
[dà xiě]
A way of writing pinyin letters and Chinese amount figures
zero Useful+1
Capitalization refers to latin alphabet (including Pinyin alphabet and English letter )A way of writing, used at the beginning of a sentence, the first of a proper name letter Or all capital letters. It also refers to a kind of Chinese numeral Stroke More complicated writing method, mostly used in accounts and documents.
The amount in Chinese in words is "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, one million, ten thousand, ten thousand, one hundred million, yuan (yuan), jiao, fen, zero, and only (yuan)". (At that time, "Qi" was used as a variant of "Qi" and "You". Later, it was differentiated. "Qi" was defined as the capital of the number "Qi", and "You" was incorporated into "Qi" to mean "brush".) [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Hanzi Pinyin
dà xiě
Chinese capital figures
One two three four five six seven eight ninety
a lowercase letter

Dictionary definition

Numeric capital comparison chart
one chinese characters A kind of numeral Stroke More complicated writing methods, such as "one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), ten (10)", are mostly used for account And documents, etc. (follow“ a lowercase letter ”Relative).
English Capital form of a Chinese character
two Pinyin alphabet A way of writing, such as latin alphabet A, B, C, etc. are used at the beginning of a sentence, the first letter of a proper name, or when all letters are capitalized (as opposed to "lower case").
Explanation in English: capitalization uppercase letter
stay Russian In Chinese, except \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.




Uppercase Letters or Capital It is one of the writing forms of many pinyin letters, such as A B C Etc.
Capital is sometimes called Upper font body uppercase )。 Because the West in the past movable-type printing During the period, all capital characters were placed on the top of the character retrieval drawer, so they also had this nickname.
Capital general and a lowercase letter The height and width of font are obviously different, but in some cases language Medium is case insensitive, latin alphabet In the early days of the invention, there was only one type, that is, uppercase.


1. Used at the beginning of a sentence.
2. Abbreviations.
3. Increase Readability For example: signboards and labels.
4. In some languages, there is an effect of emphasis. Equivalent to exclamatory mark
5. Names of people and places Proper noun
stay German In Chinese, all nouns should begin with capital letters, which is the language with the most capital letters.
In English, the following aspects should be capitalized: [2]
1. The first letter of a sentence;
2. Name of person. The first letter of last name and first name is capitalized;
3. The first letter of address or title shall be capitalized;
4. The first letter of country, place name and other proper nouns should be capitalized;
5. Month, Sunday holiday and vacations The first letter of each word should be capitalized;
6. The language name shall be capitalized;
7. The first letter of each word in the title of the article shall be capitalized, excluding prepositions and conjunctions such as of and;
8. Special abbreviations such as FBI( FBI )And other letters are capitalized;
In French, Proper noun Derived adjective It cannot be capitalized, such as Chinese and chinois.
In Russian, there are three letters "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.
In Chinese Pinyin, National Standards of the People's Republic of China GB/T 16159—1996《 Basic Rules for Hanyu Pinyin Orthography 》4.9 It is stipulated that the first letter of proper nouns should be capitalized.
occasionally, surname Full capitalization is helpful for identification, because different languages in different regions have different habits to express names. Esperanto Always write your name like this. For example:
George Washington Writing George WASHINGTON
Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz

English letter capitalization

That is, "A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.S.T.U.V.W.X.Y.Z." 26 letters.

Capital figures


Historical origin

First, in the early Ming Dynasty, there were 12 senior officials and 6 ministers involved“ Guo Huan's Corruption Case ”Is to make use of blank account books False account By distorting the figures, they embezzled money and grain, amounting to more than 24 million stones (d à n), which was almost the same as that of the whole country at that time Autumn grain The total number of collected data is equal. Zhu Yuanzhang He was so angry that he ordered Guo Huan equivalent Criminal Tens of thousands of people were beheaded in public, and punishment was formulated at the same time economic crime And financial management Technical precaution: change the numbers in Chinese characters into capital letters that are hard to be altered, that is, "1234567899000" to "12345678900" ("Qian" was later changed to "Qian" beside the single person), Chinese history The capitalization of the above amount starts from here.
Second, according to Late Ming and Early Qing Textual examiner Gu Yanwu Textual research, Wu Zetian It not only changed the name of the country from "Tang" to "Zhou", but also produced many Chinese characters. There were many stone tablets erected in that period Capital figures In addition, capital figures are also common in poetry, such as Bai Juyi In the Song edition of Bai Shi Changqing Anthology, "On the Camping Statement and Inviting Le Weibo and Other Four Soldiers and Horses to Keep Their Own Business", it is recorded that "considering the cost of his army in a month, the actual amount of money is twenty hundred lacquer and eighty thousand guan (" Qi "was used as a variant of" Qi "and" You "at that time, but later it was differentiated, and" Qi "was defined as the capital of the number" Qi ", and" Qi, You "was defined as" brush ") [1] 。” Gu Yanwu clearly revealed his own inference in his book "The Epigraph of Jinshi Characters · The Statue of Daiyue Temple": "All numbers that are made into one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, etc. are words that were changed and self-made after Wu.", Wu Zetian "Self made character" of Chinese capital numerals Zhu Yuanzhang Nearly 700 years earlier.
Third, it said that, for example, "In June of the 27th year of Gaochang Yanchang (AD 587), the Ministry of War ordered the purchase of a horse and counted the amount of money used to perform the act", with the words "all buy a horse together and use forty-five yuan of silver"; There is a word of "sharing wine with Qihu" in "Ma Shoutiao Presented as an Event of Drinking in the 11th Year of Xuanshi in Northern Liang Dynasty (AD 422)". These have sporadic Capital figures 's records are all in Wu Zetian Before, it was explained that around the 4th century (ca Eastern Jin Dynasty At the end of the year), people have begun to use capital figures in securities contracts consciously for more than 1600 years.
It may be concluded that capital figures are working people Those invented in long-term practice have been applied to daily life in succession; Empress Wu inherited the folk writing style and used large numbers in capital letters, making them widespread and popular; Zhu Yuanzhang In order to rectify the economic field, the state ordered the mandatory implementation of complete capital figures nationwide on a large scale, thus improving and standardizing the application of capital figures. [3]

