Geological period

A long period of earth history with stratigraphic records
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Geological time scale refers to Earth history A long period with stratigraphic records. Since the oldest stratum on the earth has been found Isotopic age It is worth about 4.6 billion years. Therefore, the Earth's history is generally divided into two stages with 4.6 billion years as the boundary. The stage before 4.6 billion years is called“ Astronomical period ”Or "pre geological period", the stage after 4.6 billion years is called "geological period".
Chinese name
Geological period
Foreign name
Geologic time scale
Geohistorical period
A long period with stratigraphic records
Take 4.6 billion years as the boundary
Applied discipline


From the time when the earth became an independent planetary body to the time when there were written records in human history, there was a long period of rock stratum records in the history of the earth. The oldest stratum that has been found has an isotopic age of about 4.6 billion years. 4.6 billion years ago, it is called the astronomical period, and the whole later stage is called the geological period. The geological period is the main period of geo history research, so it is also called the geo history period. [1]


(GSSP million years ago)
Major events
Cenozoic era
the quaternary period
0.011430 ± 0.00013[2]
Human prosperity (refer to the chronology)
the pleistocene
1.806 ± 0.005
During the Ice Age, a large number of large mammals became extinct
Human evolution to modern state
5.332 ± 0.005
Human Individual Ape Ancestors Appear
23.03 ± 0.05
the oligocene epoch
33.9 ± 0.1
The rise of most mammals
55.8 ± 0.2
65.5 ± 0.3
145.5 ± 4
Dinosaur boom and extinction
Cretaceous Tertiary extinction event, 45% of the creatures on the earth went extinct
There are placentas and mammals
jurassic period
199.6 ± 0.6
The appearance of marsupial mammals
Bird appearance
Gymnosperm boom
Angiosperm appearance
the triassic period
251.0 ± 0.7
The appearance of dinosaurs
The appearance of oviparous mammals
the paleozoic era
299.0 ± 0.8
Permian extinction event, 95% of life on the earth went extinct
Pangea formation
359.2 ± 2.5
Insect boom
Reptiles appear
Coal forest
Appearance of gymnosperms
416.0 ± 2.8
Fish boom
Amphibian appearance
Insect appearance
Emergence of seed plants
Shisong and Equisetum appear
443.7 ± 1.5
Emergence of terrestrial gymnopteris
488.3 ± 1.7
Fish occurrence; Marine algae thrive
542.0 ± 1.0
Cambrian Big Bang of Life
630 +5/-30
The Sinian Glacial Age, the initial stage of the evolution of primitive organisms on the earth
eight hundred and fifty
Snowball event
one thousand
For the first time, large stinging organisms appeared.
one thousand and two hundred
The metamorphic rock belt formed during this period formed Rodinia supercontinent during this period.
one thousand and four hundred
With the extension of the continental shelf cover, the platform cover continued to expand, and the earliest complex multicellular organism appeared.
one thousand and six hundred
Blue algae and brown algae are developed, and large macro algae appear
one thousand and eight hundred
The formation of the Columbia supercontinent.
two thousand and fifty
Large scale orogeny occurred on the mainland
two thousand and three hundred
Cyanobacteria and bacteria thrive
two thousand and five hundred
The formation of super large iron ore fields in the world and the main period of ferrosilicon formation
two thousand and eight hundred
First Ice Age
Middle Archaean
three thousand and two hundred
three thousand and six hundred
Blue green algae appear
three thousand and eight hundred
Early Rainy Sea Generation
three thousand eight hundred and fifty
Bacteria, the first living creature on the earth
Dionysus generation
three thousand nine hundred and fifty
Emergence of archaea
four thousand one hundred and fifty
Ocean appears on the earth
Cryptozoic era
four thousand five hundred and seventy
Appearance of the earth
According to the article "On the Origin and Evolution of the Earth", some astronomical and Geological events The time period of the event is called geological period.
In various geological periods Cosmic space And major events in the solar system and the earth crustal movement , rock, structure, paleontology Geomagnetism Paleoclimate They left records in many aspects.
In different geological periods, geological processes and characteristics are different.
The earth history is divided into the following periods:
Earth formation period, crust formation period, pre solar system period, solar system period Earth moon system See the attached Table of Geological Periods and Characteristics for the formation period and the new generation period.

Earth formation period

During this period earth 's core The section from the capture of molten material to the solidification of surface molten material Geological time 4.6 billion years ago, the core composed of iron and nickel materials captured molten materials and formed mantle The temperature of the contact part between the mantle and the core decreases, forming Transition layer The external temperature decreases and solidifies to form an external transition layer. During this geological period, the earth with layered structure was formed.

