditionally grant British privileges. The expansion of the empire and the "informal empire" facilitated Britain's access to raw materials from all over the world, and thus made more goods to be shipped to all over the world.
From 1815 congress of vienna By 1870 Franco-Prussian War Britain is the only industrialized power in the world, 30% of the world industrial product (1870). As“ World Factory ”Britain is able to produce industrial products so effectively and massively that the price of its domestic products is still more competitive than that of products produced locally in foreign countries after being transported to foreign countries. As long as the political situation in its overseas markets is stable, Britain can still benefit from free trade, even without the implementation of formal colonial rule.


1870s to 1914 World War I During the outbreak period, the policy of European colonial expansion and ideology It is called "new imperialism". During this period, the most obvious trend was that European powers were "empires for the sake of empires", competing overseas for and consolidating their colonies.
During this period, the total area of overseas colonies of European powers reached 23 million square kilometre Africa Until the 1880s, few Europeans set foot, but during this period Africa became the main target of the imperialists. But expansion is also very frequent in other regions, especially in Southeast Asia and East Asia coastal areas : In these regions, the United States and Japan Also join Compete for colonies In the ranks of.
In 1875, it was considered that Britain entered the new era The Age of Imperialism Of watershed , this year Benjamin Disraeli The British government led by Egypt Ruler Ismail (Ismail) Buy in hand Suez Canal Shares. Since then, Britain has consolidated this policy India Control of the canal, whose trade has a significant impact. In 1882, the struggle between Britain and France for the territory of Egypt ended in the victory of the British.
yes Russian Empire The fear of gradually expanding southward from 1828 to threaten British colonial rule in India also affected British policy: British control in 1878 Cyprus As protection Ottoman Empire Their stronghold; Before that, Britain also participated in the Crimean War , and invade Afghanistan All this is to stop Russia Further southward expansion. Britain launched three campaigns Afghanistan War , 1842 The First British Arab War yes Victorian Period The most painful military failure suffered by Britain British troops Afghanistan supported by Russia Pashtun (Pashtun) People are defeated. In the second British Arab War in 1880, the British army was defeated in Kandahar Kabul They were surrounded and finally retreated to India. 1919 The Third British Arab War It caused the uprising of Afghan tribes.
At the same time, many influential politicians and businessmen in Britain regard the formal empire as extremely important, especially in world market For British goods whose share is declining. In the 1890s, Britain wholeheartedly adopted a new policy, which soon became tropical Africa An important plunderer of the colony.
The war in South Africa in 1899-1902 was a new war for Britain Imperialism As a typical example of the period, although the British army soon occupied Transvaal, 400000 imperial soldiers were involved in the war in order to suppress the resistance of the Boer people, which cost 250 million pounds at the same time. Domestic public opinion began to doubt the necessity of overseas expansion, and Britain began to shrink its strategy. Some people think that the government is Cecil Rhodes The leader has the influence of the big gold mine owner in Transvaal, so this war is carried out. This is also why the "imperialism" that prevailed later“ capitalism ”To provide evidence.
The incentive for Britain to adopt the new imperialist policy may be to seek a larger overseas market for British products and investment, or it can also be seen as a strategic pre emptive measure to prevent the existing trade channels from being damaged by other powers, or to prevent other countries from gaining more export markets under the increasingly closed international trade situation. In any case, everything is for the rise of other powers international environment To maintain their hegemonic position. Early 1900 Joseph Chamberlain Attempts to trade barrier The amendment of the bill met with great opposition and was finally forced to give up, which shows how British people still support the principle of free trade even when British interests are damaged.
stay India Of Colonialism The evolution process of the Western countries before the era of new imperialism is enough to warn us that capitalism The economic competition among the powers was regarded as the only reason for Britain to strengthen its colonial control. India officially became a part of Britain in 1858 to consolidate British rule over India Sepoy Mutiny And one of the reasons for the uprising was that the traditional forces in India opposed the British Indian subcontinent Many modern policies.

Intervention in Asia

1757 Battle of Plassey The victory of British East India Company get India The People's Republic of Bangladesh The governance of the state, although the famine worsened in 1770 due to the over taxation of the state, caused controversy in Britain. In the mid-19th century, the East India Company had almost controlled all of India. After the Indian uprising in 1857, the territory under the jurisdiction of the company was transferred to the British government for direct management. Queen Victoria In 1876, she was declared the Queen of India.
Ceylon( Sri Lanka )、 Myanmar And Malaya were also included in Britain's sphere of influence in Asia. In 1842, after the first Opium War between China and Britain, Britain occupied China Hong Kong
Britain's interest in China originated at the end of the 18th century, when Britain became China Tea The importing country of. The import of tea has led to a huge trade deficit Therefore, Britain hopes to balance its spending by exporting opium from India to China, although doing so violates China's ban. The first Opium War caused by this ended in the victory of Britain. After The Second Opium War China, Britain and France Jointly winning again, Britain further gained its privileges in China.
After the Opium War, Britain and China maintained a complex relationship. Although the UK acquired Hong Kong, the UK China trade is mainly through several open channels Chinese ports conduct. Chinese population It is too much and the territory is not small. It is difficult for Britain to occupy China. Therefore, Britain hopes to see an independent China, because the collapse of China means that other western powers may carve up China with Britain, which challenges Britain's privileged position. Britain dominated China until 1895.

