international telecommunications union

United Nations agencies
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synonym International Telegraph Union (Social organization) generally refers to the International Telecommunication Union (UN agency)
The International Telecommunication Union is the United Nations An important part of specialized mechanism And also in the United Nations Longest history One of international organization abbreviation "International ITU ”、“ ITU ”Or "ITU" The current Secretary General is Doreen Bergdan Martin [3-4]
ITU is in charge ICT The UN agency responsible for the distribution and management of global radio spectrum and satellite orbit resources, the formulation of global telecommunications standards, the provision of telecommunications assistance to developing countries, and the promotion of global telecommunications development.
As world As a link between governments and the private sector, ITU, through its radio communication Standardization and development telecom Exhibition activities, and information society The host organization of the World Summit.
ITU headquarters is located in Switzerland Geneva , including 193 members member state And more than 700 department Members, associate members of departments and academic members. On May 17 every year World Telecommunication Day (World Telecommunication Day)。
On October 23, 2014, Zhao Houlin He was elected the new secretary-general of the International Telecommunication Union and became the first Chinese secretary-general in the 150 year history of the International Telecommunication Union. He officially took office on January 1, 2015 for a four-year term. [1]
Chinese name
international telecommunications union
Foreign name
International Telecommunication Union
Date of establishment
May 17, 1865
Number of Member States

Introduction to ITU

ITU The history of the International Telecommunication Union can be traced back to 1865. In order to successfully realize international telegraph communication, on May 17, 1865, method , Germany, Russia, Italy, Austria and other 20 European countries representative stay Paris The International Telegraph Union (ITU) was also established after the International Telegraph Convention was signed. along with Telephone With the application and development of radio, ITU's authority has been expanding. In 1906, representatives of 27 countries including Germany, Britain, France, the United States and Japan Berlin The International Radio Telegraph Convention was signed. In 1932, representatives of more than 70 countries were in Spain Madrid Convene a meeting to merge the International Telegraph Convention and the International Radio Telegraph Convention, and formulate《 International Telecommunication Convention 》And decided to officially change its name to "International Telecommunication Union" from January 1, 1934. through the United Nations Agreed that on October 15, 1947, the International Telecommunication Union became a specialized agency of the United Nations, with its headquarters in Switzerland berne Move to Geneva
ITU is one of the 15 specialized agencies of the United Nations, but it is not a subsidiary body of the United Nations in law. Its resolutions and activities do not need the approval of the United Nations, but it should submit a work report to the United Nations every year.
Figure 1-9 ITU Organizational Structure
The organizational structure of ITU is mainly divided into Telecommunication Standardization Department (ITU-T), Radio Communication Department (ITU-R) and Telecommunication Development Department (ITU-D). ITU holds a council every year, a plenipotentiary conference, the World Telecommunication Standards Conference and the World Telecommunication Development Conference every four years, and a World Radiocommunication Conference every two years. The brief organizational structure of ITU is shown in Figure 1-9.
The main research groups and research directions under ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D are briefly introduced.
(1) Telecommunication Standardization Department (ITU-T)
At present, there are 10 research groups engaged in the main activities of the telecommunications standardization department.
SG2: business provision and telecom management;
SG3: Tariff and settlement principles, including related telecommunication economic and policy issues;
SG5: Environment and climate change;
SG9: TV and sound transmission and integrated broadband cable network;
SG11: Signaling requirements, protocols and test specifications;
SG12: Performance, Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE);
SG13: Future networks including mobile and next generation networks (NGN);
SG15: Optical transmission network and access network infrastructure;
SG16: Multimedia coding, systems and applications;
SG17: Safety.
(2) Radio communication department (ITU-R)
At present, six research groups are the main activities of the radio communication sector.
SG1: Spectrum management;
SG3: Radio wave propagation;
SG4: Satellite business;
SG5: Ground business;
SG6: broadcast service;
SG7: Science business.
(3) Telecommunication Development Department (ITU-D)
The telecom development department was merged from the original BDT and CDT. Its responsibilities are to encourage developing countries to participate in the research work of ITU, organize technical seminars, make developing countries understand the work of ITU, and apply the research results of ITU as soon as possible; Encourage international cooperation, provide technical assistance to developing countries, and build and improve communication networks in developing countries.
At present, ITU-D has set up two research groups.
SG1: Research on Telecom Development Policies and Strategies;
SG2: Development and management of telecommunications services, networks and ICT applications.

