National Historical and Cultural City

City Honors Announced by the State Council
zero Useful+1
synonym National Historical and Cultural City (National historical and cultural city) generally refers to national historical and cultural city
A national historical and cultural city, China's five thousand year history has bred some cities that are famous in history because of their profound cultural heritage and major historical events. Some of these cities were once the capitals of dynasties; Some were important political and economic towns at that time; Some were places where major historical events took place; Some are famous for their precious cultural relics; Some are famous for their exquisite handicrafts. Their existence opens a window for people to review Chinese history.
In February 1982, in order to protect the important cities and their cultural relics that were once the political, economic and cultural centers of ancient times or the places where modern revolutionary movements and major historical events took place, the concept of "historic and cultural cities" was formally proposed. According to《 Law of the People's Republic on the Protection of Cultural Relics 》The "historical and cultural city" refers to a city with rich cultural relics and great historical and cultural value and revolutionary significance. From the perspective of administrative division, historical and cultural cities are not necessarily "cities", but may also be "counties" or "districts".
As of October 25, 2023, there are 142 national historic and cultural cities in China. [15] [18] [21] [24-25]
Chinese name
National Historical and Cultural City
Foreign name
state-list famous historical and culture cities
143 seats [15] [18] [24] (As of March 15, 2023)


The National Historical and Cultural City was founded in 1982 Peking University Hou Renzhi Ministry of Construction Zheng Xiaoxie And the Palace Museum Single shiyuan A cultural relic protection mechanism proposed by the three gentlemen. from State Council of the PRC The national famous historical and cultural cities identified and announced are cities with rich cultural relics, significant historical value or commemorative significance, and are in continuous use. The Party and the state have always attached great importance to the protection of historic and cultural cities, towns and villages《 Law on the Protection of Cultural Relics 》、《 Urban and Rural Planning Law 》It has established a protection system for historic and cultural cities, towns and villages, and clearly stipulated that the State Council should formulate protection measures.
On October 1, 2005, the Code for Conservation Planning of Historic and Cultural Cities was officially implemented, which defined the protection principles, measures, contents and priorities.
On July 1, 2008《 Regulations on the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities, Towns and Villages 》It has been officially implemented and standardized the declaration and approval of historic and cultural cities, towns and villages. If the layout, environment and historical features of a national famous historical and cultural city are seriously damaged, the State Council shall revoke its title as a famous historical and cultural city.
In November 2021, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage issued the Notice on Strengthening the Special Assessment of the Protection of National Historic and Cultural Cities. It is required to comprehensively and accurately assess the protection of famous cities and the protection of protected objects, and timely discover and solve the prominent problems such as the repeated destruction and demolition of historical and cultural heritage. [14]


In 1982, 1986 and 1994, the State Council announced three batches of national historic and cultural cities, totaling 99. Since then, two, one, one, seven, seven, one, one, six, two, two, four, two, two, three, three, three, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, one, one, one, and one, respectively, were added in 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2011, 2012, 2012, 2014, 2014, 2015, 2020, Three will be added in 2021, [10-12] One will be added in 2022. As of January 11, 2022, there will be a total of 140 national historic and cultural cities. [15] One will be added on March 5, 2023. [21]
As of October 25, 2023, there are 142 national historic and cultural cities in China. [25]
remarks: In October 2002, Qiongshan City was merged into Haikou City to establish Qiongshan District. In November 2006, according to the feedback from the Second Bureau of the Secretary of the State Council, the name of Qiongshan Historic and Cultural City should be changed to Haikou Historic and Cultural City, which would have a chain reaction among the 103 national historic and cultural cities that had been approved and announced at that time. It was suggested that Haikou should resubmit the application documents and directly declare Haikou as a national historic and cultural city. On March 13, 2007, Haikou was officially approved by the State Council as a national historic and cultural city. When the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage made statistical reports and Haikou Municipal Government prepared the urban master plan and the protection plan for historic and cultural cities, both Qiongshan and Haikou were regarded as one place.

Important conditions

Revised by the State Council in October 2017《 Regulations on the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities, Towns and Villages 》Five conditions for applying for the National Famous Historical and Cultural City are put forward in:
First, there are rich cultural relics to be preserved;
Second, historical buildings are concentrated in a large area;
Third, it retains the traditional pattern and historical features;
Fourth, it has been used as a political, economic, cultural, transportation center or military center in history, or has had important historical events, or its traditional industries and major projects built in history have had an important impact on the development of the region, or can focus on reflecting the cultural and national characteristics of the local architecture;
Fifth, there should be more than two historical and cultural blocks within the scope of protection of the declared historic and cultural city. [17]


National historical and cultural cities can be divided into seven categories according to their characteristics.
Historical capital type: a city characterized by historical relics of the capital era and the style and features of the ancient capital.
Traditional style: a city that retains one or several complete buildings accumulated in historical periods.
General historical sites: the cultural relics and historic sites scattered throughout the city are the main embodiment of historical traditions.
Scenic spot type: the superposition of architecture and landscape environment shows a city with distinctive personality characteristics.
Regional characteristic type: a city whose regional characteristics or individual characteristics, ethnic customs, and local culture constitute the main body of the urban style.
Modern historical site type: a city whose buildings or building groups reflect an event or a stage in history as its distinctive features.
Special function type: a city whose function occupies a prominent position in history.

