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The Characters in the Cartoon Saint Star Saga and Its Derivative Works
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Difeng, cartoon Saint Seiya 》The characters in his derivative works were born as the last son at the junction of the earth and the Tartaros Abyss, the father of the wind that blew everything, the ancestor of hundreds of billions of demons and giant monsters, with the head of dragons, the tongue of darkness, and the eye of fire, and he was the strongest and most horrible giant god in ancient Greek mythology that could not be compared with even stars and clouds.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Τυφωευς / Τυφων / Τυφαων / Τυφως (Greek)
Typhoeus / Typhon / Typhaon / Typhos (English)
storm Smoker Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons Father of All Devils Evil god Giant Dragon
Debut works
Comic "Saint Warrior Starya" and its derivative works
Demon giant, storm
Volcano, time, bad wind, thunder, fire
one's native heath
The boundary between the earth and the Tartaros abyss
God Killing Weapon
Storm Hammer
The Last Titan
Meritorious service
The ancestor of all demons, demons, monsters and giants


since Cronus After being defeated by Zeus, with the decline of the Titans Gaia She gave birth to her last son, "the last Titan" Typhon, with the abyss Tartaros.
Tifeng is an ancient evil god believed by the giant family. Those who call Tifeng's name will be punished by the god. Those who are called by Tifeng's real name will inevitably lose their normality through blood spurting from their ears. The smallest child of the giant family, the giant god who shuns all stars and clouds, will be with no one. It has the power of surpassing the Genesis, Titan and Olympus, and even the Emperor of Heaven revealed its real power in the mythical era Zeus It is also hard to match. When lodging on [Alliance], its strength is enough to inhabit the insatiable will to destroy compared with Athena.
Attempt to resurrect with the small universe and blood of the saint warrior as sacrifices. They successively attached to the flesh of Meng and Eelades, and finally took the instant as the supreme sacrifice (see Instantaneous It is the host of the main god of Olympus. The attempt to let Ekatena conceive her own real god body to realize full resurrection failed because she was destroyed by Yihui's Fengyi Tianxiang. In the end, [Alliance] carried out the seal of "die together" and fell into a semi permanent sleep.

Family background

Tifeng, the son of Gaia, the mother of the earth, and Tartaros, the abyss, was born at the junction of the earth and Tartaros: the entrance of the abyss.
Tifeng has many children, all of whom are famous gods in Greek mythology. Among various theories, it is the most common that it mates with the snake god Ekatena. The children born to the two gods include:
Hundred headed Dragon Ladong
Corkis ferocious dragon
Dragons of Troy
The Nemean Lion
Caucasian eagle
Hus Crommyon
Thomosos Evil Fox
Sister: Ruiya , Teya themis Tethys, Phoebe, Monemosyne
sister-in-law: Eurybia
Brother-in-law: Zeus
Nephew: Prometheus Hades Poseidon Zeus
Nephew: Hera



Battle of Zeus

Ancient...... In the age of myth, Zeus, the emperor of heaven, defeated his father, the Titan Cronus , and sat on the throne of King Olympus, the mother of King Cronus who did not forgive him Gaia ... The terrible existence born for revenge --- Tifeng.
The gods of Olympus who dared to fight with them fled to Egypt. Even Zeus, the only one who fought, was defeated by him once. Soon after, Zeus became stronger and was defeated in the second battle with Zeus. Because Tyfeng was immortal, he was sealed at the foot of Mount Etna.

Difeng Rebellion

Gaia ordered the one eyed giant spirit to use the light of birth (when the universe was still in chaos, under the guidance of "the will of the gods", the universe appeared the first light, and the light shone on Gaia's arm, leaving a permanent scar on the arm, and the gold substance condensed on the surface of the scar by the light could produce fatal damage to the gods, which Gaia called "the light of birth") He forged the tool of killing gods, the "Hammer of Storm", and gave it to Difeng. With the support of Gaia, Tifeng suddenly attacked Mount Olympus, threatening to banish the gods to slavery, liberate the abyss Titan, and reunite heaven and earth into chaos. He waved the hammer of the storm, roared and screamed, and smashed Apollo Solar car; Luna Artemis Confronted with it, but was seriously injured; He rushes into the sea again, arousing huge waves and pulling Poseidon's seahorse chariots out of the water. The gods fled from Olympus one after another. Only Zeus and Athena persevered in the fierce battle, and finally Zeus defeated Tifeng again with the thunderbolt staff. The defeated Tifeng fled to the Mount Arima on the Anatolia Plateau and disappeared.

Survival competition

Survival competition
When Athena and the saint fighter ended a holy war, it was the Gigants who threatened the holy land. The outside world knew nothing about the giant race, and its existence was covered with a mysterious veil, but its fighting power seemed to be above the saint fighter. About Gigants, it is said that Hades the Pluto brought it from the world before the Big Bang; It is also said that it was created by the omnipotent god Zeus. Since he was seriously wounded by Zeus in the mythical era, Tifeng has been lurking in the lower part of Mount Arima on the Anatolian Plateau, waiting for an opportunity to make a comeback. The giant family believed in the power of the "evil god" Difeng. Under the instigation of Difeng, the evil giants declared war on the human beings sheltered by Athena. This is a war of "survival competition" between human beings and giants, and the battle of Gigantes is not included in the holy war. It is called Gigantomachy (in Greek, it means "the war with giants"). There are only a few records left in the files of Holy Land, so it is called "meaningless battles that are not recorded in history".

