Da Ci Pavilion

The sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units in Baoding
zero Useful+1
Da Ci Pavilion, formerly known as Da Compassion Pavilion, is located in Baoding, Hebei Province Lianchi District No. 57, Chuanxinglou North Street. In the 22nd year of Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty (1227), the Da Ci Pavilion was built by Cai Guogong of the Yuan Dynasty Zhang Rou Built. [1-2] A group of temple building groups, named after its main building, the Da Ci Pavilion. Dacige is Baoding Eight Sceneries of Shanggu one of, [8] It covers an area of 1600 square meters, with a building area of 600 square meters. [1]
The Daci Pavilion faces south from the north. It is a gate with a single eaves resting on the top of the mountain. The lintel reads "Zhenjue Temple". Behind the Temple of the Heavenly King is the bell tower to the east and the drum tower to the west. The main building, the Da Ci Pavilion, has three floors of double eaves. [1]
On May 25, 2006, Da Cige was announced as the sixth batch by the State Council of the People's Republic of China National key cultural relics protection units [3]
Chinese name
Da Ci Pavilion
geographical position
57 Chuanxinglou North Street, Lianchi District, Baoding City [4]
Commencement date
built-up area
1600 m²
Protection level
The sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units
Approved by
State Council of the PRC
Cultural relic number

Historical evolution

In the 22nd year of Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty (1227), the Da Ci Pavilion was built by Cai Guogong of the Yuan Dynasty Zhang Rou Built. [1-2]
In the fourth year (1647), the fifth year (1648), the twenty sixth year (1846) of Daoguang, and the thirty first year (1942) of the Republic of China, the Daci Pavilion was repaired. [2]
Da Ci Pavilion

Architectural pattern

The Da Ci Pavilion is a group of temple buildings, covering an area of 1600 square meters and a building area of 600 square meters. The main buildings are the mountain gate, the Temple of Heavenly Kings, the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower, the Da Ci Pavilion and the Temple of Guandi. The main building, Da Ci Pavilion, is the largest ancient building in Baoding. [1-2] [5]
The Da Ci Pavilion faces south from the north, with a single eaves resting on the top of the mountain“ Zhenjue Temple ”, a pair of stone lions in front of the gate of the Temple of Heavenly Kings, separated from each other. Through the Temple of Heavenly Kings, the east is the Bell Tower, and the west is the Drum Tower. The front is a tall stone foundation, 5.4 meters high, 22 stone steps, 17.54 meters wide, 12.24 meters deep, Zhou Zuo Wang column, jade railings. The main building, the Da Ci Pavilion, stands on it, resting on a hill with a tile roof and three eaves. The ground floor is 5 rooms wide and 2 rooms deep. In the pavilion, there is a statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, with a solemn appearance. The 42 arms hold pure bottles, swords, Buddhist monks sticks, rhombohedral mirrors, strokes and other magic tools. The murals on the east and west sides are the portraits of the Eighteen Arhats and the stories of Jingbian. There are stairs in the pavilion to the second and third floors. The overall height is about 25 meters. Under the corner beam, wind Duo falls, wind Duo sounds, and the eaves and ridges are squatting animals. [1]  

Main buildings



The main buildings of the Da Ci Pavilion include the mountain gate, the Temple of Heavenly Kings, the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower, the Da Ci Pavilion and the Temple of Guan Di. [1]

Da Ci Pavilion

The Da Ci Pavilion is 31 meters high. There are 22 steps in front of the pavilion. Inside the pavilion, Guanyin Bodhisattva stands on the lotus petal Xu Maizuo with a serene look. The statue of Avalokitesvara is made of wood, 5.5 meters high, with 42 arms holding various magic weapons. On both sides of the pavilion are murals of eighteen arhats and stories of changes in classics, which are works of the late Qing Dynasty. They are still clearly visible and have different expressions. They are art treasures in the pavilion. 2、 On the third floor, there are three rooms wide, and one room deep. The caisson and purlin in the pavilion are painted with spiral painting, and the surrounding corridors are used for bird's-eye view. The residential houses in the market are vividly visible. [2] [5]
Da Ci Pavilion