Expanding Africa

In 1875, European countries Africa The two most important colonies are Algeria and Cape Colony But in 1914, except Ethiopia and Liberia All other African countries have become colonies of European countries. From the original Economic control The colony's "informal empire" changed to direct control
When France Belgium and Portugal stay Congo River When colonial activities were carried out in the downstream areas, they actually threatened Britain's penetration into tropical Africa. 1877 Berlin Conference As for the attempt to mediate the contradiction between powers, the conference proposed that "actual occupation" should be the criterion for determining the attribution of each country's colonies, and the adoption of this criterion meant that European countries would attack local tribes and people more to obtain a larger area of "actual occupation".
Britain in 1882 Egypt Of military occupation (The most direct cause is to protect Suez Canal )At the same time, it also plays a role in establishing the British the Nile Regional control. This further led Britain to Sudan The conquest of Britain and France in September 1898 Fashoda Incident
In 1899, Britain occupied South Africa , this military action It began with the annexation of Cape in 1795. In violation of the gold mining area of Transvaal and the neighboring Orange Free State Later, British South Africa Company, which was responsible for South African affairs, went further north, and took the lead of Cape merchant Cecil· Rhodes The name of the knight refers to the area he occupied as Rhodesia.
Britain in South Africa and East Africa The victory prompted Sir Rhodes and Alfred Milner, the British ambassador to South Africa, to propose to establish a " Cairo ”British colonial empire. They hope to achieve this by building a railway connecting the Suez Canal and South African mining areas. But because Germany Tanganyika The British colony in Africa was cut in half by the First World War Before the end, only the telegraph lines between African colonies were unblocked, while the railway could not be built.
Although they were the most active advocates of free trade, the British became not only the largest overseas empire in 1914, but also the biggest beneficiaries of plundering Africa. Between 1885 and 1914, Britain put about 30% of the African population under its rule France Only 15% of Africans, 9% of Germans Belgium 7% and Italy 1%. British Nigeria One colony has 15 million people, which is the whole French West Africa And all German colonies The sum of the population.


In 1837, at the age of 18 Kent main victoria Ascended as The Queen of England Until her death in 1901, known as Queen Victoria During the 60 years of Queen Victoria's reign, Britain has controlled the world through the efforts of several prime ministers Sea power , dominate world trade , whose vast colonies spread across all continents“ The sun never sets ”It seems "can compete with the world". stay Victorian Period , Britain emerged Newton The greatest scientist since maxwell Shakespeare Dickens, the most outstanding litterateur of all time, Liberalism Gladstone, the pioneer of policy, and the famous diplomat Palmerston It can be said that there are many talents.
British Prime Minister Palmerston Last words left in 1865:“ North America and Russia Our plain is our barn; Chicago And Odessa are our mining areas; Canada and Northern Europe The peninsula planted trees for us; Australia Shepherd for us; also Argentina Raising cattle for us; Peru Send silver, South Africa Tribute gold; India People and Chinese people grow tea for us, mediterranean sea It is our orchard; As for our cotton Plantation Starting from Southern United States To all the warm places on earth.

Crisis generation

As the first industrialized country, Britain was able to use the whole world as the source country of its raw materials and the export market of industrial products. However, with the industrialization of other countries, this situation began to change gradually in the 19th century, and more and more countries sought to protect their raw material supply and export markets. By the 1870s, Britain's industrial products faced strong competition from other countries.
Industrialization proceeded rapidly in Germany and the United States, making them quickly catch up with Britain and France These two powerful Europe the West For example, by 1870, Germany's textile and metal industries organization structure and technical efficiency Has surpassed the UK in the past, and in Germany domestic market Has defeated Britain Similar products By the end of the 19th century, Germany even began to become the world factory to produce these products.
Although intangible exports (such as banking services, insurance and shipping) prevent Britain from running a trade deficit Trade volume The proportion of total world trade fell from one fourth in 1880 to one sixth in 1913. Britain not only Industrialized country In the market competition, its products are Less developed countries There is no advantage in the market. Britain is even losing what it once owned India , China Latin America (i.e. middle South America )And Africa Inland and coastal trade leading role
Britain's business difficulties were compounded by the economic depression of 1873-1896. Caused by business recession deflation Further, it puts more pressure on governments of all countries to encourage and support domestic industries, which eventually leads to the gradual abandonment of freedom by European powers Trade (Germany gave up free trade in 1879, France gave up free trade in 1881, Britain gave up free trade in this period of time, and the United States gave up free trade as early as the 1860s, that is, during the Civil War).
The result is a double shrinkage of the domestic and export markets. Europe and later North America Of Canada As a result, American government and business leaders began to regard overseas colonies as their new market: these overseas colonies will become suzerain And they are placed under the protection of trade barriers, making it impossible for other countries to compete with the products of the host country. At the same time, they still provide cheap raw materials. Although Britain adhered to the principle of free trade until 1932, it fought with other industrialized countries for overseas colonies to prevent falling into the hands of other countries in the areas of its sphere of influence. After that, Britain still paid a lot of attention to Dominion The trade preference system was implemented for the products of European Community Only then did the rear stop these preferential policies for foreign trade and instead apply trade barriers to the goods of the original colonies.

