Tangshan Port

Port of Tangshan City, Hebei Province
zero Useful+1
Tangshan Port is located in China Hebei Province Tangshan City The southeast coast is China's opening port. Energy, raw materials, etc bulk commodities specialized Transport system An important part of; Hebei Province Beijing North China and northwest One of the important windows for economic development and opening up in some regions; Tangshan City Economy social development The important support of; Caofeidian Circular Economy Demonstration Zone Important infrastructure and Strategic resources On December 23, 2021, it was selected as one of the top ten sustainable ports in 2021. [4]
Adjacent to Tangshan Port Beijing Tianjin Hebei Urban agglomeration, Caofeidian distance the republic of korea Incheon 400 nautical miles, Japan Nagasaki 680 nautical miles Kobe 935 nautical miles, and ore exporting countries Australia Brazil Peru South Africa India Etc Sea route It was also very smooth.
In 2022, the cargo throughput of Tangshan Port will be 768.87 million tons, up 6.43% year on year, ranking second in the world. [8]
Chinese name
Tangshan Port
Foreign name
Tangshan Port
Cargo throughput
768.87 million tons (2022)
Main goods
Coal, grain, steel, ore, container, etc
Container throughput
3.12 million TEUs (2020)
Operating organization
Tangshan Port Group Co., Ltd

Construction history

In 1898, Qinhuangdao near Tangshan was Qing government reserve for building sth. Commercial port And mainly transport Kailuan coal. [1]
From 1979 to 1984, the State Planning Commission proposed Beijing Tianjin Tangshan Region Land development and Productivity distribution To promote and focus on the development of coastal areas Jidong Regional strategy.
In November 1984, Tangshan officially decided to Leting County Wangtan Town Build ports. The provincial government has allocated 50 million yuan from the energy construction fund as the starting fund for the construction of Tangshan Port.
On August 10, 1989, the construction of Jingtanggang District of Tangshan Port began.
In 1992, the Jingtang Port Area of Tangshan Port was open to domestic navigation, and the development and construction of Caofeidian Port Area of Tangshan Port began to plan and demonstrate. [1]
In 1993, Tangshan Port Jingtanggang District was open to international navigation. [1] On July 17 of the same year, the two municipal governments of Beijing and Tangshan signed a joint port building agreement, and Tangshan Port was renamed as Jingtang Port.
In 2001, the throughput of Jingtang Port exceeded 10 million tons, and it entered the ranks of China's ten million ton ports.
Tangshan Port, July 3, 2000 investment With the establishment of the limited company, the management system reform was formally put on the agenda.
In March 2003, Caofeidian Port Area of Tangshan Port began large-scale development and construction. [1] The original Jingtang Port Authority was restructured into Jingtang Port limited company
In 2004, the State Council Adopted in principle The Plan for Coastal Port Construction in the Bohai Bay Area, including Caofeidian Import Ore Terminal and Crude Oil Terminal, has been formulated. In March of the same year, the first phase project of Caofeidian Ore Terminal was commenced. [1] On May 28, the agreement was signed by SDIC Communications Investment Corporation, China Coal Import and Export Corporation, Datong Coal Group Corporation and Tangshan Port Investment Co., Ltd, Co investment Three 100000 ton coal berths will be built.
In 2005, following the principle of "one city, one port, named after the city", the provincial party committee, provincial government, municipal party committee and municipal government decided to restore the name of Tangshan Port, and Jingtang Port was renamed as Jingtang Port District. Caofeidian Port Area has been listed in the national "11th Five Year Plan" port opening plan. In December of the same year, the Caofeidian Port Area of Tangshan Port began its navigation trial operation. [1]
In 2007, Caofeidian Port Group Co., Ltd Formally established.
In 2009, the traffic volume of Tangshan Port Jingtang Port District exceeded the 100 million ton mark, becoming the youngest 100 million ton port in China. And plan to implement the Tangshan Port Fengnan Port Area Project.
In July 2012, Caofeidian Port Area passed the national opening acceptance. On August 28 of the same year, Caofeidian Port Area, a water transport port of Tangshan Port, was officially opened to the outside world.
In November 2015, Caofeidian Port realized the first voyage of 400000 ton VALEMAX ships.
On November 5, 2016, Fengnan Port Area of Tangshan Port officially started construction. [1]