Guan Yu Temple

Guandi Temple is located behind the Da Ci Pavilion. It was first built in the Ming Dynasty. It was formerly called the Han Shouting Temple. The main hall is three bays wide and one bay deep. It is a building of mountain style, with a roll shed in front. Because it faces north and south, it is called Daozuo Guandi Temple. [2] [5]

bell tower and drum tower

The height and shape of the second floor of the bell and drum are the same, with the overall height of 10.9 meters. Its architectural form is double eaves Xieshan Mountain and cross ridge, divided into two floors. [2] [5]

Cultural relics

There are still stone tablets and four links in the Daci Pavilion, recording the process of repairing the Daci Pavilion in the fourth year (1647), the fifth year (1648), the twenty sixth year (1846) of the reign of Emperor Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, and the thirty first year (1942) of the Republic of China, which are valuable materials for studying the Daci Pavilion. [2] [5]
There are traces of gold colored paintings with ink lines and dots on the dragon cotton Fang heart painted in the 16th year of Jiaqing (1811) of the Qing Dynasty on the beams in the Temple of Heavenly Kings. [2] [5]

Institutional setup

On July 3, 2014, Baoding Dacige Cultural Research Association was officially established. The leadership organization of the Municipal Dacige Cultural Research Association was elected, and the articles of association of the Municipal Dacige Cultural Research Association were reviewed and approved.
The Association will protect and explore the cultural relics, historical books and records of Dacige and its related history, organize experts and scholars to study, promote and promote the brand of Dacige culture, study the diet, health preservation and art of Dacige culture, and regularly organize academic exchange activities to compile and publish cultural books and electronic publications. [6]

Historical culture


Arts and culture

Da Ci Pavilion“ Lingxiao Pavilion ”The reputation of Eight Sceneries of Shanggu ”The first one is the symbol of Baoding, the ancient city, so there is a saying that "if you don't go to the Da Ci Pavilion, you will never go to Baoding". [1]
The poems extolling the Great Mercy Pavilion by predecessors include: "The Liaohai Sea is visible, the Yaoshan Mountain is hidden and horizontal", "Who can build the Lingxu Pavilion in the thoroughfare, and stay with people to make a great view", "Look at the top of the trees in the Pearl Tower in Yanshi, and the Golden Pavilion in the Zhiyuan Garden is blue and cloud like", "Do not dye the Bodhi cloud, and walk in the Prajna City, hanging in the middle of the city" and other poems. [1-2]

Legends and Anecdotes

A long time ago, Baoding Prefecture There was an official whose only daughter was seriously ill and could not recover after a long time. Later, he met a monk who claimed to be Zen Master Zhenjue and treated her. In order to repay their kindness, officials decided to build a Guanyin Temple. The temple is located at the highest area in the center of the city, and the Daci Pavilion is built. At the same time, the statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva will be shaped. After the temple was repaired, Zen Master Zhenjue was asked to treat the people. After Zen Master Zhenjue passed away, in order to remember him, he named his residence Zhenjue Temple. On the front of the mountain gate“ Zhenjue Temple ”Four big characters.