The disintegration of the empire

Autonomy in white colonies
along with Canada (1867) Australia (1901) New Zealand (1907) Newfoundland (1907) and South African Federation (1910) Successively achieved the status of autonomous territory, and the British Empire has begun to move from empire to Commonwealth Change. The leaders of these new countries, together with British politicians, attended the colonial conference held regularly since 1887 (known as the Imperial Conference after 1907).
Dominion Between diplomatic relations The British Ministry of Foreign Affairs is mainly responsible for this. Although Canada set up the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1909, its relations with other countries in the Empire were still sent to Canada through the Empire governor , Autonomous Neighborhood London Of high commissioner (Canada appointed its own High Commissioner for the first time in 1880, and Australia followed suit in 1910) and maintained ties with British diplomatic envoys overseas. the First World War China and Britain declared war on behalf of all the autonomous territorial governments in the empire.
Their respective rulers really enjoy great freedom in foreign policy, as long as their policies do not obviously violate Britain's own interests: Canada's Liberal Party The government signed a reciprocal agreement on bilateral free trade with the United States in 1911, but it was not approved due to British opposition.
In terms of national defense, the defense of the Dominion was originally incorporated into a single imperial military framework, which proved to be difficult to maintain after 1900, because Britain began to Continental Europe We have begun to take greater responsibility for our defense, and at the same time, we must face German Navy The rising threat. In 1909, the British Empire decided that each Dominion should have its own navy, which was a pledge made by Britain in 1887 to Australia to British Navy Exporting manpower in exchange for Britain's Pacific region Violation of the agreement on the stationing of the fleet.
Although the British government allowed the autonomy of the above regions, the British government could still interfere in the internal affairs of the Dominion until 1931 statute of Westminster It was changed after being approved.
Impact of World War I
the First World War After that, the British Empire completed its last large-scale overseas expansion. British classics League of Nations Of the original Ottoman Empire Of Palestine and Iraq To carry out the rule of appointment German colonies - Tanganyika Cameroon Some regions, South West Africa (i.e Namibia )And New Guinea It is also included in the territory of the British Empire (in fact, Southwest Africa is under the jurisdiction of South Africa Managed by New Guinea Australia Rule). But after World War I, Britain and World War II After West Germany Of occupation zone Is not considered part of the empire.
Although Britain won the war and gained new colonies from the war, the huge cost of the war made it impossible for Britain to continue to bear the huge amount needed to maintain an empire expenditure Millions of people died and countless assets were destroyed in Britain, which resulted in high debts capital market And the lack of British officials in overseas colonies. meanwhile, nationalism Emotions are rising in both old and new colonies, while the participation of the empire and the strong feelings of non white soldiers in the war racial discrimination All contribute to this nationalism.
In the 1920s Dominion An era of great changes. Although the Dominions had no right to choose whether to join the war when World War I broke out, the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I in 1919, was signed by Britain and its Dominions respectively. In 1922, the Dominion was no longer willing to support the British turkey The British were forced to seek a peaceful compromise.
A monument to the Anglo Irish War in Dublin
The full independence of the Dominion《 Balfour declaration 》And 1931《 statute of Westminster 》It was finally established that all the self-governing dominions had the same status as Britain Legislature No longer has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of the Dominion, and the Dominion will also enjoy the freedom of independent foreign policy. In 1907, a department in charge of the affairs of the Dominion was set up in the Colonial Department, which also separated from the colonial department in 1925 to establish an independent Dominion, and had the first department minister in 1930.
Canada In 1923, it became the first autonomous dominion to sign diplomatic treaties alone, and in 1927, Canada sent the first to Washington Permanent Diplomats; 1940 Australia The first ambassador abroad was also sent.
Irish Free State stay Anglo Irish War Later, in 1921, it obtained the status of autonomous region; 1937 Ireland Formally severed from Britain Constitutional relations And officially became completely independent from Commonwealth Extraneous Republic of Ireland Originally independent, it was not controlled by Britain until 1922 Egypt In 1936, he also severed his special constitutional relationship with Britain. Became Britain in 1922 Protector Of Iraq It was also completely independent in 1932, 10 years later.
Decolonization after World War II
At the beginning of the 20th century, nationalism The upsurge of emotions, together with the influence of the United States and the Soviet Union, made it increasingly difficult to maintain the British imperial system. At the same time, suzerain More and more concerned about the affairs of the local and surrounding countries, especially in World War II This trend will become more obvious in the future. Britain was finally forced to accept this new situation and transform the imperial system into a loose one Commonwealth Britain also changed from a global power to Regional power.
1947 economic crisis force Clement Attlee Of the labor party The government gave up continuing to defend Britain's actions Superpower And accept the rise of the United States.
Britain's declaration of war on Germany in September 1939 only represented itself and Australia (Australia had not formally accepted it at that time《 statute of Westminster 》), except Ireland (The country asked the British army to leave its territory one year ago and chose to remain neutral in the war) Dominion Both declared war on Germany respectively.
World War II finally destroyed Britain's economy and finance that had begun to weaken Leadership And highlighted the need for the Dominion and the United States to assist Britain militarily. 1942 Prime Minister of Australia John Curtin (John Curtin) An unprecedented order will be issued to station in British Myanmar Forty five percent of Australian soldiers were repatriated to take part in the fight to defend Australia.
The war is over Post Australia and New Zealand Joined the US led Australia, New Zealand and the United States Security Treaty , making the United States replace the United Kingdom Pacific region New military leading force. Britain itself has tried to join since 1961 European Community , and in 1973 achieved his wish to weaken Britain and its Dominion The original particularity between economic relations The products of the Dominion will no longer enjoy special privileges when entering the British market preferential treatment , Britain's economic influence in their respective governance was weakened.
In the Caribbean Africa Asia and Pacific region , postwar Decolonization The movement is taking place at an unprecedented speed, and the UK has almost never tried to resist this wave.
On August 15, 1947, India Independence, this is Indian National Congress Up to 40 years of resistance Colonialism Victory in the struggle. But India's independence is to divide India and Pakistan At the cost of avoiding Muslims and Hindus After India's independence, there was a wave of decolonization around the world, and the British Empire began to collapse. And Britain wants India to join Commonwealth To allow new members not to be loyal British monarch In 1948 after India's independence King of England George VI Renounce the title of Mughal emperor.
1948 Myanmar They also gained independence and chose not to join the Commonwealth; Later Sri Lanka (1948) and Malaya (1957). Britain ended in 1948 Palestinian area Of the Commission, Israel After the founding of the People's Republic of China, there has been a bloody and violent dispute between Jews and Arabs for decades. stay Mediterranean region , said Greek 70% of Cypriots have been hoping to keep Cyprus in the form of guerrilla warfare Greece In 1960, Cyprus finally gained independence, but Britain Cyprus Two sovereign bases are reserved. In 1964, Britain was located in mediterranean sea The colony of Malta independent.
1956 Suez Crisis The opposition of China, Britain and France in the United States and Soviet Union Under the pressure of Egypt withdraw troops. Suez Canal The crisis directly led to the UK Anthony Eden The British Prime Minister who came to power after the collapse of the government Harold Macmillan The pace of decolonization was accelerated, and the British forces completely withdrew from the Suez Canal Zone. This event represents that the United States has officially replaced Britain as the new world hegemon.
The end of British rule in Africa was often too rapid, so that newly independent countries could not independently face the challenges after independence: 1957 Ghana In 10 years nationalist movement Finally independent after Nigeria (1960) sierra leone and Tanganyika (1961) Uganda (1961) Kenya and Zanzibar (1963) Gambia (1965) botswana and Lesotho (1966) and Swaziland (1968) also became independent one after another.
In 1966, due to the decline of Britain's national strength United Nations regional groups After the reclassification, the British led Commonwealth group was cancelled Canada Australia and New Zealand Four countries are included Western Europe And other groups, while the rest Commonwealth Countries are divided into corresponding regional groups, which marks the loss of Britain Superpower Status.
Britain from the south and east Africa The withdrawal of troops from Kenya has a great impact on local white residents: Mau Mau It shows that the possession of power by white landowners has caused Indigenous peoples Is dissatisfied with. The existence of the white regime in South Africa shows that the local white people want to suppress the indigenous black people Apartheid The policy withdrew from the Commonwealth in 1961 Racism The rule lasted until 1991 President of South Africa F. W. de Klerk The end came only after the abolition of apartheid, and Republic of South Africa Until 1994 Mandela He returned to the Commonwealth after becoming President.
Although white majority Rhodesia And Niassaran The Commonwealth Malawi and Zambia The separation and independence of, southern rhodesia Ninety five percent of whites (who had been an autonomous colony since 1923) declared independence and refused to accept the jurisdiction of an African government. With the support of the white government of South Africa, the Rhodesian regime lasted until 1979, until the two sides reached an agreement to establish a majority rule the republic of zimbabwe , so far Britain has ended its African continent Colonial rule.
Argentina Trying to recapture the Falkland Islands , which was finally triggered in 1982 Falklands War In the end, however, Argentina was defeated and could not control the Falkland Islands. And the last British colony in Asia Hong Kong On July 1, 1997 The People's Republic of China , most historians and The Prince of Wales Charles thought The return of Hong Kong It marks the end of the British Empire.
Although passed by the British Parliament in 1931 statute of Westminster give Dominion The right of autonomy, but Britain still holds the power of final adjudication and constitutional amendment in these areas, such as Canada In 1949 and 1982, the power of final adjudication and the power of amending the Constitution were withdrawn respectively, Australia In 1986, the power of final adjudication and constitutional amendment was withdrawn, and New Zealand The power of final adjudication of London Britain Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Transfer to the High Court of New Zealand. Canada did not issue the Westminster Act until 1947, 16 years after it was passed Canadian passport To replace the British passport, which was issued in Australia in 1949 Australian passport
In short-lived West Indian Federation After the failure (1958-1962), most British Caribbean colonies chose to divide and rule: Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago In 1966, Barbados and other eastern Caribbean island countries became independent one after another. The British colonies in the Pacific region also experienced a similar process of decolonization in subsequent years.
Britain is still a permanent member of the UN Security Council, and has a certain degree of discourse power But it is no longer as powerful as Britain's voice in international affairs in the 19th century. Britain also has 14 British overseas territories overseas, and there are 16 countries including King Charles III [4] As their heads of state, these regions are collectively referred to as Commonwealth Kingdom However, the British government will no longer foreign affairs Interference.



