
[xià hòu shì]
The surname of the monarch of Xia Dynasty, the first hereditary dynasty in China
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Xiahou surname, the first in China hereditary Dynasty - the surname of the monarch of the Xia Dynasty. The royal family of the Xia Dynasty took the state name as their surname, Xia Hou, or Xia for short. Pre Qin era The meanings of surname and surname are different. The surname after Xia is Si. According to historical records“ three emperors and five sovereigns ”Among them, the first place of the "Five Emperors" is the Yellow Emperor, so later generations put the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor It is called the ancestor of the Huaxia nationality. After Xuanyuan, there appeared: Diku Tang Yao Xia Yu wait forsomeone. the third of the three legendary emperors who created the Chinese state He is the direct descendant of Xuanyuan and the leader of the clan tribe after Xia Dynasty. [1]
Changes in the meaning of the following words: 1. In the early period monarch (From Si, higher than Si). In the Shang Dynasty, the characters of Hou and Wang were used interchangeably. Shuowenjiezi said that "the latter Jun Also ". 2. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, the king of Zhou was called the Son of Heaven, and the later word was used to refer to the king's wife, Queen Mother That is Lao Wang's wife. 3. In modern times, the word "post" is abbreviated as "post".
According to《 Bamboo Chronicle 》According to the records, many monarchs in the Xia Dynasty used the word "Hou" before their address, such as "Hou Qi"“ Posterior phase ”、“ Hou Yi ”, "Post Shaokang"“ Afterphene ”, "Hou Huang (awn)", "Hou Xie", "Hou Hao", "Hou Fa", "Hou Jie". It can be inferred that this word "Hou" was synonymous with "Jun" and "Wang" in the Xia Dynasty. "Xia Hou" means "Xia Wang".
Chinese name
Xia Dynasty
The Xiahou surname is the largest original clan of the Si surname
"Xia Hou" means "Xia Wang"
The origin of Chinese Han nationality
More than 100 surnames including Xia, Xiahou, Ouyang, Zeng, etc

History of origin

the third of the three legendary emperors who created the Chinese state
According to《 Redords of the Grand History of China · Summer record Yu The father of Gun is called Gun, and the father of Gun is called Emperor Zhuan Xu , said Zhuan Xu's father Changyi The father of Changyi said Yellow Emperor Yu is the great grandson of the Yellow Emperor and the great grandson of the Emperor Zhuanxu.
It can be seen that the lineage inheritance before Yu was: Yellow Emperor —— Changyi —— Zhuan Xu ——Gun -- Yu
Redords of the Grand History of China ·Xia Benji finally recorded: title for the historians Sima qian and his father Sima tan It was said that Yu was the surname Si, which was later enfeoffed and took the state name as the surname, so there were Xia Hou, Hu, Nan, Zhen Xuan, Tongcheng, Bao, Fei, Qi, Zeng, Xin, Ming, and Zhen Ge.
According to the above records, the first ancestor of the Xia Hou family was Yu. The surname Si took the state name as its surname. In the history books, Yu was regarded as the first monarch of the Xia Dynasty, so he was often called Xia Yu. In Records of the Historian, the lineage of Xiahou family after Xia Yu is: Yu Qi—— Taikang (Loss of the country, Hou Yi Usurper)—— Zhongkang ——Phase—— Shaokang ——Give -- Huai -- Mang -- Xie—— No drop ——Close -- 厪 -- Kong Jia -- Gao -- Fa—— Wearing a pair of shoes Jie
In the Bamboo Chronicle, the lineage of the Xiahou family after Xia Yu is: Yu Qi Taikang (lost the country, Hou Yi usurped the throne) Shaokang Yu (Bozhuo) Fen (hair) Huang (awn) Xie (discharge) Don't drop down) Shut down—— Clitoris ——Hao -- Fa (Jing, Hui) -- Jie
Suiren's surname match Huaxu living Fuxi Nuwa
Fu Xi with Nuwa, born Shaodian
Shaodian has a second son: the eldest son Emperor Yan , Second Son Yellow Emperor
Huang Di gave birth to the second son: the eldest son Shao Hao (also known as Xuanxiao ), Second Son Changyi
Shao Hao gave birth to nine sons: 蟜 pole heavy (also known as Sentence awn )、 This (also known as Production )、 Poverty-stricken , general Double cutting , ignorant ancestors Poor Shen Blind
Chang Yi gave birth to a son: Zhuan Xu , also known as Famine
Zhuan Xu gave birth to seven sons: Cang Shu Gun Zeng, the King of Ancient Shu call , Specters Poor cicada Taowu.
