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International Association for Seed Testing

A worldwide intergovernmental non-profit organization composed of official seed laboratories (stations) and seed technology experts
The International Seed Testing Association (ISTA for short) is a national official seed testing laboratory (station) technology A worldwide intergovernmental body of experts nonprofit organization
Chinese name
International Association for Seed Testing
Foreign name
International Seed Testing Association
Incorporated in
Nature of association
A worldwide intergovernmental non-profit organization

Development History

In 1924, it was renamed and rebuilt on the basis of the European Seed Inspection Association at the 4th International Seed Inspection Conference held in Cambridge, England. At present, it has 210 individual members and 162 laboratory members from 74 countries in the world.

Target Task

Its main objectives and tasks are:
(1) Objective To formulate, revise, publish and implement international seed inspection regulations. Promote the widespread use of consistent standard inspection procedures in international seed trade. Develop research and training in seed science and technology.
(2) The mission is to hold a world seed conference, discuss and revise the international seed inspection regulations, and exchange the achievements of seed science and technology research. Organize and hold seed technology training courses, seminars and seminars. Strengthen contacts and cooperation with other international institutions. Edit, publish and issue ISTA publications. Issue international seed inspection certificate.


The ISTA International Rules for Seed Testing (1999) provides standardized methods and relevant definitions for seed quality testing. In the international free circulation trade of seeds, the ISTA standard provides a basis for all parties to issue accurate inspection results. ISTA standards consist of rules and annexes:
1. Rules
Rules describe the object and principle of seed inspection; Definition involved in seed testing; And the processes and methods used.
2. Appendix
Annexes describes the process, method and definition described in the rules.
When the inspection results included in the rules are required to appear on the ISTA International Seed Analysis Certificate, the ISTA standard will be enforced. At the same time, the interpretation of any standard must comply with the requirements of the relevant appendix of the standard. In the United States, the ISTA standard is the technical basis of the National Seed Quality Control Act and is required to be applied as widely as possible. Since ISTA standards have been accepted and applied by many large seed producing countries and import and export countries, any violation or violation of ISTA standards may cause the transaction of seeds between these countries and other countries to be blocked.
The American Seed Certification Association is responsible for preparing certificates according to the inspection results certified by the International Seed Testing Association, and issuing recommended or recommended seed quality certificates. The United States Federal Forest Service and the state government require that seed germination and seed purity must be marked on the seed packaging bag.