
Total funds raised by the government
zero Useful+1
synonym National income (The sum of labor remuneration and assets included in the products and services produced by the country in the current period) Generally refers to fiscal revenue
Government revenue refers to the government's public policy And the sum of all funds raised to provide public goods and services. The financial revenue is shown by the government departments in a certain period (generally a fiscal year )Obtained Monetary income Fiscal revenue is an important indicator to measure the financial capacity of a government. The scope and quantity of public goods and services provided by the government in social and economic activities, to a large extent, depend on the adequacy of fiscal revenue. It is reported that China's fiscal revenue in the first five months of 2010 was 3547 billion yuan, an increase of 836.2 billion yuan or 30.8% over the same period. Combined with the expectation in the second half of the year, it is likely to reach 8 trillion yuan, which means that the Chinese government will become the second richest government in the world.
Finance is related to the emergence and existence of the country. In order to maintain its existence and function, the state must consume certain social products. However, the state itself usually does not directly engage in production activities, so it must use its own political power to impose some Social products To meet the needs of various expenditures. The income and expenditure of such a country is finance, which is the distribution of social products by virtue of political power. From the content of this concept, we can see that finance is a kind of distribution relationship, which is centralized within the social scope with the state as the main body Distribution relationship This is the essence of finance. [1]
In 2021, China's fiscal revenue will exceed 20 trillion yuan. [3] The 2023 government work report points out that the fiscal revenue has increased to 20.4 trillion yuan in the past five years [4]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Government revenue

essential information



According to different standards, financial revenue can be classified differently. The international classification of fiscal revenue is usually based on the form of fiscal revenue obtained by the government. Under this classification method, financial revenue is divided into Tax revenue Income from state-owned assets national debt Income and fee income and Other income Etc.
Tax revenue
tax revenue It is a form of compulsory and free access to financial revenue for the government to realize its functions by virtue of its political rights and according to specific standards. It is the most important form of revenue and the main source of revenue in modern countries. The tax revenue in China can be divided into five categories according to the tax objects, namely Turnover tax , income tax, property tax resource tax and Behavioral tax The turnover tax is based on commodity exchange And providing labor services Turnover The turnover tax is the tax revenue of China Main tax type , accounting for more than 60% of the tax revenue. The main turnover taxes are value added tax Sales Tax excise tax tariff Etc. Income tax refers to the tax levied on the income of the taxpayer tax revenue , the income tax that has been issued by the state includes individual income tax corporate income tax Property tax refers to the tax levied on various properties (movable and immovable). The property tax levied by the state includes land value added tax Property tax , urban real estate tax Deed tax Resource tax refers to the income from the development and utilization of national resources Differential income The resource tax category in China includes resource tax, urban land use tax, etc. Behavioral tax It refers to some specific economic behavior The purpose of levying taxes is to implement national policies. China's behavioral taxes include stamp duty , urban maintenance and construction tax, etc.
Income from state-owned assets
Income from state-owned assets It refers to the profits, rents dividend , dividends Fund use fee The general term of equal income.
National debt income
national debt Income refers to the paid income obtained by the state through credit. The national debt income has the characteristics of voluntariness, compensation and flexibility.
Fee income
Charge income refers to the amount paid by the national government agencies or institutions to beneficiary A form of income in which a certain fee is charged. It can be divided into user fees and Fees Two. The use fee is the fee charged by the government to the users of public facilities according to certain standards, such as the use fee charged to the vehicles using the highways, bridges and tunnels built by the government; Stipulated fees refer to the fees charged by the government for providing specific services or specific administration to individual citizens, including administrative fees (such as passport fees, commodity testing fees, graduation certificate fees) and judicial fees (such as civil litigation fees, birth registration fees, marriage registration fees). The collection of fees has the characteristics of compensation and uncertainty, and should not be the main form of government revenue.
Other income
include capital loan Return income Capital construction income , donation income, etc.
In practice, after the reform of government revenue and expenditure classification, "revenue classification" comprehensively reflects Government revenue The source and nature of Budget revenue , also includes Extrabudgetary income Social insurance Fund income And other incomes that should belong to the category of government revenue.
The specific classification is as follows:
Category I: Tax revenue , subordinate value added tax 21 items.
Category II: Income from social insurance fund , subordinate Basic endowment insurance 6 items including fund income.
Category III: Non tax revenue Incoming, subordinate Government funds 7 items including income.
Category IV: principal income from loan on loan recovery Domestic loans 4 items including principal income recovery.
Category V: Debt income There are two categories of domestic debt income and foreign debt income.
Category VI: Transferred income 10 items including refundable income.
The latest classification of fiscal revenue can refer to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China, and the State Administration of Taxation on Revising the 2009 Government Revenue and Expenditure Ledger Account.