Crustal formation period

This period is a geological period from the solidification of surface molten materials to the formation of sedimentary rocks. The molten material solidified and contracted, forming tension rift valleys and mountains on the surface. universe Celestial impact , forming large pits and depressions on the surface. As the temperature decreases, the molten material freezing The water flow generated in the process converges into the rift valley and Dakeng depression, and the gas generated remains on the earth's surface, forming the atmosphere. earth 's core The uneven capture of cosmic matter and the uneven temperature of various parts of the earth's surface produce atmospheric flow.
During this geological period, the surface formed gully High mountains, big pits depression , with water and atmosphere, weathering, denudation and transportation began to form sedimentary rock

Before entering the solar system

This period is the period from the formation of the crust to the time before the Earth enters the solar system Geological time This is a geological period without sunshine. In the early stage of this section, the weathering, denudation, transportation and Sedimentation Strong, high mountains are stripped down, and huge thickness of original sediments are deposited in valleys and depressions. In the later stage of this segment, the crustal activity became weaker, Surface temperature Gradually reduced to below freezing point, forming a global glacier. stay Biosphere The prokaryotes that landed on the earth began to revive and reproduce. Because there is no sunlight, other plants and animals that fall on the earth are Sleep state

Entering the solar system

This period began when the Earth entered the solar system and became a planet.
During this geological period, the earth was illuminated by the sun, and formed revolution and rotation around the sun Day and night Changes. In the interior of the earth, earth 's core Or the inner sphere is biased towards the sun gravitation Is not in the center of the earth. In the crust, due to earth rotation Forming centrifugal force from two poles to the equator; Under the action of solar gravity, as the earth rotates from west to east, the crustal material forms the movement from east to west. It forms high mountains, plateaus, valleys, depressions and plains. In the biological world, the start of explosive emergence is the start of resurrection.
With the evolution of the solar system, the Earth has changed from the orbital plane when entering the solar system, that is, the orbital plane and the sun Equatorial surface The included angle is about 23 ° 26 ', which evolved to Earth orbit The plane is nearly parallel to the equatorial plane of the sun, the earth 's axis From the vertical track surface to the inclined track, the four seasons of the year change. stay Rock formation A large number of limestone

Formation of Earth Moon System

This period is Moon It was captured by the earth to form the Earth Moon system. The moon rotates around the earth gravitational field The magnetic field has changed. Under the shaking effect of the moon's gravity, the outer sphere of the earth rotates, forming Geopole And magnetic pole movement. In the biological world, animals and plants have undergone significant changes or evolution, forming tall trees and large animals.

New Era

During this period comet It started when it hit the earth. The comet broke up in the solar system and formed Asteroid belt Comets consist of rocks, ice and atmosphere. There are all kinds of creatures in the ice. During this geological period, the earth added water, atmosphere and new biological species. Original biogenesis variation or evolution

And characteristic table

This period began when a comet hit the earth.
The comet broke up in the solar system, forming an asteroid belt around the sun.
Comets consist of rocks, ice and atmosphere. There are all kinds of creatures in the ice.
During this geological period, the earth added water, atmosphere and new biological species. The original organism changes or evolves.
This period began when the moon was captured by the earth to form the Earth Moon system.
The moon rotates around the earth, which changes the gravitational field and magnetic field of the earth. Under the sway of the moon's gravity, the outer sphere of the earth rotates, forming the movement of the earth's pole and magnetic pole.
In the biological world, animals and plants have changed, forming tall trees and large animals.
two hundred and fifty
This period began when the Earth entered the solar system and became a planet.
During this geological period, the earth was illuminated by the sun, and formed revolution and rotation around the sun, with changes in day and night.
In the interior of the earth, the core or inner sphere is deflected in the opposite direction of the sun's gravity and is not at the center of the earth.
In the crust, the centrifugal force from the poles to the equator is formed due to the earth's rotation; Under the action of the sun's gravity, as the earth rotates from west to east, the crust moves from east to west. It forms high mountains, plateaus, valleys, depressions and plains.
In the biological world, the start of explosive emergence is the start of resurrection.
With the evolution of the solar system, the Earth has evolved from the orbital plane when it entered the solar system, that is, the angle between the orbital plane and the equatorial plane of the sun is about 23 ° 26 ', to the orbital plane of the Earth is nearly parallel to the equatorial plane of the sun, and the earth axis has changed from a vertical orbital plane to an inclined orbit, forming a seasonal change of the year.
In rock formation, there are a lot of limestone.
two hundred and fifty
five hundred and forty-three
Pre solar system period
This is a geological period from the time when the crust has formed to the time when the earth entered the solar system.
This is a geological period without sunshine.
In the early stage of this section, the weathering, denudation, transportation and sedimentation of the crust were strong, the mountains were stripped down, and huge thick original sediments were deposited in the valleys and depressions.
In the later stage of this period, the crustal activity became weaker, and the surface temperature gradually decreased to below the freezing point, forming a global glacier.
In the biological world, the prokaryotes that landed on the earth began to revive and reproduce. Because there is no sunlight, other plants and animals that fall on the earth are in a dormant state. Prokaryotes began to multiply.
five hundred and forty-three
three thousand and eight hundred
Crustal formation
This period is a geological period from the solidification of surface molten materials to the formation of sedimentary rocks.
With the decrease of temperature, the water flow generated during the solidification of molten materials converges into the rift valley and Dakeng depression, and the gas generated remains on the earth's surface, forming the atmosphere.
The earth's core captures the cosmic matter unevenly, and the uneven temperature of the earth's surface generates atmospheric flow.
During this geological period, with water and atmosphere, weathering, denudation and transportation occurred, and sedimentary rocks began to form.
three thousand and eight hundred
four thousand and six hundred
Earth formation
This period is a geological period from the time when the core of the earth captured high-temperature molten materials to the time when the surface molten materials solidified to form the original crust of the earth.
4.6 billion years ago, the core composed of iron and nickel materials captured high temperature molten materials and formed a huge thick melting layer. The temperature of the contact part between the melting layer and the core decreases, forming an inner transitional layer; Forming an outer transition layer at the contact part with the shell; The molten layer forms a liquid layer.
During this geological period, the earth with layered structure was formed.
The molten material solidified and contracted, forming tension rift valleys and mountains on the surface. The impact of cosmic objects forms large pits and depressions on the surface of the earth.
four thousand and six hundred

