Daqing River

Middle tributary of Haihe River Basin, China
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Daqing River, China Haihe River One of the tributaries of the basin, called Shangxi River Yongding River Hutuo River Both of the two rivers are sandy rivers, and the Daqing River in the middle is named after its clear water. [1]
The Daqing River system is mainly composed of the south and north branches. All flowing into Xidian( Baiyangdian )The tributary of Zhaowanghe , Zaolinzhuang Xindao and Zhao Wangxinhe Entering the Daqing River; The tributary flowing into Dongdian Lake is the north branch, which is mainly Juma River In Zhangfang, it is divided into the south and north Juma River, the north Juma River, the Naxiaoqing River and the Liuli River( Dashi River )Later in Dongci Village Baigou River Nanjuma River Nabei Yishui Zhongyishui Back east, at Baigou Town It is called the Daqing River after meeting the Baigou River. [2]
South branch from the source( Tanghe Source Shanxi Province Hunyuan County Cuiping Mountain in the south [3] )To Zaolinzhuang Hub 336 km long; North branch from the source( Juma River Source Hebei Province Laiyuan County Laishan, Northwest China) to New housing complex It is 303km long. The southern branch is slightly longer, so the source of the southern branch was the source of the Daqing River. In modern geography, the confluence of the southern branch of Juma River and the northern branch of Baigou River is generally the starting point of the main stream of the Daqing River, so the source of Juma River is the source of the Daqing River. [4]
The Daqing River flows through Dongdian Sixth Castle and joins Ziya River, which is called the West River. A small amount of flood passes through the West River Xihe Sluice Complex The main stream of the Haihe River flows from Haihe Sluice Junction Entering the Bohai Sea, a large number of floods enter through the flood gate duliujian river Enter the Bohai Sea through the worker peasant soldier gate. Heyuan Duliujian River estuary industrial, agricultural and military gate( Duliujian River tide gate )483 km long, with a drainage area of 43060 square kilometers (32700 square kilometers recorded in Hebei Chronicles [4] )。 [2]
Historically, the flood disasters in the middle and lower reaches of the Daqing River were frequent The People's Republic of China After years of management and climate change, the flow has decreased, and the Daqing River has become the main irrigation water source in Baoding and Dongdian agricultural areas. It is also an important source of water supplement for Baiyangdian Lake. Before the 1960s, the Daqing River was the main waterway from Baoding to Tianjin, with great shipping value. [5]
Chinese name
Daqing River
Shangxi River
Water system
Haihe River
geographical position
Central Haihe River Basin
Flow area
Shanxi, Hebei, Tianjin
Lai Mountain in Laiyuan County (the source of Juma River)
Main tributaries
Juma River Baigou River Tanghe Chulong River
River length
483 km
Drainage area
43060 km²
No.6 Port, Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, Tianjin

Origin of name

The Daqing River is named after the Yongding River alluvial fan in the north and Hutuo River alluvial fan in the south of the adjacent basin. Both rivers are sediment laden and muddy. The Daqing River in the middle is named after its clear water. [1] [6]
According to the Annals of Hebei Province, the first name of the Daqing River is Shangxi River, which is related to the West River in Tianjin, because the West River is the reach after the confluence of the Daqing River and Ziya River. The upper section of the West River is called "Shangxi River". [4]

Main stream overview


Channel trend

Location of Daqing River, main river course trend
Main stream of Daqing River
The Daqing River is located at Yongding River To the south Ziya River To the north, at Haihe River The middle part of the river system spans Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin. [6]
The Daqing River system is mainly composed of the south and north branches. All flowing into Xidian( Baiyangdian )Its tributary is the south branch. The flood in Xidian flows from Zhaowang River, Zaolinzhuang New Road and Zhaowang New River to the Daqing River in Dongdian in the west at Zuogezhuang Village; inflow Dongdian The tributary of is the north branch, which is mainly Juma River In Zhangfang, it is divided into the south and the north Juma River, the north Juma River, the Xiaoqing River and the Liuli River, which are later referred to as the Baigou River in Dongci Village, the south Juma River, the north Yishui River, the middle Yishui River and the east Yishui River Baigou River After the meeting, it is called Daqinghe River. [2] After the confluence above the Baigou Bridge, it goes down to the new housing hub, which is led by the Baigou River into Baiyangdian, and then discharged into the East Lake from the new housing spillway and the old Daqing River, where it joins with the south branch to form the new Daqing River, and finally to the sixth port of Jinghai in Tianjin and Ziya River Confluence. [7]
The south branch comes from the source (the source of the Tanghe River, Cuiping Mountain in the south of Hunyuan County, Shanxi Province [3] )336km to Zaolinzhuang hub; The north branch is 303 kilometers long from the source (the foot of Taihang Mountain in the northwest of Laiyuan County, Hebei Province, the head of the source of Juma River) to the new housing hub. The southern branch is slightly longer, so the source of the original southern branch is the source of the Daqing River, namely the source of the Tang River, Cuiping Mountain in the south of Hunyuan County, Shanxi Province. Then calculate the junction point of the two branches from the old road of Daqing River, the main stream downstream of the north branch, to Zuogezhuang of Wen'an, and from Zhaowangxin River, the downstream of the south branch, to Zuogezhuang. The estimated length is equivalent. Therefore, modern geography generally takes the north branch as the main source, that is, Laishan, Laiyuan County, the source of the Juma River. [4]
The north branch watershed covers an area of 10151 square kilometers, and the average annual runoff in mountainous areas for many years is 1.169 billion cubic meters. The southern branch watershed covers an area of 21054 square kilometers, and the average annual runoff in mountainous areas for many years is 1.888 billion cubic meters. [6]
Dongdian Daqing River to No.6 Port, Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, Tianjin [8] (It is also known as the 6th Fort, Jinghai District, Tianjin) and the confluence of Ziya River is called the West River. A small amount of flood passes through the West River Ziya River Xihe Sluice Complex The main stream of the Haihe River flows into the Bohai Sea from the Haihe Sluice, and a large number of floods pass through Duliujian River flood gate junction enter duliujian river By the Industrial, Peasant and Soldier Gate (renamed later Duliujian River tide gate )Into the Bohai Sea. Heyuan (Juma River as the source of Haihe Annals) to the Gongnongbing Gate at the mouth of Duliujian River( Duliujian River tide gate )483 km long, with a drainage area of 43060 square kilometers (32700 square kilometers recorded in Hebei Chronicles [4] )。 [2]
The confluence of Baigou River and Nanjuma River, the starting point of the main stream of Daqing River
The first section of the old road of Daqing River in Xiongxian County
Old Daqinghe Road, Wen'an County
Left Gezhuang Section of Wen'an, Daqing River
The sixth port of Jinghai, Tianjin, where the main stream of Daqing River meets Ziya River

Channel characteristics

Rivers to the west of Beijing Guangzhou Railway are mostly sandy riverbed, with steep longitudinal slope, belonging to wide shallow sandy channel. The longitudinal slope to the east of the railway is gradually gentle, with 13 main flood discharge channels, 578.4 km in total length, and 1179 km in total length of main and secondary embankments (including Baiyangdian and Dongdian dikes).
There are many continuous depressions in the middle and lower reaches. The river passes through the depressions, forming a valley shaped basin like river. Baiyangdian, Baicaowa, Yiliuwa, Dongdian, Beidagang, etc. belong to such depressions. The closed depressions on both sides of the river include Langou, Wen'an, Jiakou, Tuanbo, etc. These depressions play an important role in flood regulation, storage and detention. The design flood control standard of the whole river system is once every ten to twenty years. The flood control standard is low, and in case of flood exceeding the standard, extraordinary measures for flood diversion and detention are taken to ensure flood control safety. The flood propagation time is 7-15 kilometers per hour in the upstream and 7-2 kilometers per hour in the middle and downstream. [7]