First, the financial revenue is expenditure The premise of. Financial allocation It is the unified process of revenue and expenditure. Fiscal expenditure is the purpose of fiscal revenue, and fiscal revenue is the premise and guarantee of fiscal expenditure. In general, the amount of revenue determines the scale of fiscal expenditure, and more revenue can lead to more expenditure. Therefore, only by actively gathering funds on the basis of developing production can we create a prerequisite for more fiscal expenditure.
Second, fiscal revenue is the financial guarantee to realize the functions of the state. In order to realize its functions, the state must master a certain amount of Social products Financial revenue is an important means of household capital. To implement State functions It is of great significance.
Third, fiscal revenue is an important way to correctly handle the material interests of all parties. The acquisition of fiscal revenue is not just a matter of collecting funds. In the specific operation process, how much to obtain and how to adopt are related to the implementation of the Party's principles and policies and the handling of material interests in all aspects. Only by correctly handling various material interests in the process of organizing financial revenue can we fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties and achieve Optimize resource allocation , Coordination Distribution relationship The purpose of.


Financial revenue includes:
(1) Items tax revenue : Includes value added tax Sales Tax excise tax Land value-added tax Urban maintenance and construction tax resource tax Urban land use tax , stamp duty individual income tax corporate income tax tariff Agriculture and animal husbandry tax and Farmland occupation tax Deed tax Education surcharges Vehicle and vessel use tax , property tax, slaughter tax, etc.?
(2) Special income : Including expropriation Pollution discharge fee income , Collection city charge for water resources Income, education surcharge income, etc.
(3) Other income : Includes capital loan Return income, capital construction income, donation income, etc.
(4) Planned loss subsidy for state-owned enterprises: this is negative income, which will offset the fiscal revenue.
Local fiscal revenue includes local Budget revenue and Extrabudgetary income Contents of local financial budget revenue:
(1) Mainly local ownership Enterprise income And items Tax revenue
(2) Various tax revenues include Sales Tax , Local corporate income tax individual income tax Urban land use tax Fixed assets investment direction adjustment tax , Land value added tax , urban maintenance and construction tax Property tax , vehicle and vessel use tax stamp duty , agricultural and animal husbandry tax Agricultural specialty tax , farmland occupation tax Deed tax , VAT Securities transaction tax 25% of (stamp duty) and Offshore Oil resource tax Other resource taxes.
(3) The central government's revenue from transfers, subsidies, appropriations and other revenues.
Local finance The contents of extra budgetary revenue mainly include Tax surcharges , urban public Business income , the business income of cultural, sports, health and agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry, water and other institutions, market management income and material price change income.