position environment

Tangshan Port is located in the middle of the west coast of the Bohai Sea and the north side of the Bohai Bay Estuary, including Jingtang Port Area and Caofeidian Port Area. Northeast distance of Jingtang Port Qinhuangdao Port 68 nautical miles, 84 kilometers northwest of Tangshan City, 82 nautical miles west of Tianjin Port; Caofeidian Port Area is about 33 nautical miles southwest of Jingtang Port Area and 70 kilometers north of Tangshan City. Tangshan Port is a new port between Qinhuangdao Port and Tianjin Port. 2014 Cargo throughput 501 million tons, 1.109 million containers Standard case
Jingtanggang District is located in Tangshan Harbor Economic Development Zone in the southeast of Tangshan City. It is located on the north coast of Bohai Bay, from Dagukou to qinghuangdao Coastal cape On, Qing Dynasty Between the estuary and Luanhe estuary.

development planning

Opinions on the "12th Five Year Plan" Development Plan of Tangshan Port
Tangshan Port is located in the southeast coast of Tangshan City, with Jingtang Port and Caofeidian Port under its jurisdiction. The construction of Jingtang Port Area was started in August 1989, and was officially opened to navigation in 1992. Some areas of the first port basin, the second port basin, the third port basin, and the fourth port basin have been built with miscellaneous materials, coal, ore, containers Liquefied petroleum gas 32 production berths of 15000 tons to 100000 tons for cement, etc Trafficability 72.95 million tons/200000 TEUs. The Caofeidian Port Area was developed and constructed in 2003, and 14 productive berths for crude oil, coal, ore and miscellaneous materials have been built in the Diantou area and the first port pool, with an annual throughput of 123 million tons/200000 TEUs.
Since the opening of Tangshan Port to navigation, especially since the "11th Five Year Plan", relying on the rich natural resources and strong industrial foundation of Tangshan City, the hinterland, the transportation of advantageous goods such as coal, steel and ore has been strengthened, and new goods such as automobiles, electromechanical products, chemical products and agricultural products have been developed transport market Throughput has grown year after year, and achieved rapid development. In 2006, Tangshan Port Shore The completed throughput is 33.65 million tons; In 2007, the throughput reached 67.28 million tons; In 2008, the throughput reached 108 million tons. Among them, the throughput in 2008 increased by 60.52% year on year, 48 times more than the average growth of ports nationwide Percentage point In 2008, Caofeidian Port District achieved a revenue of 873 million yuan, Realize profits 320 million yuan, up 53.16% and 130.22% year on year respectively; Jingtang Port District realized revenue of 834 million yuan and profit of 150 million yuan, up 10% and 12.12% year on year respectively.
Tangshan Port is a national first-class open port. On October 26, 1992, the State Council approved Tangshan Port (later renamed as Jingtang Port) to be open to ships of foreign nationality with the document of Guo Han [1992] No. 156 customs port of the first class On January 23, 2009, the State Council approved Tangshan Port to expand the opening of Caofeidian Port Area with the document of Guo Han [2009] No. 12.