Channel vicissitude

River channel changes of Daqing River
Schematic Diagram of the Changes of Daqing River Affected by Yongding River in Past Dynasties
The recorded data of the Daqing River system show little change in history. However, according to historical records, the Daqing River was disturbed by the Yongding River and the Hutuo River, and the middle and upper reaches of the river changed many times, while the lower reaches affected the Dongdian Lake. The original Dongdian Lake covers a large area. Due to the interference of Yongding River, the depressions on the left bank of Dongdian Lake were engulfed by sediment. [9]
During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the Yellow River flowed through the Haihe Plain. The Daqing River system and the water to the south of it in the current Haihe River system once flowed into the Yellow River, belonging to the Yellow River system; At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty (1595-1698), the Yongding River swung back and forth between Panggezhuang, Lixian, Jiuzhou, Jiuanzi County, Jinmenzha, Yang Xianwu, Nanli, and Puluofa. The southernmost area has been to Nanli, Puluofa, Jiugang and Zhanggang, and the river course of the current Daqing River is eastward (such as the 13th year of Shunzhi's reign, 1656);
In the 59th year of Qianlong's reign (1794), "the two engineering levees in the north (a variant of the levee) were broken and poured into Qiuxian Village to lead the river to the lower reaches of the Yongding River and into the sea. Immediately the river was cut off, and then the engineering levees in the south were overflowed. The water flowed from Laojuntang and Zhuangmatou into the Daqing River. Every one who built the south levee was more than 100 zhang long" (History Draft of the Qing Dynasty · Records of Rivers and Canals).
In the third year of Daoguang's reign (1823), Yongding River was executed from Nanbagong Dike to the south, and went straight to Wangerdian. In the spring of the eleventh year, the river turned to the northeast, running through Doudian, passing Liudaokou, and pouring into the Daqing River. Wangerkou began to be blocked, and the water returned to Wang Qingtuo's old road from the new trough at Fanchokekou. In the 14th year, the flood burst in the north, middle and north of Wanping, and the water flowed from Panggezhuang to Huanghuadian in Wuqing through the old Jianhe River, still flowing into the sea at the end of the Guizheng River. Liangxiang Jienan Ergong burst, and the water flows from Jinmen Zhajian River to Qinghe River, and then flows to Daqing River through Baigou River. [10]
In modern water conservancy management, the main section of the Daqing River is reconstructed. The main changes are the excavation of a new flood diversion channel and a series of flood diversion channels such as Baigou River Diversion and Zhaowangxin River. Thus forming a downstream multi branched water system. The original main channel of the Daqing River is the irrigation river (Jijie River) from the new housing hub in Xiongxian County to the east of Wanggeda Village below Suqiao. The estuary has also changed from the Haihe River into the sea to the Duliujian River. [11]
The old road and the new built house spillway of the Daqing River flow from the southeast of Xiong County to Dongdian. The main stream of the Daqing River in Dongdian flows from the new built house to Rongcheng - Xiongxian County - Wen'an County at the junction of Xiong and Wen'er County in the northwest corner of Wen'an County, Xinglong Palace, Shigezhuang, Xinzhen, Suqiao (Zhaowang New Canal flows into the east of Cuijiafang Village), Zuogezhuang and other township areas before 1970, Exit at Taitou, Jinghai District, Tianjin to the east and reach Tianjin. It is the boundary river between Wen'an and Xiong and Ba counties. It was a perennial river with a maximum flow of 67 m3/s and a freezing period of 70 days. In 1970, the river section from the new housing hub in Xiongxian County to the east of Wanggeda Village below Suqiao was changed into an irrigation river, which was called the old Daqing River. Its function was mainly irrigation. Generally, it did not undertake the task of flood discharge. The flood discharge was carried out by the Baigou River Diversion and the new housing spillway.
In 1970, a 7-kilometer east-west connecting river section was excavated at the west dock in Wen'an County, connecting the lower entrance of the Zhaowang New Channel Channel, and connecting the Daqing River at the east of Wanggeda Village (the Daqing River from Wanggeda Village to the ten rooms in Zuogezhuang Village was straightened by card opening, and left to Jinghai Taitou via Anlitun in the east). This section of river is called the New Daqing River (also called Dongdian Daqing River), The flow is 21km, becoming seasonal river. [11]

hydrographic features

The flood of the Daqing River system is mainly caused by the rainstorm during the flood season. The rainstorm center often appears in Fuping, Sicang and Zijingguan.
Due to the different locations of rainstorm centers, the proportion of the flood volume of the north and south branches in the total flood volume of the whole river system varies greatly from year to year. In 1963, the total 30 day flood volume of the whole river system was 7.998 billion cubic meters, of which the south branch accounted for 78% and the north branch accounted for 22%; The maximum 6-day flood volume is 6.427 billion cubic meters, with the south branch accounting for 80% and the north branch accounting for 20%. In 1929, the total 30 day flood volume of the whole water system was 3.836 billion cubic meters, with the south branch accounting for 42% and the north branch accounting for 58%. The average calculation shows that the south branch accounts for about 60% and the north branch accounts for about 0%. The mountain area of the south branch is larger than that of the north branch. In case of a large flood in the whole water system, the rain area of the south branch is larger, so the proportion of the flood in the south branch is generally larger than that in the north branch, and the flood in the north branch is earlier than that in the south branch.
The average annual precipitation for many years is about 600 mm in mountainous areas and 500 mm in plains. The interannual variation is great. The rainfall in wet year and dry year is usually 1~2 times, and the maximum is 6.4 times (Beijing, Baoding).
Since the hydrological records, there have been 7 major floods, including 1917, 1924, 1929, 1939, 1954, 1956 and 1963, with an average of about once every 7 to 8 years. The rainstorm in August 1963 was the largest in this river system. This water system is located in the north of Taihang Mountains and the southwest of Yanshan Mountains, and the terrain is suitable for rainstorm. For example, in 1963, the 7-day rainfall in Qiyu, Yixian County was 1329mm, and that in Dalianggang was 1117mm. In addition, Dingxian, Wangdu, Tangxian, Quyang, Mancheng Beiguantou and other places all exceed 1000 mm. In the first ten days of August 1963, the Taihang Mountains had a total rainfall of 30.2 billion cubic meters, and the Daqing River system accounted for 63%. Therefore, the flood of the Daqing River system occupied an important position in the Haihe River basin.
The measured 6-day flood volume in 1963 was 6.43 billion cubic meters, equivalent to a 60 year return period. The whole water system flows through Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin, of which three counties in Shanxi Province account for 7.5% of the total drainage area, 41 counties (cities) in Hebei Province account for 77%, two counties in Beijing City account for 4.9%, and four districts and counties in Tianjin City account for 10.6%. The terrain trend is mountain area, hill, plain and depression. The elevation of the western mountainous area is generally about 1000~1500 meters (the Yellow Sea elevation, the same below), the elevation of the hilly area to the west of the Beijing Guangzhou Railway is 100~1000 meters, the elevation of the plain area to the east of the Beijing Guangzhou Railway is 10~100 meters, the elevation of the low-lying area below Baiyangdian is below 10 meters, and the ground elevation of the coastal tail end is about 2 meters. [1]

Main tributaries

Due to the influence of terrain, the Daqing River system is naturally divided into two branches: the north and the south. The main tributaries of each branch are:
Schematic Diagram of Daqing River System and Watershed

North Branch

The north branch of Juma River originates from Laiyuan The basin is divided into south and north Juma River at Tiesuoya in the southwest of Zhangfang. Nanjuma River Above Beihedian, Beiyi water and Zhongyi water flow in. Beijuma River is located above Dongci Village Huliang River Liuli River Xiaoqing River Inward remittance, hereinafter referred to as Baigou River Nanjuma River Baigou River After confluence above Baigou Bridge, go down to New housing complex , respectively Baigou River Diversion Discharged into Baiyangdian Lake by Newly built spillway Discharge of Daqing River Dongdian
Dongmaying Town Section of Gaobeidian at the end of Baigou River
South Juma River Dingxing County North South Cai Township Section
Juma River (including the south and north branches), flowing through Fangshan District It is one of the five major water systems in Beijing and a tributary of the Daqing River. Originated in Hebei Province Laiyuan County At the foot of the Taihang Mountains in the northwest, Fangshan District, Beijing Shidu Town Taogang Village enters the market boundary and flows through Shidu Scenic Area Zhangfang Town Dashiwo Town There are two branches in Zhangfang Village, Zhangfang Town. The north branch is the North Juma River, which flows through Dashiwo Town Erhezhuang Village East out of the city to Dongci Village Baigou River , in Baigou Village Nanjuma River It joins the Daqing River and is generally used as the starting point of the main stream of the Daqing River. The main stream of Juma River is 254 kilometers long, and the drainage area above Baigou Village is 1000 square kilometers. [12]
The first section beside the golf course in Wharf Town, Zhuozhou City, Dashihe
Dashi River (Liuli River) is a tributary of the northern Juma River in the Daqing River system of the Haihe River basin. The old records of Fangshan are called "holy water", Liangxiang The old record is called "Liuli River". Originating from the mountainous areas in the west of China Xiayunling Township Northwest of Tangshang Village. The river passes through Xiayun Ridge, Changcao, Bangezhuang, Hebei and other villages in the east in a zigzag way in the valley, leaving the mountain in Xinkaikou Village of Tuoli Township and entering the plain. Then turn south, passing Tuoli Township, Chengguan Town, Zicaowu Township Doudian Town Shilou Town In China Liulihe region The office turns east, goes south to Zucun Village, and enters Hebei Province Zhuozhou Wharf Town It joins the North Juma River. The river in the territory is 108 kilometers long, with a drainage area of 1243.4 square kilometers, including 856.3 square kilometers in mountainous areas and 387.1 square kilometers in plain areas. [13]
Huliang River , a tributary of the North Juma River. Originated in Fangshan District Dashiwo Town Shuitou Village It is called Quanshui River in this area. Quanshui River has two branches in the south and north, and the south is the main river channel. The two branches flow from each village in Beiliang to Jiahe Village, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, hereinafter referred to as Huliang River. The total length of rivers in the city is 15 kilometers, and the drainage area is 100 square kilometers. The river channel is replenished by Gaozhuang Spring, Ganchi Spring and other springs, with a perennial flow of about 1.1 m3/s. Yuanyuan Shuitou Village has Buddhist Holy Land Yunju Temple [12]
Yishui in the north and Juma River tributary in the south. Originated from Yunmeng Mountain At the southern foot, from Taining Temple to Longquan Village in the southeast, it turns to the northeast Lianggezhuang And then turned southeast Yixian County To the south of the county seat, exit at Shisai Dingxing County It flows into Zhongyishui. The river in Yixian County is about 39 kilometers long. There are 20 tributaries with a length of more than 5 kilometers, mainly including 7 rivers, including Wuli River, An River, Huanghao River, Wanglong River and Wudao River. The riverbed above Lianggezhuang is 100~200m wide, consisting of river pebbles, with a longitudinal slope of 1/100~1/300, and the riverbed below Lianggezhuang is 400~1200m wide, consisting of sand and pebbles. The drainage area is about 510 square kilometers, and there is no base flow in winter and spring in the early dry years.
Section 1, Cangju Village, Dingxing County, downstream of Zhongyishui River
Zhongyishui , a tributary of South Juma River. Zhan is called Wushui and Yishui, commonly known as Luocun River and Baijian River. Originating from the east foot of the Feimayling Mountain in the west of Yixian County, it flows southeast from Chuanjiao to Lianggang and then flows eastward, crossing the middle and east, leaving Zhouren Village and entering Dingxing County, and flowing into Nanjuma River at Beihedian. The river course in Yixian County is about 51.5km long, and there are 22 tributaries with a length of more than 5km, including 4 rivers, such as Dalan River, Xujia River and Yazigou River. The riverbed above Angezhuang is about 300 meters wide, consisting of sand mixed with pebbles, with a longitudinal slope of 1/100~1/200, and the riverbed below Angezhuang is 2~3 kilometers wide, consisting of medium fine sand, with a longitudinal slope of 1/500~1/1000. The drainage area is about 829 square kilometers, and there is no base flow in winter in dry years. [14]

