Land transfer

Transfer of land ownership or use right to others with or without compensation
zero Useful+1
Land transfer is Land ownership Or the transfer of the right of use from Party A to Party B with or without compensation. stay Private ownership of land Under conditions, land sale Land lease Etc. belong to paid transfer; Land gifts, land bequests, etc. belong to Gratuitous transfer implement permanent tenancy The land ownership belongs to landlord , farmers get permanent land use right Including transfer to others by inheritance, lease or sale. Implemented in China Socialist land public ownership Later, the State prohibited the illegal lease, transfer, sale or disguised sale of land. [1]
Chinese name
Land transfer
Foreign name
Land transfer


1. The land owner transfers the ownership of the land to others with or without compensation. Paid is a sale, free is a gift or bequest. Land transfer can only take place in Private ownership of land In our society handicraft industry and Socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce After the completion, the land changes private ownership by Public ownership Therefore, land transfer is not allowed. However, the right to use the land can be transferred according to law. The transferee only has the right to use the land, while the ownership still belongs to the state or the collective.
2. On land Household contract operation In the case of land transfer, the contractor shall find the object and the third party shall perform the contract to the employer on his behalf Contract act. Transferred Contract content Although there is no change, it has changed the contractor, ended the rights and obligations relationship between the original contractor and the employer, and established the rights and obligations relationship between the assignee and the employer. land contract When the management right is transferred, Contractor A written agreement shall be concluded with a third party.
Relevant land transfer tax rate:
transfer the possession of land use right , press“ Transfer of intangible assets tax item Payment Sales Tax , the tax rate is 5%.
Transfer of buildings Limited property rights or Permanent right of use , the act of donating real estate to others without compensation shall be regarded as Sale of real estate And pay business tax at the rate of 5%.

Transfer process

1、 Materials to be reported by the transferor
2. Original Land transfer contract
3. Paid to the tax bureau Land value-added tax Supporting materials
4. Land Appraisal Report
5. Drawings and data
6. Land transfer Special audit report
7. Business tax payment certification materials
2、 Materials to be reported by the transferee
1. Original project approval
2. Enterprise legal person Business license , legal person identity certification materials, etc
3. Certificate of deed tax paid to Finance Bureau
4. Maps and materials approved by the city planning department that conform to the plan
3、 Data jointly provided by both parties
1. Land transfer application
4、 If changed Land use , the transferee shall reassess, pay the transfer fee and deed tax for the difference, and go through relevant procedures