Climatic conditions

Study according to indirect signs. As per a Geological age Rock properties, ancient soil, topography Paleontological fossils , can also be used Radiocarbon C14 content Geologic climate Status, etc. If found in a certain area moraine Ice scratch Boulder And so on, which is the proof of the glacier activity in the cold period; Heilongjiang podzol There is ancient red soil buried below, which can be inferred that there was a hot climate in ancient times; If traces of dry valley topography and lake shoreline are found in modern desert areas, it means that the place has changed from a humid climate to a desert. Biofossil It is a good basis for explaining the climate conditions of the geological age. If there are fossils of horses or birds, it means that this place was once Grassland climate apes and monkeys Fossils indicate that there was Forest climate stay Greenland It was found that Temperate climate The remains of leaves prove that there was a warm period here; Soviet Ukraine The remains of ancient palms have been found, proving that they once appeared there Tropical climate
It is confirmed that during the whole geological period, the earth climate has undergone tremendous changes, repeated several times Great Ice Age , of which the last three major ice ages (i.e Sinian glaciation Carboniferous Permian Great Ice Age and Quaternary glaciation )It is generally recognized by scientists that between the three ice ages Interglacial climate Frigid Glaciation With warm Interglacial period It is relatively short. In the whole earth's climate history, most of the time (accounting for more than 90% of the years) is warm and mild.
The Sinian Great Ice Age occurred about 600 million years ago. It is found in most areas of Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and Australia Moraine layer , which indicates that these places once had a world scale Glacial climate In the vast area of eastern and central China, there are also Sinian Ji Bing Moraine layer indicates that this place also experienced a cold ice age.
Cambrian - Carboniferous During the Dajian Ice Age, about 300 million to 600 million years ago, the climate of the whole world was warm. In particular, the Carboniferous was a typical mild and humid climate in the ancient climate. The forest area was very wide, and finally formed a rich coal mine. The trees also lacked rings, indicating that the climate had marine characteristics. During the Carboniferous period, China was all under tropical climate conditions, but in the late Carboniferous period, there were three zones from north to south: humid zone, dry zone and tropical zone Climatic zone
Carboniferous Permian Great Ice Age , 200 million to 300 million years ago, mainly in the southern hemisphere, and no reliable Glacial vestige At that time, China still had three climatic zones: warm and humid climate zone, dry climate zone and hot and humid climate zone. Triassic - Tertiary large Interglacial period About 2 million to 200 million years ago. The whole Mesozoic climate was warm Cenozoic era In the Tertiary, the world climate became warmer, Greenland There are also temperate tree species. During the Triassic period, the west and northwest of China were generally dry; In Jurassic period, coal clay and Fireclay And so on, indicating that it was under the control of humid climate at that time. jurassic period The later period to the Cretaceous is the period of dry climate development. At that time, there was an obvious dry zone in China, starting from Tianshan and Gansu in the west and extending to the south The Dadu River Gypsum is developed in dry climate from the downstream to southern Jiangxi. In the Tertiary, most of the sediments in China were red, indicating that the climate was relatively hot at that time. At the end of the Tertiary period, the world temperature generally declined, and the whole Northern Hemisphere thermophiles gradually retreated to the south.
Quaternary glaciation , about 2 million years ago. During the Great Ice Age, cold, warm, dry and wet still alternate Subglacial The temperature is about 8 ° - 12 ℃ lower than the modern temperature on average, High latitude The region is covered by glaciers, such as the largest sub region Glaciation Rhys Glaciation )Two or three tenths of the world's continents are covered by glaciers. At that time, the Northern Hemisphere had three major Continental glacier Center, i.e Scandinavia Glacier center, its ice flow Zeng Nan Extending to about 51 ° north latitude; Greenland Glacier In the center, the ice flow also extended southward to about 38 ° north latitude; Siberia In the center of the glacier, the ice layer is distributed between 60 ° and 70 ° north latitude, sometimes up to 50 ° north latitude Lake Baikal Glacier expansion, Climatic zone When moving southward, the biological community also moves southward. For example, during the Lisi Ice Age, northern animals moved southward Crimu Of Paleolithic Age (250000 years ago) Arctic fox And arctic deer fossils.
Two Subglacial Sub between Interglacial period , the climate is warmer than modern times, Arctic climate It is about 10 ℃ higher than that in modern times, and the temperature in low latitude is about 5.5 ℃ higher than that in modern times. Originally covered in Mid latitude Of ice sheet It disappeared, retreated to the polar region, and even the polar ice cover disappeared. When the ice sheet retreats or disappears, the climate zone moves northward, and the biological community also moves northward, such as arctic ocean There are also tiger, musk cow and other thermophiles along the coast, and the thermophiles can be distributed all the way to arctic circle
When the high latitude region is in Glaciation When the glacier cover expands, Polar high pressure Enhancement Polar front The belt moves south to mid latitude. Cyclones in the mid latitude polar front zone are active frequently and have abundant rainfall, Inland lake Water rises, such as in China Lop Nur During the ice age, the water area of the lake is 4-5 times larger than that of modern times. Conversely, when High latitude When the region is in interglacial period, Continental ice sheet And the polar high pressure shrinks to the polar region, Climatic zone Moving northward, dry climate appeared in some places in mid latitude area, about 10000 years ago in Dali Subglacial (equivalent to the Wumu sub glacial period in Europe) retreated, and the distribution of climatic zones and climatic conditions in the continents of the Northern Hemisphere basically formed the characteristics of modern climate.