Layout range

In 1921, it reached Territorial expansion The territory of the British Empire is as follows:
  • Europe
Britain: the main body of the British Empire; Kingdom of England Incorporated in 1535 by the Common Seal of the Union Act principality of wales And merged with the Union Act of 1707 Kingdom of Scotland Become“ Kingdom of Great Britain ”And merged with the Union Act of 1800 Kingdom of Ireland Become“ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ”。 In 1922, Ireland The Commonwealth seceded from the United Kingdom, but Northern Ireland leave behind. In 1937, the Republic of Ireland was founded and the name of the United Kingdom was changed to“ Great Britain And the United Kingdom of Northern Ireland ".
Ireland : On December 6, 1921, Britain London Signed Irish Free State The agreement provides for a split from Britain. Britain continues to control Northern Ireland On December 29, 1937, Ireland adopted the new Irish Constitution , officially named Ireland. The Irish Republic Act passed on April 1, 1949 was finally repealed monarchy , devoting all the authority of the king to titular head Of President of Ireland Ireland became Parliamentary republic
Gibraltar: 1704, War of the Spanish Succession It broke out and was captured by the British army in the same year Spain Gibraltar, at the southern end, was signed by the great powers in 1713 Utrecht Peace Treaty At the end of the war, Spain ceded Gibraltar to Britain in the peace treaty. Since then, Britain has occupied Gibraltar. Spain has always demanded that Britain return Gibraltar.
Malta : 1798, French school Napoleon Lead an expedition Egypt French Army Passing Malta Knights of St. John After expulsion, Malta once became a French territory. In 1800, the British defeated the French army in Malta and occupied Malta. The Maltese people also took the initiative to ask for British governance. In 1814, Britain officially declared Malta as British colonies Malta became independent from Britain in 1964. Joined the European Union in 2004.
Cyprus: since the 15th century Ottoman Empire Territory, 1878 Berlin Conference The resolution handed over the governance of Cyprus to the United Kingdom, while the sovereignty still belonged to the Ottoman Empire in name. In 1914, the First World War When the Ottoman Empire broke out, the British officially ended the subordination between Cyprus and Ottoman. By 1925, the British officially declared Cyprus to be a British colony. Cyprus became independent from Britain in 1960. Britain continues to establish military base Joined the European Union in 2004.
  • Asia
Aden: 1839 british east india company Capturing the port from the Arabs, the East India Company in 1858 Dominion To the British government as British India The jurisdiction of the colonial government. In 1936, Aden and its inland area became a separate colony Aden Protected area Aden joined in 1963 South Arab Federation , which became independent in 1967 South Yemen , North and South in 1990 Yemen After reunification, Aden is still one of Yemen port city
Bahrain: In 1820, the British government signed an agreement with the Amir of Bahrain, transforming it into Protector In 1971, Bahrain declared its independence.
Bhutan : In 1864, Britain occupied Bhutan through war Border areas In 1911, Bhutan signed a treaty with Britain foreign policy It was entrusted to Britain for implementation, while internal affairs remained autonomous and Bhutan was under indirect colonial rule; After India's independence in 1947, Britain also ended its control of Bhutan.
british New Guinea (Now papua new guinea ): Britain established a protected area here in 1884, which was transferred from Australia It managed and renamed Papua. In 1949, Papua merged with the rest of New Guinea and became independent as Papua New Guinea.
Brunei In 1888, Britain declared Brunei as its protectorate, which was Japan In 1983, Brunei was completely independent from British protection.
Myanmar After three wars in 1824, 1852 and 1885, Britain occupied Myanmar and placed it under the administrative jurisdiction of the Indian colonial government until 1937. Japan occupied Myanmar from 1942 to 1945, and Myanmar became independent in 1948.
British Ceylon (Today Sri Lanka ): In 1796, the East India Company Netherlands The coastal areas captured by the British government were handed over to the British government in 1802. In 1815, the British deposed the king of Ceylon and put the whole island of Ceylon under British rule. In 1948, Ceylon gained independence and changed its name to Sri Lanka in 1972.
British Hong Kong (today's China Hong Kong ): Signed with the Qing Dynasty after the victory of the Opium War in 1842 Treaty of Nanjing [5] , Britain acquired China Hong Kong Island In 1860, Britain Battle of the Anglo French Allied Forces After and Qing government Signing Sino British Beijing Treaty And China Kowloon Peninsula In 1898, Britain Qing Dynasty Signed by“ Special Article for Expanding the Boundary of Hong Kong ”, will Guangdong Province Xin'an County Shenzhen River South, Kowloon Boundary Street Places to the north and several nearby islands Victoria City Under the management of the Hong Kong government, with a lease term of 99 years, this place was named New Territories (New Territories)。 In 1984, the United Kingdom agreed in the Sino British Joint Declaration that after the expiry of the New Territories lease Hong Kong, China It was returned to the Chinese government. In 1997, China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, and Hong Kong became The People's Republic of China First of special administrative region
British India (Today Pakistan India The People's Republic of Bangladesh )Since 1609, the East India Company has established immigration strongholds along the coast of India, and since 1757, it has expanded its territory inland. Most Indian states maintain autonomy in internal affairs, but must obey the absolute authority of the East India Company. In 1858, the British government officially took over the rule of India, and India has gradually become one of the most important British colonies in the world, known as the "pearl on the crown". Since 1876 British monarch Also awarded the title of "Indian Emperor" or "Indian Queen". In 1947, India split into two Dominion ——Post independence of India and Pakistan; India and Pakistan established republics respectively in 1950 and 1956, and Bangladesh split from Pakistan in 1972.