Purpose and mission



The purpose of ITU, according to its "Basic Law", can be defined as follows: 1. To maintain and develop international cooperation and promote the research, development and reasonable use of various telecommunications services; 2. Promote the renewal and most effective use of telecommunications facilities, improve the efficiency of telecommunications services, increase the utilization rate and achieve popularization and universality as far as possible; 3. Coordinate the work of countries to achieve common goals, which can be divided into telecom Standardization radio communication There are three parts: regulation and telecommunications development. The permanent functional department of each part is the "bureau", including the Telecommunications Standards Bureau (TSB), the Radio Bureau (RB) and the Telecommunications Development Bureau (BDT).


ITU's mission is to make Telecommunications and information networks To achieve growth and sustainable development and promote universal Access So that people all over the world can participate in and benefit from the global information economy and society. The ability to communicate freely is build An indispensable prerequisite for a more equitable, prosperous and peaceful world. To make that vision a reality, ITU helped mobilize the necessary technical, financial and human resources.
international telecommunications union
One of the main tasks faced by ITU is to build Information and communication infrastructure , vigorously promote capacity building and strengthen network security To improve people's confidence in using cyberspace and bridge the so-called digital divide. Realize network security and Cyberpeace It is the most concerned issue in the information age. ITU is taking practical measures through its landmark global cybersecurity agenda.
ITU also strengthened its efforts in disaster prevention and reduction emergency communication Although both developing and developed countries will suffer natural disaster But poorer countries are often hit hardest because of their weak economic capacity and lack of resources.
Whether by setting standards for creating infrastructure to provide telecommunications services globally, or by Radio spectrum and Satellite orbit To conduct fair management in order to promote wireless services to every corner of the world, or by providing support to countries that are trying to formulate telecommunication development strategies, ITU has carried out all its work around the goal of providing all people with easy access to information and communication services at affordable prices, So as to make significant contributions to the economic and social development of all mankind.
ITU will, as always, be committed to the connectivity of the world.


ITU not only attracts governments as member states, but also Operator , equipment manufacturers, financing institutions, research and development institutions, international and regional telecommunications organizations and other private institutions as sector members Joining
With the increasing role of telecommunications in comprehensively promoting global economic activities, joining ITU government And private institutions can play an active role in this institution with more than 140 years of experience in the construction of the world's telecommunications network.
international telecommunications union
By joining the world's largest, most respected and most influential global telecommunications organization, government And the industry can ensure that their opinions are expressed and effectively promote the development of the world around us.
Private companies and other institutions can choose to join one or more of the three sectors of ITU according to their areas of concern. Whether attending the General Assembly, plenary meetings and technical meetings, or engaging in daily work, members can enjoy unique communication opportunities and a wide range of networking environment, discuss issues and form business and cooperative relationships. ITU department members also carry out standard formulation work to support the future telecommunications system and create tomorrow's networks and services.
Finally, department members have the right to access non-public first-hand information that may be very valuable for their business plans.

