land rent

[dì zū]
Price paid for land use
zero Useful+1
The ground rent is Labor products The essence of the balance after deducting the production input necessary to maintain the livelihood of the workers is surplus labor Products and surplus value The true form of. Contemporary famous American economist Paul Samuelson believes that land rent is the price paid for the use of land, because Land supply The quantity is fixed, so the amount of land rent depends entirely on the competition between land demanders. The land rent and production factors To allocate scarce resources without collecting land rent will result in inefficient and inappropriate use methods.
Chinese name
land rent
dì zū
Interpretation 1
Land tax collected by the old country
Interpretation 2
Land occupier Land ownership Income earned

Word Overview

Land owners rely on Land ownership And the income obtained. Feudal land rent It is the peasants' surplus labor or even part of it that the landlords occupy free of charge Necessary labor Super economic compulsion It exists necessary condition capitalist rent yes Tenancy What the capitalist gave to the land owner came from Employee As a part of the surplus labor, it reflects the relationship between the two sides in exploiting and employing agricultural workers.

Basic explanation

land rent
dì zū
(1) . Collected by the old state Land tax New Tang Dynasty Book ·Biography of Wei Zheng: " Huangfu Deshen The calligraphy said: 'Xiu Luoyang Palace , labor; Collecting land rent is also a way to collect money. '"
(2) In feudal society and capitalist society In the middle, the land owner relies on Land ownership Income earned. Tang Dynasty, Wang Ji《 Sit alone 》Poetry: "Some guests talk about fame and reason, but no one asks for land rent." Guo Qingming Sabre 3: "He remembered Fang Chunjiang, a tenant forced down the canal by the land rent."


land rent
The land rent is determined by the land owner Land ownership Income from transferring land to others for use. Feudal land rent It is the peasants' surplus labor or even part of it that the landlords occupy free of charge Necessary labor Super economic compulsion Is a necessary condition for its existence. capitalist rent It was handed over by the tenancy capitalist to the land owner from Employee As a part of the surplus labor, it reflects the relationship between the two sides in exploiting and employing agricultural workers.
Land rent is the economic realization form of land ownership. The ground rent is a Historical category stay Private ownership of land The land rent is created by direct producers Remaining products The part occupied by the land owner free of charge is a form of exploitation of workers by the land owner. stay Public ownership of land The land rent is not only an important method for the state to manage land economically, but also national income An important part of. Land ownership The nature, content, form and embodiment of land rent Production relations They are also different.
Land rent can be divided into Feudal land rent and capitalist rent Feudal land rent Servitude rent Land rent in kind And monetary rent. stay capitalist society In China, land rent is occupied by exploiters created by agricultural workers Excess profit It reflects the exploitative relationship between land owners and agricultural workers. Labor rent labor rent Labor rent Service rent rent paid in labour The feudal landlords relied on land ownership and Super economic compulsion , forcing farmers (serfs) to use their own tool of production On the land managed by the landlords, they do farming work for a certain period of time and other kinds of work for free Factotum In this form of land rent, farmers' labor for themselves and for landlords are separated in time and space. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period central plains At the beginning of the region, the labor rent gradually declined and was replaced by the real rent, but the remnants remained until the end of the Qing Dynasty, some until the Republic of China.