Vegetarian Culture

  • Dacige sesame oil
Dacige sesame oil
Dacige sesame oil It started in the 22nd year of Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty (1227) and originated from the Xiangyou Workshop in the Dacige Temple. In the 30th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1765), Emperor Qianlong passed by Baoding, and Dacige sesame oil was ordered by Emperor Qianlong as a royal meal.
Dacige sesame oil takes selected sesame as raw material, and is processed and produced with a small stone mill by a special process. It maintains the traditional and simple flavor of sesame sesame oil. Its color is brown red, clear and bright, and its flavor is lasting.
  • Da Ci Ge Plain Noodles
The plain face of Dacige started in the 22nd year of Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty (1227). It originated from the workshop of Dacige Zen Temple and has a history of more than 800 years.
Da Ci Ge Plain Noodles It belongs to the category of Buddhism and Vegetarian, that is, the Vegetarian Room in the temple, which focuses on simplicity and skillfulness. It has the reputation of eye pleasing, appetizing and heart printing.
Dacige's plain noodles are white and smooth, with green vegetables, tomatoes and mushrooms. Noodle soup, supplemented with health preserving ingredients such as medlar, jujube, angelica, ginger, etc., is boiled for several hours under civil and military fire.
Da Ci Ge Plain Noodles
  • Dacige Pickled Vegetable
Dacige Pickled Vegetable
Dacige Pickled Vegetable It began in 1227, the 22nd year of Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty. In the thirtieth year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1765), after the Emperor Qianlong tasted the Dacige pickle, he ordered it as a royal meal.
Dacige pickles are made by traditional technology, with fine workmanship, exquisite materials and a wide variety of varieties Encapsulated Melon with Dacige Sauce There are 30 varieties of Dacige sauce, including Babaocai, Dacige sauce cucumber, Dacige sauce pineapple, Dacige sauce ground dew, Dacige sauce spiced lumps, Dacige sauce peanut kernels. Dacige pickles not only retain the fine tradition of northern flavor, but also gradually absorb the specialty of southern pickles, forming its own unique production technology, and always maintain the taste of sweet, salty, tender, crisp, and rich flavor of soy sauce.
  • Dacige Cake
Dacige Cake
Dacige Cake began in the 22nd year of Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty (1227). Although Dacige Cake has a long history, has been handed down from generation to generation, and has good taste and color, it was only eaten by a few people in history, such as emperors, ministers, monks and others in Dacige. There are two categories of pastries for external use and pastries for internal use. Pastry for external use is mainly used for tribute, gift and reward. The internal pastries are divided into five categories: seasonal pastries, perennial pastries, door-to-door pastries, banquet pastries, and frugal pastries, all of which are unique. The seasonal cakes are made according to the flower opening season, including rattan cake and lily cake in spring; Mint cake and mung bean cake in summer; Chrysanthemum cake and osmanthus cake in autumn; Radish cake and bean paste cake in winter. Perennial pastries include big cake, chrysanthemum cake, lily cake, etc. The door-to-door pastry is specially used for guests' door-to-door payment, such as a cup, cotton candy. Banquet cakes are made according to the nature of the banquet, such as "Shou" cake, "Ruyi" cake, etc. Festival cakes include Yuanxiao, moon cakes, etc.

Cultural relics protection

The scope of cultural relics protection of the Da Ci Pavilion takes the outer edge of the wall as the baseline, 25 meters to the east and 25 meters to the north; 28m to the south; 32 meters to the west. The construction control zone takes the boundary line of the protection area as the baseline, extending 91 meters to the east and 85 meters to the front line of Biandou Hutong, Guixian Hutong and Xingfu Street; Expand 142 meters in the south to the south of Yuhua Road; Expand 160 meters to the west of Xinbei Street in the west; Expand 184 meters to Liangjia Hutong and Gongde Hutong in the north. [2]
In September 1956, the Da Ci Pavilion was listed as the first batch of cultural relics protection units in Hebei Province. [2]
In July 1982, the Da Ci Pavilion was re announced as a cultural relics protection unit in Hebei Province [7]
On May 25, 2006, the Da Ci Pavilion was announced by the State Council of the People's Republic of China as the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [3]
Da Ci Pavilion

Tourism information

geographical position
Dacige is located at 57 Chuanxinglou North Street, Lianchi District, Baoding City. [4]
Da Ci Pavilion
Da Ci Ge Tian Wang Dian
Opening Hours
January 1 to December 31
8: 30~17:30 (summer), 8:30~17:00 (winter)
Ticket Price
Free Admission [4]
Traffic information
Take 1, 7, 8, 12, 20, 26, K1 in Baoding downtown to Beiguo Shopping Mall; Bus No.28, No.35, get off at the Bell Tower Commercial Building, and travel 200 meters north and 300 meters east. You can see the Da Ci Pavilion from the north.