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geographical environment

[dì lǐ huán jìng]
Geographical concepts
The geographical environment refers to the geographical position And various related natural condition Including climate, land, rivers, lakes, mountains, mineral resources, animal and plant resources, etc. geographical environment It is a cross zone of energy, located on the surface of the earth, namely the cross zone of interaction between lithosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, with a thickness of about 10-30 kilometers. natural environment It is a natural complex composed of rock, landform, soil, water, climate, biology and other natural elements.
Chinese name
geographical environment
Foreign name
Geographical environment
Total of certain geographical location and natural conditions
Natural environment and man-made environment


Geographical environment refers to the geographical location of a certain society and the sum of various natural conditions associated with it, including climate, land, rivers, lakes, mountains, mineral resources, animal and plant resources, etc. The geographical environment is a cross zone of energy, located in Surface of the earth , i.e lithosphere Hydrosphere Pedosphere Atmosphere and biosphere The thickness of the interactive cross zone is about 10-30 kilometers. The natural environment is a natural complex composed of rock, landform, soil, water, climate, biology and other natural elements. Geographical environment is an important factor affecting national culture. From the perspective of human overall historical development, geographical environment plays a key role in the formation of civilization and the inheritance of culture. From the actual situation of countries around the world, we can find that countries and nations with large geographical differences national culture The difference is also huge. [1]




Integrity of geographical environment It refers to the world's different sizes Natural complex The internal elements and parts are connected and restricted with each other, thus forming a complete, independent whole with relative internal consistency and external uniqueness. The interrelation and interaction between various elements and parts in the geographical environment are shown in the following aspects:
First, this element affects other elements in the geographical environment, and the change of this element affects the change of other elements. as Subtropical high pressure zone and Trade wind belt The controlled mainland center and the west bank of the mainland are subject to subtropical high Downdraft And from inland trade wind Therefore, the climate is extremely dry. Due to insufficient water, surface runoff is shallow or non-existent, Physical weathering Strong, aeolian action prevails, forming large deserts Conglomerate desert The vegetation is sparse, and the animals are quite poor due to lack of food. The above elements are linked one by one, and one element affects the other. When one element changes, other elements will also change due to its influence.
Secondly, in the geographical environment, this part will affect other parts, and changes in this part will affect changes in other parts.
Thirdly, the development and change of any element and part of the global natural complex at all levels must be subject to the overall constraints. natural Once a complex is formed, it is stable. Its internal elements and parts are integral parts of the whole. It is difficult to change any of them individually. Of course, under the strong influence of human beings, the geographical environment will also change locally, for example, due to artificial irrigation, local oases can appear in desert areas; Due to man-made deforestation, the tropical rainforest may have grassland and Semi desert Landscape, but once the human influence stops, let it develop naturally, as long as atmospheric circulation The situation remains unchanged, and eventually the geographical environment will be restored to its original appearance. This shows that the development and change of any element and part must be restricted by the overall geographical environment.


In general, Global The geographical environment is a unified whole, but in different regions of the whole, it often shows extremely significant regional differences, and regional differences are common in the geographical environment. It can be said that there can be no two regions with the same natural conditions on the earth, but each of us may obtain perceptual knowledge of regional differences in our daily life or from our travel. From the hot South China to the cool North, from the rainy southeast coast to the arid northwest inland, from the foothills of high mountains to the mountain tops, significant differences in geographical environment and its components can be observed. Different regions on the earth, due to their different latitudes and sea land positions, have certain combinations of heat and water respectively. Different climates have produced corresponding and representative vegetation and soil types, thus forming a land natural belt with a certain width and zonal distribution. [2]


According to the degree of influence of human society, natural environment can be divided into natural environment and artificial environment. Natural environment (original natural environment) refers to places that are only indirectly or slightly affected by human beings, but the original natural features have not changed significantly, such as polar regions, mountains, large deserts swamp Tropical rain forest Some nature reserves and sea areas with less human activities. The man-made environment (secondary natural environment) refers to the places where the natural features have changed significantly due to the direct influence and long-term effect of human beings, such as agricultural, industrial and mining, urban and other land use. Grazing grassland and forest land still retain the appearance of grassland and forest, but their original conditions and conditions have changed greatly, and they also belong to man-made environment.
Economic environment is a kind of geographical environment formed by human society on the basis of natural environment, which mainly refers to natural conditions and natural resources developed and utilized by human beings Regional production complex Of economic structure Including industry, agriculture, transportation, urban and rural residential areas, etc productivity The geographical configuration conditions and structure status of the entity.
Sociocultural environment It includes the geographical distribution characteristics and organizational structure relations in terms of population, society, country, nationality, language, culture and folk customs, and it also involves the psychological induction and corresponding social behavior of various social groups to the surrounding things. Social and cultural environment is a kind of geographical environment formed by human society itself. The three environments mentioned above overlap and link with each other geographically and structurally, thus forming a unified overall geographical environment.

development history

The geographical environment in which human beings live today has gone through a long process of development.
First, the formation of surface liquid water and Primitive ocean The occurrence of. Water is not only an active factor in the surface environment, but also necessary for life. The primitive ocean is the earliest gathering place of organic compounds on the earth, which makes them evolve into complex high polymer Organic matter even evolved into life. Therefore, the primitive ocean is not only the birthplace of life, but also because Ocean energy Block UV damage Primitive life , ensuring the survival and development of primitive life. Others believe that life does not originate from the ocean, but from the surface of the crust that can defend against ultraviolet rays( Weathering crust )。
The second is the emergence of life. The composition of geographical environment includes living things. Only after the emergence of life can it mark the formation of geographical environment. It was previously believed that life appeared more than 1-2 billion years ago, but in recent decades, scholars Precambrian A variety of n-alkane amino acids have been found in the rocks of.
The third is in the atmosphere Free oxygen The occurrence of. The earliest primitive life was Restore environment When plants appear, Porphyrin compounds It has been synthesized. One kind of magnesium containing chlorophyll can carry out photosynthesis and absorb carbon dioxide Made with water carbohydrate At the same time, it emits oxygen, so that an environment rich in carbon dioxide that is not suitable for animal survival can be transformed into an environment suitable for animal survival Oxidizing environment Due to the discharge of nature, solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation on oxygen are formed 20~50km away from the ground ozone layer , protecting life, especially the survival and development of animals.
The fourth is the emergence of human beings, Human geographical environment The emergence of means that the geographical environment has developed to a mature level. [3]