South tributary

South branch Chulong River Xiaoyi River Tanghe Qingshui River Caohe River Puhe River Fuhe River Pinghe River And other rivers flow respectively Baiyangdian Baiyangdian Lake is a depression in the middle of the Daqing River system for flood detention, water storage and irrigation, fishery salt production and comprehensive utilization. Baiyangdian Waterway Zaolinzhuang Hub Discharge into Zaolinzhuang floodway and Zhaowanghe , enter Gougezhuang north Zhao Wangxinhe , go above the Shigezhuang Bridge and enter Zhaowangxinqu, go west to the Daqing River in the Dongdian, and go to the sixth port and Ziya River Confluence.
Chulong River , also known as Toad River, Yangcun River and Bri River, are the main rivers in the south branch of the Qing Dynasty. The upstream is called Shahe River, which is located in the south of Baiyangdian Lake Zhuan Xu During the period, "pigs turned into dragons and became rivers, hence the name" pig dragon river ". Later, it changed pigs into water retention. It originated in Shanxi Province Lingqiu County At the southern foot of Taibai Mountain, it flows into the Nalingqiu River at the boundary of Fuping County in the southeast, to the east of the county town, to the Nayaozi River near Nanxizhuang, and to Wangkuai Town Rouge River From Shahe to Beiguo Village in Anping County, Cihe River, Xiaotang River, Xiaoqing River and Mengliang River flow into the village. Beiguo Village, hereinafter referred to as the Chulong River, flows northeast Anping County Boye County Lixian County Gaoyang County To the north of Gaolou Village, Anxin County, into Mapeng Lake and into Baiyangdian Lake. The entrance to the lake is at Qianli Dike Between Simen Dike and Simen Dike. With a total length of 250 kilometers, it is the largest flood discharge channel in the Henan branch of the Qing Dynasty. [6] [8] [15]
Fuhe River , Shuijingzhu was called Shenshui, also known as Qingyuan River, in 1368 of the Ming Dynasty Baoding Road Renaming Baoding Prefecture Later called Fuhe River, it is located in the west of Baiyangdian. There are One mu of Spring River , Houhe River, Baicao Valley and other tributaries. One mu of Spring River is the main stream, and it is called Fu River when it joins many tributaries. Fuhe River Lingyu Temple A moat divides to the east. Mainstream eastward Huanghua Valley Golden thread river Import. It joins the Tanghe River and flows into the algal lake, with a total length of 62 kilometers. Fuhe Wharf used to be the hub of water transportation in Baoding City. The area flowing through is rich in history and culture.
Xishengkou Section of Tanghe River
Tanghe It is a main stream of the Henan branch of the Qing Dynasty. It is named Tanghe River because it flows through Tangxian County. It is located in the west of Baiyangdian. Originating from Nancuiping Mountain, Hunyuan County, Shanxi Province, during the Warring States Period, it entered the Yellow River in the west of Suning, passed through Lingqiu, Laiyuan, Tangxian, Dingxian, Boye, Lixian and Gaoyang from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, entered Anxin, passed through the south of Anxin Town, entered Xiongxian and Baxian in the east, and reached Tianjin to the sea. Later, in 1330, 1472, 1517 and 1801, the new road (Tanghe New Road) was changed from Jianchang to Hancun. The total length is 273 kilometers, and the drainage area is 4990 square kilometers. 1966 will Qingshui River Incorporated into Tanghe River, the new Tanghe River has been treated according to the design flow of 2300m3/s with a 10-year return period. In 1975, a deep-water channel was excavated on both sides of the Tanghe River, and a new embankment was built on the river beach. Two sewage storage reservoirs were built in the north and south. The north reservoir project was put into use after it was completed. The industrial sewage discharged from Baoding City was stored throughout the year, but the south reservoir has not yet been put into use. [16]
Xiaoyi River , also known as Daxizhang River and Duanjiazhuang Qianhe River, is located in the southwest of Baiyangdian Lake. It is a plain drainage channel between Tanghekou and originates from Huangtai Village of Anguo, passes through Anguo, Daxinzhuang of Dingzhou, Huiyueming River in Panjiaying Village of Lixian County, Huiwenren Fengan River in Wan'an Village, and flows eastward into Mapeng Lake through Gaoyang and Tongkou Village of Anxin, with a total length of 90 kilometers.
Caohe River , formerly known as Xushui, is located in the west of Baiyangdian Lake, originated from Yixian County Five Back Ridges. Caohe originates from Xushui County Caohe River in Busan, at the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was ancient Xushui River and Caohe River converging, and it was named after Caohepu. Caohe River flows through Guantou Village, then flows into the clean water of Ganhe River, flows into Xushui through Longmen Canyon, Longtan Huishuiyu Valley, Malianchuan River, Baibao River, Yangzhuang River and Nigou River, and finally flows into Zaoza Lake in the south of Dongma Village, Anxin County, with a total length of 110 kilometers.
Puhe River Located in the west of Baiyangdian Lake, it is divided into Nanpu River and Beipu River. It is also called Hail River and Bao River. Beipu River flows through Rongcheng County Hebei Zhuang Village entered the Pinghe River and Santai, Anxin County, into the algal lake, which was abandoned due to blockage. Nanpu River is a drainage tributary, which flows from Xushui Dayin East to Zaoza Lake in the south via Zhaili Village, Anxin County, with a total length of 73 kilometers.
Pinghe River , located in the west of Baiyangdian Lake, formerly known as Pingshui River and Pingquan River. originate from Dingxing Nanxing Village flows through the fifteenth level ditch in Tiancunpu, Xushui County, joins the Jizha River in the west of Xiahe River, joins the Beipu River in Hebei Village, Rongcheng County, and joins the algal complex in Santai South, Anxin County, at Pinghe Bridge in Heilongkou, with a total length of 30 kilometers. [4] [15]

A tributary of a lake area

Xiaobai River It used to be an ancient river. Before Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, it was the Bailong River River Gaoyang enters Baiyangdian Lake. Due to years of disrepair and serious siltation, the riverbed became smaller and was renamed Xiaobai River. It was excavated from natural ditches and rivers in 1951. Upstream flow Lixian County Suning , Gaoyang, to Ren Qiu It flows northward along the east side of Baiyangdian and turns into Wen'an Wa. The trunk section is 71 km long.
Ancient Yanghe River
Guyang River is an ancient river, originally called "Yanghe River". originally be Ziya River It is a downstream river channel. After treatment, it has become a major drainage river channel in Henan Province of the Qing Dynasty. The upstream is divided into east and west branches, and the east branch rises Xian County Under the West Gaotan Gate, the west upper branch rises from the west of Songjiafangzi in Xianxian County, and the east and west branches converge at Balipu in the south of Hejian City. The above river course is 23.94 kilometers long, and the following river course is 19.2 kilometers long from Renqiu Jinqiao to Suzhuang North Xiaobai River. Jinqiao Dongzhuangdian Lishui flows into Wen'an Wa through Renwen Trunk Canal; The north leachate flows into the lower section of Xiaobai River and into Wen'an Wa. When the drainage of Xiaobai River is not smooth, it flows into the approach channel of Gougezhuang drainage station through the middle section of Xiaobai River and into Zhaowang River. [17]

