Ground temperature

[dì miàn wēn dù]
General term for soil temperature at the ground surface and at different depths below
zero Useful+1
synonym Surface temperature (Ground temperature) generally refers to ground temperature
Ground temperature refers to the general term of soil temperature on the ground surface and at different depths below. It refers to the depth of the water in the evaporator with a certain diameter reduced by evaporation. The unit is ℃.
The ground temperature refers to the temperature of the thermometer set on the ground at the ventilated and dry place of the brewing workshop in order to grasp the temperature of the next curve and kiln entry. [1] Ground temperature is one of the meteorological observation items, and also a very useful climate resource.
Chinese name
Ground temperature
Foreign name
ground temprature
Soil temperature at ground surface and at different depths below
Very useful climate resources
geography geology


Ground temperature
Ground temperature It refers to the temperature condition at the junction between the atmosphere and the earth's surface. The temperature of the surface soil on the ground is called the ground temperature, and the temperature in the soil below the ground is called the ground temperature.
The ground temperature shall be specially made Geothermometer To measure. Surface temperature The measurement is to lay the thermometer flat on the ground, so that half of the surface body and the sensing ball are buried in the soil and half are exposed in the air; To measure the temperature in the ground, the thermometer is buried in the soil at a certain depth, and the depth from the middle part of the bulb to the ground shall prevail. [2]
To facilitate reading and accurate measurement of a certain depth soil temperature The underground temperature is usually measured by a specially made curved tube geothermal meter. The sensing sphere of the curved tube geothermal meter is connected with the surface body at an angle of 135 degrees. When installing, the surface body and the ground are buried in the soil at an angle of 45 degrees. The meteorological station generally observes the ground temperature at the depth of 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm, 40 cm, 80 cm, 160 cm and 320 cm on the ground and below the ground, as well as the daily maximum and minimum temperature on the ground.

Temperature effect

During the day, the sun shines, and the ground temperature gradually rises after the earth receives heat. After sunset, near ground air temperature Gradually, the temperature of the earth's surface begins to drop. It can be seen that the ground temperature shows obvious diurnal variation at sunrise and sunset. At the same time, with the change of four seasons, there are also obvious Interannual change These changes generally decrease with depth. The occurrence time of the highest and lowest ground temperature is delayed with the increase of depth. The influence of ground temperature on the temperature near the ground and the germination and growth of plant seeds, microorganism The reproduction and its activities have a great impact. The data of ground temperature is of great significance to the regional planning of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. In addition, railway, underground mineral resources and Geothermal resources Many years of geothermal data are needed for mining.

Development and utilization

The utilization of ground temperature is mainly to use the ground energy heat pump technology to extract low temperature heat energy from water or soil. The ground energy heat pump technology is to use the existence of the shallow surface temperature and air temperature Temperature difference By extracting and releasing the energy in the stratum, heating in winter and cooling in summer can be realized. Ground energy heat pump technology includes water source heat pump technology and ground source heat pump technology. If the geological conditions are good, shallow groundwater is rich and easy to recharge, water source heat pump is usually used; If the geological conditions are bad, it can be used Ground source heat pump
The water source heat pump technology transfers the heat in the building to the water source in summer by extracting the ground water with the same temperature as the stratum, and exchanging heat with the extracted ground water through the unit; In winter, energy is extracted from the water source, and the extracted energy is sent to the building through the heat pump technology to achieve heating. The number of pumping wells and reinjection wells is designed according to the system load and water demand, the water production capacity and reinjection capacity of the formation. In fact, the water source only exchanges heat after passing through the heat pump unit, and the water quality is almost unchanged, It will not pollute the original water source after being reinjected to the stratum or discharged into the surface water.
Therefore, the use of water source heat pump technology in the process of utilizing groundwater and surface water will not cause regional groundwater and surface water pollution.

Relevant knowledge

(1) Geothermal gradient : The increment of ground temperature per 100 meters in the warming zone.
(2) Normal ground temperature gradient: gradient is less than or equal to 30C/hm
(3) Abnormal geothermal gradient: geothermal gradient exceeds 30C/hm
(4) High temperature area: the area where the ground temperature exceeds 400C. (The ground temperature of 31-37 degrees is the first grade heat damage area, and the temperature above 37 degrees is the second grade)

data statistics

On March 19, 2024, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released the 2023 Global Climate Report. According to the data, 2023 is the hottest year on record. The global average near surface temperature is 1.45 degrees Celsius (± 0.12 degrees Celsius) higher than the pre industrial level. The past 10 years are the hottest years on record. [3]