Yorkshire pig

A pig breed
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synonym Large white pig (Swine) generally refers to Yorkshire pig
Yorkshire pig is a mammal of pig genus of Artiodactyla pig family. [3 ] It is large and rectangular, and the weight of adult boar can reach about 400 kg, [8 ] Sows can reach about 300 kg. The whole body is white with a few dark spots. The head is moderate in size, the nose is straight or slightly concave, the ears are erect, and the back and waist are straight; Strong limbs, broad front blade, broad back, plump back; The average number of nipples is about 7 pairs. [4 ]
Yorkshire pigs are native to Yorkshire, England and adjacent areas in northern England, and are distributed throughout China. [5] Feed, but poor stress resistance, high requirements for feed nutrition. [6 ] Sows are 165-195 days old at their first estrus, 220-240 days old at their suitable breeding days, and weigh more than 120 kg. More than 9 babies were born for the first time, and more than 10 babies were born. [4 ]
Yorkshire pig was bred in the 18th century from a large white pig in northern England and a white Lesseter pig with Chinese pig lineage. In the 20th century, it was bred into a distinguished lean pig in the United States. [7 ] It has strong adaptability and wide distribution. It has the characteristics of more offspring, good maternity, fast growth, high feed utilization and high carcass lean meat rate. In China, large white pigs are usually used as male parents to cross with local pig breeds, which has good economic value. [5]
Large white pig
Chinese scientific name
Yorkshire pig
Latin name
Animal kingdom

Basic Introduction

Yorkshire pig
World famous breeding pig breed. It is produced in Yorkshire and its adjacent areas in the north of England, and is one of the earliest modern cultivars. There are three types: large, medium and small. Large white pig, also known as big white pig, is a bacon type; Medium sized pig, also called medium white pig, belongs to fresh meat type; Small white pig, also known as small white pig, belongs to fat type and is almost extinct now. The head and neck are long, the face is slightly concave, and the ears are medium and large, slightly upright to the front; The back is straight and slightly arched, the body is long, the hips are wide and long, and the muscles of the whole body are developed; The coat is completely white. More than 7 pairs of nipples. The multiparous sows produced 10-12 piglets.
Many countries have introduced large white pigs and bred their own pig breeds, such as German large white pigs, Dutch large white pigs, Yorkshire in the United States, Yorkshire in Canada, etc. At the beginning of the 20th century, China successively introduced Central Yorkshire and Great Yorkshire pig Most of them are large and medium-sized hybrids. After long-term domestication, it has become an excellent pig breed suitable for breeding in all parts of China. Habai, Shanghaibai, Xinhuai and other pig breeds were bred by crossing with local pig breeds in China. As an economic hybrid male parent, the effect is good. The large Yorkshire pig introduced after the 1970s has a high carcass lean meat rate and is mainly used as a hybrid male parent for producing commercial lean meat pigs. [1]

Profile features

The head is long, the face is slightly concave, the ears are medium and large, leaning forward, slightly erect, the body is long and the back is wide, the back is slightly arched, the hair is completely white, the limbs are strong and strong, and the body has a good fleshy posture. Adult boars weigh 300-450kg and sows 200-350kg. The adult boar is 170 cm in length, 155 cm in chest circumference and 92 cm in height; Adult sows are 168 cm, 151 cm and 87 cm respectively.

Production and reproduction

Yorkshire pig
The average number of nipples of sows is 7.3 pairs, which is late in sexual maturity. The first estrus occurs at the age of 5 months. Generally, the first mating occurs at the age of 8 months when the body weight is more than 125 kg. After the age of 10 months, the breeding produces more live piglets. The estrus cycle is 18-22 days, and the estrus duration is 3-4 days. The average litter size of primiparous sows is 9.0 and that of multiparous sows is 11.0. The average gestation period of sows is 115 days.
Under good feeding conditions, Yorkshire pigs weigh 25-90 kg, with a daily gain of more than 750 g at each stage, and can reach 90 kg 180 days after birth. Each kilogram of gain consumes 3.0 kg of mixture. When 90 kg is slaughtered, the slaughtering rate is 72%, the lean meat rate is 60%~65%, the eye muscle area is 30~37 square centimeters, and the meat quality is excellent.
Great Yorkshire pig Adapt to the vast areas of China, focusing on pure reproduction. It is effective to produce lean pigs by binary or ternary cross with local pigs in China. New Huai pig, Shanghai white pig, Zhejiang medium white pig, etc. have all used Yorkshire pig in the breeding process. [2]


Good meat, white all over, ears erect. It was originally a bacon breed, but it rose to an outstanding lean pig in the 20th century in the United States. Boars are often used to mate colored sows to produce hybrid piglets. Yorkshire pig is probably the most widely distributed pig breed in the world.
The most extensive pig breed. It is native to Yorkshire and its surrounding areas. It is bred by crossbreeding local pigs with white Lesseter pigs containing Chinese pig lineage. There are three types: large, medium and small. Small and medium-sized ones have decreased or nearly disappeared, while large ones have spread all over the world due to strong fertility, thin backfat, more lean meat and good meat quality. The head is long, the face is slightly concave, the ears are medium and large and lean forward, the body is long and broad, the back is slightly arched, and the coat is white. Each baby gives birth to about 11 babies, with high lactation and strong maternity. China introduced it many times at the beginning and middle of the 20th century and crossed it with local pigs with good results.
Great Yorkshire pig Also known as big white pig, it has been introduced to many countries because of its large size and fast weight gain. In China, Hubei, Hunan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henan, Liaoning and other provinces have more heads.

Situation in China

Yorkshire pig is a foreign pig breed introduced into China, which is native to Yorkshire and its adjacent areas in England. There are three types: large, medium and small. Now only large Yorkshire is common, small Yorkshire has disappeared, and medium-sized Yorkshire is rare. Great Yorkshire pig (also called Great White pig) is a representative breed of bacon type. The pig has a short trunk and grows rapidly. With many lean meat and high fertility, it is still one of the few famous species in the world. Many countries have introduced this breed from Britain and bred it into large white pigs suitable for local conditions, such as Soviet big white pig , Yorkshire, USA, etc. The whole body of Great Yorkshire is white, with a long head and neck, a long and straight mouth, a broad forehead, a slightly concave face, and two ears standing forward; The body is broad and long, the back and abdomen are straight, the whole body is muscular, and the thighs are plump. Adult boars weigh 300-500kg and sows 200-350kg. Under better feeding and management conditions, the average litter size of Yorkshire gilts is about 11, and 9-10 sows can be bred after two months of weaning. The weight of weaned sows is 15-19 kg, and the weight of weaned litters is about 150-180 kg; At the age of 6 months, the weight can reach 90 kg, the daily weight gain during the fattening period is 625g, the slaughter rate is about 72%, the backfat is 2.7 cm thick, the eye muscle area is 34.9 square cm, and the lean meat rate is about 58.2%. Great Yorkshire has the advantages of large litter size, fast growth and high lean meat rate. It has been used as a male parent to cross with local pig breeds in China and has achieved good cross results.