Flood diversion channel

Tanghe New Road , located in the south of Baoding and north of Xiaoyi River in Hebei Province Qingyuan District Within the territory of Anxin County, it starts from Qingyuan Dongshiqiao Village and ends at the mouth of Baiyangdian Lake in the north of Han Village, Anxin County. It is 24 kilometers long and was completed in May 1966.
Newly built spillway , located in the north of Daqing River Xiongxian County Domestic, from Xingaifang Village In the northeast, it is basically parallel to the Daqing River to the east, passing through Gaozhuang, Lusheng River, Guzhuangtou, blockade ditch to the northeast of Hongcheng Village, and then Overflow depression Entering Dongdian, it is 25km long. [8]
Tianjin Jinghai Section of the Upper Duliujian River
duliujian river , due to proximity Duliu Town It is named after the water flowing from the Daqing River system into the Dongdian Lake. Starting from the sixth port, and Haihe River It runs parallel, then turns northeast, and flows into the sea with Haihe River in the south of Xianshuigu. Jianhe River has a total length of 43.3km and a design flow of 1020m3/s. [9]
Baigou River Diversion Baigou River Juma River The lower section is located in the northeast of Baiyangdian. The ancient Baigou River once flowed through Baigou Town It gets its name. First, from Rongcheng County to Xiongxian County, it enters the Huangwan River in the west, and then enters the Sijiao River through Anxin County. Later, due to the diversion, it enters Shaochedian via Dayang Village, Anxin County, upstream of Henan Province through Guxian Village, Xiongxian County. The Baigou River Diversion is an artificial river, which was excavated in 1970, connecting Baiyangdian Lake and the north branch of Daqing River. It is located in the east of Rongcheng County, starting from the northwest of Xingaifang Village, southbound between Fuxingzhuang, Zhaocun and Xiaoxianwang, turning southwest at Zancun, passing between Pingwang and Sanxiaowang, and entering Baiyangdian in the east of Liutong Village. The river is 11.9 km long, with a design flow of 500 m3/s. The application principle is to introduce the medium and small floods of the North Branch of the Daqing River into Baiyangdian Lake, and control the flood peak shifting of the South Branch and the North Branch according to the flood situation of each river, so as to reduce the flood disaster. [8]
Zhaowanghe According to the records in the General Annals of Jifu, the Zhaowang River was opened by Ye Boying in the 12th year of Tongzhi. In order to make the Xidian Lake (Baiyangdian Lake) discharge smoothly, from Shaochedian Lake (the north of Baiyangdian Lake) to the southeast of Dagangdian Lake, through the twelve link bridge, along the Qianli Dike to Gougezhuang, the manually excavated new river is called Zhaowang River, and then merged into Laozhao Wang River. Until the founding of New China, Zhaowang River was the only drainage channel of Baiyangdian Lake. In the 1960s, Zhaowangxinhe River and Zaolinzhuang Flood Diversion Road were opened, which divided Zhaowanghe River into upper, middle and lower sections. [4] [15]
Zhaowang Xinqu Excavated in 1956, it was originally the Baicaowa diversion and flood discharge project of Zhaowang River. The canal starts from the northwest of Hangezhuang Village in Wen'an County in the west, passes through the north of Erhezhuang Village in the east, crosses between Dongyangtuan and Xiyangtuan, passes through the south of Wangzhuang Village, the north of Bijiafang Village, and enters the Daqing River in the southeast of Cuijiafang, with a total length of 22.54 kilometers. Wangcun flood gate is built at the head of the canal. From 1969 to 1970, the head of Zhaowang New Canal was moved northward to the place 750 meters above the Shigezhuang Highway Bridge to take over the Zhaowang New River. The diverted Zhaowang New Canal flows northeast and enters the Daqing River at the west dock. It is 22km long from the Zhaowangxin River to the impoundment gate of the West Wharf. It is mainly used to divert and store farmland irrigation water in the flood season. The design flow for the 10-year return period is 2700m3/s.
Wen'an County Section of Zhaowangxinhe River
Zhao Wangxinhe , built in 1960, flows from east to west and starts from west Wen'an County Lichang Daokou, east to Xinglong Palace, was called Baicaowa New River at that time. In 1962, the dredging and extension was carried out, connecting the old beach at the north entrance of Zhao to the front of Wangcun Gate, which is called Zhaowangxin River. In the spring of 1969~1970, the project was expanded. The upper part of the project was connected to the lower entrance of Zaolinzhuang New Road in Renqiu County and the Zhaowang River above Gougezhuang. The lower entrance was changed to 750 meters above the Shigezhuang Highway Bridge, connecting with the upper entrance of Zhaowang New Canal. The total length was 11 kilometers, with a 10-year return period design flow of 2700 m3/s. [11]

Governance development


River regulation

The Daqing River Basin is located in the heart of the river basin, and the middle and lower reaches are the Beijing Tianjin Baotou triangle area, which has always suffered from serious floods.
The Daqing River is divided into two branches, the north branch is the Baigou River System, and the south branch is the Zhaowang River System. The control area above Baigou is 10000 square kilometers, while the downstream river channel is narrow, and the flood discharge capacity of Xiongxian Nanguan is only 400 m3/s, often causing flooding. In order to solve the problem that the north branch is larger than the north branch and smaller than the north branch, a newly built flood diversion road was built in 1951 in Xingaifang Village, Xiakou, Baigou River, from Xingaifang to Liujiapu, with a total length of 24 kilometers. The overflow depression flows into the overflow depression below Liujiapu, and flows eastward along the north bank of the Daqing River to Dongdian near Taishan Mountain. The design flow of the spillway is 2000 m3/s, which is used to divert the flood from the north branch to Dongdian Lake by bypassing the entrance of Xiongxian County.
The originally built flood diversion gate is 400m wide, with a lead wire cage protecting the bottom and an elevation of 11.4m (Yellow Sea). In 1956, a rainstorm occurred at Zijingguan on the Juma River. The flood in the north branch of the Qing Dynasty was serious. The newly built flood diversion channel once diverted 3000 m3/s.
Another project of Daqinghe River regulation is to excavate the independent river. After the confluence of Daqing River and Ziya River in the sixth port, they all flow into the sea from the main stream of Haihe River through the West River. Due to the limited discharge of Haihe River, the water level of Dongdian Lake often remains high, affecting the land withdrawal and drainage of surrounding water. When the Japanese invaders invaded China, 25 bridges were reserved to the south of the current Duliujian River in case of an emergency, so as to ensure the safety of the Tianjin Pujiang Railway and Tianjin City. However, no drainage channel and control project were built.
In order to expand the flood discharge capacity below Dongdian, the Duliujianhe River was excavated in Liangwangzhuang from 1952 to 1953. The Jianhe River flows from the sixth port through Guanputou to Wanjia Wharf to Beidagang, with a total length of 43.5km and a design flow of 1020m3/s. The distance between the two embankments is 400m from the sixth port to the pipe shop head, and 1020m from the pipe shop head to Wanjia Wharf. Except the upper section of the Jianhe River is slightly deeper, the rest of the river is flat and levees are raised. The river bottom undulates with the ground to reduce the work amount. The flood gate is located in the south of Diliubu Village, with 8 holes in total, each with a clear span of 13.6m and a gate bottom elevation of 2.26m. Beidagang is the access to the sea of Duliujian River. From 1953 to 1956, the Dagang dike was built, and later became the water storage place.
The maximum discharge of Jianhe River in 1954 was 1390 m3/s, and the maximum discharge in 1956 was 1190 m3/s, both exceeding the design standard.
Each branch of the south branch flows into Baiyangdian. After the flood is regulated and stored in Baiyangdian, it is discharged from Shifangyuan through Zhaowang River, and the south and north branches converge in Shexing. As the river channel near the new town is narrow and small, it is seriously jammed with water, which often causes the north branch flood to flow backward from the Zhaowang River, affecting the discharge of the south branch flood. Therefore, in 1956, the Zhaowang New Canal was built, with a total length of 23 kilometers from Wangcun to Cuijiafang. The distance between the two embankments of the new canal is about 630 meters. Generally, the embankments are raised on the flat ground. Most of them have no deep water channels. The design flow of the new canal is 1200 m3/s. At the upper entrance, a flood gate will be built in Wangcun, with 10 holes in total, each with a net width of 12 meters, a gate bottom elevation of 4.6 meters, and a design flow of 1350 m3/s. The completion of the new canal has played a significant role in ensuring that the water level of Baiyangdian Lake does not exceed 10.5 meters, connecting the East Lake and the West Lake, and making its flood flow smoothly through the Duliujian River into the sea.
The completion of the three projects of the Daqing River, although the standard is still very low compared with the later expansion, at that time, there was no reservoir built in the upstream, and the use of low-lying lakes to regulate, store and reduce the flood discharge of the river had the ability to relieve ordinary flood disasters, and laid the foundation for the future unified planning of the river system. [18]
The flood sediment concentration in the north branch of Daqing River is relatively large. According to the statistics of Baigou Station, the average suspended load sediment transport for many years is about 4.5 million cubic meters. After 15 years of operation from 1951 to 1965, the newly built flood diversion channel has an estimated siltation volume of 32.6 million cubic meters within 30 kilometers below the flood diversion gate, which has generally been silted up by 1 to 2 meters, reducing the discharge capacity. Therefore, from 1969 to 1970, the newly built spillway was expanded, and the design flow of the spillway was expanded to 5000 m3/s. At the same time, the flood discharge standard of the Baigou River has been raised to 3000 m3/s, and the Baigou River Diversion has also been built, which can divert 500 m3/s of water into the Baiyangdian Lake.
Baiyangdian used to have only one drainage outlet at Shifangyuan. In 1956, the Zhaowang New Canal was opened at the lower mouth of Baicaowa, but the problem of poor drainage has not been solved. According to the existing problems of Baiyangdian, the card opening plan of Baiyangdian was started at the end of 1964. In 1965, the first phase of the project included breaking the thousand mile dike from the south of Zaolinzhuang Village to open a new river, building dikes on both banks, and breaking the thousand mile dike into Baicaowa in the north of Gougezhuang Village, with a total length of 8.2 kilometers. A four hole flood gate was built at the entrance of the new road. The design flood discharge capacity of the new channel is 2000 m3/s, and the design discharge capacity of the sluice is 460 m3/s. The discharge capacity of the river and the sluice is incompatible. For this reason, from the winter of 1968 to the spring of 1970, the Zaolinzhuang New Road Project was expanded, and the river channel was dredged. A channel channel with a width of 15 meters was dug on the left side of the main channel. A new 25 hole sluice was built to the south of the original four hole sluice, and the discharge of the whole river was increased from 2000 m3/s to 2300 m3/s. At the same time, Shifangyuan overflow weir was built from 1968 to 1970, with a designed weir discharge of 400m3/s. Thus, when the lake level is 9.1 m, the flood diversion capacity is 2700 m3/s. In case of super standard flood, when the lake level is 9.95m, the Zaolinzhuang spillway can overflow 4260m3/s, and the Wangcun sluice can divert 1350m3/s to Wen'an Wa.
In 1967, the Zhaowang New Canal was planned while the Baiyangdian spillway was expanded. In 1969, the design flow of Zhaowang New Canal was expanded to 2700 m3/s, matching the Zaolinzhuang spillway at the upstream. The original Wangcun sluice was changed into a control project for flood diversion to Wenanwa. The flow into Zhaowang New Canal is controlled by Zaolinzhuang sluice on the upstream.
After the completion of Ziya New River in 1967, the flood of Ziya River no longer flows into the sea through the Duliujian River or the main stream of Haihe River. In 1968, Duliujian River was expanded according to the 50 year return period standard, the design flow of the original flood gate was reduced from 1020 m3/s to 840 m3/s. A new 25 hole flood gate was built in the south of the original gate, with the design flow of 2360 m3/s. In addition, a tidal gate with a design flow of 3200 m3/s was built at the lower entrance of Duliujian River. The whole project was completed in June 1969.
After the renovation of the depressions and rivers in the middle reaches of the Daqing River system and the expansion of the downstream end into the sea, a relatively complete flood control system has been formed, which has greatly improved the disaster resistance. The rivers in the south branch flow into Baiyangdian Lake, and after regulation and storage, it flows from Zaolinzhuang to Dongdian via Wangcun. The design discharge of the whole line has reached 2700m3/s; The north branch of Baigou River is from Dongci Village to Baigou Town, with a design flow of 3000 m3/s. The design flow of Baigou River diversion is 500 m3/s. The north branch flood can be adjusted to Baiyangdian Lake. The spillway of the newly built house is from the newly built house to Dongdian via overflow depression, and the design flow of the whole line is 5000 m3/s. After the flood of the south and north branches is regulated and stored by Dongdian, 3200 m3/s is discharged into the sea from Duliujian River. The design standard reaches the return period of 10-20 years, and the check standard of the south branch reaches the return period of 50 years. [19]

