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Special Chapter on Land Classification
synonym Land clerk (Ancient Chinese geographical masterpieces created in the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) generally refer to Guan Zi and Di Yuan
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"Guanzi · Land Member" is the earliest special chapter on land classification in China. It is《 pipe 》It is called "Land Member" for short.
Chinese name
Pipe manager
Special Chapter on Land Classification
the Warring States period
content validity
Guan was a politician of Qi State in the early Spring and Autumn Period. The book Guanzi has 24 volumes, 86 of which were originally written, and 76 of which are preserved today. Generally, scholars believe that the book was written in the Warring States Period and was compiled by some people in that period under the name of Guanzi.
"Pipe · Ground Staff"
The 2222 words in "Di Yuan" mainly discusses the land classification of China, involving soil geography and plant geography. According to the traditional concept of ancient China, it first divided the land into five categories: wasteland (plain), grave extension (sloping land), hills, mountains and rivers. Then divide them into different categories. ① Dutian. It can be divided into five land types, namely Xitu (alluvial soil), Chilu (red loessial soil), Huangtang (yellow saline alkali soil), Xicun (saline clay) and Heicun (black clay). Each type is arranged from high to low according to the terrain, and the spring water is also from deep to shallow. ② Grave extension. It is the transitional type of plain and hill, not subdivided. ③ Hills. It can be subdivided into 14 types, which are arranged as follows according to the terrain from low to high, and the spring water from shallow to deep: the fragrance of Shaanxi (beside), that is, beside the canyon; Sacrifice (阸阸阸阸阸阸阸阸阸阸阸阸阸阸阸38; Du Ling, namely Da Tufu; Yanling, the vast mound of soil; Round mausoleum, round and round hills; Manshan (Luan) Mountain, that is, low mountain with stone spreading; Fu (attached) Mountain, namely Xiaotu Mountain; Fushan Baitu (soil), namely, white soil hill; Zhongling, that is, medium hills; Green mountain, namely blue soil rock mountain;  () mountain red soil, that is, rocky red soil hills; Qiao (僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐僐20688; Tu (earth) mountain, namely earth mountain; Gaoling Earth Mountain, that is, high hills and earth mountains. This is the most detailed classification of hills in Chinese historical and geographical documents. ④ mountain forest. There are five types from high to low, each describing the depth of its plants and springs. The highest is called county spring, where larch grows; The second is Fu (伌) Lu (伌), which grows willows; Once again, it grows aspen for Quanying; The fourth is the wood of the mountain (伖伖伖伖伖伖伖伖伖伖伖伖伖伖伖; The lowest is the side of the mountain, namely the foot of the mountain, where elm trees grow. This arrangement of plants reflects the vertical distribution of mountain plants. ⑤ Kawasawa. It refers to the land on the banks of rivers, lakes and marshes, part of which is underwater and part of which is on the bank. According to the signs of plants, this kind of land can be divided into 12 types from underwater to shore, called "Twelve Decay". The last part of the "Land Member" chapter is land evaluation. According to the productive capacity of various soils, it is divided into upper, middle and lower grades, and each grade includes 6 different soils. It is divided into 18 categories, which is another direction of land classification.
"Pipe · Ground Staff"