Fishbone Diagram

Analytical method
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synonym Cause and effect diagram (Cause and effect diagram) generally refers to fishbone analysis method
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Fishbone analysis method, also known as Causal analysis , is an analytical method to find the "root cause" of problems, modern business administration Education such as MBA EMBA It can be divided into problem type, cause type and countermeasure type fishbone analysis. Fishbone analysis method is named for its shape like a fishbone. It is an analysis method that looks through the phenomenon to see the essence. [3]
Chinese name
Fishbone Diagram
Foreign name
Fishbone analysis method
Analysis method for finding the "root cause" of problems
modern business administration education


The characteristics of the problem are always affected by some factors Brainstorm Find out these factors, and arrange them with the characteristic values according to the correlation to form a clear hierarchy and order. Because its shape is like fishbone, it is called fishbone diagram.
fishbone diagram (Fishbone analysis method) Ishikawa It is also called Ishikawa Map because it was developed by Mr. Fish bone diagram is a method to find the "root cause" of problems, which can also be called "cause and effect diagram". Fishbone diagram shows the relationship between quality characteristics and causes [4] Fishbone diagram is mainly used to establish analysis model in business administration.
Brainstorming (Brain Storming - BS): a meeting method to find out all the causes or components of a problem from various perspectives by brainstorming and giving play to the wisdom of the group. BS has four principles: no criticism, free and unrestrained the more , the better , hitchhiking. [1]


1. Sort out problems fishbone diagram (There is no causal relationship between elements and property values, but a structural relationship);
2. Cause type fishbone diagram (fish head is on the right, and the characteristic value is usually written with "why...");
3. Countermeasure fishbone diagram (fish head is on the left, and the characteristic value is usually written as "how to improve/improve...").

Drawing steps


Analysis structure

1. For the problem points, select the layer method (such as man-machine, material, method and ring);
2. Find out all possible causes (factors) for each level category according to brainstorming;
3. Classify and sort out the identified elements to clarify their subordination;
4. Analyze and select important factors;
5. Check the description method of each element to ensure that the grammar is concise and the meaning is clear.

Key points of analysis

1. When determining major causes (large bones), field operations are generally conducted from“ Man machine material method ring ”To begin with, management issues generally start from the level of "personnel, time and ground objects", which should be determined according to the specific situation;
2. The major factors must be described with neutral words (not good or bad), and the medium and small factors must use value judgment (such as bad);
3、 Brainstorm We should try to find out all possible reasons as many as possible, not limited to what we can completely control or are implementing. The reason for people should be analyzed from the perspective of action rather than ideology;
4. There is a direct cause problem relationship between the medium major cause and the characteristic value, and between the small major cause and the medium major cause. The small major cause can be directly analyzed to make countermeasures;
5. If some reason can be attributed to two or more factors at the same time, please take the one with the strongest relevance as the criterion (consider when necessary Trivism : That is to see the existing objects on the spot at present, and find out the most relevant factor classification through comparison of relative conditions.);
6. When selecting important reasons, there should be no more than 7 items, and they should be identified at the end.

Drawing process

1. Fill in the fish head (described in a bad way) and draw the main bone;
2. Draw the big bones and fill in the big reasons;
3. Draw the middle bone and small bone, and fill in the small and medium-sized factors;
4. Identify important factors with special symbols;
Important points: when drawing, ensure that the big bone and the main bone form a 60 degree angle, and the middle bone is parallel to the main bone [2]


1. Find the problem to be solved;
2. Write the question on the head of the fishbone;
3. Gather colleagues to discuss possible causes of problems and find out as many problems as possible;
4. Group the same questions and mark them on the fishbone;
5. Ask for your opinions according to different questions, and summarize the correct reasons;
6. Take out any question and study why such a question arises;
7. Ask why according to the answer to the question, so as to go at least five levels (five consecutive questions);
8. When reaching the fifth level and thinking that it is impossible to continue, list the reasons for these problems, and then list at least 20 solutions.

case analysis

fishbone diagram The analytical method is carried out by consultants Causality A method often used in analysis, which is simple, practical and intuitive. Taking the situation of an oil refinery as an example, this paper analyzes its marketing problems by using the fishbone diagram analysis method.
The pictures related to this topic are as follows: the "fish head" in the figure indicates the problem that needs to be solved, that is, the product of the refinery occupies a small share in the market. according to field investigation The causes of the refinery's marketing problems can be summarized into five categories. I.e. personnel channel , advertising, competition and others. In each category, there are several possible factors that may cause these reasons, such as the number of marketing personnel, the number of sales outlets, the lack of publicity strategies, and the advertising campaign for imported oil. The five types of causes and their related factors are respectively expanded by the distribution of fishbones to form a fishbone analysis diagram.
The next step is to find out the main causes of the problem. For this purpose, the proportion of each cause or related factor in the process of generating the problem can be calculated according to the data from the field survey, expressed in percentage. For example, through calculation, it is found that "a small number of marketing personnel" accounts for 35%, "poor advertising" for 18%, and "small packaging" for 25% in the process of generating problems. The three accounts for 78% in the process of generating problems, which can be considered as the main reason for the low market share of the refinery's products. If we put forward improvement plans for these three factors, we can solve 78% of the whole problem. The case also reflects the "20: 80" principle, that is, according to the rule of experience, 80% of the problems are often caused by 20% of the causes. If the problem cannot be solved 100% due to the constraints of conditions, as long as 20% of all the causes are grasped, 80% of the problems can be solved.
Fishbone diagram is also widely used in the manufacturing industry. In the analysis of problems in the manufacturing industry, it is mainly summarized from the aspects of human, machine, material, method and environment, which is conducive to the comprehensive analysis and discussion of problems, and finally to find out the real causes of problems, solve and improve them [2]