detention basin

Baiyangdian Anxin County Waters
Baiyangdian It is a natural depression in Jizhong depression formed by differential fault subsidence since Cenozoic era. It was not until the Western Han Dynasty that the outline of Baiyangdian Lake was roughly formed. The History of the Song Dynasty was called "Baiyang Lake", which was renamed "Baiyang Lake" during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. In history, every flood season, the flood from the Henan branch of the Qing Dynasty poured into Baiyangdian Lake, and the Baiyangdian Lake outlet was narrow, shallow and astringent, resulting in repeated floods. In order to prevent floods, Tang Jie of the Song Dynasty presided over the construction of the "Tang Dike" and began to build a thousand mile dike. The Ming and Qing dynasties also carried out some governance, but achieved little. On the contrary, due to large-scale embankment construction and reclamation across lakes in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the area of lakes and lakes was reduced. During the 237 years from the first year of Shunzhi's reign (1644) to the seventh year of Guangxu's reign (1881), the water area of Baiyangdian Lake decreased by 9/10.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council paid great attention to the governance of Baiyangdian Lake. Reinforce the Qianli Dike, open up a new Zaolinzhuang Road, excavate the Zhaowang New Canal, the Zhaowang New River, and build the Zaolinzhuang Junction, so as to increase the flood discharge capacity of Baiyangdian Lake from 130 m3/s in the early 1950s to 2700 m3/s. It not only effectively controlled the occurrence of flood disaster, but also created good conditions for comprehensive utilization of water and soil resources in Baiyangdian.
Baiyangdian Lake is surrounded by dikes. There are Qianli Dike in the east, Xin'an North Dike in the north, Barrier Shuinian Dike, Macun Xiaonian Dike and Simen Dike in the west, Diannan New Dike and Longhua Xiaonian Dike in the south. The total length of the lake is 230 kilometers, and the total area of the lake is 366 square kilometers, spanning five counties of Anxin, Gaoyang, Renqiu, Xiongxian and Rongcheng. It receives the flood water from the Chulong River, Xiaoyi River, Tanghe River, Fuhe River, Caohe River, Baohe River, Pinghe River and Baigou River, with a total designed inflow of 6595 m3/s. After regulation and storage by the lake, it will be discharged from Zaolinzhuang, and enter the Dongdian Lake through Zaolinzhuang Xindao, Zhaowang Xinhe, and Zhaowang Xinqu. The elevation of the bottom of the lake is generally 4.1~5.1 meters. When the designed detention water level is 9.1 meters, the detention volume is 1.038 billion cubic meters. On August 4, 1963, the highest detention level was 10.18 meters, and the corresponding detention volume was 4.173 billion cubic meters. [20]
Dongdian It was called Yongma Sou in ancient times and Triangle Lake in Qing Dynasty. It is located in Ba County, Wen'an County, Hebei Province and the western suburbs of Tianjin. The designed detention level is 6.56 meters (the sixth fort), the corresponding detention volume is 952 million cubic meters, and the submerged area is 345 square kilometers. The lake bottom elevation is generally 3.1~3.6m, and the lowest elevation is 2.2m in the east. There is Ziya River Right Embankment in the east, Qianli Embankment (also called Gedian Embankment) in the south, overflow depression in the west to connect with the newly built flood diversion channel, Zhongting Embankment in the north, and the total length of surrounding embankments is 129 kilometers. There is Daqing River in the south of the lake, with a flood discharge of 600~800 m3/s; There is Zhongting River in the north, which mainly discharges asphalt, with a discharge capacity of about 200 m3/s. On August 31, 1963, the highest detention level was 7.06 meters, and the corresponding detention volume was 1.15 billion cubic meters. [21]
Wenanwa It is located in the east of Baiyangdian, south of Daqing River and Dongdian, west of Ziya River, Wen'an and Dacheng County, with 98 villages, 71100 people and 240000 mu of arable land. The low-lying area is 230 square kilometers, and the elevation of most parts is 2.3~2.6 meters. The terrain is in the shape of a saucer. Before 1949, there was no outlet for water drainage. The accumulated water was naturally consumed and accumulated all the year round. The local people spread the proverb "If you have drowned in Wen'an Wa, you will not return home for ten years". Historically, it has received 5200 square kilometers of water from the south of Qing Dynasty and the flood from the breach of the Daqing River and Ziya River. In the 60 years since the 20th century, the two rivers of the Qing Dynasty and Ziya have burst 15 times, and Wen'an Valley has accumulated water for 37 years. In 1954, 1956 and 1963, the flood was diverted to Wenanwa three times. The highest detention level on August 31, 1963 was 7.19 meters, and the corresponding detention volume was 4.557 billion cubic meters. [22]
Langouwa It is located in the closed area to the west of Baigou River, the south of Juma River in the north, the north of Juma River in the south, and the east of Beijing Guangzhou Railway, with an area of 840 square kilometers and 950000 mu of arable land. The terrain is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. The upstream ground elevation is 30-34 meters, and the downstream ground elevation is 13 meters. In addition to receiving the water from the area, the depression must also receive the flood diversion water from the Baigou River and the Nanjuma River. When the design flood storage level is 17.0 meters, the corresponding water storage capacity is 220 million cubic meters, the submerged area is 110 square kilometers, 131 villages, 84000 people, and 141000 mu of arable land. [23]
Jiakouwa It is the general name of Qianjinpo, Xiucai po and Laonipo. It is located in Jinghai County, southeast of Dongdian, east of the lower reaches of Ziya River, west of the lower reaches of the South Canal. The terrain is low-lying. In small water, it is divided into three berths, and in large water, it is connected into one berth. Historically, the drainage in Heilonggang area was gathered here, and the drainage was stagnant all the year round. In 1954, when planning and harnessing Heilonggang, the area north of Jinghai Road and Wazitou Road was designated as "Jikouwa". Jiakouwa is a temporary flood detention area only under special circumstances to ensure the safety of the north embankment of Ziyaxin River. When the design flood storage level is 8.0m, the corresponding flood detention and storage volume is 373 million cubic meters, the submerged area is 110.3 square kilometers, there are 111 villages, 139800 people, and 165500 mu of arable land.
Tuanbowa It is located in Jinghai County and Dagang District of Tianjin, and in the closed area surrounded by the South Canal, Machangjian River and Duliujian River. Historically, it is a low-lying saline land with perennial ponding, and it is also the only way for the great floods in Haihe River system and the west to enter the sea. The application principle of Tuanbowa is: when the major flood of the Daqing River occurs in the main stream of the Haihe River and Duliujian River and the Dongdian, Wen'an and Jiakouwa are used successively, the water level of the three depressions all reaches 8.0 meters and the water level of the sixth fort continues to rise, the two levees of the South Canal will be broken, and the 25 hole bridge of the Jinpu Railway will be used to divert the flood into Tuanbowa. After the flood diversion, the two embankments of Machang River were broken to discharge, and finally the water was discharged into the sea through the passage to the south of Beidagang and the north of Ziya New River. [24]

