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Christian socialism

Socialist ideological trend
Christian socialism is Latin America A socialist trend of thought. Originated in Europe, it became popular in Latin America after World War II, especially in Venezuela More active. Venezuelan Christian Socialist Party The leaders Rafael and Karrard are famous Christian socialist leaders in Latin America. The main viewpoints of Christian socialism are: (1) Christian philosophy It is the philosophical basis of Christian socialism. This philosophy believes that spirit determines everything, everything comes from spirit, and the representative of spirit is lord God promotes social development through people. Therefore, they proposed that politics should be subject to Christian ethics. (2) Consider existing capitalist system Unreasonable. It is neither capitalist nor communism Of humanitarianism A truly equal and free new society. This society is dominated by community ownership State ownership Private ownership. People are full of Christian spirit, private property Inviolability. (3) It believes that human is the highest expression of material, and the essence of human is embodied in spirit, freedom, dignity and values. Human rights are inviolable. (4) We should practice broad democracy so that the people can truly become the masters of the country. Various social groups are allowed to exist ideology Exists. Christian socialism is actually a kind of religious socialism nationalism Is the content, representing bourgeois class and Petty bourgeoisie The interests of the middle and lower class in Latin America have a greater impact. [1]
Chinese name
Christian socialism
Also called
Monastic socialism
Philip Bisher and Felicia Ramena
Time of popularity

Definition and origin

Christian socialism, also known as "monk socialism", is an ideological trend or movement in which European and American missionaries applied Christian social principles to modern industrial life in the middle of the 19th century. Its founders are French Philip Bishop and Felicia Rameine. They regard Christianity as the religion of the poor and the oppressed, which is a true socialist theory. Christian socialism was popular in Western Europe in the 1840s, and its main representatives were Maurice and Kingsley in Britain and Ramaine and Bishop in France. His representative works include "A Short Collection of Christian Socialism", "The Words of Believers", etc.

fundamental theory

Christian socialists believe that, Christianity Its morality is the main driving force of social progress. We should carry forward the principles of equality, fraternity and charity of Christianity and make socialism Christianized; Advocate that people love each other and oppose private ownership And state power; Condemns capitalism's "buying cheap and selling expensive" and "taking more and giving less" violate the principles of Christian doctrine; He expressed sympathy for the tragic situation of factory and workshop workers at that time and opposed this non Christian spirit. They advocated that with the "true spirit of Christian fraternity", relying on the support of the state and the upper class enlightened people, they should establish production cooperatives to get rid of the economic exploitation of the bourgeoisie and improve the situation of workers. Marx Engels He pointed out that "Christian socialism is nothing but monks and priests Used to consecrate the resentment of the nobility Holy water "Monk socialism always goes hand in hand with feudal socialism." (Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 1, p.275) Christian socialism is a reactionary socialism that upholds the rule of the feudal class.

social practice

In the book "The Words of Believers" written by Ramenai in 1834, he criticized the capitalist social and political system at that time, advocated "everyone is equal before God", and replaced the revolutionary struggle with the preaching that "labor can dominate the world if it gains the right to vote"; Bishop, in the workshop magazine he founded, publicized that the state helped to set up workers' production cooperatives to lure French workers away class struggle In practice, Christian socialism helps workers establish production and consumption cooperatives, organize trade unions, and set up labor universities.
In Britain, the Irvine movement and Charter Movement After the decline, Christian socialism took its place and became popular for a time, but gradually disappeared after 1854. The main representatives are the theologians Morris and Kingsley. In January 1850, they published the Short Essays on Christian Socialism, and officially used the term "Christian Socialism" for the first time. They preached that the desire of human beings to pursue material and body is the root of evil and pain. Only by restraining this desire can people get rid of disasters. Therefore, they strongly opposed capitalism and the power of the state, and criticized the capitalist "buying cheap and selling expensive" for violating the Christian doctrine. He advocated the establishment of a vibrant community based on Christianity, which is characterized by "mutual love", "cooperation" and "no one has the right to own anything", and believed that socialism is not the work of the state but the work of Christianity. The essence of Christian socialism is feudal socialism with a strong religious color.

Communication in China

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the spread of social evangelical theology and various socialist theories in China, Christian socialism was also accepted by a few Christians in China, and on this basis, "Jesuits" represented by Zhang Shizhang developed. The so-called Jesuit Doctrine is based on the "inherent proposition of Jesus" rather than the Christian doctrine that will be developed in the future. It uses the methods of ideological, moral and religious revolution to build the world“ Heaven ”For the purpose. Jesuits are National Revolution It came into being against the background of saving the nation from subjugation and striving for survival. It is very revolutionary and epochal, but because it overemphasizes saving the country and the world, it relatively ignores the fundamental purpose of "saving people", so it cannot be recognized by the church. As a unique Christian socialism in China, Jesuits should have a place in the history of Christian thought.