Main work

Management International Radio spectrum and Satellite orbit Resources are the core work of ITU Radio (ITU-R).
The ITU Constitution stipulates that ITU is responsible for spectrum And frequency assignment, as well as satellite orbital position and other parameters, to "avoid harmful interference between radio stations in different countries". Therefore, the rules and procedures of frequency notification, coordination and registration are the basis of the international spectrum management system. The main tasks of ITU-R also include formulating radio communication system standards, ensuring the effective use of radio spectrum, and carrying out relevant radio communications
radio communication
Research on system development. In addition, ITU-R is engaged in research on the development of radio communication systems required for disaster reduction and relief work, and the specific contents are covered by the work plan of the radio communication research group. Disaster related radio communication services include Disaster prediction , found that, early warning and disaster relief When the "wired" communication infrastructure is severely or completely damaged, radio communication services are the most effective means to carry out disaster relief work.
ITU Radio Rules and its "Frequency Division Table" are regularly revised and updated to meet the huge demand for spectrum. This revision and update work is very important to adapt to the rapid development of existing systems and meet the spectrum requirements of advanced wireless technologies under development. Held every three to four years ITU World Radiocommunication Congress (WRC) is the core of the international spectrum management process, and also the starting point for countries to carry out practical work. The World Radiocommunication Conference reviews and revises the Radio Rules - an international treaty establishing the framework for the use of radio frequencies and satellite orbits by ITU member states, and, in accordance with the relevant agenda, reviews any worldwide issues within its competence.
From the implementation of the Radio Rules to the formulation of recommendations and guidelines on radio systems and the use of spectrum/orbit resources, ITU-R plays a key role in global radio spectrum and satellite orbit management through a wide range of activities. A large number of types that grow rapidly and rely on radio communication to ensure the safety of life on land, at sea and in the air business , such as fixed, mobile, radio, amateur, space research, meteorology Global Positioning System And environmental monitoring, the demand for limited natural resources such as spectrum and orbit is increasing day by day.
The radio communication department studies wireless communication technology and operation, publishes proposals, and also exercises the functions of the World Radio Administrative Conference (WARC), CCIR and the Frequency Registration Committee, including: 1. the application of radio spectrum in land and space radio communications; 2. Characteristics and performance of radio communication system; 3. Operation of radio station; 4. Radio communication in distress and safety.

Telecommunication standards

ITU is famous for its standard setting work. Standard formulation is the earliest work that he began to engage in. In the world's fastest growing industry, the telecommunications standardization department adheres to the path of continuous development, simplifies working methods, and adopts more flexible collaboration methods to meet the increasingly complex market Demand. Experts from industry, public sector and R&D entities around the world meet regularly to jointly develop complex technical specifications to ensure that communication system It can achieve seamless interoperability with a variety of network elements that constitute today's complex ICT networks and services.
Cooperation makes major competitors in the industry shake hands and make peace, focusing on reaching global consensus on new technologies, ITU
-T's standard (also known as the proposal) is the contemporary era as the lifeblood of various economic activities Information and communication network The foundation of. For manufacturers, these standards are an easy way for them to enter the world market, which is conducive to achieving economies of scale in production and distribution, because they know that systems conforming to ITU-T standards will be popular all over the world: whether for telecom giants transnational corporations These standards can ensure that the purchased equipment can easily integrate with other existing systems.
Looking forward to the future, one of the main challenges facing the telecommunications standardization sector is the integration of different industry types. With the tradition Telephone service Mobile network television and radio broadcast It has begun to carry new businesses, and a revolution in communication and information processing has begun.

Standard procedures

In the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the project initiation mode and orientation of the proposed standard draft are generally divided into the following five situations: 1. The proposal is adopted and is part or several paragraphs of the revision of an important standard; 2. If the proposal is adopted, make corrections to an important standard; 3. The proposal is adopted as a part of the revision of an important standard and forms an important international standard together with other parts; 4. The proposal is adopted as a supplement to an important standard; 5. The proposal is adopted as an independent and important standard, such as X.85 and X.86. International standards have a great impact. Generally, it takes at least two years for an international standard to be approved as a standard from the submission of a draft, and it needs to be continuously maintained and improved in the next 3-5 years. To be approved as an international standard, it needs to be recognized by 189 countries, more than 600 industrial organizations and many manufacturers. Therefore, the formulation of international standards is the embodiment of the comprehensive ability involving major innovation, intellectual property, market and development.