Impoundment works

The Daqing River system has six large reservoirs (3.235 billion cubic meters in total), namely Hengshanling, Koukou, Wangkuai, Xidayang, Longmen and Angezhuang, with a controlled drainage area of 9718.5 square kilometers, accounting for 52.1% of the mountainous area.
Xidayang Reservoir
Xidayang Reservoir It is located at the entrance of Tanghe River, 1 km north of Xibaoshui Village, Tangxian County, Baoding Prefecture, Hebei Province. It is a large reservoir in the middle reaches of Tanghe River in the south branch of Daqing River. The controlled drainage area is 4420 square kilometers (all mountainous areas), accounting for 88.5% of the drainage area of Tanghe Mountain District. It was built in 1958 and continued in 1970. Main buildings include main and auxiliary dams, water conveyance channels, normal spillway and spillway tunnel. With a total storage capacity of 1.07 billion cubic meters and a maximum dam height of 54 meters, it is a multipurpose water conservancy project focusing on flood control, irrigation and power generation. [25]
Wangkuai Reservoir
Wangkuai Reservoir It is a large-scale water conservancy project in the upper reaches of the Zhisha River in the south of the Daqing River. It is located 1 km west of Zhengjia Village, Quyang County, Baoding Prefecture, Hebei Province, and 23.6 km away from the county seat of Quyang. Originally called Zhengjiazhuang Reservoir, it was officially named Wangkuai Reservoir on October 20, 1958. The controlled drainage area is 3770 square kilometers, accounting for 59% of the Shahe drainage area. The main buildings include the main dam, spillway, spillway tunnel and power station. The total storage capacity is 1.389 billion cubic meters, and the maximum dam height is 62 meters. It is a large reservoir that combines flood control with irrigation and power generation. [26]
Hengshanling Reservoir It is located near Fenggou Village, Chatou Township, Lingshou County, Hebei Province, on the upper reaches of Cihe River in the Daqing River system, with a controlled drainage area of 440 square kilometers. It is a large (II) type water conservancy complex project focusing on flood control and irrigation combined with comprehensive utilization of power generation, fish farming, etc., and the project grade is II. The construction began in June 1958, and the main works were completed except for the power station in June 1960. The reservoir was expanded from March 1970 to October 1972, and the Qushou Power Station was built again from 1980 to 1984. From 1991 to 1992, the reservoir was reinforced again. After years of operation, the reservoir has played a major role in flood control, irrigation and power generation. The floods in 1963, 1967, 1968, 1975 and 1996 were retained, which played a role in reducing the peak flow. Hengshanling Reservoir has a designed irrigation area of 360000 mu, an effective irrigation area of 360000 mu, and an annual irrigation water supply of 74.48 million cubic meters. The annual power generation is 1.66 million kWh. [27]
Koukou Reservoir It is located on the Gaohe River, a tributary of the Zhisha River in the south of the Daqing River, with a controlled drainage area of 142.5 square kilometers. It is a reservoir mainly for flood control and irrigation and also for comprehensive utilization of power generation and aquaculture. The reservoir hydroproject is composed of barrage dam, discharge tunnel, normal and emergency spillway on the bank, power station and other buildings. The design flood of the reservoir is designed as per the 100 year return period and checked as per the 1000 year return period. The pivotal project was built in May 1958 and the main project was completed in October 1964. It was expanded from 1970 to 1973, and the power station and normal spillway were built. The total storage capacity is 105.6 million cubic meters, the flood diversion storage capacity is 60.8 million cubic meters, the Xingli storage capacity is 16.1 million cubic meters, and the dead storage capacity is 15.99 million cubic meters. [28]
Longmen Reservoir Located on the main stream of Caohe River in Mancheng County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, Caohe River belongs to the Daqing River system of the Haihe River Basin. It is a large (II) water conservancy complex project mainly for flood control combined with irrigation and other comprehensive utilization, and the project grade is II. It was built in February 1958 and expanded into a large reservoir based on the medium-sized reservoir from November 1959 to June 1960, with a total storage capacity of 118 million cubic meters. It is designed for a century and checked for a millennium. From November 1974 to June 1977, the reservoir reinforcement and expansion project was carried out, and in 2002, the reservoir danger removal and reinforcement project was carried out. [29]
Angezhuang Reservoir
Angezhuang Reservoir , located in the west of Angezhuang Village in Yixian County, Baoding City, Hebei Province Zhongyishui The middle and upper reaches, with a controlled drainage area of 476 square kilometers, is a large (II) type water conservancy complex project focusing on flood control, irrigation and other comprehensive utilization, and the project grade is II. It was built in June 1958. The construction of Angezhuang Reservoir began in June 1958. The main works were completed in June 1960 and put into operation without acceptance. The hydroproject is not perfect and supporting, and some engineering projects have left considerable finishing work. Therefore, since 1960, the reservoir has been under construction while operating for a long time. In 2001, the reservoir was reinforced. After danger elimination and reinforcement, the total storage capacity is 303.39 million cubic meters, the flood diversion storage capacity is 203.5 million cubic meters, the Xingli storage capacity is 145.53.2 million cubic meters, and the dead storage capacity is 0.386 million cubic meters. [30]