Life application

Whether it is Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), or Chinese characters a lowercase letter Digital numbers (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, hundred, thousand), because of their simple strokes, are easy to be altered and tampered with, so the numbers on general documents and commercial financial bills should be used Chinese numerals In words: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, hundred, thousand (the strokes of "ten thousand, hundred million, and trillion" have become more complex, and there are few opportunities to use them, so there is no need to use other words instead). For example, "3564 yuan" is written as "thirty-five hundred sixty-four yuan". These Chinese characters came into being very early Capital figures This complicated way of writing numbers dates back to Tang dynasty It has been fully used and gradually standardized into a set of "capital numerals".
here we are modern society Bank bills, current cheques, practical invoices, contract agreements, account documents and other economic texts must be marked with capital figures, which has become a "conventional" rule, and with the development of high-tech, financial institutions have developed and applied electronic payment Password, fingerprint intelligent verification, specific identity recognition and other more complex anti-counterfeiting techniques , which further enhances the state property And private funding Confidentiality And security.
Specific introduction
These ten words can be divided into two types. One is that the sound and meaning are the same, and the other is that the sound is synonymous but different. The reason why some words become capital numerals is simply because of "borrowing".
The first case
Shuo Wen 》The explanation is "single-minded, from the pot auspicious sound". It means to be single-minded and unified. See《 Mencius, Gongsun Ugly 》"If you are determined, you will be motivated, and if you are motivated, you will be motivated". It means single-minded. See also The History of the Han Dynasty: Biography of Dong Zhongshu: "It made the later scholars unified and became the leader of the group of scholars." It means unity.
ancient Chinese The big writing of "two". It has the meaning of inconsistency. Such as "Erxin", "Erchen" and "Second Officer".
The big writing of "three" in ancient Chinese. See《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals ·The first year of Yin Gong: "Most of the systems of the former kings are only one of the participating countries." Here, "participation" is actually "three". It means "three".
The great writing of "five" in ancient Chinese. See "Zhou Li, Xia Guan, Zhuzi":. Zheng Xuan Note: "One hundred soldiers and five soldiers are soldiers". Guan Zi · Li Zheng 》: "Five families form a company". Now it generally refers to the army, such as enlistment and demobilization.
In ancient Chinese, the word "seven" is capitalized. Seven, wooden name. See《 Mountain and Sea Sutra, Western Mountain Sutra 》:“ Gangshan , many Qimu ”。 Bi Yuan Checked by: "Seven should be the freedom". Press to“ paint Tree ". with Homophony "Seven".
The second case
The original meaning is to dissect animals. See《 Book of Rites · Suburb Special Animal 》"The smell of fishy, fishy, tender, and sacrificial food is not what God has to offer. The owner has done his utmost to respect himself.". Zheng Xuan's note: "It is said to treat meat four times". Later, it was translated into the meaning of "free market" and "indulgence". It has nothing to do with "four". The capitalization of "four" is purely "borrowed".
Land and landing in Chinese. The word "Lu" becomes the capital of the word "six", which also belongs to "borrowed". Original meaning does not rank sixth, but in poetry“ Upper mouth ”There is this tone in the tone.
See Han《 Be quick 》In the third volume of "Eight Bags", Yan Shigu noted: "If there is no tooth, it is eight; if there is tooth, it is a peach, which is why it is pushed to gather grains". VIII. It is the name of farm implements. See also《 Huai Nanzi, talking about Lin Xun 》: "Therefore, it is not in the eight patterns that one can understand". The word "eight" here includes manual separation. The "eight" character is separated from the two sides, so it becomes the big writing of the "eight" character.
See Poems· Wang Feng, Hemp in the Hill 》: "Let me wear nine". Nine, it is light black like jade Meishi It has nothing to do with "Nine". However, the word "nine" is composed of two words, "Wang and Jiu". It is homophonic with "Jiu", and is used as the great writing of "nine".
Originally meant to pick up, see《 Historical Records · Confucius Family 》: "Painting without picking up". Shuo Wen 》He also said: "Pick up, Duo also, from hand to hand.". Is for picking. Its homonym is used as the great writing of "ten".
Upper case rule