The battle of giants

The battle of giants
This battle is the master Mu continent Lamu of the Mu Empire led the alchemists to assist Athena in the battle, and was brutally killed by the giant Polferion in Crete. Angry Athena defeated Boer Ferrion, known as the King of Giants, and then fought against Tyfeng for a thousand years. Finally, Tyfeng's divine body was shattered by the goddess with a gold stick and scattered throughout the universe. His immortal soul was also sealed at the bottom of the Sicilian volcano.

The shadow is destroyed

Iolos Seals the Phantom of Typhon
In the long years, Tifeng's seal began to unravel, Iolos Sent by Holy Land to Sicily, Italy, to prevent Tiffany from returning to the world. Aeolos concentrated the souls of all the people killed by Tiffany on the Golden Arrow, thereby eliminating the illusion of Tiffany.

Blood Seal

In the distant mythological era Athena The evil giant of the seal and the awakening of the world require the power of the Big Bang. But because the use of the saint as the medium, the power of the saint is far from being fully released, although it is the level of the Big Bang. Seiya And the half brother of the intelligence agent in the Holy Land· Chenghu League Go for investigation under the guidance of sicily , but was betrayed by Meng, who became the puppet of the giant evil god Difeng. When in a crisis, she was loved by Athena and the guardian constellation of the Alliance Backseat Saved by the holy garments.
In the end, Tifeng was sealed by the League with Deus ex machine, and fell into a semi permanent sleep.
Tifeng Sealed by League Original:
"[Time Stalls]."
Alliance, or the blood of ancient Athena branded in the holy clothes - the voice of the constellation spoke.
Here, it is no longer the temple of giants.
Here is Athena's Seal Temple.
"<Time Stasis Prison>--"
"Tifeng, I want to seal you."
The "cocoon of time" encloses Meng and Difeng.
At the same time, this is also the seal of ancient Athena.
"Do you want to seal me?"
Difeng laughs.
"Alliance is my puppet. It's also pleasant. How long can your fragile human beings stay at a standstill? Ah~~thousand years? Ten thousand years? Hundred million years? For me, as the immortal will of the gods, this time is just a fleeting moment."
"I want this fleeting moment. In this prison where the earth and the underworld meet, you can fall into that eternal moment with me."
"Even if it is a thousand years, ten thousand years, or even hundreds of millions of years, even if the time cocoon is broken at the end of the period, the eternal will of the gods still exists; however, even if this holy garment, blessed by the blood of ancient Athena, is preserved, the dead you... League -- my puppet in this life. You, also, no longer exists."
"This is fate."
"Great destiny."
"Stars will never be forgotten." This is the desire of Alliance. "As long as the peace on the ground represents the survival path of the saint warrior, that will be enough."
"Why resist me?"
"You are boring."
Difeng retreated.
"Tifeng -- the stage mechanism sends God away. You are the first one to speak."
"Tifeng -- the stage mechanism sends God away. It's you who say you don't need a reason."
"I see."
"That's why it's called the Battle of the Giants."
"I know it all."
"This is... 'meaningless combat that has not been recorded in history'."
"Then... in this fleeting moment, I will close my eyes and refresh myself for a while."



Divine body

Tifeng called his noumenon "glorious flesh". It is said that in the battle of the mythical era, he was smashed into pieces by the angry Athena with the golden staff and then sealed in different parts of the universe.

Giant divine body

Tifeng's shoulders can reach the sky, his head can touch the stars, and his two arms can hold the world. Between his long black hair, there are a hundred dragons sprayed with lightning and flame, and his lower body is a huge snake. The place where he passes is burning the inferno fire that destroys everything. Its roar is also changeable: sometimes it sounds like a human voice, sometimes it sounds like a cow roaring, sometimes it sounds like a lion roaring, sometimes it sounds like a dog barking, sometimes it sounds like thunder running through the four poles.

Temporary body

Difeng's temporary body
Typhon was born at the junction of the earth and the Tartaros Abyss: the entrance of the Abyss. So the right half of his temporary body in the world is an infinite fire, and the left half is a ferocious wind. The combination of fire and wind can make heaven and earth fall. Therefore, Tifeng is also known as the evil god who controls the volcano and evil wind. The temporary body wore a diamond suit with dark onyx light, and hundreds of pairs of frightening eyes burst out from time to time. Tifeng is really beautiful. No matter his posture or voice, the flame from the rainbow in his right eye is like an eyelash. Every hair hole in the left half of the body has white lightning flashes continuously.

unique skills


Time stagnation prison

The [Time Cocoon] made of special silk threads keeps the time of the space wrapped in it still, but Tifeng can choose to let some time flow in the space.

A burst of words and deeds

When two gods with the same status called each other's real names, the aura shone. The energy that flips the entire Milky Way suddenly bursts out. Mixed. The wills of the gods collide with each other in the great void of the universe.



Storm Hammer

Gaia ordered the one eyed giant spirit to use the light of birth to forge a god killing weapon, which is enough to match Poseidon The Neptune Trident Hades The Hades Sword Athena Of Victory Scepter It has the power to merge heaven and earth again into chaos.

Vajra suit

In the official novel "Battle of Giants" - chapter of alliance and blood, the earth armor that guards the body of the Gigas. The crystal, which contains the turbid evil spirit, is shining with enchanting light. It is superior to Olihar Gang and has the power to destroy heaven and earth. Its various parts are composed of polyhedral crystals, which can be called the "crystal armor". Tifeng's Encirclement of Earthfire can deprive the warrior of the universe, but the giant clan wearing Vajra clothes is not included.