The organization of fiscal revenue is not only related to social and economic development and the improvement of people's living standards, but also related to the correct handling of the relationship between the state, units and individuals and the interests of the central and local levels, and also related to the reasonable burden of different objects. In order to handle these relationships well, the following principles must be grasped when organizing financial revenue:
1. The principle of developing economy and expanding financial resources
2. The principle of giving consideration to the interests of three parties and two levels
Statistical Chart of Financial Revenue
The so-called "giving consideration to the interests of three parties" means that the financial department is dealing with national income In the process of distribution and obtaining their own income, we should not only pay attention to the acquisition of financial income, but also leave the necessary financial resources to units and individuals to mobilize and give play to their enthusiasm. "Taking into account the interests of the central and local governments" means that the state finance is in the process of handling National income distribution In the process of obtaining their own income, the interest relationship between central level finance and local level finance should be taken into account at the same time. Press Financial management system National finance is a two-level finance composed of the central budget and the local general budget. The two levels of finance have their own specific functions and form their own interest relations, so the two levels of interest relations should be taken into account when organizing financial revenue.
3. Principle of "reasonable burden"
The principle of "reasonable burden" is mainly embodied in tax revenue In the middle, it means that when organizing the financial revenue, different tax collection ratios are adopted according to the amount of taxpayer's income, and more burdens are imposed for those with strong affordability, while less burdens are imposed for those with weak affordability. It usually adopts different tax ranges tax rate , tax reduction and exemption. The implementation of reasonable burden is not only the need to achieve fair competition among enterprises, but also the need to ensure national financial resources.

development history

1952 gross domestic product Only 67.9 billion yuan. In 2010, it exceeded 40 trillion yuan, surpassing Japan and ranking second in the world. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China's comprehensive national strength has continued to improve. In the past three years, China's economic aggregate has exceeded 70 trillion yuan, 80 trillion yuan and 90 trillion yuan, accounting for nearly 16% of the world economy.
Joined in 2001 World Trade Organization And participate in international economic cooperation with a more active attitude.
The grain output in 2018 was 4.8 times higher than that in 1949.
In 2018, the GDP increased 175 times over 1952, with an average annual growth of 8.1%. In 2018, the per capita GNI reached US $9732, higher than the average level of middle-income countries. In 2018, the fiscal revenue reached 18.3 trillion yuan, foreign exchange reserve At more than 3 trillion US dollars, it has ranked first in the world for 13 consecutive years.
In 2018, the whole society's research and experimental development expenditure reached 1.97 trillion yuan, 2.18% of GDP, exceeding the average level of the 15 EU countries.
In 2018, the per capita disposable income of Chinese residents reached 28000 yuan, an increase of 24.3 times over 1978. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), great attention has been paid to people's livelihood and employment. More than 13 million new urban jobs have been created for six consecutive years. By the end of 2018, the total number of employed people had increased to 776 million.
From 2013 to 2018, China's rural poverty population decreased by 82.39 million, equivalent to the population level of a large country. By 2018, the incidence of rural poverty will drop to 1.7%, contributing more than 70% to global poverty reduction. [2]
In 2021, China's fiscal revenue will exceed 20 trillion yuan. [3]
The 2023 government work report points out that the fiscal revenue has increased to 20.4 trillion yuan in the past five years [4]

