Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

A volcanic island country located in the southern part of the Lesser Antilles Islands in the East Caribbean Sea
zero Useful+1
synonym Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent) generally refers to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines( English : Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), by Saint Vincent Island as well as Grenadines Composed of, is located in the east Caribbean Lesser Antilles A volcanic island country in the south. The main island is about 29 kilometers long, the widest part is about 18 kilometers, and the national area is about 389 square kilometers, of which the area of Saint Vincent Island is about 344 square kilometers. As of October 2022, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines can be divided into six parishes, with the capital located in Kingston By 2022, the national population will be 104000.
In 1498, when Columbus sailed to America for the third time, he landed on the main island on January 22, Saint Vincent's Day, hence the name Saint Vincent. In January 1958, the United Kingdom incorporated Saint Vincent and the Grenadines into the West Indian Federation until its dissolution in May 1962. In October 1969, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines achieved the status of "internal autonomy" and became an associated state of Britain. After negotiations with the British government in September 1978, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines gained independence on October 27, 1979. [1]
Agriculture and tourism are the pillars of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' national economy. In 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic will have a serious impact on Saint Economy. The tourism industry of Saint Louis has been hit hard, and the government is facing serious financial difficulties. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 2022 gross domestic product 948 million dollars, GDP per capita $8546. [6]
Chinese name
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [2]
Foreign name
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
North America [2]
Kingston [8]
National Day
October 27, 1979
National anthem
Saint Vincent's Land Is So Beautiful
Country code
official language
English [2]
Time zone
National leaders
Charles III, King of England [2] (Head of State) Susan Dorgan [2] (Governor) Ralph Gonsalves [2] (Prime Minister)
population size
104000 (as of 2022)
Population density
284.5 persons/km2 [3] [5] (2020)
Major ethnic groups
black race
Major religions
Protestant Christianity [2] Catholicism [2]
land area
389 km² [2-3]
Total GDP
US $948 million [2] (2022)
GDP per capita
US $8546 [2] (2022)
International telephone area code
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the left
GDP growth rate
1.36% [2]

Historical evolution

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
The first inhabitants of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were Caribbean Indian
In 1498, Columbus The third voyage to America landed on the main island on January 22, Saint Vincent's Day, hence the name Saint Vincent. More than a century later, Caribbean Still working on Saint Vincent Island.
In 1627, King of England Grant Saint Vincent to the Earl of Carlisle. Since then, the British and French colonists have repeatedly contested Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. In 1783, according to Treaty of Versailles Degenerate into British colonies But the Caribbean did not succumb.
In 1795, a large-scale uprising broke out. They burned the manor, attacked the barracks, executed colonial officials, and determined to recover the lost land. In 1796, the uprising was brutally suppressed by the British army. Most Caribbean people (about 5000) have been exiled to the Gulf of Honduras in Central America Roatan Island
The Royal Family of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
In order to develop sugarcane plantations, the colonial authorities in the 18th century brought in a large number of people from Africa Black slaves In 1838, slavery was abolished. Plantation economy It was hit unprecedentedly. Since 1846, the colonists have come from Portugal Madeira Islands and India A large number of laborers were brought in. In the second half of the 19th century, Sugar industry Production has rebounded. At the beginning of the 20th century, banana planting began to develop; In the late 1950s, bananas became the main agricultural products and export commodities.
In January 1958, Britain incorporated Saint Vincent and the Grenadines West Indian Federation Until the dissolution of the Federation in May 1962.
In October 1969, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines achieved the status of "internal autonomy" and became an associated state of Britain Commonwealth Member States. The Queen of England appoints the Governor to act as administrator. Since he came to power in 1974, Kato, the leader of Saint Vincent's Secret Service Party, has made several demands for independence.
After negotiations with the British government in September 1978, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines gained independence on October 27, 1979. [1]
On June 7, 2019, the United Nations General Assembly elected Estonia, Niger, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia and Vietnam as non permanent members of the Security Council in 2020 and 2021. [4]

geographical environment


Regional location

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines location
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines consists of the main island Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It is a volcanic island country, located in the East Caribbean Sea Windward Islands In, in Barbados About 160 kilometers to the west. Northing Saint Lucia About 40 km. The main island is about 29 kilometers long, the widest part is about 18 kilometers, and the national area is about 389 square kilometers, of which the area of Saint Vincent Island is about 344 square kilometers. [2]

topographic features

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines runs through the mountains all over the country. There are many volcanoes in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The highest peak is Sufriel Volcano , about 1234m above sea level. [2]