chinese Amount in words Digital applications Regular script Or fill in in running script, such as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten million, ten million, ten million, hundred million, yuan, jiao, fen, zero, and only (original). It is not allowed to use one, two (2), three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, twenty, mao, another (or 0) to fill in, and it is not allowed to create simplified words. If the amount is used in numerical writing the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character , such as two hundred million yuan, six hundred million yuan, ten thousand yuan, or ten thousand yuan.
If the amount in Chinese words is up to "yuan", the word "whole" (or "positive") shall be written after "yuan", and the word "whole" (or "positive") may not be written after "jiao". If the amount in words has "cents", the word "whole" (or "positive") shall not be written after "cents".
The amount in Chinese words shall be marked before the figure“ RMB ”Words, if the amount in words and figures has "cents", the word "whole" (or "positive") shall not be written after "cents".
The words "RMB" shall be marked before the words and figures in Chinese, and the words and figures in Chinese shall be filled in immediately after the words "RMB" without any blank. If the words "RMB" are not printed before the amount in words, the words "RMB" shall be added. In the notes and Settlement voucher The fixed words "thousand, one million, one hundred thousand, ten thousand, thousand, one hundred, ten yuan, jiao, fen" shall not be pre printed in the column of amount in words.
Arabic numerals a lowercase letter If there is "0" in the amount figure, the Chinese capital letters shall be written according to the Chinese language rules, the amount figure composition and the requirements to prevent alteration. give an example As follows:
1. When there is a "0" in the middle of the Arabic numerals, the Chinese capital should be written with a "zero". For example, ¥ 1409.50 should be written in RMB fourteen thousand nine point five.
2、 Arabic numerals If there are several "0" in the middle, only one "zero" can be written in the middle of the Chinese capital amount, such as ¥ 6007.14, which should be written as RMB sixty-seven point fourteen.
3、 arab The number of ten thousand digits and yuan digits of the amount is "0", or there are several consecutive "0" in the middle of the number, and the number of ten thousand digits and yuan digits are also "0", but the number of thousand digits and yuan digits is not "0", the Chinese capital amount can be written with only one zero or without "zero". For example, ¥ 1680.32 should be written as RMB sixteen hundred eighty point thirty-two, or as RMB sixteen hundred eighty point thirty-two, or as ¥ 107000.53, it should be written as RMB one hundred and seven thousand point fifty-three, or as RMB one hundred and seven thousand point fifty-three.
4. When the decimal place of the Arabic amount is "0" and the quantile is not "0", the Chinese capital amount "yuan" should be followed by "zero". If ¥ 16409.02, it should be written as RMB sixteen thousand four hundred nine point zero two; Another example is 325.04 yuan, which should be written as three hundred and twenty-five yuan and four cents.
5. Arab a lowercase letter Before the amount, Should be fill in RMB symbol “¥”。 Arabic figures in figures shall be filled in carefully, and shall not be confused.
6. Of bills Date of issue It must be capitalized in Chinese. In order to prevent the change of the date of issue of the bill, when filling in the month and day, if the month is one, two and ten, and if the day is one to nine and ten, twenty and thirty, "zero" shall be added before it; If the date is from eleven to nineteen, "one" shall be added before it. For example, January 15 shall be written as January 15. For another example, October 20 should be written as October 20.
Accounting rules of capitalization and simplification of numbers
(1) If the amount in Chinese words is up to "yuan", the word "whole" (or "positive") should be written after "yuan"; The word "whole" (or "positive") may not be written after the word "corner" if it ends at "corner". If the amount in words has "cents", the word "whole" (or "positive") shall not be written after "cents".
(2) The amount in Chinese words shall be marked before the figure“ RMB ”Words and figures in words shall be filled in immediately after the words "RMB" without any blank. If the words "RMB" are not printed before the amount in words, the words "RMB" shall be added.
⑶ Arabia a lowercase letter If there is "0" in the amount figure, the Chinese words shall be in accordance with chinese Language rules, amount and figure composition, and requirements to prevent alteration shall be written.
(4) The date of issue of the bill must be in Chinese capital. When filling in the month and day, if the month is one, two and ten, and the day is one to nine and ten, twenty and thirty, "zero" shall be added before it; If the date is from eleven to nineteen, add "one" before it. For example, February 12 should be written as February 12; October 20 shall be written as October 20. If the bill issue date is filled in figures, the bank Inadmissible If the date in words is not filled in as required, bank Acceptable; However, if losses are caused by Drawer At its own expense.