International Labour Organization

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The International Labour Organization was founded in 1919《 Treaty of Versailles 》As League of Nations An organization established by a subsidiary body of. On December 14, 1946 the United Nations A specialized agency of. Its purpose is to promote full employment and improve living standard Promote cooperation between labor and management; Expand social security measures; Protection of workers Life and health The main activities are: international labor legislation, convention making and recommendation Provide assistance and technical cooperation The highest authority of the organization is international labor conferences , meeting once a year. [1]
On March 23, 2022, the International Labour Organization announced the suspension of Russia Cooperation of [4] On March 25, Governing Council of the International Labour Organization The meeting votes from Togo Of Gilbert Humber New appointment to the International Labour Organization Director General , Term of office starts on October 1, 2022 [5]
Chinese name
International Labour Organization
Foreign name
International Labour Organization
international organization
Club address
Switzerland Geneva
member state
person in charge
Gilbert Humber [6]
Time of establishment

Organization Overview

ILO promotional materials
The International Labour Organization has 187 members The principal responsible person is the Director General (or International Labour Office Director) Gilbert Humber Togo ), took office in October 2022 and will serve until the end of September 2027. [7]
The organization of the International Labour Organization includes:
(1) international labor conferences : Highest Authority , hold a meeting once a year; The Intersessional Council guided the Organization The International Labour Office is its permanent secretariat. The main activities are engaged in international labor legislation, the formulation of conventions and recommendations, and technical assistance and technical cooperation
(2) Council: the Executive Committee of the International Labour Organization, elected by the General Assembly every three years, guides the work of the organization during the recess of the General Assembly, and meets once a year in March, June and November.
(3) ILO: Permanent Secretariat, located at the headquarters of the International Labour Office in Geneva, Switzerland. The International Labour Organization (ILO) is an international organization in which countries participate organization structure The unique "tripartite" principle is implemented in the WTO, that is, the delegations of member states participating in various meetings and activities are government Employers' organizations And workers' organizations, and representatives of the three parties have equal and independent speeches and right to vote


Promote full employment and improve living standard Promoting industrial cooperation; Improving working conditions; Expand social security; Guaranteed laborer's occupational safety And health; Achieving lasting world peace, establishing and maintaining it social justice


ILO promotional materials
The Declaration on the Aims and Purposes of the International Labour Organization ("Philadelphia Declaration"), adopted by the 26th International Labour Conference in Philadelphia, United States, in 1944, reaffirmed the basic principle , mainly including:
Labor is not a commodity;
Freedom of expression and freedom of association are progressing necessary condition
Poverty anywhere threatens prosperity everywhere;
The fight against poverty requires the unremitting efforts of all countries at home international society Make consistent efforts.
The Philadelphia Declaration clearly states that all human beings, regardless of race, creed or gender Economic security It should be the central goal of national and international policies to seek material welfare and spiritual development under the conditions of equal opportunities.
The ILO is obliged to examine and consider all international economic and fiscal policy And measures. After its adoption, the Philadelphia Declaration, as an annex to the Constitution, together with the Constitution, has become the basis and guiding document for the activities of the International Labour Organization.


The International Labour Organization is the United Nations A specialized agency of Social justice And internationally recognized human rights and Labor rights It formulates international labour standards in the form of conventions and recommendations, and determines the minimum standards for basic labour rights and interests, which cover freedom of association, the right to organize, collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labour, equality of opportunity and treatment, and other standards regulating working conditions in the whole field of work.
The ILO mainly provides technical assistance in the following areas: vocational training and Occupational rehabilitation employment policy Labor administration labour law and Industrial relations Working conditions; Management development cooperative; Social security; Labor statistics And occupational safety and health.
Advocate for the development of independent workers' and employers' organizations and provide them with training and advisory services. The organization implements“ Tripartite mechanism ”In principle, the delegation of each member state consists of two members from the government; The representatives of workers and employers are composed of one person each. All three parties participate in various meetings and institutions and vote independently.