matters needing attention

The following related matters are common problems in state-owned land transfer transactions. The parties to land transfer should pay more attention to details, which is not only conducive to reducing transaction cost , which is also conducive to control Legal risk To avoid illegal phenomena.
1、 Form of assignment contract
The transfer of state-owned land use right shall be signed Written contract And clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. When the right to the use of the land is transferred, the rights and obligations specified in the contract for assigning the right to the use of the land and the registration documents shall be transferred accordingly.
2、 Investigation on ownership and credit ability of state-owned land
1. Assignment Contract signing Before the transfer to the transferor Subject qualification Verify. The transferor must be the land user specified on the state-owned land use certificate. The land user is state-owned or Collective unit , the assets should be submitted Right of disposition Certificate of consent to transfer issued by.
2. The transferor should also carefully review the transferee's Credit Capability, including banks Proof of funds . Whether there is significant Debt dispute So as to avoid the result that the funds cannot be recovered after the transfer of the land use right.
3、 Assignment Price evaluation Matters
Before the transfer, the land transfer price should be evaluated. Because the transfer price of the land use right is obviously lower than the market price, the municipal and county people's governments have Right of First Refusal When the market price of the transfer of the right to the use of the land rises unreasonably, the people's governments at the municipal and county levels may take necessary measures. In particular, the transferor is State owned unit State owned land and related assets must be appraised by a legal appraisal agency and confirmed by the land department.
4、 Guarantee for transfer of state-owned land use right
1. Whether the state-owned land use right to be transferred has defects is the focus that the transferee must pay attention to. Before signing the transfer contract, we must go to the land department and the competent real estate department to investigate and verify whether there is mortgage and judicial restrictions.
2. In view of the fact that it is difficult to investigate whether there is land ownership and related disputes, and the transferee's Performance ability It is difficult to judge, and it should be clear that both parties provide mutual guarantees.
5、 Relevant taxes
When the transfer contract is signed, both parties shall consult about the items, standards and amounts of taxes payable, and clarify the tax burden. According to relevant regulations, the calculation basis of taxes is generally land Transaction price , if the transaction price is significantly lower than normal market value The land appraisal price shall be taken as the calculation basis.
6、 Change of land use and relevant land use conditions
1. The transfer of state-owned land often involves the change of land use, right to use allotted land The transfer is particularly prominent. Whether the land use and relevant conditions can be changed, the change procedure and the cost burden should be clearly agreed in the transfer contract.
2. Most of the land before transfer is Industrial land , office land, etc., which are mostly used for commercial or residential development after transfer, should not only be changed by the planning department, but also pay the land transfer fees and relevant supporting fees. Some do not change the land use, but need to change the limit of the transfer contract Building density , plot ratio, greening rate and other land use conditions.
7、 Overground buildings and others when the land use right is transferred Attachment Ownership
1. The owners or co owners of the above ground buildings and other attached objects shall enjoy the right to the use of the land within the scope of use of the buildings and other attached objects. When the land user transfers the ownership of the above ground buildings and other attached objects, the right to the use of the land within the scope of use shall be transferred accordingly, except that the above ground buildings and other attached objects are transferred as movable property.
2. The effect of the transfer of the right to the use of state-owned land extends to the above ground buildings. If there is no agreement, it is presumed to include. State owned land transfer It shall not be transferred without reaching the specified development level, and the allocated state-owned land shall not be transferred without aboveground buildings.
3. The transfer of the right to the use of the land and the ownership of the above ground buildings and other attached objects shall be handled in accordance with regulations Transfer registration Where the right to the use of the land and the ownership of the above ground buildings and other attached objects are divided and transferred, the municipal or county people's governments shall land administration The department and the real estate management department shall approve and handle the transfer registration in accordance with the provisions.
8、 Procedure of ownership change and payment of transfer price
Because the transfer of state-owned land use right must be subject to contract signing, land department approval, relevant formalities, registration and certification and other links, sometimes involving mortgage Therefore, the transfer fee shall be paid by installment. That is, the payment term and amount shall be set according to the transfer procedure to reflect the mutual restriction and supervision, so as to reduce both parties' Transaction risk
9、 Transfer of State owned Land Use Right after Mortgage
After the right to use state-owned land is mortgaged, it is not impossible to transfer it. Through negotiation with the mortgagee Guarantee mode To realize the purpose of transfer by means of replacement or release of mortgage by means of payment of loan for transfer fee.




Contract No.:_________
first party (Transferor):_________
Legal address:_________
Legal representative:_________
Entrusted agent:_________
ID card No. :_________
postal address :_________
Postal Code :_________
Account No.:_________
E-mail :_________
Party B (Transferee):_________
Legal address:_________
Legal representative:_________
Entrusted agent:_________
ID No.:_________
Mailing address:_________
Postal Code:_________
Account No.:_________
Party A owns the land use right of _________ Road in _________ City, covering an area of _________ square meters. Party A intends to transfer the land use right and related projects Transfer of development right To Party B. Party A and Party B Friendly negotiation , now according to the current land transfer and development laws and regulations In combination with the actual situation of the land and its development referred to in this agreement, the following agreement is voluntarily reached for both parties to abide by.