Land rent classification

Land rent can be divided into Feudal land rent and capitalist rent
Feudal land rent
The feudal land rent is Feudal system Next, landlord class Occupy a large amount of land, hand it over to farmers for farming, and collect land rent from farmers. This kind of land rent reflects Feudal landlord class exploitation peasant class The relationship between the two is called feudal land rent.
It takes three basic forms that occupy the main position in turn:
Servitude rent Labor land rent directly exploits farmers surplus labor
Land rent in kind Physical land rent directly exploits farmers Remaining products
Monetary rent The monetary rent is the value of exploiting surplus products.
Feudal land rent often occupied part of the peasants Necessary labor or Essential products Feudal land rent Feudal land ownership Based on and based on Super economic compulsion Is a means. The latter effectively guaranteed the cruel exploitation and domination of the landlords over the peasants.
Under the capitalist system, there is large land in agriculture owner Agricultural capitalist And the three classes of agricultural workers. Large landowners generally Land lease To agricultural capitalists, who then employ agricultural workers for farming, and in accordance with the provisions of the land lease contract, will exploit agricultural workers surplus value Part of Excess profit The part of, as a rent to the landowner. This kind of land rent reflects capitalism The relationship between the three classes in agriculture.
Differential rent : The transformation form of excess profits obtained by cultivating superior land (land at all levels higher than inferior land). The grade difference of land is only the condition for the production of differential land rent, and the reason for its production is the management monopoly based on the limitation of land. Due to the existence of land management monopoly, the society of agricultural products Production price Will have to be Individual production price decision. In this way, the individual production price of products from superior places is lower than Social production price A stable excess profit will be formed, which will be converted into differential land rent. Graded land rent Graded land rent I and graded land rent II. The former is based on the difference of land fertility and land distance from the market or Traffic line The distance is different; The latter is formed by continuous additional investment in land labour productivity The difference is conditional.
from Private ownership of land It is a form of land rent that is generated by the monopoly of. It has nothing to do with the quality of land and the difference in labor productivity. The condition of absolute land rent is agriculture Organic composition of capital It is lower than industrial departments. In this way, agricultural products Production price Is lower than its value. And because Monopoly of private ownership of land The value of agricultural products exceeds the production price (i.e surplus value exceed Average profit )The difference part of the profit will not participate or not fully participate in the process of profit averaging. That's the part Excess profit Become the source of absolute land rent.
stay capitalism In agriculture, it is different from Differential rent The monopoly land rent of absolute land rent and absolute land rent is due to the fact that under special favorable conditions Monopoly price Government rent formed by sale.
stay socialist system Next, destroy it Private ownership of land And the relationship between private land tenancy, thus eliminating the original sense of land rent. In socialist agriculture, land quality is different Economic benefits The difference still exists. More income from cultivating superior land forms Land differential income In some economic works, this kind of land differential income is called Socialist differential rent

Land rent in kind

Land rent in kind yes feudal society The product of development to a higher stage. stay Western Europe It was roughly after the collapse of the feudal manor economy in the 13th and 14th centuries that the real land rent occupied the main position. Since the establishment of landlord economy in China after the Warring States Period, real land rent has long been the main form of land rent.
Grain rent It is an old term for land rent in kind in China. Tenants pay land rent to landlords with their products. The products are different from place to place. Generally, dry land is mainly sorghum , corn, wheat, millet, paddy field unhusked rice Mainly. In addition to the main products, the tenants should also deliver the by-products. There are many kinds of grain rent, and the rent is inconsistent. Generally, paddy field rent is higher than dry farmland south China The rent in coastal and southwest provinces is on the high side, while that in north and northwest China is on the low side, Central China And East China. Valley rent is Chinese history A form of land rent that has dominated for a long time.

Monetary rent

Monetary rent It is also called "money rent" in China. Feudal land rent A form of. It refers to a form of land rent in which the landlords rent their land to farmers, who pay a certain amount of money to the landlords regularly according to regulations. The monetary rent is determined by Land rent in kind It is the transformation form of real land rent. The difference between monetary land rent and physical land rent is that farmers must sell their products and pay them to the landlords after converting them into money, rather than in the form of physical land rent. The transformation of real land rent into monetary land rent is a social productivity The result of development is the development of division of labor, handicraft industry Further independence from agriculture and Commodity currency Caused by the development of relationship. In the early feudal society, although monetary land rent had appeared, it was only accidental. For example, in Imperium Romanum , has repeatedly tried to implement monetary land rent. During the Warring States Period in China, Jin was used to replace rent, Sui and Tang Dynasties There were also monetary rents during the period, but they all appeared occasionally and later recovered to Land rent in kind , or just as a supplement to the land rent in kind. Only at the end of the feudal society, natural economy Gradually disintegrated, and the real land rent began to Monetary rent Conversion. In China, until the semi colonial and semi feudal society, monetary land rent still exists as a supplementary form of real land rent. Monetary land rent can stimulate farmers' Production enthusiasm Because farmers can not only control their own Working hours In addition, the production of crops can be arranged according to the needs of the market. Since farmers had to pay land rent to feudal landlords in the currency obtained from selling agricultural products Individual economy They broke through the natural economy and became involved in commodity market , so as to have parts commodity economy The nature of. The substitution of monetary land rent for real land rent has changed the relationship between farmers and landlords Personal attachment Weakened, and gradually became a kind of Contractual relationship