Jingtang Port

Tangshan Port Jingtanggang The district is located 80 kilometers southeast of Tangshan Tangshan Seaport Development Zone Domestic, Bohai Bay North Bank. Overland distance Beijing 230 kilometers from the city to the sea Shanghai Port 669 nautical miles, 1360 nautical miles from Hong Kong, 680 nautical miles from Nagasaki Port, Japan, Incheon Port, South Korea 400 nautical miles. Located in the center of the Bohai Sea Economic Circle, it is an important part of the Greater Beijing strategy and an important coastal port determined by the country.
As early as 1919, Dr. Sun Yat sen《 National strategy 》China proposed to build a "northern port" here that is "as big as New York" and "as a gateway to world trade".
Tangshan's port construction began in the 1980s. In 1993, Tangshan and Beijing began to jointly build Jingtang Port. After more than 10 years of development, Jingtang Port has built 17 berths with an annual throughput of 26 million tons, ranking among the top 20 ports in China. In 2009, the cargo throughput of Jingtang Port Area reached 105.41 million tons, up 37.8% year on year.
Jingtang Port Natural shoreline From 11km to 19km (the total length of coastline reaches 45km), and the planned area increases from 56km2 to 88km2; 31 berths were put into operation, accounting for only one fifth of the total berths; The construction of Jingtang Port is still in a growing period, and there is huge room for future development.
Tangshan Port Jingtanggang District is the earliest planning and construction area of Tangshan City, and it is a joint venture with Beijing Cooperative development Is located 90 kilometers southeast of Tangshan City, Leting New Area Domestic. Jingtang Port Area is Beijing Tianjin Hebei Port Midrange The nearest point to the sea in Bohai Bay, 64 nautical miles away from Qinhuangdao Port in the east and west Tianjin Port 70 nautical miles, Tangshan Port Caofeidian Port Area 33 nautical miles. The conditions for port construction here are superior, with deep water and steep bank, no silting and no freezing. There are large state-owned saline alkali beaches behind the port Unused land It does not occupy farmland and need no demolition, so it is suitable for large-scale development of port industry. As early as 1919, Dr. Sun Yat sen had《 National strategy 》China proposed to build a "northern port" here that is "as big as New York" and "as a gateway to world trade".
According to the Overall Planning of Tangshan Port, Jingtanggang A total of 6 port basins are planned to be built in the district, gradually forming container terminal Operation area Liquid bulk cargo Operation area Dry bulk cargo Six functional areas including operation area, general cargo wharf operation area, general logistics area and future reservation Development area The planned natural shoreline of Jingtang Port Area is 19 kilometers long, and the total planned shoreline is 45 kilometers long. Nearly 150 berths of various types can be built; The planned area of the port area is 88 square kilometers, including 23 square kilometers of planned water area and 65 square kilometers of land area; plan Channel class It is 200000 tons.
On November 25, 2019, Tangshan Port, Hebei Province introduced 5G Unmanned driving supported by technology Container truck Complete the operation in the port at the container terminal of Jingtang Port Area Test work , enter the trial operation stage.
In July 2024, the 250000 ton channel of Tangshan Port Jingtang Port District will be put into trial operation [12]

Fengnan Port Area


Project content and construction scale

The project is located in Tangshan City Fengnan District Jianhe Village Douhe River estuary to Black fringe Between the estuary of Shahe River, the natural conditions for port construction are excellent, and the location is superior. Six 10000 to 20000 ton general cargo berths, two 40000 ton multi-purpose berths, and four 50000 to 70000 ton bulk cargo berths will be built, and corresponding port basins, channels breakwater , storage yard, road Handling technology and supporting facilities Etc. After the completion of the project, the annual throughput of Fengnan Port Area will reach 20.5 million tons.

