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Expenditure of urban households on purchasing goods

Economic terminology
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The expenditure of urban households on purchasing goods refers to the total expenditure of the surveyed urban households on purchasing goods for their own use or as gifts to their relatives and friends, including from shops, factories catering Expenses for canteen and market of work units and direct purchase of various commodities from farmers.
Chinese name
Expenditure of urban households on purchasing goods
It refers to the total expenditure of the surveyed urban households on purchasing commodities for their own use or as gifts to their relatives and friends, including the expenditure on purchasing various commodities from shops, factories, catering industry, work unit canteens, fairs and farmers directly
Expenditure of urban households on purchasing goods
Commodity expenditure is divided into the following eight categories: food; clothing; Household equipment supplies and services; Medical care; Transportation and communication; Entertainment, education and cultural services; Residence; Miscellaneous goods and services.