Commercial port

[shāng bù]
Refers to cities that trade with foreign countries
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Commercial port, a Chinese word, pronounced sh ā ng b ù, means a city that conducts business with foreign countries, and business A developed city. From Sun Yirang's The Rites of the Zhou Dynasty and Political Leaders · Chaoyi.
Chinese name
Commercial port
Cities trading with foreign countries
A city with developed commerce
Trading port
Zhou Rites Politicians · Chaoyi
Chinese vocabulary

Lexical explanation


Basic explanation

1. Cities and towns that used to trade with foreign countries.
2. It refers to commercial developed cities, such as Guangzhou and Shanghai in China.

Citation explanation

A city that used to trade with foreign countries.
clear Sun Yirang Zhou Rites Politicians · Chaoyi: "All commercial ports concession In the litigation between China and foreign countries, the Chinese kneel down while the foreigners stand up, which has lost their body. " Li Dazhao "The Salary of the People": "The government here also advocates concessions and allows to open a number of commercial ports there." [1]

Related History

Shanghai before liberation
The government sets up tax authorities in commercial ports to levy tariffs on legitimate trade. The Qing Dynasty was opened from the 23rd year of Kangxi (1684) Sea ban Later, four customs offices were set up to conduct foreign trade, namely Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangsu. implement Closed door policy Later, in the 24th year of Qianlong's reign (1759), Guangzhou was designated as a foreign trade port, and strict management measures were taken against foreign businessmen who came to China to trade by sea. After the Opium War, five trading ports were opened in the southeast coastal areas. According to the contract signed on August 29, 1842《 Treaty of Nanjing 》The Qing government has successively opened Guangzhou Xiamen , Shanghai, Ningbo and Fuzhou rescind Merchant system The "agreement customs" shall be formulated to levy import and export tax of five percent of the total value, and it shall be stipulated that any change in the tax rate in the future must be approved by the trading countries. From this commercial port capitalism Dumping market of national cheap mechanism commodities and opium poisons, as well as the collecting place for Chinese silk, tea, agricultural and sideline materials and handicraft products to be trafficked abroad.
However, foreign businessmen are not satisfied with the five port trade. They carry out opium and commodities smuggle , human trafficking and other activities were also extended to Wenzhou Zhoushan , Dinghai, Zhenhai, Shantou, Danshui, etc. In 1853, after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom established its capital in Nanjing and the Shanghai Knife Club Uprising, foreign businessmen seized the opportunity Shanghai Customs administrative management Right, claiming "escrow". The British and French invaders launched The Second Opium War After Qing government According to the《 Tianjin Treaty 》And October 1860《 Beijing Treaty 》The regulations of Chaozhou Tianjin Niuzhuang , Zhifu, Danshui, Taiwan, Qiongzhou and Zhenjiang Hankou , Jiujiang and Nanjing. At the time of signing the treaty, the four commercial ports along the Yangtze River were still under the rule of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom or under the control of its army. After the defeat of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, they were really "opened". The successive establishment of the above-mentioned 16 commercial ports not only expanded the navigation range of Chinese coastal waters from south to north, but also allowed foreign merchant ships to sail into the Yangtze River Inland navigation right Foreign businessmen not only dump foreign goods and grab excess profits, but also start to trade directly from the mainland Chinese native products , enjoy as long as the additional 2.5% Sub tax Will no longer be paid to the Mainland Lijin Preferential privileges for regular taxes. At the same time, the system of foreigners controlling the customs in Shanghai has been widely applied to all ports of trade in China, making Chinese businessmen not only lack the protection of the customs, but also face discrimination and attack. Sailing boats along the coast of China and the Yangtze River transportation It has also been seriously threatened and competed by foreign air transport enterprises in China, and has declined ever since.