flood control works

In the 37th year of Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1698), the left and right embankments of the Yongding River were built. After the Yongding River was introduced into the Triangle Lake, the south embankment was built to isolate the Daqing River from the Yongding River. In the tenth year of Qianlong's reign (1745), a thousand mile dike was built and separated from the lake Qianli Dike It was extended to Fuguanying, and a new dike was built from Fuguanying to Batai to completely separate Wen'an Wa and Dianhe River, becoming an independent lake. Therefore, the Daqing River has a south embankment instead of a north embankment, the Zhongting River has a north embankment instead of a south embankment, and the south embankment at the downstream of the Yongding River is the left embankment of the West River. The left bank of Dongdian Lake and Sanjiaodian Lake were swallowed by Yongding River, so the area of Dongdian Lake was reduced to 345 square kilometers.
The Hutuo River also seriously interfered with the Daqing River, with different ancient migrations. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Qianli Dike was built to stop the invasion of water from the south to the north. After the Song and Ming Dynasties, it was rebuilt continuously, and by the early Qing Dynasty, it had been connected and formed. According to the Zhili River Canal Annals, "a thousand mile levee, the Zangjiaqiao Bridge in Xian County, is more than a thousand miles long, surrounded by four Shuntian, Baoding, and three Hejian prefectures, and surrounded by the river, which is the guarantee of people's livelihood in dozens of states and counties." The flood disaster in Xidian and Dongdian was relatively reduced. After digging Zhujiakou to divert the river in the seventh year of Guangxu's reign (1881), the Zangjiaqiao Bridge entered Ziya River, and in the twentieth year of Guangxu's reign (1894) Build the Hutuohe River embankment to reduce the interference to the Daqing River.
In order to cooperate with the Duliujianhe River Project to prevent dam breach, the original Daqing River Affairs Bureau organized the construction from April to June 1953 to carry out risk selection and repair of the two dikes of the Daqing River.
In 1954 and 1956, the bare tail section of the right embankment of the Daqing River was destroyed by floods, and it was repaired twice later. In 1954, the total length of the restored embankment was 7.95km, and the total earthwork was 41941m3. In 1956, 18.37km from the boundary of Renqiu County and Xiongxian County to the confluence point was repaired. The top width was 5m, the internal slope ratio was 1:2, and the external slope was 1:3. 70492m3 of earthwork was completed.
In order to reduce the water level of Baiyangdian Lake, alleviate the flood in the middle and lower reaches, remove the threat of flood to the Qianli Dike, and ensure the safety of Tianjin and Jinpu Railway. In February 1955, the Water Resources Department of Hebei Province proposed the Preliminary Design of the Reorganization Project of Zhaowang New Canal in the Middle Reaches of the Daqing River, and in February 1956, it also proposed the Technical Design of the Reorganization Project of Zhaowang New Canal in the Middle Reaches of the Daqing River (including the Baicaowa spillway). In the same year, the Zhaowang New Canal was opened to the east of Wangcun Village. Under the leadership of Tianjin Hydraulic Committee, the project was organized by Tianjin and Baotou. 24 counties and 61500 people participated in the construction. The project was started on April 2 and completed on July 24. The left embankment of the new canal is 21.42 km long, and the right embankment is 23.21 km long. The shoulder distance between the two embankments is 620 m from 1.1 km below the center of the sluice floor. The new canal is 22.54 km long. 7.724 million cubic meters of earthwork and 3138 cubic meters of stonework have been completed, and 5.401 million workdays have been employed.
From 1963 to 1964, the dike restoration project was 35.09 kilometers long from Xiaoshen Temple to the dam platform. Because some dike sections were washed away by the 1963 flood, and only more than 1 meter high, they must be repaired. Baoding and Tianjin prepared the project restoration plan, which was approved by the Water Resources Department of Hebei Province. From the autumn of 1963 to June of 1964, 809832 cubic meters of earthwork were completed in Xiong County of Baoding and Wen'an County of Tianjin, The top width is 7m, the inner slope is 1:2, and the outer slope is 1:3.
In 1968, the construction was organized and completed by Handan and Xingtai regions: 1. The dredging and diversion project of the Daqing River started 2.5 kilometers east of Cuijiafang and ended at the confluence with Ziya River, with a total length of 34.6 kilometers. The elevation of the starting point is 0.18m, the longitudinal slope is 1/20000, the river bottom is 20-38m wide, and the slope is 1:4. 3.41km above ten rooms was dredged from the original Daqing River; The distance from Anlitun to the east of Taitou Village is 12.1km, which is a diversion project; The river dredging is 4.6 kilometers from the east of Taitou Village to the west of Laolongwan; The 3.7km from Laolongwan West to Ziya Estuary is a diversion project. The river channel is 90m away from the left protective wheat field.
2. Mainian on the left of the channel: 28.2km from the east of Cuijiafang Village to the east of Taitou Village. The top width is 4m, the slope is 1:4, and the slope behind the river is 1:3. The distance between embankments is 120m.
1974 Dongdian Daqing River Treatment Project: This project aims to solve the problems of excessive and small deep water channel of Dongdian Daqing River, insufficient water discharge capacity of Zhongting River, and small water flooding of Dongdian Daqing River. The excavation of Zhongting River is planned to be 72 km long, of which the river bottom is 20 m wide and the upper mouth is 120 m wide, 6 km from Xiaomiao to Yangfen Port. The south side of Zhongting River is filled with small dam, with a design flow of 270 m3/s; The planned excavation length of Daqing River is 33km, the distance from Wanggeda to the dike of flood gate is 220-400m, the bottom width is 90-75m, and the design flow is 650-850m3/s; On October 25 of that year, more than 30000 migrant workers were mobilized from Wen'an, Baxian, Gu'an and Yongqing counties in Langfang area (formerly Tianjin area) for construction. Due to the administrative division reform, Jinghai County belongs to Tianjin City. Therefore, the Dongdian Daqing River control project ends at Xierhaogou, Taitou Village, at the junction of the province and the city, forming a situation of large water and small water.
In 1976, because the Erhaogou above had been treated, the following section had not been treated. Although the Jinghai County rescue team rescued it during the flood season, the Xierhaogou at Taitou still burst. In 1979, the decision was made again. The east channel of Taitou was large and small. The rapid current in the human world caused the breach of the dam and destroyed the Taitou Bridge.
In 1980, Tianjin invested 2 million yuan, and Jinghai County proposed the design according to the governing standards of neighboring counties. After negotiation, the headquarters of Baxian County's radical governance of Haihe River was responsible for the construction, and the flood control project of extending the levee on the left bank of the Daqing River was carried out. The whole section is 15.83 km long, with 1.1662 million cubic meters of earthwork completed and 652300 work days of pure standard earthwork. It was mobilized on March 23 and completed on May 10. It has 19 companies of 3800 people and 40 tractors. The completed section is 12.7 km long (the rest will be completed by the Western Suburb Water Resources Bureau after entering the original western suburb). The north embankment is added to the river, which is bounded by Xiaojiapu River. To the west, the top of the embankment is 8m wide, to the east, the top of the embankment is 6m wide, and the slopes are 1:3; The top of the junction of Wen'an and Jinghai is 7.06 meters high, and the top of the terminal flood gate is 5.56 meters high. In addition, Jinghai County will rebuild the Taitou Bridge and strengthen the buildings crossing the right embankment.
From May 29, 1985 to June 15, 1985, the dam at Taitouwei Village was basically completed, with a length of 2659 meters, a height of 7.56 meters, and 168000 cubic meters of earthwork. After the flood season, the common fund for the clean-up project was 233700 yuan. [9]

Pivotal project

25 hole gate of Zaolinzhuang junction
Zaolinzhuang Hub It is located in the south of Zaolinzhuang Village, Renqiu City, Hebei Province, and at the entrance of Zaozhuang Spillway. It is a control project of Baiyangdian Lake flood discharge, consisting of a 4-hole sluice, a ship lock, a 25 hole sluice and an overflow weir at Zhaobeikou (located at the old site of the ancient 12th Lianqiao Bridge on the Zhaowang River). It was completed in 1965 and 1970. The application principle is: in flood season, when the water level of Shifangyuan in Baiyangdian is 6.6 meters, the gate shall be raised to discharge flood as appropriate; When the water level exceeds 7.6m, the overflow weir overflows; When the flood control guarantee water level reaches 9.1 m (10-year return period), the total design discharge of the hydroproject is 2700 m3/s, and when the check water level is 9.95 m (50 year return period), the total discharge is 4140 m3/s. When the north branch encounters a flood exceeding the standard, the water level of Dongdian Sixth Castle is 6.56 meters, the water level of Zaolinzhuang sluice is below 9.1 meters, and the water level of Zaolinzhuang sluice is above 7.1 meters. When it is predicted that there is no flood in the upstream of Baiyangdian, Zaolinzhuang sluice controls the discharge and staggers the peak with the north branch. The maximum pool level in the control lake after flood season is 7.4 meters.
Seven hole flood diversion gate of Xingaifang Junction
Baigou River Intake Sluice of Xingaifang Junction
New housing complex Located 2km below the confluence point of Nanjuma River and Baigou River, northeast of Xingaifang Village, Xiongxian County, it is composed of flood diversion gate and weir combination buildings, Baigou River intake gate and the original channel irrigation diversion gate of Daqing River. The Baigou River Diversion Gate discharges the flood into Baiyangdian Lake, the flood diversion weir discharges the flood into Dongdian Lake, and the irrigation gate diverts water according to the irrigation water requirements of the downstream of the Daqing River. It was built in June 1970. The application principle is: when the upper water level of the newly built sluice exceeds 12.5 meters, the gate will be opened to discharge the flood through the newly built spillway and overflow weir, and the guaranteed flow is 5000 m3/s; When the upper water level of the newly built gate drops below 12.5 meters, the flood diversion gate of the newly built gate will be closed, and the flood will be discharged through the Baigou River. When the water level of Shifangyuan exceeds 9.1 meters, the Baigou River Diversion Gate will be closed, and all the flood will be discharged from the newly built flood diversion channel, and the drainage of asphalt to the Baigou River Diversion will be stopped. The irrigation gate of Daqing River discharges water according to the downstream water requirements, and is not generally used for flood discharge.
Wangcun Gate , located in the north of Hangezhuang Village, Wen'an County, Hebei Province. The purpose of the initial construction is to control the discharge of Baiyangdian Lake, reduce the flood in the middle and lower reaches of the Daqing River, maintain a certain depth of Baiyangdian Lake, so as to develop fishery reed production. From 1955 to 1970, it was called "Zhaowangxinqu Flood Discharge Gate". It was started on June 3, 1955 and completed at the end of the year. The application principles are as follows: from the completion to 1970, the flood season is generally uncontrolled and the flood is fully discharged; When the water level of Dongdian Sixth Castle reaches 6.56m, the discharge shall be properly controlled. After 1971, the gate was generally closed. When the water level of Dongdian Sixth Castle reached 6.56 meters and the water level of Baiyangdian Shifangyuan reached 9.1 meters, and the water potential continued to rise, the Hebei Flood Control Headquarters decided to raise the Wangcun Gate to divert the flood to Wen'an Wa. When the water level of Shifangyuan in Baiyangdian drops below 9.1 meters, and the total amount of the south branch and north branch entering the East Lake is less than the discharge of the East Lake, the Wangcun Flood Diversion Gate will be closed.
North gate after expansion of Duliujian River flood gate junction
Duliujian River flood gate junction , located in the south of Diliubao Village, Xiqing District, Tianjin, at the intersection of Daqing River and Ziya River. The main works include old gates, new gates and highway bridges, whose main function is to release flood into the sea in flood season. The design water level of the old sluice is 6.56 m above the gate, 6.25 m below the gate, and the flow through the gate is 1020 m3/s. When the new sluice was built in 1968, it was reduced to 840 m3/s. The design water level of the new sluice is 6.56m above the gate, 6.36m below the gate, and the flow through the gate is 2360m3/s. The new gate is located on the right side of the old gate, and the center lines of the two gates are 450 meters away from each other for joint use. It was started in October 1952 and completed in July 1953. The application principle is to give full play to the maximum capacity of flood discharge and drainage when the water level of the Sixth Castle is more than 3.5~4.0 meters, so as to ensure the implementation of one water and one wheat in the Dongdian Lake. After the flood season, the water will be stored in the single flow river channel. From the completion of the old sluice to 1985, it was used three times beyond the design flood standard.
West River Sluice
Xihe Sluice Complex Ziya River Xihe Sluice Complex ), located in the northwest of Yangliuqing Town, Xiqing District, Tianjin, 15 kilometers below the confluence of Daqing River and Ziya River, on the Xihe River at the lower mouth of Dongdian. It is composed of river blocking dam, control gate and ship lock. The project task is to retain the flood of the Qing Dynasty, Ziya and South Canal, use Dongdian Lake to regulate, control the discharge when the "three rivers" flood and Yongding River flood encounter, and timely stagger the peak to ensure that the flood of the main stream of Haihe River does not exceed the safe discharge; Dongdian, Wen'an, Jiakou and Duliujian River channels can also be used for water storage to develop irrigation, navigation and water supply for Tianjin.
Workers, peasants and soldiers tide gate Duliujian River tide gate ), located at the estuary of Duliujian River, Tangjia River, Dagang District, Tianjin. The project mainly focuses on flood discharge and water storage, and has comprehensive benefits. In terms of flood control and waterlogging drainage, Dagang Oilfield and Tanggu Saltern will be protected in the near future to reduce the threat of Daqinghe River flood to Tianjin City and Jinpu Railway; After the completion of the supporting works of the upstream river channel, the flood of the Baigou River of the Daqing River system and the area below the Shifangyuan will not be diverted to Wen'an Wa in the event of a 20-year flood, and only 900000 mu of land in Wen'an Wa will be submerged in the event of a 50-year flood, making Tianjin's flood control standard reach a 50-year flood. In terms of water storage and irrigation, it can intercept the Daqing River and Nanyun River into the Beidagang Reservoir; At the same time, it rejects salt water, improves soil, develops rice, raises fish and plants reeds. Completed in November 1967. [31]
The north gate after the expansion of Duliujian River flood gate
Duliujian River flood gate junction It is located at the upper mouth of Duliujian River at the confluence of Daqing River and Ziya River in the south of the sixth port village in the western suburb of Tianjin. It includes the old sluice, new sluice, low sluice, water lifting station, low channel, diversion hub at the head of the road bridge, etc. The project was commenced in October 1952 and completed in July 1953; It was started in November 1968 and completed in June 1969. The main purpose is to control the flood outlet of the Daqing River and give consideration to irrigation. [32]