Main minerals

Intrusion period (100 million years ago): related minerals of rock types in main distribution areas

Cenozoic era

The geological period from 70 million years ago to modern times is called the Cenozoic, including the Tertiary and Quaternary.
Tibet and Taiwan Ultrabasic rock Quartz diorite , granite, containing Cr, Au, Cu, Pb, Zn and other elements.


The geological period from 230 million to 70 million years ago is Mesozoic, including Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous.
Late stage: eastern region, western Yunnan, Tibet Karakoram Granite Diorite Monzonite It contains elements such as Sn, Mo, Pb, Zn, Cu, Hg, Sb, Au, etc.
Medium term: eastern region, western Yunnan, Tibet biotite granite Granodiorite , basic and super Basic rock It contains elements such as Sn, Bi, Mo, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Be, Cr, Ni, Ti, Pt, etc.
At the end of Yanshan period: divided into northern Northeast China, northern Inner Mongolia Qinling Mountains Granite, white granite Plagiogranite Granite porphyry , basic rock, etc., containing elements such as Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Au, etc.
Indosinian period: Nanling Hainan Island West Sichuan , West Yunnan, Qinling Mountains, South Qilian biotite granite Quartz diorite Gabbro, containing Fe, Cu, Ni and other elements.

Late Paleozoic

From 400 million years ago to 230 million years ago, it was the geological period of the Late Paleozoic, including Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian.
Hercynian Late stage: Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, Tianshan Kunlun Mountain , Sichuan, Yunnan and Taiwan Ultrabasic rock It contains elements such as Fe, Sn, Mo, Pb, Zn, Be, Cr, Ni, etc.
metaphase: Greater Khingan Range , northern Inner Mongolia, Tianshan Mountains and Sichuan Yunnan Border Region biotite granite Granodiorite , basic and ultrabasic rocks, containing Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, Co and other elements.
Early: Altay Junggar Tianshan Mountains, Sichuan Yunnan Border Region Qilian Mountains Basic and ultrabasic rocks, granites, granodiorites, etc. in Kunlun Mountains, Inner Mongolia contain Cr, Cu, Ni and other elements.


During this geological period, there was no stable continental area, only a few small continental cores scattered in the ocean. [2]
Later stage: Qinling Mountains, western Hubei granite Diorite
Early stage: granites in eastern Liaoning, northern China and southern China Granodiorite Granite porphyry Hyperbasicity and Basic rock It contains elements such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Au, Cr, Ni, Fe, etc.


Reference table of geological age
Granite, basic and Ultrabasic rock Mica, rare metals (Au Cu、Ni、Cr、Fe、B)