Article 1 Basic Information of Transferred Land
1. Land location:_________
2. Land use right area:_________
3. Approved Plot ratio For:_________
4. Approved building area: _________ (including: Non residential _________Square meters, residential _________ square meters.)
5、 land planning Purpose:_________
6、 Land use Term:_________
7. Land status:_________
10、 Land No :_________
Article 2 Land Project development Status of rights
2. Party A has been approved by the municipal government of _________ to obtain the single development right on the plot to be transferred, and has received the single development right Qualification certificate
3. Party A has commissioned the design and handled the Application for construction Formalities, and paid the fees required for construction application.
Article 3 Other Rights
1. Party A confirms that the land use right and project development right transferred by this agreement are legally owned by Party A, and there are no property rights defects such as mortgage, seizure, and claims of a third party.
2. Assume the current situation of transfer payment Creditor's rights and debts And all laws Economic responsibility Party A confirms that all payments have been made to obtain the land use right and project development right transferred under this agreement Payables , costs, no claims, debt disputes (including greening fees Demolition and resettlement Compensation, etc.).
Article 4 Provision of Documents
1. Party A shall provide the following documents to Party B: Party A's business license issued by the industrial and commercial administrative department (show the original or provide copy )。
2. Party B shall provide Party A with the following documents:
(1) Project approval certificate (copy) issued by the investment approval department.
(2) The business license of Party B issued by the industrial and commercial administration department (show the original or provide a copy).
Article 5 Transfer Term
1. The term of land use right transfer stated in this contract is the state-owned land of the site claimed by Party B Land use right certificate The specified starting date shall be from to.
2. From the date Party B receives the state-owned land use right certificate of the site, the land use right of the site mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall belong to Party B Legal rights and interests It is protected by national laws.
3. During the transfer period, unless otherwise specified in this contract, Party A shall not take back the land use right.
Article 6 Transfer price
1. Both parties confirm that the transfer price of this agreement is based on the approved buildable area of Party A, and the transfer price is per square meter RMB _________RMB _________.
2. The above transfer price includes all payments and fees paid and payable by Party A for obtaining the right to use the transferred land and the project development right.
3. Party B is allowed to increase or reduce the building area after the transfer, which has nothing to do with Party A, not regard as Increase or decrease the basis for Party B to pay Party A the transfer amount.
Article 7 Payment method
1. Payment
(1) Within _________ working days from the effective date of this agreement, Party B shall pay Assignment of Agreement _________% of the price shall be paid to Party A.
(2) In the case that Party A will transfer the land use right and project development right, Including but not limited to Land transfer contract Red line chart . Construction land approval, construction land Planning permit Construction project planning permit, key points of architectural design Design drawings Party B shall pay Party A _________% of the transfer price of this Agreement within _________ working days after the delivery of the original documents such as the single development right approval and qualification certificate.
(3) Within _________ working days after the planning and land department handles the land use right and project development right of the transferred land under the name of Party B or its designee according to the joint application of both parties, Party B shall pay _________% of the transfer price of this agreement to Party A.
(4) Party B shall pay Party A _________% of the transfer price of this agreement within _________ working days after Party B submits the originally planned office and shopping mall functions for approval as commercial and residential functions according to the needs of project development.
(5) Within _________ days after Party B is approved to commence construction, Party B shall pay the remaining transfer price of this Agreement to Party A.
2. Party A collects the transfer price of this agreement Bank of deposit Is: _________ Account number: _________; Party A may also notify Party B in writing of the new bank and account number of Party A's collection or the third party entrusted by Party A for collection: _________.
3. When Party A collects the payment from Party B, it shall issue an invoice to Party B or the unit or individual designated by Party B.
Article 8 Delivery of materials and handling of formalities
1. In this Effectiveness of contract Within _________ working days after that, Party A The Information on land use right and project development right related to the transferred plot, including but not limited to the original documents of land transfer contract, red line map, construction land approval, construction land planning permit, construction project planning permit, key points of architectural design, design drawings, single development right approval and qualification certificate, etc., to Party B.
2. Within _________ days after this agreement comes into effect, both parties shall prepare relevant materials and jointly apply to the municipal planning and land department for going through the registration procedures for the transfer of the land use right referred to in this agreement and the renaming and transfer procedures for the project development right.
Article 9 Burden of taxes
In the process of the transfer of the land use right and the renaming and transfer of the project development right under this agreement, all kinds of taxes and fees that should be collected by the competent government departments and the institutions designated by the government departments should be borne by Party A. If they should be shared by both parties according to the regulations, they should also be paid by Party A in the name of Party B, The transfer price has been reflected in the price paid to Party A.
Article 10 Legal Status of Transfer
1. After Party A transfers the land use right involved in this agreement contract for assignment of the right to the use of land And the rights and obligations specified in the registration documents shall be transferred to Party B.
2. Prior to the registration of the transfer of the land use right, Party A shall bear the risks and responsibilities caused by the property right defects of the plot; since Real estate registration Party B shall bear the risks and responsibilities related to the plot from the date when the transfer registration is approved by the authority.
3. All payments, fees (including but not limited to government backfilling and greening fees), debts and liabilities that Party A needs to pay to obtain the land use right and project development right of the plot shall be borne by Party A, and shall not be transferred due to the effectiveness of this agreement and the handling of transfer registration procedures.