Climatic characteristics

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tropical monsoon climate The annual average temperature is 23~31 ℃, and the annual precipitation is about 2500 mm. There are many islands in the north of the island country hurricane [2]

natural resources

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is very small, so natural resources are extremely scarce, with only a small amount of geothermal resources and forest resources. According to the inventory in 2016, the total area of natural forests in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is about 13000 square meters.

administrative division



Location of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
As of October 2022, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines can be divided into six parishes: Charlotte Parish Grenadine District (Grenadines Parish), Saint Andrew Parish, Saint David Parish, Saint George Parish, Saint Patrick Parish. [2] [6]


Kingston (Kingstown)。 [8] It is the national capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and the political, cultural and economic center with a population of about 24500. [3] [6]

National symbol


Country name

St. Vincent and the Grenadines. [2]

national flag

Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Launched on October 21, 1985, the national flag is rectangular, with a length to width ratio of 3:2. The flag is composed of three vertical rectangles, blue, yellow and green, from left to right. The yellow rectangle has three green diamond patterns. Blue represents the ocean, green represents the earth, and yellow represents the sun. [2]

national emblem

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Emblem
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Emblem Launched in 1979, the National Emblem is composed of four colors of the national flag, with "Peace and Justice" written on the ribbon at the base. On the green land, a woman in blue stood in front of the altar with an olive branch, symbolizing peace; Another woman in blue knelt down in front of the yellow altar to pray, symbolizing justice. This pattern shows that the island country believes in Christianity and Catholicism, and life lives in longing. Above the national emblem is a bunch of cotton branches bearing pure cotton peaches, which is the main crop of the country. [2]

Population and nationality

By 2022, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has a population of 104000, a life expectancy of 76.2 years, and a population growth rate of 0.34%. Among them, 66% are black and 19% are mixed race. English is the common language. Most residents believe Protestant Christianity and Catholicism [6]




Since the independence of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the New Democratic Party and the United Labour Party have been in power alternately. The political situation is generally stable. In December 2015, the leader of the United Labour Party Ralph Gonsalves (Ralph GONSALVES) led the United Labour Party to win the general election and served as Prime Minister for the fourth time in a row. [2]


The current Constitution of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines came into force on October 27, 1979, when it became independent. [6]


The Parliament of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a unicameral system with a five-year term. There are 21 members of Parliament. Fifteen members of the House of Representatives are elected by universal suffrage, and six senators are appointed by the Governor on the nomination of the Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition party, with a term of office of five years. Current Speaker Rochelle Ford (Rochelle FORDE), took office in November 2020. [6]


The current government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines was formed in November 2020. Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Law and Information, and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, Engineering, Land and Planning Daniel, Montgomery (Montgomery DANIEL), Frederick STEPHENSON, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Camillo Gonsalves, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Information Technology, Saboto CAESAR, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transport, Industry and Labor, etc. [10]


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is subject to the jurisdiction of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, and the power of final adjudication belongs to the British Privy Council. [6]


(1) United Labour Party (United Labour Party): the ruling party. In September 1994, it was formed by the merger of the Saint Vincent Secret Service Party and the National Unity Movement Party. He came to power in 2001. Party leader Ralph Gonsalves
(2) New Democratic Party (New Democratic Party): Opposition party. It was founded by James Mitchell in December 1975. He was in power from 1985 to 2001. leader Godwin Freddie (Godwin FRIDAY)。 [2]


The Head of State of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is the King of England King Charles III , the king appointed the governor to act on his behalf Head of State duty. [7]
governor Susan Dorgan He took office in August 2019.
prime minister Ralph Gonsalves Born on August 8, 1946, he led the United Labour Party to win the general election in March 2001 and became Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for the first time. He was re elected in December 2005 and again on December 13, 2010. [2]




Agriculture and tourism are the pillars of the national economy. In 2023, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will recover strongly from the impact of the volcanic eruption and the COVID-19 epidemic. The main economic data in 2023 are as follows:
GDP: 1.04 billion US dollars.
GDP per capita: 9380 US dollars.
GDP growth rate: 6.2%.
Currency name: Eastern Caribbean Dollar.
Exchange rate: 1 USD ≈ 2.70 EC dollars.
Inflation rate: 4.6%.
(Source: International Monetary Fund) [10]