During the negotiation of Sino British treaty revision between 1868 and 1869, it was completely exposed capitalism The country has put forward new greedy requirements for China's opening of trade ports, even newly revised《 Sino British Beijing Treaty 》The articles of association after rapprochement were strongly opposed because they failed to fully meet the aspirations of British businessmen in China. They accused the New Testament of opening too few commercial ports and not going deep into Hunan and Sichuan. The British government announced in July 1870 that it would not ratify the treaty. By March 1875, the British ambassador Witoma excuse Macquarie case After threatening and blackmailing the Qing government, the third end of the Sino British Yantai Conference Terms stipulates that: Yichang Wuhu , Wenzhou the north sea There are trading ports everywhere chase Anqing Hukou Martial acupoint , Land Xikou Six places in Shashi are berthing docks (that is, ships are allowed to berth, and passengers and merchants can get on and off the goods); Chongqing "can be stationed by the British to check the affairs of British businessmen in Sichuan Province. Before the ships arrive in Chongqing, British businessmen and civilians are not allowed to set up shops there, and they can discuss the matter after the ships can get on and sail". Yichang, Wuhu, Wenzhou and Beihai were all opened in early April 1877, while Chongqing was not officially opened until March 1891.
Since the 1870s, great changes have taken place in China's and foreign trade Suez Canal The international sea bed has shortened the voyage from Europe to East Asia, reduced the transport costs and accelerated the turnover of funds telegraph The smooth flow of, more quickly transmit the market situation around the world, reduce the risk of foreign losses, expand the export of cheap goods dumping. As a result, in the 1970s, China's foreign trade exceeded its quota for only three years (1872, 1873, and 1876). In the rest of the years, China's foreign trade exceeded its quota, and the adverse balance continued to increase. Total imports and exports in 1877 value With over 143.51 million yuan of silver in the customs, the import surplus reached more than 8.633 million yuan, accounting for 6% of the total value of goods. By 1894, the total value of goods had increased to more than 293.75 million yuan, and the import surplus was more than 375.5 million yuan, accounting for 13.78% of the total value of goods.
The trade between the Qing Dynasty and neighboring countries on the land was originally inherited from the past tribute system Sell and buy in Beijing and choose a place on the border Mutual market For example, the exchange place with Russia was initially set up in Kulun, the second year of Yongzheng (1725)《 Qiaketu Treaty 》After the conclusion Chaktu Establish a trading city for mutual exchange and return Ministry of Minority Affairs Jurisdiction. In the middle of the 19th century, Yili Talbahatai After the signing of the articles of commerce (July 5, 1851), China opened Ili and Tuscaloosa In the construction trade or trading circle, Russian businessmen are allowed to enjoy tax exemption, but not participate in sea and road trade. stay The Second Opium War In the name of mediation, the Tsarist Russia deceived Qing government China and Russia concluded Tianjin Treaty 》(June 13, 1858), obtained Most favored nation treatment And the Sino Russian Treaty of Beijing Extension (November 14, 1860) allowed Russian businessmen to stay in Kashgar (today's Xinjiang Shule County )Trade, sporadic goods are also allowed in Kulun Zhangjiakou Marketing. According to the contract signed in 1862《 Articles of Association of Sino Russian Land Road Trade 》Russian businessmen who trade within 100 miles of China's border will not pay taxes. The whole import tax payable on Russian goods transported by land to Tianjin will be "one third of the tax rate of each country". Russian businessmen who trafficked local goods from Zhangjiakou will only pay Sub tax (2.5%), free of export taxes. Tsarist Russia's ambition to invade China was even more apparent in the so-called "collection" of Ili. In June and July 1871, Tsarist Russia brazenly invaded and occupied the Ili region of China on the pretext of "stabilizing border order". after Chonghou and Zeng Jize Two diplomatic missions to Russia, signed on February 24, 1881《 Sino Russian Ili Treaty 》And the Articles of Association on Land Road Commerce Jiayuguan With the addition of consuls to Turpan, Russian businessmen can trade in the northern and southern cities of Tianshan Mountains and "temporarily do not pay taxes"; Russian goods transported by land to Jiayuguan Pass will be reduced by one third as usual. These provisions gave Russian businessmen various commercial privileges and created a bad example of opening land trade to reduce taxes. Later, all countries followed suit, causing serious losses in China's tax revenue.