Gun was the father of Gun. Gun ancestor begets Gun father. Gun's father begets Gun. Gun Sheng Yu , i.e Si Wenming Yu Sheng Si Qi
Si Qi gave birth to five sons: Si Taikang Si Yuankang, Si Bokang, Si Zhongkang , Si Wu Temple Zhong Kang gave birth to Xiang. Mutual Health. Shaokang Shengzhu (also known as To )。 Mao Sheng Sophora japonica The locust grows into the awn. The awn gives way. Discharge No drop , closing. Not born Concha porosa Kong Jiasheng marshland High hair. happen Jie The ground is closed.
Inheritance of Han Dynasty Eastern Zhou Dynasty However, Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are closely linked in inheritance, so from the perspective of historical data inheritance, historians of the Western Han Dynasty Sima Qian The Xia Dynasty lineage in the book is reasonable. Mid Western Zhou Dynasty( King Xiao of Zhou King Yi of Zhou The bronze ware "Suigong" was inscribed with 98 characters, which recorded that "Yu" was the founder of the Xia Dynasty the third of the three legendary emperors who created the Chinese state He personally led the people to control the flood, and Dayu gave the people the teachings of benevolent and moral policies. "Virtue" appears in the front and back six places of the Suigong inscription. For example, people are required to "be bright and upright" and pay attention to the sacrifice of ancestors and gods. Sovereigns and officials should be virtuous to the people and take care of the people all over the world. Only in this way can the people "be virtuous" and the country can enjoy long-term stability. This is not only the demonstration of "Zhou people uphold morality", but also shows that the achievements of Dayu were widely praised more than 2900 years ago.
In the hometown of Qin's ancestor, Duke Qin (Slope Village, Qinling Town, Tianshui City), there is the Temple of Qin's Ancestor in the southwest, where the Temple of Qin's Ancestor is located. Qin's Gui was once unearthed, and the inscription said, "Pi Xian, my emperor was ordered by heaven, Ding Zhai, Yu's trace, ten and two Gongs......" The inscription of Shu Yi and Zhong recorded that Cheng Tang attacked Xia and Xian had Jiuzhou, which was the capital of Yu. ". The Bamboo Chronicle unearthed from the tomb of King Wei clearly records the lineage of the Xia monarch. Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period《 Qinghua Bamboo Slips 》Zhongru《 Shangshu 》Lost Articles《 Thick parent 》It recorded in detail the subjugation of the Xia Dynasty's monarch, Hou Jie, and the "Three Empresses (Dayu, Xia Houqi, and Kong Jia)" of the Xia Dynasty. shanhaiching 》It also recorded in detail many people and events in the Xia Dynasty, such as Dayu, Gao Tao, Qi, Boyi, the son of Dayu, etc.


Huangdi Mausoleum in Huangling County, Shaanxi Province
The Yellow Emperor, the leader of the ancient Chinese tribal alliance, Five Emperors No. 1 Ancient China Chinese nation Co owners of, Chinese nation Ancestor, the first ancestor of humanity. The Yellow Emperor is Shaodian And Accessory treasure Son, my surname Gongsun , changed later Ji surname , hence the name Ji Xuanyuan Dwelling at Xuanyuan Hill, No Xuanyuan Shi, founded in Bear , also known as Bear Some people also call it“ Dihong Family ”, with the honor of Tude Yellow Emperor Yao Shun Yu Gaotao Boyi soup They are all descendants of the Yellow Emperor. According to a large number of historical records and cultural relics, the Yellow Emperor unified the world, established China, created civilization, treasured things and loved people, and was respected as the ancestor of Chinese culture by later generations.
