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International Mathematical Union

Organizations established in France in 1920
synonym International Mathematical Union (International Mathematical Union) generally refers to the International Mathematical Union
International Mathematical Union (IMU) mathematics A non-governmental international association of academic groups Academic organizations , is an organization of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU).
Chinese name
International Mathematical Union
Foreign name
International Mathematical Union
Date of establishment
August 1950
International academic organizations
Place of establishment
New York, USA
Subordinate unit
Council of the International Scientific Union

brief introduction

The International Mathematical Union (IMU) is a non-governmental international academic organization jointly formed by mathematical academic groups from all countries and regions in the world. It is an organization of the International Council of Science Union (ICSU).
International Mathematical Union It was jointly founded by mathematical organizations from 22 countries in New York, the United States, in August 1950. In 1952, the founding conference was held in Italy. The International Mathematical Union and its subordinate committees, in addition to sponsoring the quadrennial [1] International Congress of Mathematicians In addition, it also sponsors professional or regional academic conferences every year. Its main publications include the Bulletin of the International Mathematical Union, the records of the National Congress, the annual report and the World mathematician directory. The organizational structure of the International Mathematical Union is the Congress and the Executive Committee. Its working committees include the Committee on Mathematical Development and Exchange and the International Committee on Mathematical Education. Every four years, the Federation holds a general congress on the occasion of the International Conference of Mathematicians to elect a new leading body. The Executive Committee has a chairman, two vice chairmen, a secretary general and five members. The former chairman is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee.


By 1987, mathematical organizations or institutions in 53 countries or regions were members of the International Mathematical Union. They were divided into five groups according to the number of votes in the congress. The number of votes (number of seats at the congress) and membership fees paid by each group were different. The first group includes Cameroon, Chile, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, Turkey, Vietnam, and Ivory Coast; The second group includes Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Pakistan, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Yugoslavia; The third group includes Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, India, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland; The fourth group includes Canada and Italy; The fifth group includes China, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States.


The significance of the International Mathematical Union is to promote international cooperation in mathematical research, support and fund the quadrennial International Conference of Mathematicians and related academic conferences, and encourage and support international mathematical activities that contribute to the development of mathematical science (in pure mathematics, applied mathematics and mathematical education).