After the Tsarist Russia, Britain and France also tried their best to open the door to southwest China in order to share the privilege of land trade and tax reduction. Sino French War After that, the Sino French Treaty of Renewal (June 24, 1887) stipulated the opening of Guangxi Longzhou (June 1, 1889), Mengzi, Yunnan (August 24, 1889), and Manwei became commercial ports on the Sino Vietnamese border. Later, Manwei was changed to Hekou, which was officially opened in 1897. Britain annexed in 1886 Upper Myanmar Later, it tried to open up land trade ports between Yunnan and Myanmar. In March 1893, the Yunnan Myanmar border affairs and commercial terms were signed, and the British consul stationed in Manyun (later Tengyue) and began to share the market of dumped goods in Yunnan with France. At the same time, it also looked into Tibet from India, which was stipulated in the Sino British Tibetan Indian Renewal Agreement (December 5, 1893) Fast Asia As a border commercial port between China and India, it will not pay taxes for five years.
Sino-Japanese Sino Japanese War Later《 Treaty of Shimonoseki 》It was also stipulated to open four commercial ports in Suzhou (August 26, 1876), Hangzhou, Shashi (October 1, 1896) and Chongqing, and later Changsha (July 1, 1904) was added. Foreign in China Inland navigation right It has expanded into the Yangtze River Xiangjiang River From Wusong River to Jiangsu Zhejiang Canal. Britain realized its opening in accordance with the Sino Burma Treaty (February 4, 1897) Xijiang River Set Wuzhou (June 3, 1897), Sanshui (June 4) and Jiangmen (April 22, 1904).
At this time, the so-called "self opening commercial port" of China appeared, which was formally opened by the Qing government, but there was no formal treaty provision. Between March and April 1898 Prime Minister's Yamen for International Affairs stay Department of Customs and Taxation Hurd Under the proposal of, we made sure to add four trading ports, namely Wusong (April 20, 1898), Yuezhou (November 1, 1899) Sanduao, Fujian (May 8, 1899) Hebei province From Beidaihe to Haibin Qinhuangdao (December 1901), the purpose was to increase tariff revenue and "raise foreign funds". At the request of foreign envoys or consuls, the provinces opened Gulangyu in Xiamen (May 1, 1902), Nanning in Guangxi (January 1, 1907), Kunming in Yunnan (May 28, 1908) and other ports successively under the pretext of "revitalizing commerce" and "benefiting the source of wages". During this period, the number of open commercial ports along the railways built by the great powers also increased, such as those built by Germany in Shandong Province Jiaozhouwan Jinan Railway Online Jinan Zhoucun Weixian County At the request of the German consul high Qing official Zhou Fu It was opened on January 10, 1906 Middle East Railway Online manzhouli and Suifenhe River On September 18, 1896, China and Russia jointly established the East Province Railway Company as a trading port. Fengtian (today's Shenyang), Andong (today's Dandong) and Dadonggou It was opened successively from 1907 to 1908. In 1905, after the Russo Japanese War, Japan Three northeastern provinces The Tsarist Russia has been accepted Nanman Railway Main and branch lines and important cities and towns that have built railway lines without authorization, such as Xinmintun, Tieling, Tongjiangzi, Fakumen Phoenix Liaoyang , Changchun, Jilin, Huichun Three surnames , Ningguta, Harbin Qiqihar Hailar Aihui And signed on December 22, 1905《 Treaty on the Three Eastern Provinces of the China Japan Meeting 》The first paragraph stipulates that the above-mentioned cities and towns "will open ports for trade by China after the withdrawal of Japanese and Russian troops". November 2, 1909, according to China and Japan Tumen River The second paragraph of the Manchu ROK Boundary Affairs Clause stipulates that the Chinese government officially opens Longjing (Today Yanji ), Juzi Street, Toudaogou, Baicao Valley, and "quasi international residential trade".
Before the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911, the Qing government opened 82 commercial ports all over the country except Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Guizhou. Among them, there are about 69 ports and 13 self opened ports. In 1911, the total value of import and export goods in China's foreign trade had increased to over 859.91 million silver, an increase of 2.9 times over that before the Sino Japanese War; however, the excess of imports had reached over 105.23 million silver, an increase of 2.8 times. In the 45 years from 1867 to 1911, only Guangzhou, Fuzhou Hankou Niuzhuang , Harbin Three surnames Aihui Dadonggou , Nanning, Jiujiang and other ten places, among which Shanghai is the highest, with a total of more than 1.7887 billion silver in the customs. The total net worth of China's super income has reached more than 2.2744 billion taels. The markets in urban and rural areas across the country are full of cheap goods dumped by foreign countries. The prices of Chinese native goods have been constantly reduced, and the export has been rejected. To maintain Balance of international payments A large amount of gold and silver in China continued to flow abroad, causing domestic prices to soar, sales to stagnate, and commercial crises and Monetary credit Crisis.