market analysis

Fengnan District of Tangshan City is located on the coast of Bohai Sea Circum Bohai Sea , Beijing Tianjin double ring Economic circle Hinterland, bordering the Bohai Sea in the south, with a coastline of 23.5km, geographical position Unique advantages are an important strategy of Tangshan's "four points and one belt" Support point Traffic in the area Developed, Beijing Harbin Railway and Hanan Railway, Beijing Shenyang Railway, Tianjin Tangshan Railway, Tanggang Railway, Tangcao Railway, Coastal Railway, etc expressway Traffic trunk lines interweave Networking natural resources It is rich, especially famous for oil, natural gas, coal, sea salt, mineral water, etc. Developed economy, completed in the whole district in 2007 GDP 28.4 billion yuan revenue 3.49 billion yuan, Per capita net income of farmers 6100 yuan. Strong industrial foundation Guofeng , Huida and other national famous large enterprises, with an annual import of 14 million tons of iron ore and a steel throughput of 5.5 million tons, Container throughput It is 100000 TEU, and the total annual general cargo throughput can reach 20.5 million tons. Considering that it can radiate to Tangshan urban area and adjacent counties and districts in the future, the project economic performance and social results It is very impressive and the prospect is very attractive.
Fengnan Port Area of Tangshan Port has been included in the national "12th Five Year Plan" port development plan and the coastal area development plan of Hebei Province. Proposed port area Heiyanzi Town Shahe estuary to Douhe River The coastline is 7.2km between the sea inlets. project plan total investment 30 billion yuan. After the completion of the port area, the dock shoreline will be 20.5 kilometers long, the port basin area will be 6.6 million square meters, the channel will be 15.2 kilometers long, the channel will be 180 meters wide, 80 berths below 100000 tons can be built, and the annual throughput will reach 109 million tons. Set with a total length of 4.5km and an investment of 320 million yuan Shugang Road The project has been completed and opened to traffic, and the construction of wharf, waterway and other supporting facilities will start within the year.
The Master Plan of Tangshan Port was revised again Caofeidian Port Area Jingtanggang On the basis of the district, Fengnan Port District is newly established, forming the overall pattern of "one port and three districts" of Tangshan Port. According to the plan, Fengnan Port Area is located between Heiyanzishahekou in Fengnan District and Douhekou in Jianhe Village. The Master Plan of Tangshan Port, which has been initially revised and completed, has a clear understanding of the use of coastline in Fengnan Port Area Functional positioning And so on. Shoreline function: define the ownership of Fengnan Port Area Black fringe The planned port shoreline is 19.2km from Shahekou to Sajintuo Chawangpu Port. Port area function: Tangshan Port will be planned to form a division of work, cooperation, coordination and interaction, with Caofeidian Port Area and Jingtang Port Area as the core and Fengnan Port Area as the supplement common development The overall development pattern. Among them, Fengnan Port Area is a newly built port area, which will become an important complement to Tangshan Port in the future and will serve as the rear metallurgy Equipment manufacturing Waiting for the port Industrial services , developing into a region Comprehensive transportation Comprehensive port area for service.
Fengnan Port Area is composed of the main port area and the estuary wharf area Port area planning The land area is 40.68 square kilometers, the water area is 12.88 square kilometers, the wharf coastline is 20.93 kilometers long, and more than 70 berths of 20000 tons to 100000 tons are planned to be built; The coastline of Hekou Wharf Area is 4.5 kilometers long, and 25 to 30 3000 ton bulk cargo and working ship berths are planned to be built. The infrastructure construction of the port area is planned to invest 15 billion yuan, of which the initial project is expected to invest 3.8 billion yuan. After the first phase of the port area project is open to navigation, the handling capacity will reach 12 million tons, and will exceed 25 million tons by 2020. After the port area is fully completed and opened to navigation, the handling capacity can reach 130 million tons.


Tangshan Port (601000)
Tangshan Port is Jingtanggang The main bulk cargo terminal operator in the district. Tangshan Port is located in Bohai Bay North bank, including Jingtang Port and Caofeidian Port Area , is China's energy, raw materials, etc bulk commodities specialized Transport system And Tianjin Hebei coastal container feeder port. In 2009, Jingtang Port Area completed a throughput of 105 million tons, ranking 15th among coastal ports. The company now operates the main bulk cargo berths in Jingtang Port Area, handling 100% of the ore and steel business and 39% of the coal business in Jingtang Port Area. With the recovery of steel exports in the future and the stability of demand for southbound transport, it is expected that Funded projects It can bring stable growth returns after being put into production, which is conducive to avoiding the risk of fluctuations in the iron ore business. In the medium and short term, the company's ore, steel and coal businesses will be accompanied by the hinterland heavy industry The development of Shougang Wharf gradually grew in 2012 Large projects The production of will contribute to the long-term competitiveness of the company.

