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Mexican Plateau

The plateau in the middle of Mexico in the south of North America
Mexican plateau: the plateau in the middle of Mexico in the south of North America. The Mexican Plateau accounts for 5/6 of the national area, starting from the border of Mexico and the United States in the north and surrounded by the Madre Mountains in the east, west and south, covering an area of 1.2 million square kilometers. The outer side of the mountain range on the edge of the plateau is steep, and the inner side is gentle and broad, which makes the plateau rise on the coastal plains on both sides like a table in geomorphic form, so it is called "Mesa" (which means table plateau). The terrain of Mexico is mainly mountains and plateaus, collectively known as the Mexican Plateau, so Mexico is also known as the "country of plateaus".
Chinese name
Mexican Plateau
Foreign name
Altiplanicie mexicana
Southern North America, Central Mexico
Average altitude
1200000 km²

brief introduction

Mexican Plateau
The terrain of the Mexican Plateau gradually rises from north to south, and is roughly divided into north and south parts by 22 ° north latitude. Northern Plateau At an altitude of about 1000 meters, there are many inland sedimentary basins separated by mountains. The terrain is flat, so it is also called the "Northern Basin". The local people call it "Borsson". The climate is warm and dry, and agriculture needs irrigation; Southern name“ Central plateau ”The terrain is high and precipitous, with an average altitude of 2000-2500 meters, wide and flat mountain valleys and volcanic cones, fertile soil, mild climate, and annual precipitation of 700-1000 mm. It is Mexico's main agricultural region. Rich in lead, zinc, antimony, mercury, silver, manganese, copper, iron, manganese and other mineral resources.


Continuous Cordillera Mountains
The Mexican Plateau is Cordillera Mountains Part of the mountain system, mainly the ocean plate And the mainland plate Results of interaction. This activity and Atlantic And the separation of Gondwana in the south, especially South America And Africa The separation of is closely related.

Affected mountain system

The Cordillera Mountains were mainly formed in the Mesozoic Cenozoic era. In the first half of the Mesozoic, the Cordillera geosyncline was in the stage of subsidence and accumulation. After the end of the Jurassic, there were many orogenies at the geosyncline, accompanied by extensive magma intrusion. The early Quaternary period has a certain impact on the Cordillera mountain system. From the time perspective, the northern section (North America) is earlier than the southern section (South America), and the coverage of glaciers in the northern section is larger than that in the southern section. British Columbia The plateau is the glacier center of the northern section of Cordillera, and the southern section is mainly alpine glaciers. The intense ice erosion has re carved the face of the Cordillera Mountains.
By the end of the Cretaceous, the Lalami movement set off a large-scale orogeny, with its influence ranging from Alaska in the north to the Antilles and Small Antilles in the south. In South America, the Andean geosyncline underwent intense orogeny, creating the fold structure of the entire Andes. So far, the area of the American continent has expanded westward by a big step. This movement lasted until the Tertiary. After the Cenozoic era, the Cordillera Mountain System entered a period dominated by erosion, resulting in a large number of continental deposits in intermountain basins, piedmont depressions and low-lying areas. In the Pliocene, there was a huge upward movement, which lasted until the Quaternary and later. This movement made the Cordillera Mountain System rise, fold, break and accompanied by magma intrusion, Lava eruption and volcanic activity. After this movement, the Cordillera Mountains not only have the characteristics of young modern tectonic landforms, but also connect the North and the South through the Sino American Isthmus, making it the longest mountain in the world.