Development sector

ITU Telecommunication Development Department (ITU-D) was established to help popularize access in a fair, sustainable and affordable manner ICT (ICT) as a means of promoting and deepening social and economic development. Held every four years World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) determine practical priorities to help achieve the above goals. The telecommunications development department, in cooperation with the government and industry partners, through a series of regional initiatives in line with the comprehensive national plan, activities at the global level and multi goal projects, raises the necessary technology and manpower for the development of ICT networks and services
international telecommunications union
And financial resources to connect unconnected people. To this end, we are promoting the development of global broadband connectivity that is accessible, convenient, simple and affordable for everyone, and promoting the realization of Next generation network (NGN). In order to meet the challenges brought by the rapid growth of ICT, a series of tools for policy makers and regulators have been adopted to promote the establishment of a favorable regulatory and business environment, thus realizing the innovate And efficiency. We support the use of Rural communities To deploy new Wireless and mobile technology At the same time, provide disaster relief if necessary emergency communication In addition, through a number of technical and policy training initiatives around the world, we have helped to cultivate a workforce with ICT knowledge, paying special attention to the specific needs of youth, women and the disabled.
ITU-D plays an important role in promoting the development of ICT. Seek an appropriate balance between public and private investment through contacts with government leaders and international donor agencies. For creating digital opportunities, none“ One size fits all ”Strategy. To this end, ITU-D helps Member States to elaborate targeted national information and communication strategies, including e-government and distance learning Strategy and other fields. In addition, we have worked hard to help developing countries strengthen cyber security and promote the formation of a cyber security culture in order to improve the security of cyberspace. ITU-D also provides reliable statistical data on ICT trends and developments through extensive quotations, and conducts research group activities on key issues facing the government and the industry.

Exhibition Department

Major exhibition activities and senior executives held by ITU Telecom Exhibition Department forum And other activities with various contents ICT The leaders in the (ICT) industry, ministers and regulators of governments and people from all walks of life provide a good opportunity to gather together. These rich activities provide a platform for the ICT industry in the world to get together, get to know each other, show the latest technology, explore the latest trends, and implement relevant work.
1971 in Switzerland Geneva ITU Telecom Exhibition Department came into being when the exhibition was held for the first time. Since then
international telecommunications union
Since then, ITU Telecom Exhibition Department has accumulated rich experience in organizing world large-scale exhibitions. ITU Telecom Exhibition Department holds a telecom exhibition every year in a different region of the world, while its signage product ITU Telecom World Exhibition is held every three years. The exhibition is the main content of each exhibition held by ITU Telecom Exhibition Department, attracting the participation of major companies in the ICT industry. Exhibitors show the latest products, services and innovations at the exhibition, covering a wide range of content, from broadband or IP based services to mobile and wireless technologies Next generation network , satellites, and more. The companies participating in the exhibition and the technologies displayed reflect the achievements of the whole industry. The Telecom Village in the exhibition site is a quiet place in the noisy exhibition hall. The purpose of setting up the village is to show the production capacity of the industry. The headquarters of each manufacturer can camp here during the whole exhibition period.
ITU Telecom Exhibition Department also provides other services, such as sponsorship and corporate Image packaging And other full services. At the same time, many social activities are held to provide Online services And the VIP schedule. All these services are to help all parties participating in the exhibition understand and contact each other, and establish a good Partnerships Role of the global communications industry ITU Information and communication technology It has always maintained a leading position in the field. The globally recognized technical standards that it defines and passes have helped the industry realize the Seamless connectivity ITU has also successfully managed the use of radio spectrum globally to ensure that all international wireless communications do not interfere with each other, thus ensuring the transmission of important information and economic data around the world.
ITU, while promoting the development of global telecommunications policy Special technical assistance will be provided in the areas of regulatory framework and strategy, technology transfer, network security, management, financing, network installation and maintenance, disaster reduction and capacity building, to promote the deployment of telecommunications in developing countries.
There is no doubt that ITU's greatest achievement lies in its crucial role in the creation of the international telecommunications network, which is the largest work created by human beings so far. Today, because internet , mobile wireless phone, integration strategy and other aspects of development, we can keep in touch through the network, understand the news and entertainment around the world, the network allows people to enjoy a huge global information inventory, support the global Economics Development of. Without the work of ITU, there would be no such thing.