Transfer handling method

(1) Procedures
Both parties to the transfer shall submit a written application - acceptance and review of the shares for compliance with the transfer conditions - site survey - Land price evaluation - Fill in the transfer application approval form - use share review - report to the bureau for approval - sign Transfer of state-owned land use right Contract.
(2) Land transfer report
1. Land application
2. Land use certificate (original)
3. Original transfer contract, approval documents (involving bidding, auction and listing) Transaction Confirmation
4. Both parties Assignment Agreement
5. Provide opinions of the planning department if the plan is changed
6. Land Appraisal Report
7. Copies of business licenses of both parties Legal representative Copy of legal person certificate
(3) Commitment time limit
15 working days
(4) Charging standard
No charge
1. Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Urban Real Estate
2. Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Assignment and Transfer of the Right to Use State owned Land
3. Provisions of the Ministry of Land and Resources on the Transfer of State owned Construction Land Use Right through Bidding, Auction and Listing
4. Regulations of the Ministry of Land and Resources on the Transfer of State owned Construction Land Use Right through Bidding, Auction and Listing
5. Regulations of Henan Province on the Administration of the Transfer of the Right to Use State owned Land in Cities and Towns
8. Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Assignment and Transfer of the Use Right of State owned Construction Land in Cities and Towns

Assignment Agreement

Party A:__________________
Party B:__________________
Party C:__________________
After friendly negotiation between all parties, based on equality, voluntariness, compensation Principle of good faith The agreement on land transfer is as follows:
1、 Plot Overview
1. The plot is located in __________, with a land area of __________ square meters (equivalent to __________ mu). Four boundaries of the land and Boundary point See the attached state-owned land use certificate for coordinates.
2. At present, the land is used for residential, industrial, comprehensive and Commercial land
2、 Mode of transfer
1. Party A guarantees to pass Land listing Transfer the plot to Party B and ensure the plot ratio of the plot Greater than or equal to __________, the greening rate shall not be less than _________%, and the land use shall be commercial Residential land
2. The transfer price of the land is __________ yuan/mu [including Differential rent Municipal supporting fee , development compensation Relocation and resettlement fees Young crops compensation , overhead or underground pipeline (water, electricity, communication, etc.) relocation fees and Land management fee ]The total transfer price is RMB __________.
3. Party B agrees to pay the land price to Party A in two installments according to the following time and amount: Phase I Deposit , __________% of the land price, amounting to RMB __________ million, payment time and conditions: signed by both parties agreement , and the land listing procedures have been completed and Mortgage registration It shall be paid within __________ days after the formalities are completed; In the second phase, pay off the balance, amounting to RMB __________, and the payment time and conditions: signed at Party B Transfer of state-owned land use right The agreement shall be made within ______ working days after obtaining the state-owned land use certificate of the land.
4. In order to ensure the timely payment of the first phase of the land price mentioned in the preceding paragraph, Party C agrees to provide the state-owned land use right of the two pieces of land as Mortgage guarantee The mortgaged land use right covers an area of __________ square meters (see CGYZ No. __________ and CGYZ No. __________ for details), and the scope of the mortgage guarantee is the same as that of Party A's liability. Both parties agree to go through the mortgage registration formalities with the local land management department within ______ days after the signing of this agreement, and the mortgage period shall not expire until Party B obtains it Jitou Town ________The date of the state-owned land use certificate of mu of land expires.
5. The project shall be operated by Party B independently, and the profit and loss shall be borne by Party B. Party A is willing to help Party B solve the problem of tax refund and policy coordination. After the project development is completed and audited Net profit If the rate exceeds ______%, Party B agrees to share 50% of the excess net profit with Party A.
1. Party A sincerely invites Party B to participate in the Public listing Deal with the matter, and promise to create conditions for Party B to acquire the land. If Party B fails to acquire the land, Party A is willing to return double the deposit, amounting to _______ million yuan, and Party A shall pay this amount within ________ working days from the date of confirming that Party B cannot acquire the land use right of the land.
2. If Party B fails to pay the land price on time, it shall pay ____ ten thousandth of the unpaid part every day late fee Pay to Party A. If the payment fails to be made on time for more than _____ working days, it shall be deemed as termination of the performance of this Agreement, and shall have the right to dispose of pay deposit
3. Party A shall respond to Party B Assume joint and several liability
4、 Others
1. On Listing transfer In the process, Party B only bears the land deed tax and transaction cost Other business taxes shall be borne by Party A.
2. Party B's development and construction shall go through relevant procedures in accordance with laws, regulations and provisions.
3. Matters not covered in this agreement must be settled through negotiation by all parties and the corresponding Supplementary agreement , the supplementary agreement is the same as this agreement legal effect
4. In case of any conflict or dispute during the implementation of this agreement, which is invalid after negotiation, it shall be submitted to the court for adjudication.
5. This agreement shall come into force after being signed and sealed by representatives of all parties.
6. This agreement is in sextuplicate, with each party holding two copies.
Party A (seal):_______________
Party B (seal):_______________
Party C (seal):_______________

