Weight gain

[zēng zhòng]
Increase the proportion of fat in body tissues
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Theoretically, weight gain is not the same as fertilizer increase. Because "fattening", as its name implies, is to increase the proportion of fat in body tissues, and "weight gain" should cover the growth of muscle tissues in addition to the increase of fat. The weight of human body generally comes from bones, muscles, fat, water and other internal organs. Meaningful "weight gain" should focus on the increase of the proportion of muscle and fat.
Chinese name
Weight gain
Academic theory
Weight gain and fertilizer increase
Increase the proportion of fat in body tissues

Principle of weight gain

With the body's own nutritional needs as the core, combined with comprehensive human nutrients, personalized diet, strength oriented exercise for muscles and other service guidance, people can develop a healthy and scientific lifestyle, so as to achieve lifelong benefits.
People's weight is maintained at Metabolic equilibrium point At this time, the intake and consumption are basically the same, and the weight will not change too much for a long time. When the extra energy intake is 500 kcl per day, about 3500 kcl per week. From the perspective of nutrition, the weight can increase by 1-1.2 kg. When the weight reaches an ideal weight, gradually stop the extra energy increase, and the weight will stop rising, There will be a new metabolic balance point and a new Basal metabolism Without changing the lifestyle, the basic metabolism of the human body will increase a little (usually about 200kcl), which requires professional consultation dietitian Only in this way can we know how to optimize our diet (high energy and high nutrient density), maintain a balance between intake and consumption, and maintain weight, so that we can achieve the goal of weight gain.
The world's outstanding bodybuilders and Hercules have a common way to gain weight, that is, an amazing amount of food. One breakfast of the world heavyweight bodybuilder Ronnie Coolman is equivalent to that of eight ordinary adults, Joe Carter Hercules Maris, the main food of ten meals a day, said: "Eat as much as your body needs. If you have to compare with bodybuilders, multiply their food intake by two."
If the stomach function is normal and the body is healthy, then weight loss should be related to diet. Many thin people claim to be able to eat and not fat, but compared with bodybuilders and Hercules, this so-called "can eat" is far from it.

Weight gain plan

The purpose of weight gain plan is to make the weight reach the normal value. Weight gain plan It is a targeted program for the emaciated Weight management Plan, which is based on nutritional intervention As the core, through the guidance of diet, exercise and life, we can establish a scientific lifestyle and develop good living habits, which can not only maintain weight, but also promote our own health. Everyone's situation is different, so everyone can make different weight gain plans and programs.
The three stages of weight gain plan: testing stage, weight gain stage and consolidation stage.
In the detection phase, system and health analysis are carried out, effective communication and scientific instrument detection are carried out through various ways, to find out the cause of human body weight loss, and then targeted weight gain plan is determined.
In the weight gain stage, after understanding the causes of human body weight loss, carry out targeted nutritional intervention Provide daily diet plan and support of special comprehensive nutrients such as nutrient liquid powder, and gain weight scientifically and healthily after effective energy supplement. In the weight gain stage, various indicators of the human body shall be monitored and tested for adjustment at any time.
Finally, we entered the consolidation stage. Through the efforts of the previous stage, we achieved the effect of weight gain, making the metabolism of the human body at a new balance point. We need to take care of and consolidate slowly, so that the weight will not drop.