Relations with China

China joined ITU in 1920 and sent representatives to participate in the Madrid The Conference of Plenipotentiaries convened signed the Madrid Convention on International Telecommunications. In 1947 U.S.A Atlantic City The Plenipotentiary Conference was elected as a member of the Administrative Council for the first time. The People's Republic of China After its establishment, China's legal seat in ITU was illegally deprived. In May 1972, the ITU Administrative Council adopted a resolution at its 27th session to restore China's legitimate seat. China has actively participated in ITU meetings and activities.
Since July 1, 1997, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government representatives may, as members of the Chinese delegation, attend ITU plenipotentiary conferences and executive conferences when issues related to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are involved; Authorized private telecommunications institutions in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may participate in meetings of telecommunications standardization departments, radio communication departments and telecommunications development departments.
Since 1999, the relationship between China and ITU has continued to develop:
Ministry of Information Industry And ITU in Beijing Third generation mobile communication More than 200 representatives from 31 countries attended the task force meeting. The conference mainly discussed the wireless transmission technology standards of the third generation mobile communication.
14-25 June, ITU 1999 council Held in Geneva, the Ministry of Information Industry of China sent a delegation to attend. 277 representatives from 46 member countries and 29 observers from 19 non member countries attended the meeting. The current Board of Directors mainly considered and adopted the ITU financial budget for 2000-2001; Discussed the management, functions and institutional reform of ITU, studied and adopted specific methods for cost recovery of satellite network declaration, and reviewed the relationship between ITU and World Trade Organization The contents and solutions of the cooperation agreement.
Ambassador of the Chinese Mission in Geneva Qiao Zonghuai On behalf of the Chinese government, he signed the "Agreement between ITU and the Host Country" with ITU Secretary General Yoshio Ukai in Geneva. According to the agreement, the 2000 Asia Telecom Exhibition will be held in Hong Kong, China Held. This is the first regional telecom exhibition held by ITU in China.
ITU Secretary General Yoshio Ukai came to Beijing to attend the 22nd Universal Postal Union Congress, Minister of Information Industry Wu Jichuan Meeting with Inland Sea. The two sides held friendly talks on strengthening future cooperation and other issues. In addition to the activities in Beijing, Neihai also paid a visit to Xi'an.
In 2002, China continued to actively participate in the activities of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
ITU at turkey hold World Telecommunication Development Conference The theme of this conference is "Bridging the digital divide". The participating countries held extensive and in-depth discussions on how to narrow the digital divide, and exchanged their experience in telecommunications development. The Conference finally adopted the Istanbul Declaration and Istanbul Action Plan. Vice Minister of the Ministry of Information Industry Zhang Chunjiang Led the Chinese delegation to attend. Vice Minister Zhang delivered a keynote speech entitled "Narrowing the digital divide is the eternal theme of telecommunications development" at the meeting, introducing the development experience and achievements of China's information industry over the past 20 years.
The first intergovernmental preparatory meeting for the World Summit on the Information Society was held in Geneva. Ambassador Sha Zukang, the representative of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva, led a delegation to attend the meeting. The meeting discussed and finally adopted the rules of procedure of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting, the accreditation arrangements and participation methods of non-governmental organizations, and preliminarily discussed the topics of the Summit. Ambassador Sha pointed out in his speech that ICT Development is extremely unbalanced, developed country And developing country The "digital divide" between the two countries continues to expand, which is an urgent problem to be solved in building an information society.
ITU in Morocco Marrakech The quadrennial Plenipotentiary Congress will be held. Representatives of 156 member countries and 27 international and regional organizations attended the meeting. Wu Jichuan, Minister of Information Industry, led the Chinese delegation to attend the meeting. The General Assembly reviewed the strategic, financial and operational plans of ITU for the next four years, revised the relevant provisions of the ITU Organic Law and the Convention, and discussed relevant issues of the World Summit on the Information Society.
From December 1 to 4, ITU "Asia Telecom 2002" was held in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Held. This telecom exhibition, co sponsored by ITU and the central government of China and undertaken by the Hong Kong SAR government, is the second similar telecom exhibition held in China after the "Asia Telecom 2000". Wu Jichuan, Minister of the Ministry of Information Industry, attended the opening ceremony on behalf of the central government and made a keynote speech entitled "Taking a Steady and Pragmatic Road to Telecom Development".
In 2010, Zhao Houlin again a large margin of votes Re elected Deputy of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Secretary general This is the highest position held by the Chinese in the International Telecommunication Organization.
On October 23, 2014, the 2014 Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union was held in South Korea Busan At the Secretary General election, Zhao Houlin, the Deputy Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union recommended by China, as the only candidate, won 152 votes in the first round of voting. He was elected the new Secretary General by a high vote, becoming the first Chinese Secretary General in the 150 year history of the International Telecommunication Union. He will take office on January 1, 2015 for a four-year term. [1]
On October 3, 2022, the Plenipotentiary Assembly of the International Telecommunication Union in 2022 elected member states and members of the Radio Rules Committee, and China was successfully re elected as a member Country. [2]
In 2024, under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Telecom Group Co., Ltd. was approved by the International Telecommunication Union to obtain the E.164 code number (882) 52 and the E.212 code number (901) 09, respectively, as the user dialing code number and network identification code number of the Tiantong satellite business. This is the first time that China's telecommunications enterprises have obtained the international telecommunications code resources for satellite communication business. [5]