Transfer tax

1、 VAT and surcharges (Transferor):
1. According to Article 1 of [2016] No. 36 The People's Republic of China Domestic Sales Services intangible assets Or real estate units and individuals, as VAT taxpayers, shall pay VAT instead of business tax. " Article 15 "(II) For the transfer of land use right, the tax rate is 11%. Taxpayers who transfer the land use right acquired before April 30, 2016 can choose to apply the simple tax method to obtain the total price and Extra cost The balance after deducting the original price of the land use right is the sales amount, which is based on 5% percentage charges Calculate and pay VAT. "
2. Pay according to the VAT paid (7% in cities, 5% in counties and 1% in rural areas) Urban construction tax And 3% Education surcharges 2% local education surcharge.
II stamp duty And deed tax (both parties):
1. Press property transfer documents 0.05% stamp tax shall be paid for the amount stated in the (contract).
2. Press Transaction price (Contract) 3% deed tax (5% in some places).
3、 Land VAT (Transferor):
1. Deduction regulations based on income obtained Deduct item amount Post Value added , pay land value-added tax.
2. Provisions Deductions : Amount paid for obtaining the land use right; Cost and expense of land development; Taxes related to the transfer of real estate.
3. Four levels of tax rate determination: 30% for the part whose value-added does not exceed 50% of the amount of the deducted items; The value added exceeds 50% of the amount of deducted items to 100% The tax rate is 40%; If the value added exceeds 100% to 200% of the amount of the deducted items, the tax rate is 50%; If the value added exceeds 200% of the amount of the deducted items, the tax rate is 60%.
For the convenience of calculation, it can be calculated by quick calculation formula:
Land value-added tax Tax amount =Value added * tax rate - deducted item amount* Quick calculation deduction coefficient
(0, 5%, 15% and 35% correspond to 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% tax rates respectively).
1、 Link of newly acquired farmland
1、 Farmland occupation tax Units or individuals that occupy cultivated land to build houses or engage in non-agricultural construction are taxpayers of cultivated land occupation tax. Actual occupied by taxpayer Cultivated land area by Tax basis , which shall be collected in a lump sum according to the applicable tax amount specified. The cultivated land area actually occupied includes the cultivated land area occupied with approval and the cultivated land area occupied without approval.
2. Deed tax. 3% of the transaction price.
3. Stamp duty. Land use certificate , each Applique 5 yuan.
4、 Urban land use tax Land use tax shall be paid at the end of one year from the date of approval for requisition of cultivated land; For the non cultivated land requisitioned, the land use tax shall be paid from the next month after the requisition is approved. Expropriated cultivated land and non cultivated land land administrative organization The document approving land acquisition is determined on the basis of.
2、 Land transfer link
1. Deed tax. If the ownership of land and houses is transferred within the territory of China, the unit and individual that bears the title deed tax shall pay 3% of the transaction price. To bear right to use state-owned land Payable Land transfer fee The deed tax shall be collected, and the deed tax shall not be reduced or exempted due to the reduction or exemption of the transfer fee.
2. Stamp duty. Land use certificate, 5 yuan for each decal; The land use right transfer contract shall collect stamp tax according to the property right transfer document, and pay 5/10000 of the transfer amount specified in the contract.
3、 Land transfer
1. Business tax. All units and individuals that transfer the land use right are taxpayers of business tax. The total price and other fees collected by transferring the land use right shall be calculated and paid at the rate of 5%. For units and individuals selling or transferring their purchased real estate or transferred land use rights, the balance after deducting the original purchase or transfer price of real estate or land use rights from the total income is turnover
2. Urban construction tax, education surcharges Local education surcharges The business tax actually paid for the transfer of land use right shall be taken as the tax basis. The rate of urban construction tax. 7% of taxpayers in urban areas; In the county seat organic town 5%; 1% if not in the above areas. Educational surcharges Collection standard 3%, and the local education surtax is 2%.
3. Land value-added tax. Where transferred State owned land The unit or individual with the right to use and income shall be the taxpayer of land value-added tax, and the transfer of non-state-owned land and state-owned land owner The act of transferring state-owned land in the capacity of. The tax basis is the value added obtained by transferring the land use right.
The tax rate is 30% for the part whose value-added does not exceed 50% of the amount of the deducted items.
If the value added exceeds 50% of the amount of the deducted items and does not exceed 100% of the amount of the deducted items, the tax rate is 40%.
If the value added exceeds 100% of the amount of the deducted items and does not exceed 200% of the amount of the deducted items, the tax rate is 50%.
