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Fixed network domestic data transmission

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Network Communications
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Fixed network domestic data transmission service refers to the domestic end-to-end data transmission service provided in the fixed network in a wired manner, except for the first type of data transmission service. Mainly based on Asynchronous transfer mode ATM data transmission service of (ATM) network, X.25 data transmission service based on X.25 packet switching network, DDN data transmission service based on digital data network (DDN) Frame relay Network frame relay data transmission service, etc.
Chinese name
Fixed network domestic data transmission
Noun domain
Network Communications
Business type
Non Class I data transmission service
data transfer
Fixed network domestic data transmission service
Fixed network domestic data transmission services include: Permanent virtual circuit (PVC) data transmission service, switched virtual circuit (SVC) data transmission service Virtual private network service Etc.
Fixed network domestic data transmission business operators can set up the above data based on different technologies Transport network Operators without the operation right of domestic communication facilities service business shall not build domestic transmission network facilities, and must rent the transmission facilities of operators with corresponding operation right to set up business networks.