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Bull market

Stock terms
A bull market is one in which the stock price keeps rising for a long time Stock quotations long position It means that investors are optimistic about the stock market price of stock It will be bullish, so it will buy stocks at low prices and sell them when the stocks rise to a certain price to obtain differential income.
Bull market price of stock The main feature of the change is a series of big rises and small falls. from average Look, Daily line Located above one or more moving averages. It can also be said that a long market is correct every time you buy. To verify this process, you may miss a market, so it is better to take advantage of the situation and steer.
Chinese name
Bull market
estimate price of stock Will be bullish
Small stocks start first Upward trend
Extended meaning
A series of big rises and small falls
Long market characteristics
1. Small stocks start first Upward trend , new high prices are constantly emerging. 2. The news of adverse stock market is frequent, but price of stock When he can't fall down long position Buying timing.
Bull market
three good news The share price rose when it was announced in newspapers and magazines. 4. The share price has been rising sharply and slightly Backstop The wave band will be higher in the way of a large increase.
five Individual shares The index is constantly pushed higher by the way of plate round up.
6. The popularity continues to gather, and investors have a strong desire to pursue higher.
7. The number of new accounts is increasing and new funds are pouring in.
8. Purchases by corporate bodies and large investors.
ten Moving Average Both Multiple Arrangement , day, week, month Seasonal line Arranged in a parallel upward direction.
On November 6, RSI intervened between 50-90.
12. The overall economic situation has improved significantly, and the government has released good news frequently.
13. The local stock market and surrounding stock markets kept rising, and the inter regional economy showed an active trend