Great Aas

Son of Irispo
zero Useful+1
Ajax (A í as, also known as Ajax), MYTHOS Characters, Telamon And the son of Erisper, Achilles 's cousin. Troy War China, one of the chief generals of the Greek joint expedition, fought bravely.
Chinese name
Great Aas
Foreign name
Αἴας, Aías


according to MYTHOS According to the records, Aas was as tall as a giant, and his father was Telamon (Telamon), one of the bravest heroes in Greek mythology. Telamon and Peleus (Peleus) Yes A blood brother That is, the son of Aas and Peleus Achilles Achilles )It's a cousin.
As's mother is Trojans Hesione Hesione is a movie TROY Old King Priam My sister, Priam Paris and Hector 's father. Hesione was captured by Telamon in the war and later became Telamon's wife.
The name "Aas" was created by Heracles Herakles )From.
Heracles is Zeus Of bastard - The god most revered by the Greeks. Heracles, because of being the wife of Zeus, the queen of heaven Hera And was exiled from heaven. Heracles was a tyrannical and despotic king of Troy who suffered a lot when he was young Laomedong Insult. He bravely saved the king's daughter from the mouth of the dragon on the way to the victory of the expedition against the Amazons Hesione Laomedong promised to give him a horse as a reward, but later he reneged on his promise.
Heracles decided to revenge Laomedon. He took a group of soldiers and six ships to attack Troy, including the famous Greek heroes Peleus Telamon and Oileus Etc. At the swearing in ceremony, Heracles Wearing lion skin, he came to Tera's mask and saw that he was having dinner. Telamon quickly stood up from the table, enthusiastically filled his golden cup with wine, told him to sit down and drink together. Heracles was moved by his friend's enthusiasm. He pointed to the sky and prayed: "Father Zeus, if you are willing to show mercy and listen to my request, please give Telamon a brave son, an invincible son, as brave as I am in the skin of a lion." Heracles had not finished speaking, Zeus sent him a strong eagle. Heracles exclaimed excitedly, "Hey, Teramon, you are about to get the son you dreamed of! He will be as vigorous as this eagle. The child's name is Aas."
Soon, Heracles and Telamon And other heroes TROY Finally Hercules killed Laomedong , took the daughter of Laomedon Hesione And gave it to Telamon. Later, Telamon and Hesione gave birth to Aas.