Academic members

On January 14, 2011, the 18th Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) passed an important resolution: invite universities and scientific research institutions to participate in ITU activities as academic members. The first batch of five universities and scientific research institutions approved to become academic members of ITU are: Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Tsinghua University Waseda University, Japan And two universities in Tunisia.

statistical data

By the end of 2010, the number of Internet users in the world had reached 2.08 billion, and the number of mobile phone users had reached 5.28 billion.
Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union Hamadun Dur On the 26th, he told the media that at the beginning of 2000, the number of mobile phone users in the world was only 500 million, and the number of Internet users was 250 million. In just 10 years, the number of mobile phone users and netizens has soared, breaking the 5 billion and 2 billion mark respectively.
The global total population exceeds 6.8 billion. This means that almost one in every three people is a netizen, and 57% of the global netizens are from developing country
One in every three people is a netizen
From the perspective of network access mode, the number of fixed broadband users in the world reached 555 million in 2010, while the number of mobile broadband users soared to 940 million.
Susan Terche, head of the market information and statistics department of the International Telecommunication Union, said that in terms of the growth of the number of Internet users, Asia Pacific The most eye-catching performance is that the number of Internet users has increased by more than 100 million in the past year, bringing the number of Internet users in this area to 857 million.
Terche said that the high growth of the number of mobile phone users is gradually slowing down, and "the double-digit growth rate has come to an end". While the number of mobile phone users continues to rise, the number of fixed telephones has decreased year after year. According to the statistics of the International Telecommunication Union, the number of fixed telephones has decreased for four consecutive years, falling below 1.2 billion
News link
Internet IP addresses are out
Similar to the road traffic network, the Internet will also be congested, but "lottery", "limited number" and other ways to alleviate the pressure of road traffic cannot be applied to Internet communication. Because the Internet must assign exclusive access to any terminal connected to the network IP With the diversification of network terminals, the Internet IP The pressure on address allocation is increasing.
In modern society, many single netizens not only own desktop computers, but also use notebook tablet PC , smart phones and other mobile terminals enter the Internet, causing digital congestion. The result of this congestion is the situation that will occur in a few weeks: internet IP address All used up. "In the coming weeks, IP The address will be exhausted, "America Google Company engineer Lorenzo Collitti On the 22nd, he told AFP reporters, "Sometimes, it's like driving into a wall."
IP The address is the Internet address, which is a logical address used to identify the Internet terminal. It is unique and is equivalent to the house number of the home address in life. Existing Internet IP Protocol is a kind of protocol called IPv4 Of 32-bit Address, with a total capacity of about 4.3 billion.
US based Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is responsible for the global Internet IP The function of address allocation is similar to that of the vehicle management office in the highway traffic supervision department. Network vehicle management office ”President Rod Beckstrom Say, as Telephone users As the increase forces the telephone number of telecom operators to be upgraded, the continuous increase of Internet terminals makes capacity expansion IP Address has become an urgent need for the development of the Internet. Just, IP The address expansion involves the transformation of the whole system, which is much more complicated than the upgrading of telephone numbers.

First Chinese Secretary General

according to Netease Zhongsou According to media reports, the 19th Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) held the election of the next Secretary General of ITU on the 23rd, and the current Deputy Secretary General of ITU Zhao Houlin Elected a new Secretary General. He is the first Chinese Secretary General in the history of ITU. He took office on January 1, 2015 for a four-year term. Yonhap pointed out that Zhao Houlin will be responsible for the operation and decision-making of ITU, the world's largest international institution in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). It is expected that China's influence in ITU's communication policy decision-making process will be significantly improved. [1]