Changyi, yes Yellow Emperor and Lei Zu 's son, Zhuan Xu 's father. According to《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》In: "Huangdi Residence Xuanyuan Hill , and married the daughter of the Xiling family for Lei Zu Lei Zu is the Yellow Emperor Imperial Concubine , give birth to two sons, and the world will follow; The first day Xuanxiao , is for Qingyang , Qingyang descends river water The second is Changyi And settle down like water. " The Book of Mountains and Seas records that the descendants of the Yellow Emperor can be divided into five families. Chang means the largest family, and his son Zhuan Xu is a wise and prosperous emperor.
Zhuan Xu, China Ancient tribe Alliance leader“ Five Emperors ”One of them, Ji surname, Gao Yang surname, Yellow Emperor The grandson, Changyi Son of. Zhuan Xu's Son Poor cicada yes legendary emperor of great wisdom Of Tianzu Later summer The royal family of the dynasty (twelve clans with the surname Si, headed by the Xiahou family), the vassal states Chu The nobles of China became his descendants.
Gun, surname Si , words Xi , Emperor Zhuan Xu Son of. Gun is the third of the three legendary emperors who created the Chinese state His father, the leader of Chong tribe, had managed the flood for nine years and saved the people from fire and water. Gun and Yu controlled the flood Is the most famous in China Flood myth Because Gun and Yu and their son led the people to manage the flood for the people's benefit, Xia Gun and Da Yu and their son have been respected and praised by the world for thousands of years in China. Gun was a hero of water control. As early as the Xia Dynasty, Gun was solemnly sacrificed. Such as《 Mandarin ·Lu Yu Shang records:“ Youyu Family The Yellow Emperor Zhuan Xu , outskirt Yao and worship Shun. The Empress of Xia's surname is the Yellow Emperor, who was the ancestor of Zhuan Xu, and the Suburb Gun was the ancestor of Yu. The Book of Rites · Sacrifice Law "Sacrifice law: Yu's family is the Yellow Emperor and Ku in the suburbs, Zuzhuan Xu and Yao in the suburbs, Xia Hou's family is also the Yellow Emperor and Gun in the suburbs, Zuzhuan Xu and Yu in the suburbs... Sacrifice law is also the system of saints and kings, which is applied to the people to worship, to die hard to do things to worship, to work to determine the country to worship, to resist the great disaster to worship, to defend the great disaster to worship".

Xia monarch

Dayu, the founding monarch of the Xia Dynasty
Shaoxing Dayu Mausoleum
Yu, whose surname is Si, was born after Xia. His name was Wen Ming, and his character was (Gao) Mi. Known as Da Yu, Yu God, Emperor Yu, Xia Yu, and Yu King in history, he was the leader of Xia Hou and the founding monarch of the Xia Dynasty. He was a wise and sage (extremely moral and intelligent) emperor. The most outstanding achievement of Dayu is the legendary harnessing of the monstrous floods and the delimitation of China's territory as Jiuzhou. Later generations called him Dayu. Yu was buried in Kuaiji Mountain Up (today's Shaoxing, Zhejiang), there are still Yu Temple Yu Mausoleum Yu Temple from Xiaqi At the beginning, most emperors of all dynasties came to Yu Ling to worship him. Xia Yu He is a great historical figure who has made great contributions to the historical development of the Chinese nation. His great achievements not only lie in harnessing floods, developing national production and making people live and work in peace and contentment, but also in ending the social organization form of the tribal alliance in primitive China and creating a new social and political form of the "state". Xia Yu completed the establishment of the country, replaced the primitive society with class, and replaced the barbaric society with civilized society, which promoted the evolution and development of Chinese imperial history.
