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International Meteor Organization

International Astronomical Organization
The International Meteor Organization (IMO) is a global international astronomical organization and an authoritative organization in the meteor observation field. Founded in 1988, it now has more than 250 members. The International Meteor Organization was founded to respond to the increasing need for international cooperation in amateur work.
Chinese name
International Meteor Organization
Foreign name
International Meteor Organization, IMO
Date of establishment
Reason for establishment
Need for international cooperation and amateur meteor observation

Organization Profile

Established in 1988, the International Meteor Organization is a international Scientific non-profit organizations. The International Meteor Organization was established to meet the needs of increasing international cooperation and amateur meteor observation. Therefore, the main goal of the International Meteor Organization is to encourage, support and coordinate meteor observation, improve the quality of amateur observation, spread the observation results to other amateurs and professionals, and share global observation and analysis around the world.
The main means for the International Meteor Organization to achieve its goals is to issue bimonthly magazines. Each year, it contains more than 220 pages of general meteor news, observation program guidelines, reports, and analysis opinions.

Historical evolution

IMO was founded in 1988, and its history is not long. In the past ten years, Europe More and more meteor visual observation enthusiasts have appeared on the mainland. They began to unite in the late 1970s. By 1979, the first conference called "International Meteor Weekend" was held in Bonn, Germany. Later, such gatherings were held every two years in Germany, Belgium or the Netherlands, and more and more astronomy lovers from different countries joined in; In 1986 and 1988, professionals even participated. At the same time, the international contact of meteor observers outside Europe has become more frequent, but it is still in private form. In this case, the meteor bulletin "Werkgroepnieews" (literally translated as "Group Newspaper") originally published by enthusiasts in the Netherlands was changed from Dutch to English, and solicited contributions from enthusiasts around the world, thus becoming a true international meteor journal. This is now "WGN".
At the international conference in 1988, the international organization IMO with WGN as the journal was officially established. Since then, meteor lovers, like variable star observers nearly 100 years ago, can submit rigorous observation data to the gradually huge database. These visual data also play an increasingly important role in the research field because of integration and concentration.

Organizational objectives

Objectives of the International Meteor Organization:
Respond to the amateur work of meteors that increasingly need international cooperation, collect several methods of meteor observation, and collect reports and examples from all over the world to comprehensively study the meteor shower and its relationship with comets and interplanetary dust.
Encourage, support and coordinate meteor observation, improve amateur observation, express opinions and results to other amateurs and professionals, so that global analysis opinions can be received around the world. The annual calendar of meteor shower is regularly released to the world.

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30 days specified by IMO
In order to judge the Limiting magnitude The so-called extreme magnitude refers to the magnitude of the darkest star you can see in the environment at that time. The International Astronomical Organization has specified 30 calibration regions throughout the day. During observation, there will always be 2~4 calibration sky areas in good observation positions (that is, they will completely rise to the horizon, and Horizon height Higher). Count the number of stars in this sky area that you can see, and you can know the corresponding extreme magnitude by referring to the table provided by IMO, so as to clarify your own observation conditions.
The table of extreme sky area is as follows:
1 Tianlong x - ζ - δ - ξ
2 Perseus β - δ - ζ
3 Big bear 23 - θ - β
4 Gemini α - ε - β
5 Tianying ζ - r - δ
6 Fairy alpha, Pegasus r-alpha
7 Fairy King α - β - δ
8 Taurus α - β - ζ
9 Lion α - β - r - δ
Room 10 α - ζ - r
11 Northern Corona α; Shepherd r - α
12 giant snake α; Libra β; Shefu δ
13 celesti β - ζ; Wuxian θ - v
14 Swan ε - η - r
15 Tianlong β; Wuxian τ - π
16 hound α; Big bear ε - η
17 Yufu ε - θ - δ
18 Fairy μ - r - ф
19 Tianlong K - α; Cub β
20 Deer leopard 42 - β - r