Iraq : UK in World War I Occupy the original owner during the period turkey Iraq in 1920 League of Nations Authorized Mandate Iraq became autonomous in 1922 and independent in 1932. Britain reoccupied Iraq between 1941 and 1945.
Kuwait : Since 1899 Emir of Kuwait It signed a series of protection treaties with Britain and lost part of its sovereignty. Kuwait became completely independent in 1961.
Union of Malaya (Today Malaysia )Between 1874 and 1930, there were many Sudan Sign a series of protection treaties; Composition of some states in 1896 Federation of Malaysia From 1942 to 1945, Malaya was Japan Occupation: In 1946, Malaya, except Singapore, formed the Malayan Federation. In 1948, it formed the Malayan Union, including the states that did not join the Malayan Federation in 1896. In 1957, it became completely independent. 1963 and Singapore (post independent) North Borneo and Sarawak They jointly formed the Federation of Malaysia. Singapore withdrew in 1965 and declared independence.
Maldives Islands: It was admitted as a British protectorate in 1887 and became independent in 1965.
british Palestine : 1918 World War I During the British occupation turkey In 1920, the United Kingdom began to rule the Palestinian territory, and in 1948, the United Kingdom gave up the rule. After that, decades of armed conflict between Jews and Arabs occurred. Most of the Palestinian territory is Israel Occupation.
Nepal : In the War between Britain and the Kingdom of Nepal in 1814, the British army was stationed in the Nepalese court from 1816 after the victory Special Representative , indirectly to Nepal colonial rule After India's independence in 1947, Nepal also gained independence.
british North Borneo (Today Malaysia (one of the states): today East Malaysia Sabah. In 1881, Brunei Sudan The area was ceded to the British North Borneo Company, and from 1906, the British government carried out Direct management It was occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945. In 1963, it changed its name to Sabah and joined Malaysia.
Oman Britain has controlled Oman's prosperous trade since the beginning of the 19th century. In 1891, Oman officially became a British protectorate and became independent in 1971.
Qatar Since 1916, Britain has made an agreement with the ruler of Qatar to place Qatar under British protection and become independent in 1971.
british Sarawak (Today Malaysia In 1841, the Sultan of Brunei agreed to appoint an Englishman James Brooke As the governor of the region, Sarawak's territory expanded from 1861 to 1905; Japan occupied the area from 1942 to 1945. In 1946, the British government officially replaced the Brook family to rule Sarawak. In 1963, it joined Malaysia.
the straits settlements (i.e Malacca Penang and Singapore )In 1826, these three important port cities were jointly formed into the Straits Colony, which was under the jurisdiction of the British East India Company. Since 1858 India It was administered by the government. In 1867, it became a separate colony and was directly administered by the British government. World War II All three Chinese cities were once occupied by Japan. Malacca and Penang joined Malaya in 1948 and became independent in 1957. Singapore, on the other hand, continued to remain in the territory of the British Empire, and only in 1959 was it allowed to exercise autonomy. Singapore joined in 1963 Malaysia In 1965, he withdrew and declared independence.
Trans Jordan (Today Jordan ): The British occupation in 1918 was turkey Outer Jordan, a part of Jordan Province, has been ruled by mandate since 1920. In 1921, Outer Jordan and Palestine Separation, Britain allowed the establishment of the Kingdom of Jordan in 1923, but it was not until 1946 that it was completely independent of Britain.
Trusil emirate (Today The United Arab Emirates ): Since 1887, the British and local arab The rulers signed a protection treaty, placing the area under the "protection scope" of Britain. It gained independence in 1971.
Weihaiwei (Today's China Shandong Province Weihai City): In 1898, the British Qing government The port was leased and returned in 1930, Liugongdao It renewed the lease of the British Imperial Navy for ten years and returned it in 1940.
  • Africa
Basutulan (today Lesotho ): Britain annexed the area in 1868 and handed it over to Cape of Good Hope It was under the jurisdiction of the colonial government, and Britain restored its direct jurisdiction in 1884. Independence in 1966.
Bettina (today botswana ): The British Expeditionary Force arrived here in 1884 and declared it a British Protector In 1895, some areas of Bettina were under the jurisdiction of the Cape of Good Hope colonial government, and the rest continued to be directly under the jurisdiction of Britain. Independence in 1966.
british Togo : Originally German colonies World War I Later, it was divided into French Togo and British Togo. After the war, Britain ruled the region by mandate, which was incorporated in 1919 Gold Coast Ghana It became part of its territory after independence.
british Cameroon : Originally a German colony, Britain ruled part of its territory by mandate after World War I. In 1961, British and French Cameroons merged and declared independence.
Gambia Since 1661, the country has been the fortress of British businessmen, which was incorporated in 1821 sierra leone , became independent in 1888 British colonies In 1894, some inland areas were also declared protectorates of Britain, and gained independence in 1965.
Gold Coast (Today Ghana )British businessmen have lived here since 1631. From 1821 to 1874, it was a subordinate administrative region of British Sierra Leone, which was controlled by businessmen from 1828 to 1843. In 1830, its territory began to expand inland. In 1874, Britain established the Gold Coast Colony. In 1904, its boundary was finally determined. British Togo was incorporated in 1919 and became independent in 1957.
Egypt Egypt was occupied by Britain in 1882. It was Britain's protectorate from 1914 to 1922. It gained independence in 1922, but it fulfilled necessary treaty obligations to Britain, British troops The army remained in the country until 1954.
Kenya : The partition between Britain and Germany in 1886 East Africa It was later acquired by Kenya, which was incorporated into the jurisdiction of the British East Africa Company in 1888, and was directly managed by the British government instead of the East Africa Company in 1895. Kenya colony was established in 1920 and became independent in 1963.
mauritius : England from France Mauritius was captured and became independent in 1968.