name list


First batch

First batch 24 seats National Famous Historical and Cultural City, announced on February 8, 1982:
13. Kaifeng
19. Zunyi
14. Jingzhou [23]
20. Kunming
15. Changsha
21. Dali
22. Lhasa
5. Suzhou
11. Qufu
17. Guilin
23. Xi'an
12. Luoyang
18. Chengdu
24. Yan'an
reference material

The second batch

The second batch 38 seats National Famous Historical and Cultural City, announced on December 8, 1986:
21. Dunhuang
31. Huai'an
12. Yibin
22. Yinchuan
32. Ningbo
3. Jinan
13. Zigong
23. Kashgar
4. Shangqiu (County)
14. Zhenyuan
24. Hohhot
5. Anyang
15. Lijiang
25. Shanghai
35. Bozhou
26. Xuzhou
36. Fuzhou
7. Wuhan
17. Hancheng
27. Pingyao
18. Yulin
28. Shenyang
38. Nanchang
19. Wu Wei
20. Zhangye
30. Changshu
reference material

The third batch

The third batch 37 seats National Famous Historical and Cultural City, published on January 4, 1994:
21. Yueyang
31. Jianshui
2. Handan
12. Ganzhou
22. Zhaoqing
32. Weishan
13. Qingdao
23. Foshan
33. Gyantse
24. Meizhou
34. Xianyang
15. Zoucheng
25. Leizhou
35. Hanzhong
6. Harbin
16. Linzi
36. Tianshui
7. Jilin
8. Ji'an
28. Leshan
9. Quzhou
19. Suizhou
10. Coastal
30. Luzhou
reference material


In 2001: Shanhaiguan District (2001.8.10)、 Fenghuang County (2001.12.17)。
In 2004: Puyang city (2004.10.1)。
In 2005: Anqing City (2005.4.14)。
In 2007: Tai'an City (2007.3.9)、 Haikou City (March 13, 2007) Jinhua City (2007.3.18)、 Jixi County (2007.3.18)、 Turpan (2007.4.27)、 Tekes County (2007.5.6)、 Wuxi City (2007.9.15)。
In 2009: Nantong City (2009.1.2)。
In 2010: Beihai City (2010.11.9)。
2011: Yixing City (2011.1.27)、 Jiaxing City (2011.1.27)、 Taiyuan City (2011.3.17)、 zhongshan (2011.3.17)、 Penglai City (2011.5.1)、 Huili County (2011.11.8)。
2012: Kuqa County (2012.3.15)、 Yining City (2012.6.28)。
2013: Taizhou City (2013.2.10)、 Huize County (2013.5.18)、 Yantai City (2013.7.28)、 Qingzhou City (2013.11.18)。
2014: Huzhou City (2014.7.14)、 Qiqihar (2014.8.6)。
2015: Changzhou City (2015.6.1)、 Ruijin City (2015.8.19)、 Huizhou City (2015.10.3)。
2016: Wenzhou City (2016.5.4)、 Gaoyou City (2016.11.23)、 Yongzhou City (2016.12.16)。
2017: Changchun City (2017.7.3)、 Longquan (2017.7.16)。
2018: Yuxian County (2018.5.2)
2020: Liaoyang (2020.12.7) [16]
2021: Tonghai County (2021.3.3) [10] Yixian County (2021.6.15) [11] Tongcheng (2021.11.07) [12]
2022: Fuzhou City (2022.1.11) [15] Jiujiang City (2022.3.28) [18]
2023: Jianchuan County (2023.3.5)、 Putian City (2023.09.30) [24]
reference material [1-9] [21]



North China

Northeast China

East China

Central South Region

Southwest China

Northwest China

reference material [1] [5-6]

Supervision list

List of county units for special supervision of national historic and cultural cities
Inner Mongolia
reference material


On August 7, 2022 2022 Beijing Historical and Cultural City Conservation Dialogue will be held outside the North Di'an Gate of the central axis [19]

Circulate a notice of criticism

Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development And State Administration of Cultural Heritage He has jointly issued a notice on Shandong Province 8 cities and counties, including Liaocheng City, Handan City, Hebei Province, Suizhou City, Hubei Province, Shou County, Anhui Province, Jun County, Henan Province, Yueyang City, Hunan Province, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Dali City, Yunnan Province, have not been well protected, resulting in historic and cultural cities Historical and cultural heritage A notice of criticism was circulated on the situation that was seriously damaged and the historical and cultural values of the famous city were seriously affected.
According to the statistics of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, nearly 20 of the more than 100 national historical and cultural cities in China have no historical and cultural blocks, 18 have only one historical block, and nearly half of the historical and cultural blocks are unqualified.