Irrigation project

In addition to Xiongxian County, Wen'an, Bazhou, Jinghai, etc. which use the old Daqing River for irrigation, the main irrigation areas in the upstream of the Daqing River include:
Shahe irrigation area. Its predecessor was built by the Administrative Committee of the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Region during the Anti Japanese War. In 1941, it meandered down the hillside at the foot of Tashan Mountain on the left bank of Shahe River, and the tail water retreated into the Mengliang River. At that time, it was named "Rongzhen Canal", with a planned irrigation area of 70000 mu. By 1949, the irrigated area had reached 24000 mu. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the state invested in the renovation and expansion of channels, extended branch canals, built gates, culverts and other buildings, improved irrigation conditions, and strengthened the leadership of management. By 1955, the irrigation area had grown to nearly 50000 mu, double that before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and by 1957, the irrigation area had expanded to 85000 mu. In the summer of 1957, Yang Zhimin, secretary of the CPC Quyang County Committee, went to Beijing to report to Marshal Nie Rongzhen on the water conservancy construction in Quyang County, and changed the "Rongzhen Canal" to the "Anti Japanese Canal" according to Marshal Nie's instructions. In 1959, with the construction of Wangkuai Reservoir, it was named "Shahe Irrigation Area". The control area of the Anti Japanese War Canal was included in the scope of Shahe Irrigation Area and included in the irrigation system of Shahe Irrigation Area.
Tanghe Irrigation District. Its predecessor is Guangli Canal. According to the records of Tang County Annals, Guangli Canal was built in the sixth year of Jintaihe (1206), and the initial benefit area was only more than 1000 mu. The irrigation area was diverted from the foot of Fengshan Mountain. By 1945, the diversion flow was 10 m3/s. From 1946 to 1947, the canal mouth was reconstructed. On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the irrigated area has grown to 55000 mu. In 1954, the irrigation area was expanded to 90200 mu. With the development of agricultural cooperative movement, the irrigation area reached 140000 mu in 1957, and the benefit scope was expanded to Wangdu, Dingxian and Tangxian in 1958, with the irrigation area reaching 207000 mu. With the construction of Xidayang Reservoir, the irrigation area is changed into Tanghe Irrigation Area, which is used for water diversion.
Shahe Irrigation Area was built in 1959 and brought into play in 1961, with a designed irrigation area of 1.5 million mu. It includes three original medium-sized irrigation areas, namely, the Anti Japanese War Canal, the Yuejin Canal and the Qunzhong Canal. It was completed between 1959 and 1960.
Tanghe Irrigation District began to draw water from Xidayang Reservoir after generating power in 1959, and took effect in 1962. Guangli Canal was incorporated into Tanghe Irrigation District in 1963. The designed maximum diversion flow is 68 m3/s, the designed irrigation area is 750000 mu, and the effective irrigation area is 425000 mu.
Yishui irrigation canal is led by Angezhuang Reservoir. Angezhuang Reservoir is designed according to the reverse regulation reservoir of the Zijingguan Hydropower Station on the Juma River. Before the construction of the power station, the Juma River is diverted into the Angezhuang Reservoir through the Wuyi Canal for regulation, bringing irrigation benefits into play. The designed irrigation area is 390000 mu, and the effective irrigation area is 280000 mu. [33]

Channel shipping

Schematic Diagram of Passenger Routes of Hebei Inland Waterway Administration (June 1937)
Historically, Baoding was connected to Tianjin by water through Baiyangdian. The inland river shipping from Baoding to Tianjin began in the Ming and Qing dynasties, from Baoding to Baiyangdian, which was known as "Nine Rivers into the Lake", via the Fuhe River, and then to the east, via the Daqing River, into the Haihe River in Tianjin. The Shipping History of Hebei Province clearly mentioned that "the voyage of the Daqing River is 200 kilometers", and the Journey of Hebei Province · Traffic Annals also mentioned that the route of the Daqing River from Tianjin to Baoding is 200 kilometers.
From the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the 1960s, Fuhe River, Baiyangdian Lake and Daqing River built an important inland shipping channel between Tianjin and Baoding. According to statistics, in 1906 (the 32nd year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), there were 59604 civilian ships entering and leaving Tianjin, and only 21236 ships came from the Daqing River, accounting for 35.6% of the total. After the signing of the Beijing Treaty in 1860, Tianjin was opened as a trading port, and the shipping trade between Tianjin and Baotou increased day by day. It was not until the 1960s that the inland navigation between Tianjin and Baotou gradually dried up and deserted due to drought, the construction of reservoirs in the upstream and other reasons. [5]

Basin overview

The Daqing River system is located in the middle of the Haihe River basin, starting from Taihang Mountain in the west, bordering Bohai Bay in the east, bordering Yongding River in the north, and reaching Hutuo River and Ziya New River in the south. It is 275 kilometers long from east to west, 200 kilometers wide from south to north, and has a drainage area of 43060 square kilometers. Among them, 18659 square kilometers of mountains and hills account for 43.3% of the drainage area. 24401 square kilometers of plains and depressions, accounting for 56.7% of the drainage area; The geological structure is the Yongding River alluvial fan in the north and the Hutuo River alluvial fan in the south. The cultivated land area of the whole basin is about 23 million mu, and the population is about 13 million. [1]

Enable flood storage and detention area

On August 1, 2023, according to the flood forecast, the flow of the newly built housing complex at the upstream of the Daqing River in the Haihe River basin will increase, the water level of the Daqing River will continue to rise, and the Dongdian flood storage and detention area of the Daqing River will be put into use when it meets the conditions for use. [34]
At 17:00 on August 6, 2023, the discharge of the flood gate of Duliujian River will be 582 cubic meters per second, the water level of the sixth fort of Daqing River will be 4.46 meters, the Dongdian flood storage and detention area has been put into use, and the river channel of Daqing River will exceed the guaranteed water level. According to the Administrative Measures for the Release of Flood Early Warning in Tianjin (JSZ [2002] No. 19), At 17:00 on August 6, 2023, Tianjin Hydrology and Water Resources Management Center issued a red warning for flood in the Daqing River, asking citizens to stay away from the river course of the Daqing River and the Dongdian flood detention area to ensure their own safety, pay attention to prevention, and stay away from the upper reaches Describe the region. [35] As of 16:00 on August 13, the water level of the Taitou section of the Daqing River was 5.72 meters. The Daqing River continued to operate at a high water level, and the flood discharge was generally safe and controllable. As of 16:00 on August 13, the Daqing River has discharged 881 million cubic meters of flood to Duliujian River. [36]