Character experience

Hector decides to fight the Great Aas
Hector Back in the city, he hurried to the imperial palace. In the palace, he met his mother, Hecuba. He asked her to call him TROY The women of Diomedes After getting Herkuba's consent, he went to Paris again. When he saw Paris only checking his weapons, he accused him of not being nervous at all, beautiful Helen Paris also blamed him. Paris said that he was preparing to fight. Hector didn't stay for a moment, so he went to find his wife Andromak. He found his wife and son Astyanax at the gate of the city. Andromak knew that his husband would die in the battlefield, and advised Hector not to go to the battlefield. Hector didn't allow him to go out to fight from Sceia again, Catch up with Paris who just went to the battlefield. Their appearance order Trojans Morale was greatly boosted. Together with G; aucus, they killed many heroes in Greece, Athena To help the Greeks, I just ran into the sun god who helped the Trojans Apollo Apollo only agreed to a truce, and the two gods decided that in order to end the war, they must encourage Hector He challenged the most famous hero in Greece. Hector's brother Helenus sensed the God's will and asked Hector to do so. On the battlefield, both armies stopped fighting for a while. Only Hector called for battle, and no Greek army dared to fight, Menelaos He was very angry and preferred to fight by himself. Agamemnon stopped him because Hector was a company Achilles There was no victory over confidence. The elder Nestor taught the Greek heroes a lesson. At this time, nine people were willing to fight one another, Agamemnon Diomedes , Great Aias, Little Aias Idomenius (Idomeneus), Meriones, Eurypylus, Thoas and Odysseus. Great Aas was selected to fight. He was very happy to come out Hector A little timid.
At the beginning of the battle, Hector javelin , was blocked by the shield of the Great Aas, and the Great Aas threw his gun through Hector's shield and armor, but the spear tip was deflected to one side to save Hector the life The two heroes picked up their guns and fought again. Big Aas pierced Hector's shield again and hurt his neck. Then Big Aas picked up a big stone and threw it at Hector, injuring Hector's foot this time, Apollo Quickly lift him up. At this time, the two heroes are about to bury themselves in battle. However, at a critical moment, the herald came to stop the battle, so as to avoid mutual injury Recognize heroes and value heroes , exchanged belts for commemoration, Trojans Happily that Hector was not affected, and the Greek army was encouraged by the strength of the Great Aas, the two sides agreed to a truce. After nightfall, the two sides held their own meetings. Although the Trojans asked the Greek army to return the treasure and additional jewelry, the Greek army refused to cease fire because Paris refused to return Helen.
Aias and his brother Toklos resist Hector's attack
Epic《 Iliad 》Volume 13~15 of Hector Description of the attack. At that time, because in the previous battle, many heroes of the Greek coalition, such as Agamemnon Odysseus They were injured and could not fight, so they Trojans When we attacked the Greek fortress, the uninjured and powerful Da'as became the mainstay. Aas also said: "I am the same. These powerful hands shake with the gun, and their strength becomes stronger..." The Greeks were encouraged and "immediately set up a strong formation around the two brothers".
In the fourteenth volume, Aas confronted Hector head-on, and Hector shot him with his long gun. Although he hit him, he did not hurt him, but Aas picked up a big stone and hit Hector, causing him to be knocked down to the ground.
In Volume 15, Hector Break through the resistance and set the ship on fire. The Great Aas resists the attack on the ship. He and his brother Toklos Cooperate and let him shoot at Hector, but Zeus suddenly broke the bowstring of Tcheclos, so he missed.
Great Aas competed with the Greek allied generals
On《 Iliad 》In Volume 23, "Funeral and Competition for Patrick Rose", Achilles Many competitions were held for the dead friend Pat Close. First of all, the Great Aas and Odysseus During the wrestling match, Odysseus lifted him up, but he was unable to wrestle him down, so Achilles declared that the two men "won equally". He also Diomedes In the martial arts competition, the two were neck and neck, but Achilles gave the prize to Diomedes.
Death of the Great Aas
Achilles After death, TROY The man went to rob the body and wanted to strip his armor. Aas killed Launch an attack Glaucus carried the body of Achilles back to the battleship, and Odysseus was cut off. The mother of Achilles Tethys She was going to give her son's armor and weapons as prizes to the heroes who saved Achilles' body Odysseus They all jumped out to prove that they were the hero. In the end, Odysseus received the support of most people in the Allied Army of Akheos and received prizes. Hearing the verdict, Aas was furious, and his friends persuaded him, so they dragged him back to the battleship. After returning, he did not eat, drink or sleep. He wanted to cut Odysseus into pieces and plan to attack the Greek army at night to kill his comrades. This is the patron saint of Odysseus Athena The goddess blinded him and made him kill the sheep as a Greek army. After sobering up, he came to understand and finally sighed: "God, why do the immortal gods hate me so much? Why do they insult me so much and love the crafty Odysseus What about? I stand here with my hands covered with the blood of sheep, which will become the laughingstock of the whole army and will be ridiculed by the enemy! "So he confessed to his wife and cut his own throat.

Character setting


Brave and belligerent

Great Aas as Greek Allied Forces One of the main generals, very brave and belligerent. He and Hector The duel ended in a draw. When Hector attacked the Greek Allied Army, he cooperated with Little Aas to resist the enemy's attack.

Be impulsive

Great Aas Protection Achilles And carry it back to the joint camp. The one who gets the relics of Achilles as a reward is the one who is responsible for the aftermath Odysseus The Great Aas was enraged and committed suicide.