If the value added exceeds 200% of the amount of the deducted items, the tax rate is 60%.
4、 income tax For the transfer of land use right by individuals, the transfer income shall be“ Income from property transfer ”Levy individual income tax 20% of the price difference. When a unit transfers the land use right, the transfer income obtained shall be included in the taxable income corporate income tax
5. Stamp duty. Land use certificate, 5 yuan for each decal; Stamp tax shall be levied on the transfer contract of land use right according to the property right transfer certificate, and 0.5 ‰ of the transfer amount specified in the contract shall be paid.
6. Deed tax. The units and individuals who transfer the ownership of land and houses within the territory of China are the taxpayers of deed tax. 3% of the transaction price for the sale of land use right; Grant of land use right In exchange for those sold by the expropriation authority with reference to the land use right market price 3% of the approved amount.
4、 Land use link
(1) Self use
1. Urban land use tax. In cities, counties, organic towns Industrial and mining area Units and individuals that use land within the scope shall be taxpayers of urban land use tax. Our province is independent of administrative division Outside, engaged in production operating activities Land use tax is also levied on the farms and forest farms of. Actual occupied by taxpayer Land area As the tax basis, according to the regulations Tax calculation Collection.
Free use by tax-free units Taxpayer The land use tax shall be exempted from; Taxpayers shall pay land use tax according to regulations if they use the land of tax exempt units for free. Tax payer and tax exempt unit jointly use the land with common use right Multistory building For taxpayers, the land use tax shall be calculated and levied according to the proportion of the occupied building area in the total building area.
(2) Rent
1. Urban land use tax. Units and individuals that use land within cities, county towns, administrative towns and industrial and mining areas are taxpayers of urban land use tax. Our province also collects land use tax on farms and forest farms that are independent of administrative divisions and engaged in production and business activities. The tax shall be calculated and collected according to the stipulated tax amount on the basis of the area of land actually occupied by the taxpayer.
The land use tax shall be exempted if the tax-free unit uses the land of the taxpaying unit for free; Taxpayers shall pay land use tax according to regulations if they use the land of tax exempt units for free. Taxpayers and tax exempt units jointly use multi-storey buildings on the land with common use right, and the land use tax shall be levied on the taxpayers according to the proportion of the building area they occupy in the total building area.
2. Business tax. Press Rental income 5%.
3. Urban construction tax, education surcharges, local education surcharges. The business tax actually paid on the leased land shall be taken as the tax basis. The rate of urban construction tax. 7% of taxpayers are located in urban areas; 5% in the county seat and organic town; 1% of them are not located in urban areas, counties or towns. The collection rate of education surcharges is 3%, and that of local education surcharges is 2%.
When a unit or individual rents land, the income tax shall be levied separately on the rental income it obtains.
(3) Investment
1. Business tax. Invest in shares with land use right and participate in receiving investors Profit distribution , shared investment risk No business tax will be levied on the company. Business tax shall be levied according to the following circumstances: the ownership of real estate or the right to use land has not been transferred, which belongs to the business of transferring sites, houses, etc. to others, and the fixed profits collected shall be classified as "service industry"“ Leasing industry ”Business tax is levied on tax items; Real estate ownership Or if the land use right has been transferred, the fixed profits collected shall be subject to business tax according to the "sales of immovable property" or "transfer of intangible assets".
2. Land value-added tax. For investment and joint venture in real estate, one party of the investment and joint venture will invest in the land as a share or as a joint venture condition assignment of real property Land value-added tax shall be temporarily exempted when entering the invested and associated enterprises. For those who invest or associate with land as a share at a price Real estate development Of, or real estate developer The provisions on temporary exemption of land value added tax shall not apply to the investment and joint operation of commercial houses built by them.
3、 corporate income tax If an enterprise invests abroad with the right to use the land, the enterprise income tax shall be deemed as fair value When transferring intangible assets and investing in two businesses, the transfer profit and loss shall be recognized and included in taxable income.
4. Deed tax. with Land ownership If the investment or share is priced, it shall be deemed as the transfer of land use right and paid by the property right receiver.
5. Stamp duty. Paid in capital and Capital reserve If the total amount of the two items is greater than the original decal funds, the increased part needs to pay 5/10000 stamp tax.