Economic source

Constitutive relationship
C. There is a trade-off between the three parts of V and M, and M constitutes the main factor of financial resources. Therefore, when studying the relationship between the composition of total social product value and financial revenue, we should focus on the impact of changes in cost factors C and V in the composition of total social product value on M and thus on financial revenue.
stay Total social product Reduce materialization when V is fixed Labor consumption C is the main way to reduce production costs, increase M and increase financial revenue. reduce Means of production Consumption should be treated differently according to the nature of the means of production.
1. The consumption of raw materials, inflammables and consumables and other means of production should be reduced through technology or production process innovation, and the net income and financial income of the enterprise should be increased by strengthening internal management on the premise of ensuring product quality.
2. As compensation for consumption of fixed assets, the depreciation rate should be reasonably determined, the utilization rate of equipment should be improved, the depreciation value transferred in each product should be reduced, and the cost of unit product should be reduced to increase the profit and financial revenue of the enterprise. If the depreciation rate is too high, it will decrease Enterprise profit And fiscal revenue; If the depreciation rate is too low, the growth of financial revenue is to sacrifice the enterprise's development potential and slow down the enterprise Equipment renovation The pace is the cost, so the increase of financial revenue is false and untrue.
stay Total social product When C is constant and constant, part V increases and part M decreases. On the contrary, part V decreases and part M increases. Therefore, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of workers and improve labour productivity It is of great significance to increase enterprise profits and financial revenue.
Economic source
M is the main source of financial revenue
surplus Product value include Taxes Enterprise profit and utilization Residual product value Expenses paid (such as interest). These mainly include taxes and corporate profits. Under the planned financial condition of unified revenue and expenditure, state-owned enterprise The vast majority of M created is distributed by the state to expand reproduction and form fiscal revenue for common social needs. In addition, the state takes away part of non-state-owned enterprises in the form of taxes net income Generate financial revenue. Under the socialist market economy system, the state gives state-owned enterprises autonomy in management and has relatively independent economic interests. According to the principle that the administrative power is consistent with the financial power, the state cannot take away all M from state-owned enterprises, but can only participate in the distribution of part of the net income of enterprises, that is, the state participates in the distribution as an administrator, collects taxes from enterprises, and Asset Owner Participate in the profit distribution of the enterprise.
V is the supplement of financial revenue
V refers to the part paid to individual workers in the form of labor remuneration. From the point of view, although V constitutes a part of the financial revenue, its proportion in the total financial revenue is very small. This is because China has been implementing a low wage system The income of individual workers is generally low, and the state cannot raise more funds from V.
In terms of actual economic operation, China's fiscal revenue from V mainly includes the following aspects:
First, taxes directly levied on individuals. as individual income tax corporate income tax Etc.
Second, those collected from individuals Fee income (such as marriage registration fee, passport fee, residence certificate fee, etc.) and Income from fines and confiscations Etc.
Third, what residents buy treasury bill
Fourth, part of the income from the sale of high tax rate consumer goods (such as cigarettes, alcohol, cosmetics, etc.) is actually transferred from V.
Fifth, enterprises and institutions such as service industry and cultural and entertainment industry tax revenue , part of which is based on the redistribution Transformed.
In the future, with the development of socialism market economy With the gradual establishment and development of the system, the continuous improvement of people's living standards, and the reform and improvement of the individual income tax system, the proportion of fiscal revenue from V will gradually increase. occident capitalist country The high wage policy and the fiscal and tax system with individual income tax and payroll tax as the main taxes are generally implemented, and a considerable part of its fiscal revenue directly comes from V.
Individual parts in C constitute financial revenue
Of compensation value C basic depreciation fund stay Planned economy As a part of fiscal revenue, it is generally not suitable to include depreciation funds as fiscal revenue in market economy value added tax A part of C still becomes financial revenue through value-added tax.

national policy

The central fiscal revenue and the local fiscal revenue are divided according to the fiscal system Central level revenue and Local income After the tax sharing fiscal system in 1994, the revenue belonging to the central government included customs duties, customs excise tax and value-added tax, consumption tax, central enterprise income tax, income tax of local banks, foreign banks and non bank financial enterprises, business tax, income tax, profit, urban maintenance and construction tax, and 75% of value-added tax, 50% of securities transaction tax (stamp tax) and offshore oil resource tax. Revenue belonging to local finance includes business tax, local enterprise income tax, individual income tax, urban land use tax, fixed asset investment direction adjustment tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, property tax, vehicle and vessel use tax, stamp tax, slaughter tax, agricultural and animal husbandry tax, agricultural specialty tax, farmland occupation tax, deed tax, 25% of value-added tax, securities transaction tax (stamp tax) 50% and other resource taxes except offshore oil resource tax.

System division

In addition, railway transportation, national post ICBC the Agricultural Bank of China Bank of China China Construction Bank China Development Bank Agricultural Development Bank of China Export Import Bank of China And the income tax paid by offshore oil and gas enterprises as the exclusive income of the central government. Central cross regional operation and concentration Pay to the treasury The income tax paid by enterprises, provincial power companies, expressways, cigarette factories and other enterprises is shared by the central and provincial governments. other corporate income tax And all individual income tax The revenue is shared by the central government, provinces, cities and prefectures in proportion. The share ratio was 50%, 15% and 35% respectively in 2002, and 60%, 12% and 28% respectively in 2003.