Confucius He admired Da Yu very much and spoke highly of him: "Yu, I am all right. The Philippines is filial to ghosts and gods because of food, beautiful to Fu crown because of bad clothes, and humble to the palace but try my best to the canal. Yu, I am all right." Mohist School Mozi, the founder of Yu, also called Dayu as saying, "Yu personally held the Si River and nine rivers under the heaven, with no hair on his shins, no rain and no wind."《 a pre-Qin philosopher ·In the Cheng Xiang Chapter, it is said: "Yu Fu earth, flat the world, and personally for the people to work hard."《 Shangshu ·Great Yu Mo Praises Great Yu be thoroughly engrossed in keep to the center "Lu Song · Gong" said that Hou Ji's "helping the people to farm" was a "comment on Yu". The Song of Shang · Yin Wu called Tang "the capital of Yu". In Shangshu Lv Xing, Yu was one of the greatest "Three Empresses" of the Xia Dynasty. In the Warring States Period, all the scholars of Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism and Law School regarded Dayu as the first sage king of the "three generations" (Xia, Shang and Zhou). Mencius ·Teng Wengong said: "Yu suppressed the flood and the world was flat"; The chapter of Xunzi Chengxiang says: "Yu has made great contributions to suppress the Hongs, avoid the flood and pursue joint work"; Zhuangzi 》Predicate Yu as the Great Sage; Mozi 》Yu was repeatedly called "the holy king of three generations"; Han Feizi called Yu the Holy King. Writings of Prince Huainan 》And《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Such books also praise Dayu many times. In ancient times, the great philosopher of the Ming Dynasty was often named "big" or "sacred", so Yu was also called Dayu, Shenyu, Diyu, Xiayu, and Yuwang.
Qi, whose surname is Si, is also known as Xia Qi. The Xia Hou surname is the son of Dayu. After the death of Dayu, Qi ascended the throne as the emperor. After he ascended the throne, he defeated the rebellion of Youhu, consolidated the political power, and established the hereditary system of the dynasty for the first time.
Taikang, the son of Xiaqi, succeeded him as king. He led a dissolute life and relaxed government. When he went out hunting, Hou Yi, the leader of Youqian family, took the opportunity to invade and became a monarch himself, which is known as "Taikang lost his country".
Zhongkang, Taikang's younger brother. After he ascended the throne, he was unable to restore Xia's world. At this time, Hou Yi was killed by his trusted follower Han Zhuo.
Xiang, the son of Zhongkang. Twenty eight years after his accession to the throne, Hanzhu, a vassal state, rebelled against the Xia Dynasty and attacked Sixiang, who was killed by his son Dou.
Shaokang, the posthumous son of Xiang. Shaokang attacks and kills all the people who drink cold wine. Shaokang after the Xia Dynasty was a brilliant monarch in the Xia Dynasty, known as "Shaokang Zhongxing" in history.
Loom (Ning)
Mao, the son of Shaokang. He participated in the war led by his father to restore the Xia Dynasty and made many achievements. He invented armour and spear, and fought against Dongyi on a large scale to win.
Huai, the son of Mao. Huai had been in power for 44 years, during which he conquered successively Jiuyi , Jiquan Yi, Yu Yi, Fang Yi, Huang Yi Magnolia albicans , Chiyi, Xuanyi, Fengyi, Yangyi, etc. The Xia Dynasty was powerful, vast and famous.
Mang, Huai's son. When he was in power, he began to sacrifice for thousands of years.
He was the son of Xie and Mang. When he was in power, he granted the titles of princes of the nine barbarians.
No drop (Down)
Don't surrender, Xie's son. After 59 years in power, he gave way to his younger brother and closed up.
Shut up, not down brother.
Jin, the son of Guan.
Kongjia, the son of unyielding. Kong Jia was honored as one of the "Three Empresses" of the Xia Dynasty (Dayu, Xiahouqi, and Xiahou Kong Jia) by the Zhou royal family during the reign of King Wu.
Gao, son of Kong Jia.
Fa, Gao's son.
Jie, a son of Gui, Lu Gui and Fa. Because King Jie of Xia did not repair his internal affairs, drank heavily (ancient bronzes contained heavy metals, and drinking often would cause heavy metal poisoning), and his military strength was inferior to that of Shang Tang, and there was a drought in the area of the capital of Xia (now the site of Erlitou, Luoyang) for several years, until the 16th century BC, Shang Tang attacked Xia Hougui at today's site of Erlitou, Luoyang, and the dynasties of Shang and Xia were changed [2]