Geomorphic structure

The geomorphic structure of the Cordillera Mountains is self-contained. It is composed of a series of longitudinal mountains, intermountain plateaus, basins and valleys. However, there are slight differences between the north and south sections: the Mexican Plateau is located in the north section, and the north section (North America) can be roughly divided into three vertical belts, namely, the east, the middle and the west.
Mexican Plateau
The middle part is the intermountain plateau basin zone. From north to south, there are Yukon Plateau, British Columbia Plateau, Columbia Plateau, Great Basin, Colorado Plateau and Mexico Plateau. It is widely distributed, and its tectonic topography is also different. The Mexican Plateau is characterized by staggered distribution of fault block mountains and basins. It is higher in the south, and there is an east-west volcanic belt in the south edge.
The east is dominated by the Rocky Mountains, with Brooks Mountain in the north and East Madre Mountain in the east of the Mexican Plateau in the south. The Rocky Mountains extend 5000 kilometers from north to south, generally 2000 meters high, and the southern peak can reach more than 4000 meters. The Rocky Mountains have complex structures, mostly based on folds and thrust faults, and are dominated by strip mountains and interbedded valleys. The famous Yellowstone Park is located in the middle of it, famous for hot springs and fountains.
The climate of Mexico is deeply affected by the terrain. The residents and major cities of Mexico are mostly distributed in plateau areas with pleasant climate at an altitude of 1000-2000 meters.

Primitive civilization

From the 14th to the early 16th century, Aztec culture It is the most important indigenous culture in central Mexico. The ancestors of Aztecs originally belonged to nomadic tribes in the north. From the 9th century to the 13th century, the Aztecs migrated from north to south. According to legend, the sun god and the god of war had inspired them that the place where an eagle stood on a cactus and pecked a snake was the permanent settlement of the Aztecs. "Mexico" in Aztec means the place designated by the god of war. The pattern of eagle pecking snake on the national emblem of Mexico originated from this.

Climatic characteristics

Moderate plateau - Mexican plateau
The Mexican Plateau is located in Mexico in the south of the North American continent. In addition to the tropical and subtropical high temperature areas in the coastal plain, the average annual temperature of the rest of the region is around 20 ℃, which is like spring all the year round. It is known as the "mild plateau". The temperature difference between day and night is large, and the ultraviolet ray is strong. You should pay attention to sunscreen when you go out. The summer of the plateau is from May to September every year, with more rainfall.
Northwest Mexico tropical desert climate , coastal and southeast Tropical rainforest climate The central plateau has a grassland climate. Also known as the tropical plateau climate type, it is common in the tropical and Asian plateau areas. The annual temperature is close to 14-17 degrees Celsius, the temperature difference is small, and the rainfall varies from region to region. The flowers in this area have weak cold resistance and prefer cool summer. Including the Mexican Plateau.

cultural heritage

Mexican Plateau
Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is located on the lacustrine plain of Tesco Lake in the south of the Mexican Plateau. With an altitude of 2240 meters and a population of about 20 million, it is one of the largest cities in the world. It is also the oldest city in the Western Hemisphere. It has been built for 678 years. The ancient Indian cultural relics scattered in and around the city are the precious wealth of human civilization.
Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, has two World Cultural Heritage , and was UNESCO Listed in the World Heritage City List. These two cultural heritages are the historical center of Mexico's old urban area, which combines Aztec culture, Spanish culture and modern culture, and the watery land 28 kilometers south of the city center Hodgmirko
In 1987, Hodgmirko was selected as a world cultural heritage. according to World Heritage Committee The reason why it is as famous as the historical center of Mexico City, where a large number of ancient buildings have been preserved, is that the dense canals and artificial islands here maintain the original appearance of the life of the Aztecs in those years, and reproduce the history of local people's unremitting efforts to transform the environment for survival. When the World Heritage Committee pays more and more attention to the heritage landscape where people live in harmony with nature, this watery country has won high attention with its unique natural and cultural characteristics.
It is said that as early as the 14th century, the Aztecs came to the central plateau of Mexico through thousands of difficulties and dangers. According to the oracle, they found the eagle with a snake on the cactus near Taskoko Lake, a valley on the plateau, and settled down to build a huge and magnificent Aztec Teochtitlan, the capital of the empire, was later Mexico City, the capital of Mexico.
However, at the beginning of the construction of the city, the land with soft soil and numerous lakes was not suitable for living. The Aztec people played their great imagination and creativity. They dug rivers, filled fields, built embankments and roads on the marshland, and connected the islands with dams, making it a water city with crisscross rivers and dams.