Historical evolution

In 1919, the International Labour Organization the First World War The peace conference was established at the end of the conference, which was first held in Paris and then in Versailles. In April 1919, the Peace Conference adopted the Constitution of the International Labour Organization.
The International Labour Organization was first created for humanitarian purposes. Worker's Working conditions Increasingly unacceptable, a large number of workers are exploited without considering their body, family life and their Personal development
The preamble of the Constitution of the International Labour Organization clearly reflects people's concern about this situation, pointing out that "the existing working conditions A large number of workers suffer injustice, suffering and poverty ". The second is for political purposes. If the working conditions of workers are not improved, then, with the development of industrialization, the number of workers will continue to increase, which may lead to social instability and even revolution.
The preamble points out that injustice "has caused such great instability that world peace and harmony have been jeopardized". The third is for economic purposes. Due to the improvement of working conditions production costs Impact, any Social improvement An industry or country may find itself at a disadvantage to its competitors. The preamble points out that "if any country does not adopt humane working conditions, it will become an obstacle for other countries to be willing to improve their own conditions."
the Second World War In the medium term, representatives of governments, employers and workers from 41 countries attended the Philadelphia Convening international labor conferences The delegates adopted the Philadelphia Declaration, which, as an annex to the Constitution of the International Labour Organization, is still about the purposes and objectives of the International Labour Organization Charter The International Labour Organization was awarded the The Nobel Peace Prize
Professional lawyers and diplomats, 4 March 1999 Juan Somavia Inauguration International Labour Office He was the ninth director and was re elected twice in 2003 and 2008. Mr. Somavia has been engaged in civil and international affairs for a long time and has a distinguished reputation. At the beginning of 2012, it was announced that due to family reasons, he would leave on September 30 of that year.
In June 2012, he was the deputy of the International Labour Organization Director General (or referred to as the Executive Director of the International Labour Office) Guy Ryder Elected the new Director General. Ryder International Federation of Trade Unions The General Secretary is the first Director General in the history of the International Labour Organization who was not nominated by the member governments (nominated by the Workers' Group) and was elected. In October 2012, Ryder became Director General.
May 8, 2019, in Switzerland Geneva Secretary General of the United Nations Guterres, Director General of the International Labour Organization Guy Rider And participated in the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Labour Organization [2]
On March 23, 2022, the International Labour Organization announced the suspension of Russia Cooperation. [4]

Main activities


Hold meetings

The organization held 102 sessions of the International Labour Conference from its inception to 2013. By March 2014, the organization had held 320 council meetings. From the beginning of the 21st century to 2015, the Council's regular topics mainly include: review and adoption Freedom of association Planning, Finance and Administration, Law and International Labour Standards, Employment and social policies And other work reports of special committees, discussing budget, personnel and meeting plans.
Except above Regular meetings In addition, the organization also regularly convened various industries and departments Professional meetings To study the employment, training Occupational safety and health And social security.

Daily affairs

1. International labor legislation: formulation International Labour Conventions And proposals for approval and implementation by Member States. Since its establishment, the previous Labor Conference has formulated 188 conventions and 203 recommendations.
2. Technical assistance and technical cooperation: provide financial, technical and advisory assistance and cooperation in the field of labor to member countries.
3. Research and publication: carry out research on theory and practice in the field of labor science, publish and distribute various relevant journals, monographs and publicity materials.

international labor standards



An important activity of the International Labour Organization is to engage in international labour legislation, that is, to formulate international labour legislation Labor standards International labor standards take two forms: International Labour Conventions And international labor recommendation The Convention is international treaty , adopted by more than two-thirds of the delegates attending the International Labour Conference,
through member state At its own discretion, it can go through the approval procedures at any time, that is to say, it can produce laws for the country binding force It is not binding on countries that do not ratify it; The proposal is formulated in the same way, but does not need approval. Its role is for Member States to formulate in relevant fields national policy And laws and regulations. In practice, we usually adopt the method of formulating a supplementary proposal with the same name but more detailed and specific content while formulating a convention.


