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Circumscribed circle

Geometric concepts
If two circles have only one common point, and the distance between the center of the circle is equal to the sum of the radii of the two circles, the two circles are circumscribed with each other.
Chinese name
Circumscribed circle
Foreign name
externally tangent circle
Common tangent
When two circles are circumscribed, there are three Common tangent
From another circle
Applied discipline


The circumscribed circle is for another circle. If two circles have only one common point, and the distance between the center of the circle is equal to the sum of the radii of the two circles, the two circles are circumscribed with each other. When two circles are circumscribed, there are three Common tangent
Drawing method : The point connecting the center of the circle and the point outside the circle intersects the circle at a point. Take this point and the point outside the circle as the radius, and draw a circle with the point outside the circle as the center. [1]

Related concepts


Circumscribed circle

The circle that intersects all vertices of a polygon is called polygonal Circumscribed circle The geometry is inside the circle, and its vertex is on the circumference

Inscribed circle

A circle tangent to all sides of a polygon is called polygonal Inscribed circle The circle is inside the geometry and its circumference is tangent to the edge (or circumference) of the outside geometry.


About inscribed circle and circumscribed circle: only when two circles are tangent, can there be the theory of inscribed circle and circumscribed circle. If the distance between the centers of two circles is the difference between the radii of two circles, it is an inscribed circle. If the distance between the centers of two circles is the sum of the radii of two circles, it is an circumscribed circle. That is, if and only if there is a circle or ellipse in the circle, there is the concept of circumscribed circle. Inscribed circles do not exist. Inscribed figures can only be geometric figures outside the circle, such as inscribed triangles, squares, etc.