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Basic factors

The most basic thing that affects an event or thing
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Basic factors refer to the most basic things that affect an event or thing. For example, the basic factors affecting a person's health include genetic genes, growth environment, etc. The basic factors of different events are different.
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Biology Basic factors of phenomenon
Basic factors
Luminosity, light level, light quality

Biological phenomenon

Among the factors that constitute a biological phenomenon, if they are differentiated into factors that produce direct effects and factors that are related to the natural selection object of survival value, the latter is called the basic factor, and the former is the proximity factor. This is the definition given by J.R. Baker (1933), but was more widely introduced by D. Lack (1954). For example, in the early summer breeding period of birds, the day length and temperature factors that promote the development of the reproductive nest are proximity factors, while food is the basic factor, that is, only in this period can young chicks have very rich food.

Photographic light

The six basic factors of photography light are luminosity, light level, light quality Phototype , light ratio and light color. Mastering these six factors is the basic skill of photography lighting.


The luminosity is the luminous intensity of the light source and the illumination And the surface of the object brightness The general term of (the luminous intensity of the light source and the irradiation distance affect the illuminance; the illuminance size and the color of the object surface affect the brightness). In photography, luminosity is directly related to exposure. In terms of composition, exposure is closely related to the reproduction effect of tone or color. Rich tone and accurate color reproduction are based on accurate exposure. Conscious overexposure and underexposure should also be based on accurate exposure. Therefore, mastering the basic skills of luminosity and accurate exposure can actively control the tone, color and contrast effect of the subject.


Light level refers to the position of the light source relative to the subject, that is, the direction and angle of the light. The same object will produce different shading effects under different light levels. The light level in photography can vary a lot, but it can be summarized as front light, front side light, side light, back side light, backlight, top light and foot light.
(1) Front light: the light comes from the front of the subject, which is called "flat light", "straight light" and "high position straight light" depending on the angle. The subject exposed by the front light is bright, but the stereoscopic sense is poor, and there is no change in light and shade Exposure tolerance Larger. In the light portrait, the front light is often used as the auxiliary light.
(2) Front side light: refers to the front side light at 45 degrees. This is the most commonly used light position. The front side light illuminates the scene with vitality and stereoscopic feeling. In the light portrait, the front side light is often used as the main light, which is usually located on the other side of the face of the person. The right light is used when the face faces left, and the left light is used when the face faces right.
(3) Side light: also called 90 degree side light, under which the subject presents Yin Yang effect , which is rich in portrait photography dramatic effect It can highlight the strong contrast between light and dark.
(4) Rear side light: also known as "side backlight" light comes from the side rear of the subject, which can make one side of the subject produce contour lines, separate the subject from the background, thus enhancing the stereoscopic and spatial sense of the picture.
(5) Backlight: also known as "backlight" light comes from the right rear of the subject. Backlight can make the subject produce vivid contour lines, separate the subject from the background, and thus make the picture three-dimensional and spatial. It is very important to create a dark background for backlight composition, otherwise the contour line will not be eye-catching. Backlighting is also conducive to the expression of animal groups in modeling.
(6) Top light: the light comes from the right top of the subject. For example, the sun at noon and the top light will make the face of the person have a thick, unpleasant shadow. Generally, people should not be photographed.
(7) Footlight: The light comes from the lower part of the subject, which is often used as a light direction to beautify people. There is no light level of foot light in natural light.

Light quality

Light quality refers to the properties of light, such as convergence, dispersion, softness and hardness. The feature of light gathering is that it comes from an obvious direction, and the shadows produced are clear and thick; The characteristics of astigmatism are that it comes from several directions, and the shadows generated are soft but not clear. The degree of light softness depends on several factors. The narrow beam is usually harder than the broad beam. For example, the sun on a sunny day shines on the subject from an angle with obvious directionality, which is a kind of direct hard light; When there is fog in the sky, the sun is diffused over a wide area, emitting light from many angles, which is a kind of soft light. Another example Electronic flash lamp The direct flash is a hard light, and the reflected flash is one. Kind of soft light. Hard light can make the subject produce strong light and dark contrast, which is conducive to the performance of texture; Soft light is good at revealing the shape, shape and color of objects, but not good at showing texture and details. Hard light is often more lively than soft light.


Light pattern refers to the role of various lights in shooting.
(1) Main light: also known as "shaping light" refers to the main lighting light used to display scenery, express texture and shape images.
(2) Auxiliary light: also known as "supplementary light", it is used to improve the brightness of the shadow part generated by the main light, reveal the details of the shadow part, and reduce the image contrast.
(3) Decorative light: also known as "decorative light" refers to the enhanced shaping light added locally to the subject, such as luminescence, eye light, flare light of craft jewelry, etc.
(4) Outline light: refers to the light that forms the outline of the subject. Backlight and side backlight are usually used as outline light.
(5) Background light: the light that shines towards the background behind the subject to highlight the subject or beautify the picture.
(6) Simulated light: also called "effect light" to simulate a certain scene Light effect And added Auxiliary light

Light ratio

Light ratio refers to the difference in the amount of light received by the light and dark parts of the main part of the subject, usually referring to the difference between the main light and the auxiliary light. With a large light ratio, the contrast is large, which is conducive to the performance of "hard" effects; The contrast is small when the light ratio is small, which is conducive to the "soft" effect. Used for photographing the elderly High light ratio , small light ratio is commonly used for shooting children. There are three ways to adjust the light ratio: adjusting the intensity of the main and auxiliary light; Adjust the distance between the main and auxiliary lights and the subject; Use reflector and flash lamp to fill the dark part.

Light color

Light color refers to "color of light" or "color light component". Usually Light color It is called "color temperature". Light and color are important both in terms of expression and technology. Light and color determine the cold and warm feeling of light, which can cause many emotional associations. The significance of light and color to composition is mainly shown in color photography.