Secret Recipe for Increasing Fat in Traditional Chinese Medicine

chinese medicine Fattening There are 13 secret recipes - different from person to person - choose carefully.
Good prescription 1:
Composition: 500g fresh yams, 390g almonds, 1500g milk.
Usage: Peel, wash and cut yam into small pieces; After soaking almonds in water, peel them and remove the kernels, grind them into fine powder, mix them with milk and stir them evenly, filter and extract the juice. Then put yams into a bowl, pour almond milk, steam until cooked. Take it once every morning and once every night on an empty stomach. 1-2 spoons each time, mixed with warm wine.
effect: Invigorate spleen and kidney Nourishing and fattening. For weight loss.
Good prescription 2:
Composition: Almond (soup soaked, peeled), no matter how much.
Usage: After mashing almonds, add proper amount of water to grind almond juice, take an appropriate amount of mutton fat, put it into a pot to dissolve, then pour almond juice, heat it with low heat until the medicine is golden yellow and looks like thick paste. Make marbles into large pills and store them for future use. Take one pill each time, three times a day.
Efficacy: nourishing Fattening For weight loss.
Good prescription 3:
Composition: 15g almonds, 15g schisandra chinensis, 500g mutton.
Usage: Wash the tender fat mutton, cut it into small pieces, add some almonds, schisandra, sesame oil and salt, mix well in a bowl, and then steam it in a cage. Take it every few days.
Efficacy: It can produce muscle and meat, and nourish the five internal organs. It is suitable for body thinning.
Good prescription 4:
Composition: 30g ginseng, tuckahoe, lotus seed gorgon fruit Lentil , coix seed Lotus root starch 60g each, Yam 150 g.
Usage: grind ginseng into another fine powder, grind the remaining medicine into powder, and then add proper glutinous rice powder polished round-grained rice Powder and sugar are mixed with water to form soft cakes. Each cake weighs 15g and is steamed in a cage. Take one tablet every time, 2-3 times a day.
Efficacy: It can strengthen the spleen and stomach, produce muscle and meat, and is suitable for body weight loss.
Good prescription 5:
Composition: 500g raw pears.
Usage: 1 dose per day, 3 times.
effect: Nourishing Yin and Reducing Fire , nourish the blood and make it healthy. Applicable to Yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity The emaciated.
Good Recipe 6:
Composition: 250g fresh grapes.
Usage: 1 dose per day, 2 times.
Efficacy: It is beneficial to qi and strength, making people fat and healthy. It is suitable for thin people.
Good Recipe 7:
Composition: 200g fresh grapes, 1 raw pear.
Usage: Wash the grapes, remove the granules, peel and stone the raw pears, cut them into blocks, and use a juicer to extract the original juice from the grapes and raw pears. Take one dose daily as tea.
Efficacy: Nourish and strengthen the deficiency, replenish qi and nourish the body.
Good Recipe 8:
Composition: 2 sweet oranges, 15g lemon juice, moderate honey.
Usage: Wash the sweet orange, split it in half, extract the original juice with a juicer, add honey and lemon juice, and mix well. Drink tea once or twice a day.
Efficacy: invigorate the spleen and appetizer.
Good Recipe 9:
Composition: 250g Hami melon, 1 apple, proper amount of honey.
Usage: Wash the cantaloupe and remove the seeds, peel and pit the apples, cut them into small dice together, add honey and mix well. Take it as a snack once or twice a day.
Efficacy: invigorate the spleen and appetizer, nourish the deficiency and nourish the body.
Good Recipe 10:
Composition: 100g red dates.
Usage: Wash the red dates and boil them until soft. One dose a day, divided into two times, drink soup and eat dates.
Efficacy: tonifying deficiency and strengthening spleen, supplementing qi and strengthening body. For weight loss.
Good Recipe 11:
Composition: 500g walnut kernel, moderate sugar.
Usage: stir fry walnuts until fragrant, add sugar, and use a grinder to powder them into fine powder. Take 2-3 spoons twice a day on an empty stomach.
Efficacy: Tonifying the kidney and fortifying the yuan. Fat, healthy and moisturizing. For weight loss.
Good Recipe 12:
form: black soya bean 150g
Usage: Wash the black beans, boil them over low heat until cooked and crisp, and add seasonings. Take one dose every day as a vegetable.
Efficacy: Nourish the kidney and nourish the body. For weight loss.
Good Recipe 13:
Composition: 200g pork fillet, 200g tender tofu, fresh Lotus leaf 2 pieces, 50g yellow rice wine, 20g ginger, 20g green onion, 1g pepper powder, 1g monosodium glutamate, 2g refined salt, 1 egg, 100g vegetable oil, 3g soybean powder, and a little sesame oil. Usage: Clean and cut pork fillet into thin slices of 6cm long, 2cm wide and 0.5cm thick, and cut tender tofu into slices of the same length and 1cm thick. Clean ginger and onion and chop them into fine powder; Rinse the fresh lotus leaves, blanch them in boiling water, then cool them in cold water, cut them into 11cm square pieces. Apply bean curd and pork fillet with yellow sauce, ginger slice, chopped green onion, pepper, monosodium glutamate and refined salt respectively Pickle Remove the yolk from the eggs and add in the bean flour. Mix well. Wrap the sliced meat in lotus leaves. Slide it in a hot oil pan with vegetable oil and pour it out. Leave a little oil. Fry until the sliced meat is cooked. Remove the pan and put it on a plate. When eating, open the lotus leaf and pour a little sesame oil on it. Serve with meals.
Efficacy: It benefits the stomach and qi, stimulates fluid and moistens dryness, fleshy Moisturize the skin. It is suitable for thin body.

Exercise weight gain

Weight training is the main way of weight gain exercise, not the emphasis of weight loss“ Aerobic exercise ”。 Because "aerobic exercise" promotes energy consumption, and "weight training" is used to increase muscle proportion.
With the help of dumbbell barbell With the use of training equipment Muscle group The complete contraction and relaxation of can achieve the construction of muscle.
The big muscle group is what we call the lower limb muscle group (triceps, quadriceps, biceps), gluteus maximus Pectoral , abdominal muscles Dorsal muscle , deltoid, biceps and triceps (arms). Through weight training and diet supplement, large muscle groups can grow and some weight will be accumulated.