Nigeria : A consulate was established in the country in 1851, some areas were annexed in 1861, Niger Regional Reserve was established in 1885, and was managed by the Royal Niger Company in 1886. Britain continued to occupy the remaining territory of Nigeria from 1892 to 1898, and the British government began to directly rule Nigeria in 1900. In 1914, North and South Nigeria merged. In 1919, British Cameroon was incorporated into Nigeria, and gained independence in 1960.
Northern Rhodesia (Today Zambia ): In 1891, it was under the control of the British South Africa Company. In 1924, the British government began to directly rule the area. In 1953, Northern Rhodesia and Niassaran and southern rhodesia establish Central African Federation And gained independence in 1964.
Niassaran (Today Malawi ): Missionaries have established a stronghold here since 1875, and Britain established it here in 1891 Central African The protected area was named Nyasaland in 1907, and it was connected with the north and south in 1953 Rhodesia The Central African Federation was merged and became independent in 1964.
sierra leone : Sierra Leone has been a British company since 1787 slave trade It became a British colony in 1807, and its inland area was declared a British protectorate in 1896. It gained independence in 1961.
southern rhodesia (Today zimbabwe ): In 1893, the United Kingdom from African tribes Won South Rhodesia and was managed by British South Africa Company, which was established in 1923 responsible government , administered by the British government, formed the Central African Union with Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland from 1953 to 1964. In 1965, the white minority government of the country declared independence on its own, only obtaining South Africa Equal minority National recognition In 1980, the white regime reached a co governance agreement with the black community, renamed Zimbabwe, and became widely recognized Sovereign state
British Somaliland : Became the protectorate of Aden in 1884, demarcated the border in 1897, became a separate colony in 1905, was briefly occupied by Italy from 1940 to 1941, and was incorporated in 1960 Somalia Post independence.
South Africa : In 1795 and 1806, Britain won from the Dutch twice Cape of Good Hope In 1814, the Cape of Good Hope was fully annexed, and since 1872, it has been under the direct jurisdiction of Britain. Britain occupied the original Netherlands After the colony of Orange Free State And Transvaal, but Britain in 1900 Boer War The two regions were later annexed. Natal was annexed by Britain in 1843 and became its colony. It was formed by the consolidation of the above colonies in 1910 South African Federation , become a Dominion
South West Africa (today Namibia ): Namibia in 1878 Whale Bay Port Was declared Britain territory In 1884, it was incorporated into the Cape of Good Hope Colony. In 1915, Britain annexed the German colony around the port and established South Africa in 1919 Mandate Independence in 1990.
Swaziland In 1890, Britain and Transvaal carried out a war against the rulers of Swaziland Joint protection In 1906, Britain protected it alone and became independent in 1968.
Sudan : Originally a colony of Egypt, it was overthrown by Mahdi in the 1880s; In 1898, Britain reoccupied Sudan in the name of Egypt and ruled Sudan together with Egypt. Sudan became independent in 1956.
Tanganyika : Originally a German colony in East Africa, Britain began its mandate rule in 1919, became independent in 1961, and Zanzibar form Tanzania
Zanzibar : Britain established a consulate on the island in 1841, declared it a British protectorate in 1890, became independent in 1963, and merged with Tanganyika to form Tanzania the next year.
Uganda : In 1890, the British East Africa Company and Kingdom of Buganda Treaty signing, 1894 Buganda It officially became a British protectorate. In 1896, several other regions successively joined the protectorate. In 1905, Uganda was established as a colony and became independent in 1962.
  • North America
Ascension Island In 1815, Napoleon Be imprisoned in St. Helena Later, in order to prevent the French from controlling the island and stationing troops here, St. Helena had administrative jurisdiction over it since 1922.
British Honduras (today Belize ): British since 1636 Cypress wood Deformers settled along the coast of the country, and then Spain And Britain control power It was not until 1786 that Britain gained complete control. 1862-1884 Jamaica It became a separate colony in 1884 and became independent in 1981.
Canada : French Canada was occupied by Britain in 1760, the British colony of Quebec was established in 1763, and Canada was divided into the upper part in 1791 Lower Canada Two independent colonies. Later, Lower Canada was renamed Eastern Canada, Upper Canada It is called Western Canada, and Eastern and Western Canada are later Quebec And Ontario The core part of New Brunswick and nova scotia In 1867, it merged to form the Dominion of Canada, and then British Columbia Prince Edward Island Northwest China and Newfoundland And gradually joined the Canadian Dominion. Obtained in 1931 autonomy , obtained in 1982 Right to amend the Constitution After that, they gained complete independence.
Falkland Islands : In 1765, Britain occupied the Falkland Islands for the first time, and then Spain It withdrew in 1774, reoccupied in 1833, and began colonial rule in 1841. 1982 Argentina Announcing the Falkland Islands as its property Falklands War Britain regained its sovereignty over the island after the victory of the war. Argentina and Britain still dispute the sovereignty of the island.
Dominion of Newfoundland British ships have been fishing in the area since the late 15th century, 1583 Humphrey Gilbert Jazz Landing Newfoundland It was also declared as a British territory. In 1713, the British government began to directly colonize it. In 1855, Newfoundland established a responsible government, but in 1934, Britain resumed its colonial rule and joined in 1949 Canada Dominions.
Anguilla In 1650, part of St. Christopher immigrated here. In 1663, the island was declared a British territory. From 1882 to 1967, it was jointly managed by a coalition government with St. Christopher. It withdrew in 1967. In 1969, Britain resumed its rule over the island.
St. Christopher, Antigua: colonized it in 1632, was under the jurisdiction of Britain in 1663, and became independent in 1981 Antigua and Barbuda
Bahamas : He was ruled by Britain in 1717 and became independent in 1973.