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has a small amount of agricultural products, clothing, leather, oil extraction and soap processing. Small manufacturing industry develops slowly, mainly producing cement, flour and furniture. [10]


The arable land of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines accounts for about 18% of the total land area. It mainly grows bananas, kudzu root, sweet potatoes, sugar cane and coconut, and is the main production place of kudzu powder. [10]


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines tourist area is mainly concentrated in the Grenadines Islands with high-quality beaches. [6]


In 2016, the fiscal revenue of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines government was EC $523 million and the expenditure was EC $576 million. [3]

foreign trade

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines mainly imports food and machinery, and exports bananas, vegetables and kudzu powder. The main trading partners are the United Kingdom, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States and China. [10]

Foreign aid

In 2016, it received about 48 million dollars of assistance, including 8 million dollars of Kuwaiti loans for the construction of tourism facilities. In 2016, european union It provided about 35 million dollars of assistance. [1]




The official language of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is English, which is also the common language. [1]


Most residents believe in Christianity and Catholicism. Among them, British Anglicans accounted for 47%, Methodists for 28%, Roman Catholics for 13%, and others for 12%. [2]


New Year: January 1
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Day: 22 January
Good Friday : April 13
Easter : April 16
Labor Day: May 1
Pentecost : June 4
Kingston Carnival
carnival : July 10
Liberation Day: August 6
Independence Day: October 27
Christmas: December 25-26

time difference

than Greenwich Mean Time 4 hours late; than Beijing Time 12 hours late.


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has no regular army, and the national defense is headquartered in Barbados Is responsible for the regional security system. [6]




The national highway is about 829 kilometers long, including 580 kilometers of asphalt roads and 249 kilometers of non asphalt roads. [2]

water transport

Kingston, the capital, has a deep-water port. [2]

air transport

There are 6 airports in total. ET JOSHUA International Airport in Kingston, the capital, has passenger and cargo flights to countries in the Caribbean Community and European and American countries. [2]




Primary education is compulsory in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The adult literacy rate is 96 per cent. Education expenditure accounts for about 7% of GNP. [6]


Press and Publication: Major newspapers include Saint Vincent's Weekly, Star, Voice of Saint Vincent, Justice, Official Gazette and New Age.
Radio broadcast: There are 9 FM radio stations, including Radio Saint Vincent and the Grenadines It is the only state-run radio station. There are 1 TV broadcasting station and 1 cable TV operator respectively. [2]

medical care

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has relatively poor medical conditions. There are 5 hospitals, 27 health centers, 74 clinics and 180 ambulance stations in China. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in 2016 accounted for gross domestic product 3.8%, calculated according to purchasing power parity, the per capita medical and health expenditure is 172 dollars. From 2012 to 2016, there were 2 doctors, 17 nurses and midwives, 1 dentist and 1 pharmacist per 10000 people on average, and 18 hospital beds per 10000 people. [2]

People's livelihood

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Human Development Index It ranks 54th in the United Nations Development Programme. Life expectancy is 76.2 years old, and the population growth rate is 0.34% (source: World Bank). The high standard of living in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is mainly dependent on overseas remittances. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is the successor Lesotho After that, the second person in the world receives the most overseas remittances. [2]

International Relations


foreign policy

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines pursues a foreign policy of safeguarding national dignity and regional unity. It has close relations with the United States, Britain, Canada and other Caribbean countries. Advocate Caribbean integration. It is a member of the United Nations, the Caribbean Community, the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, the Association of Caribbean States, the Bolivarian Union of the Americas and other international and regional organizations. [10]

external relations

Relations with China
As of 2016, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines still has no diplomatic relations with China. However, when Saint Vincent and the Grenadines became independent in 1979, Chinese Premier Hua Guofeng sent a message of congratulations and announced the recognition of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' independence Barbados The ambassador also participated in the independence ceremony as a government representative. On August 15, 1981, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines established so-called "diplomatic relations" with the authorities of Taiwan Province of China. [1]
According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China, in 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Saint Vincent will be 26.04 million US dollars, up 22.9% year on year, which is basically Chinese exports. [9]
Relations with Britain
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is very close to British diplomacy and often receives British funding.
Relations with the United States
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines also has close relations with the United States. In November 1991, Prime Minister Mitchell visited the United States. [1]