Dietary gain

Taking plant fattening products for effective conditioning is also an indispensable method of diet weight gain.
High sugar, high protein, high calorie diet is the only way to gain weight. Concentrated protein and high calorie food, such as heavy cheese cake, pastry, small cake, etc. However, attention should be paid to the digestion and absorption of these foods.
Choose refined grains with high starch quality (coarse grains are suitable for fat people to lose weight), such as Baitu Division Steamed buns , refined rice, sweet potato Taro Pumpkin Etc. When cooking, you can add some in the form of soup or thick soup, or in the form of soup or juice or milk Maltodextrin To increase calorie intake. Israeli research shows that reducing staple food is more effective than reducing meat weight loss. In other words, you want to gain weight faster, staple food, etc carbohydrate Faster and more effective. Since the staple food is easy to fill the stomach, if you can't eat so many at one time, you should use the method of multiple meals, for example, four to six meals a day
Choose good protein sources, such as eggs, milk Marine fish , shellfish, shrimp, crab, meat, poultry and other foods should account for more than half of the total daily protein. Protein helps muscle growth. Of course, muscle growth is also stimulated by strength sports such as weight lifting.
Note that many people think that the staple food is disgusting, and meat and seafood are delicious. In order to gain weight, they just increase the intake of meat without improving the staple food, or even eat less staple food. Doing so is partial to food and picky about food, which not only can not increase weight effectively, but also can be counterproductive.

Ways of gaining weight for thin people

First of all, it is recommended that people who are thin go to a regular hospital to check to see if the reason for being thin is due to some diseases. Extended Reading: The Cause of Body Weight Loss Causes Disease
Second, proper exercise. A certain amount of exercise every day is not only conducive to improving appetite, but also can make muscles stronger and physique more healthy. If the muscles of the human body cannot be exercised for a long time, they will "use more and lose more". Muscle fibers will shrink relatively, become weak and weak, and people will appear thin and weak.
Third, sports will consume a lot of energy, which will increase your appetite. So, thin people Fattening In the process of muscle enhancement, dietary intake should be increased. To gain weight, it is necessary to provide the body with various nutrients needed for the synthesis of tissues. The diet should be rich and varied, not picky or partial. The food should be as delicious as possible. In the case of adequate protein intake, it is advisable to eat more foods rich in fat and carbohydrates (i.e. starch, sugar, etc.). In this way, excess energy can be converted into fat and stored under the skin, enriching the weak
Fourth, we should keep enough and good sleep. If people have enough sleep, their appetite will be better, and it is also conducive to digestion and absorption of food.
Fifth, keep a good positive attitude. As the saying goes: the heart is broad and the body is fat, that's the truth.
Many thin people think that Fattening It is a difficult task. In fact, it is also true that fattening is not a temporary success. It is necessary to adhere to certain scientific methods for a period of time, and results will be achieved.
I, Choose food reasonably Traditional Chinese medicine believes that most people who lose weight are Yin deficiency and Thermogenic constitution , the so-called "thin people have more fire", that is Asthenic fire Therefore, the diet of the emaciated should focus on nourishing yin and clearing away heat. In addition to choosing foods rich in animal protein, such as poultry meat, livestock meat, eggs, milk, fish, they can eat more bean products, red beans, lilies, vegetables, fruits, etc. Other foods with cool taste, such as black fungus, white fungus, mushrooms Balsam pear Celery , peanut, walnut, sesame, mung bean, turtle, eel Loach , rabbit meat, duck meat, watermelon, pear, etc., can be selected according to personal taste.
2、 Eat less and eat more. Take a man with a weight of 60kg as an example. He needs to consume 3000 kcal of calories. If he only eats three meals, the average meal he needs to eat is more than 1kg. This is undoubtedly a difficult problem for the emaciated people's shrunken intestines and stomach. Moreover, most of the emaciated people have weak gastrointestinal function. Eating too much at one meal often can not be effectively absorbed, which will increase the burden on the stomach and cause indigestion, which is counterproductive. However, the interval between meals is long, and the heat and nutrition cannot be supplied continuously and timely, and it is difficult to gain weight. The best way is to change the number of meals per day to 5~6 meals, with breakfast, lunch and evening meals as the main meals. According to the specific situation of oneself, an appropriate amount of extra meals are arranged in the morning, afternoon and before bed, which not only reduces the gastrointestinal burden but also meets the demand for calories.
3、 Add scientific meals before going to bed. The human body sleeps at night growth hormone , insulin and other synthetic hormones. These synthetic hormones help promote the anabolism of human protein and promote the growth and development of the body. High quality sleep contributes to the secretion of the above synthetic hormones, so don't ignore it The role of sleep The most effective way is to drink a cup of milk with sugar or a bowl of warm milk half an hour before going to bed Millet Congee You can also eat some high protein foods or desserts, which can not only help you sleep soundly, but also stimulate insulin secretion and promote the synthesis of protein and fat.
4、 Ensure enough heat. Thin people want to Fattening The most fundamental point is to ensure that the heat is "more in than out". Teenagers need a large amount of calories and have strong metabolism, so they should first ensure adequate heat supply. Take a man with a weight of 60 kg as an example. He needs about 2400 kcal of heat every day. To gain weight, the heat supply must be at least 50 kcal per kg of weight every day. A man with a weight of 60kg needs at least 3000 kcal per day to gain weight.