Barbados: Some people have lived on the island since 1625. It was ruled by the British government in 1663 and became independent in 1966.
Bermuda : One in 1612 London Company Bermuda was under the administration of the British government from 1684.
British Virgin Islands : People have lived here since 1666 and became a British colony since 1713.
Cayman Islands : 1670 Spain The islands were administratively administered by the Jamaican colonial government until it became an independent colony in 1959.
Dominica: Britain from France In 1778, France recaptured Dominica and Britain recaptured it in 1783; Independence in 1978.
Grenada : Britain acquired the island from France in 1762, France recaptured Grenada in 1779, and Britain recaptured it in 1783; Independence in 1974.
Jamaica : Britain captured the island from Spain in 1655 and became independent in 1962.
Montserrat : The island has been inhabited since 1632. It became a British colony in 1663. France ruled the island twice in 1664-1768 and 1782-1784.
st. christopher and nevis In 1623, St. Christopher became a British Caribbean Its first colony was directly ruled by the British government from 1663, and was briefly occupied by France from 1782 to 1783. In 1882, St. Christopher and Nevis Formed a coalition government and became independent in 1983 Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia : Britain captured the island from France in 1778, returned it to France in 1783, reoccupied it twice in 1796 and 1803, annexed Saint Lucia in 1814, and became independent in 1979.
Saint Vincent: Britain occupied the island in 1762, France occupied it from 1779 to 1783, 1979 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines independent.
Trinidad : Britain acquired the island from Spain in 1797, and established a coalition government with Tobago in 1888. In 1962 Trinidad and Tobago independent.
Turks and Caicos Islands : Residents have lived here since 1678, and Britain annexed the islands in 1766. Later, Jamaica and Bahamas Under the jurisdiction of the colonial government, it became a separate colony in 1973.
St. Helena : Britain annexed the island in 1651, the East India Company began to manage it in 1661, and the British government began to exercise direct jurisdiction over it in 1834.
Tristan da Cunha : To prevent being imprisoned in 1815 St. Helena Napoleon on the Royal Navy It occupied the island in 1816 and became a British colony under the administrative jurisdiction of St. Helena since 1938.
  • Oceania
Australia new south wales It was the first British colony in Australia in 1770 james cook It was proposed to develop the eastern coast of Australia. In 1788, the first batch of British prisoners were immigrated here to pioneer. In 1855, a responsible government was established in New South Wales. 1824 Queensland Become a British Morton Bay The first colony built was initially affiliated with the colonial government of New South Wales. In 1859, it broke away and established an independent responsible government. 1834 British Parliament Decided to establish a new colony in Australia, the first group of British in 1836 Colonist After arriving in South Australia, a responsible government was established in 1855. Tasmania was colonized by Europeans as early as 1803. It was first known as Van Dieman Land, an administrative region under the colonial government of New South Wales. Became independent from New South Wales in 1825 British colonies In 1856, a responsible government was established. In 1834, the British from Tasmania came to Port Phillip to colonize. In 1851, the Victorian colony was established. Four years later, the responsible government was established. Western Australia was colonized since 1826, but the responsible government was not established until 1890. In 1901 new south wales Queensland , South Australia Tasmania victoria and Western Australia Consolidated composition Commonwealth of Australia And later won the status of autonomous dominion. In 1986, it obtained full power of final adjudication and has been completely independent since then.
Ellis Islands (today Tuvalu ): In 1892, the islands were declared as its protectorate by Britain, and in 1916, the Ellis Islands and Gilbert Islands Formed a colony and became independent in 1978.
Gilbert Islands (Today Kiribati )In 1892, it became a British protectorate together with the Ellis Islands, formed a colony with the Ellis Islands in 1916, and became independent in 1979.
Fiji : Missionaries and colonists have settled in Fiji since 1835. In 1874, at the request of the Fijian chief, Britain placed Fiji under its protection and became independent in 1970.
Nauru : Original German New Guinea World War I After that, Australia began to rule it by mandate until Nauru became independent in 1968.
New Zealand james cook New Zealand in 1769 and 1770 North Island and South Island In 1840, Britain signed a treaty with the local Maori people, and Britain began to rule New Zealand. In 1856, New Zealand established a responsible government, and later obtained the status of autonomous dominion. In 1986, it obtained full power of final adjudication and has been completely independent since then.
Pitcairn Islands In 1790, when the British warship Bonti was mutinied, nine sailors fled to the island and settled here. In 1838, Britain incorporated it into the empire.
Solomon Islands: It has been a British protected area since 1893, World War II During the Japan Occupation, independence in 1978.
Tonga In 1879, Tonga's rulers signed a treaty of friendship with Britain. It was protected by Britain since 1900 and became independent in 1970.
New Hebrides (Today Vanuatu ): Formerly UK and France It became an independent colony in 1980.
British Guyana (Today Guyana ): Britain won the original title in 1796 and 1803 Netherlands The three colonies of Berbes, Desmerara and Essekubo. In 1831, three colonies were merged to form the British Guyana colony, which became independent in 1966.
  • Antarctica
British Antarctic Territory In 1819, Britain declared sovereignty over the region, which made Britain the first country in the world Antarctica A country that claims territory. In 1908 and 1917, Britain declared the part of Antarctica twice Territorial sovereignty 1959《 Antarctic Treaty 》Provisions South Latitude The land above 60 ° does not belong to any country, and countries with territory in other parts of Antarctica are also prohibited to immigrate here or engage in other activities scientific research Unrelated activities, so Britain withdrew its military presence north of 60 ° south latitude.