International labor standards can be divided into the following categories according to their contents:
1. Basic labor rights refer to Freedom of association and Collective bargaining Right mainly refers to the freedom and abolition of the establishment of trade unions Forced labour Implement collective bargaining, equality of labor opportunities and treatment, and abolish child labor,
2. Employment social policies Labor management industrial relations Working conditions, including wages, working hours Occupational safety and health Social security, including industrial injury compensation, pension unemployment insurance
3. Targeting specific groups and occupations, including women, child labor and underage worker , elderly workers, disabled people, migrant workers seaman Fishermen, dockworkers, etc.
For a long time, the ILO has attached importance to the formulation of international labor standards, promoted the ratification and implementation of international labor conventions by member countries, and played a positive role in safeguarding the basic rights and interests of workers and other workers in various countries. In the 1990s, the ILO took a series of measures to promote the ratification process of the Convention.
However, due to historical reasons, the whole international labor force Standard system Mainly with developed country Society of Economic development level And needs. Therefore, although the International Labour Organization calls it the international minimum labor standard universality And flexibility developing country There are still many difficulties in the formulation, ratification and implementation of the Convention, and there are many contradictions with developed countries.
Especially in recent years, a few the West And the government, The The implementation of labour conventions in various countries is linked to their international trade and market access, which has aroused opposition in the ILO.

ILO Publication

International Labour Review; Official Bulletin (bimonthly), three issues a year; Bulletin of Labor Statistics (quarterly); Year Book of Labor Statistics; Labor world 》World of Work. The above publications are published in English, French and Western languages, and the Chinese version of Labor World is published.
1. International Labour Review
Academic journal, published in the current international and national Labour issues Articles related to economy and society. Bimonthly.
2. labour law Labour Law Documents
Publish important international labor conventions and national laws and regulations on labor and social security. Three issues are published every year.
3. Labor Statistical bulletin (Bulletin of Labour Statistics)
Publish labor statistics Special articles Quarterly figures of employment, unemployment, wages, working hours and consumer prices in English, French and Spanish Statistical table (Each issue is accompanied by an update Supplementary materials ). A special issue will be published every year by the International Labour Office Occupational classification The results of the October Survey on wages, working hours and retail food prices. Each year, four issues of the bulletin, four issues of supplementary materials, and one issue of the special issue of the October Survey are published.
4. Labor statistical yearbook (Year Book of Labour Statistics)
English, French and Spanish. Published the annual comprehensive labor report of the world statistical information , including the total population and economic activity Population, employment, unemployment, working hours, wages, labor costs, work-related injuries, strikes and factory closures (most of the tables are classified by major sectors of economic activity), and consumer prices. Explain the statistical sources and methods, and provide guidance for the use of yearbooks and bulletins.
5. Official Bulletin
Bulletin A (Series A): published the work news of the International Labour Organization, documents adopted by the International Labour Conference and other official documents; Bulletin B (Series B): published the report of the Committee on Freedom of Association of the Governing Council of the International Labour Office. Three issues are issued each year.
6. Social and Labour Bulletin
Social and Labour News Quarterly. Publishing the activities of governments and employers' and workers' organizations in social and labor affairs legislation and policy formulation Latest news Four and one periods per year Supplement
7. International Labour Documentation
Monthly. Compiled from the ILO LABORDOC database bibliography Communiqu é, including all countries in the world Labor relations Labor law, employment, working conditions, management, vocational training Project evaluation Labor economy social development , rural development Technological change And other fields.
8. Documents of the International Labour Conference
Including the annual topics of the International Labour Conference working paper And the General Assembly minutes of the meeting , usually 14 to 18 items.
9. Labor Education
Quarterly. It is used by trade union organizations and other workers' education institutions to carry out workers' education. Present status of world labor issues, activities of the International Labour Organization, workers Educational methods and Labour movement Historical news and book reviews.
10. Judgements of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO
Two to three issues are published annually.
11. Conditions of Work Digest
Publication and working conditions Quality of work and life Information on legislation, policy formulation and plan implementation related to important issues and trends in the field. Twice a year.
12. Documents of the Regional Conferences
Including the International Labour Organization Africa America Asia and Europe Working papers on topics of regional conferences. Published after each meeting.
13. Industry Meeting documents (Documents of Industrial Meetings)
Including the working documents and minutes of various professional industry conferences held by the International Labour Office. Published after each meeting.
14. Labour Management Relations Series
about labour law Monographs on industrial relations are published irregularly.
15. Management Development Management Development Series
Monographs on various management issues and management development methods are published irregularly.
16. The Cost of Social Security
Countries in the world Social security expenditure comparative study It is issued once every three years.
17. Occupational Safety and Health Series
in the light of Occupational Diseases and Industrial accident Occupational safety and health monographs and reports. Occasionally published.
18. World Employment Program Studies
Published by the World Employment Programme Office of the International Labour Office (whose function is to help countries in the world eliminate poverty and unemployment) Promotional materials , research reports and monographs. Occasionally published.