Loss of territory

  • Territory lost before 1921
british North America 13 Colonies, later United States of America
Virginia (including later Virginia and West Virginia
Massachusetts (including later Massachusetts and Maine
New York (including later New York and Vermont
For the 13 British colonies in North America and Mississippi River There are disputes over the territorial ownership among the colonies, and these areas have become Alabama Mississippi Tennessee Kentucky Ohio Illinois Indiana Michigan And partial Wisconsin And partial Louisiana
In the Middle Ages France Part of the territory, Hundred Years' War between Britain and France Later, they were ceded to France.
Helgoland It was occupied by Britain in 1807 and ceded to Germany in 1890. the Second World War After the British army reoccupied it, it was returned in 1952 Federal Germany
Hanover , since 1714 George I It has been a British territory since it ascended the throne; In 1837, the British and Hanover personal union Abort because william iv The heir in England is Queen Victoria The Hanover law stipulates that only men can inherit the throne. So William's brother Ernst August I Inherit the Hanover King. then, Kingdom of Hanover It lasted until 1866 and was Kingdom of Prussia Annexation, Unification of Germany Later, it was part of Germany.
Florida , ceded to Spain And later joined the United States;
On February 25, 1843, Britain won hawaiian islands Hawaii declared its independence on November 28 of the same year, and the United States occupied it on July 7, 1898 Hawaii
Ionian Islands It was occupied by Britain in 1809 and ceded to Greece
British occupation in 1708 Menoka Island , ceded to Spain
Mosquito Coast It was British from 1655 to 1850 Protected area
South Sudan (Independent from Sudan)
Canada (now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
Antigua and Barbuda (now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
Grenada (Now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
Saint Lucia (now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
Bahamas (Now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
Jamaica (now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
South Yemen (Incorporated Yemen Republic)
New Zealand (now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
Niue (and New Zealand Free association)
Cook Islands (Free association with New Zealand)
Tuvalu (Now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
Singapore (Independent from Malaysia)
Australia (now one of the Commonwealth Kingdoms)
Solomon Islands (now Commonwealth Kingdom One)

overseas possessions

Britain still owns overseas possessions
Cayman Islands
St. Helena
British Special Territories


The British colonial rule is a loose form of rule, not centralization Britain in American Revolutionary War On the contrary, the later colonial policy adopted the way of "indirect rule", which made the colonies independent politically and economically. stay Africa and India Britain still retains many original land states (such as India's Hyderabad Kashmir Kingdom of Buganda , Basutoran Kingdom Sultanate of Zanzibar Middle East and Southeast Asia Some of emirate and Sudan )。 In the areas designated as colonies directly under the British Crown, the original tribal, rural and other administrative institutions have also been retained (the more extreme example is the British conquest of Transvaal and Orange Free State Later, the original Apartheid System as a concession to the original Boer ruling group of the two countries), and appoint local people as secondary local officials. The local language and culture can also be preserved and taught.
Some people think that France Spain Portugal Compared with other countries' ruling methods, Britain's ruling method is undoubtedly more conducive to maintaining long-term control over the colonies and making it willing to maintain political and economic ties with Britain after independence.

historical significance

The formation of the British Empire was the result of more than 300 years of trade, immigration and military conquest. During this period, there were also peaceful commercial and diplomatic activities. It was the general name of a specific group, culture, international politics and trade of an era. The empire helped spread British technology, business, language and management model , imperial hegemony helped Britain achieve amazing economic growth And make it International politics China has a greater voice. The colonies obtained advanced science and technology and investment from Britain to promote economic development and living standard The improvement of English has also gained the British legal framework and the international language English.