Relations with China

China is one of the founding members of the International Labour Organization. In 1944, China was listed as one of the 10 major industrial countries and became a permanent government member of the Council. In 1971, the International Labour Organization restored the lawful seat of the People's Republic of China. In 1983, China officially resumed its activities in the organization. China attaches importance to and actively participates in various activities of the ILO, maintains a good cooperative relationship with it, and has attended all previous sessions of the Board of Directors of the ILO and the International Labour Conference. So far, China has ratified 28 international labour conventions, including 7 core conventions, namely, the Convention on Equal Pay for Equal Work, the Convention on the Minimum Age for Employment, the Convention on the Prohibition of Child Labour, the Convention on Discrimination in Employment and Occupation, the Convention on Forced Labour, the Convention on the Abolition of Forced Labour, and the Convention on Occupational Safety and Health. The former Director General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Reid, has been invited to China for many times to attend the first and second "Belt and Road" Summit Forums, and to participate in the "1+6" round table dialogue between central leaders and heads of major international economic organizations. In December 2022, Director General Hong Bo was invited to participate in the "1+6" round table dialogue between central leaders and heads of major international economic organizations.
From June 5 to 16, 2023, the 111th International Labour Conference will be held in Geneva. Wang Xiaoping, head of the Chinese delegation and minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, will attend the conference and speak on behalf of China. [8]
In January 1985, the International Labour Organization set up an agency in China—— ILO Beijing Bureau And be responsible for contacting relevant Chinese government agencies, trade union organizations, enterprise groups, academic units, etc., as well as implementing technical assistance and cooperation projects in China.

Payroll Report

At the beginning of April 2012, the International Labour Organization released 72 countries and regions The results show that the per capita monthly income of these countries and regions is 1480 dollars, about RMB 9327 yuan. among Luxembourg Of Wage level Maximum, month average wage When it reaches 4089 dollars, the average monthly salary of employees in mainland China is 656 dollars, about 4134 yuan (this Salary standard To be discussed), ranking 57th. In addition, Hong Kong, China and Macao They are ranked 30th and 52nd respectively. [3]

analysis report

Affirm China's system of benefiting people
On September 3, 2012, the International Labour Organization Geneva Publish a copy analysis report , affirming that China has promoted Medical insurance system
This analysis report is entitled "China's Latest Revolution: Basic Medical Services for All". The report believes that China's achievements in promoting basic medical services since 2012 are not only a "reform", but also a "revolution".
The report said that before 2003, China medical insurance The target audience is mainly Urban employees Since then, China has vigorously promoted the development of rural population and Urban residents Medical insurance. Since April 2009, the Chinese government has invested 850 billion yuan in a new round of medical reform. By 2015, China's Universal Medical Care It has basically achieved full coverage. By the end of 2011, employees, urban residents and new rural cooperative medical insurance Number of insured persons It has reached 1.3 billion people, Coverage 95%. China has the largest medical insurance system in the world. In the three years from 2009 to 2011, the Chinese government has invested 63 billion yuan to support 2200 County hospitals And the construction of 33000 primary medical and health institutions. In the past three years, China has also introduced General practitioner The training system has trained more than 10000 general practitioners, and a network covering basic medical and health care in urban and rural areas has been initially established.
The report points out that China has invested in public health The budget of. From 2008 to 2011, China was training medical personnel and improving medical service They have poured a lot of financial resources. China also released《 National Essential Drug Catalogue 》To prevent medical institutions from increasing the price of drugs, essential drugs The price is 30% lower than before the implementation of the system. In addition, the new medical insurance system specifically aims to city dweller in Inability to work . Those who have no source of income and cannot provide for their families“ Three None ”Personnel to provide them with medical services.
The report also points out that only Nursing staff 1.32 persons, hindering some insured persons from actually obtaining medical services. In addition, Chinese population The rapidity of Aging It will pose a challenge to China's medical security industry. Among the Chinese population, the number of people aged 65 and over will exceed 8%. By 2025, this proportion will reach 14%, which is bound to increase the burden of China's medical insurance system.