Caofeidian Port Area



250000 ton ore wharf in Caofeidian Port Area of Tangshan Port
Tangshan harbor Caofeidian Port The district is located in Caofeidian Island, 70 kilometers south of Tangshan City, Nanpu District, a small sandbar 18 kilometers away from the coast, named after the original Caofeidian Temple on the island. Easting Jingtanggang 33 nautical miles, about 230 kilometers from Beijing Qingdao About 870km, 1300km from Beilun Port Dalian Port About 300km. Port area natural condition Excellent, the water depth in the southwest and south of the island front is good, 600 meters from the shore Bohai Bay Main current channel Deep groove Sea area. The long-term natural role of history endows Caofeidian Port Area Unique offshore deepwater advantage, 10 meters in front of the island a bathymetric contour 200-500 meters away from the 0 meter isobath, the water depth is 20-30 meters at 500 meters in front of the meadow, and the water area is directly connected at 25 meters Bohai Strait , no channel excavation and Harbor basin The deep trough in front of Dianqian is 36 meters deep the bohai sea The deepest point. Extending from Caofeidian to the Bohai Strait, there is a natural waterway with a water depth of 27 meters, which goes straight through the Strait and leads to the Yellow Sea. The natural combination of watercourses and deep troughs forms Caofeidian's unique advantage in building a large deep-water port. The 30 meter deep coastline here is as much as 6 kilometers long, and it is not frozen or silted. It is the only natural place in the Bohai Sea where 300000 ton large berths can be built without the need to excavate channels and basins Port site
The planned coastline of Caofeidian Port Area is 122 kilometers, and 428 berths suitable for different functions can be built.
In 2014, the Ministry of Transport adjusted the planning of Caofeidian Port Quay shoreline 124.9km, 434 berths above 10000 tons can be built.


Caofeidian The average elevation is more than 2 meters, and the highest elevation is more than 3 meters. It is about 17 kilometers away from the existing land bank. The elevation of the large area shoal in the middle is 0.6-2.7 meters. The meteorological, hydrological and geological conditions of the port area are very good Quantities Smaller.
In order to make full use of the rare deepwater shoreline resources Tangshan Economic layout Moving to the coast, Tangshan has proposed to build a deep-water berth in Caofeidian and develop adjacent areas since 1994 Lingang Industrial Zone At the end of 2004, Caofeidian Port Area The construction has been listed in the Port Construction Plan of Bohai Bay Area by the state. This project has Hebei Provincial Party Committee provincial government It is strongly supported and listed as the "No.1 Project" of Hebei Province. According to Caofeidian Port Area master plan , 250000 to 400000 tons will be built here Ore wharf 4, 2 300000 ton crude oil terminals, 16 50000 to 100000 ton coal terminals, etc.
Caofeidian Port Area of Tangshan Port was officially opened to foreign navigation on December 16, 2005. On the morning of the 16th, two 250000 ton ore docks in Caofeidian Port Area of Tangshan Port welcomed Bohai Bay The cargo ship with the largest tonnage marks the official opening of Caofeidian Port Area of Tangshan Port and 250000 ton ore wharf, realizing international navigation.
In May 2008, the State Council approved the Overall Industrial Development Plan of Caofeidian Circular Economy Demonstration Zone plan Caofeidian Port Area As a collection of energy, ore and other major raw materials and fuels in China clear out a harbour The Planning has made great contributions to the development of Caofeidian Port Area Tianjin Port The function division of the port of Caofeidian is clear: Caofeidian Port Area is a collection and distribution port for China's energy, minerals and other major raw materials and fuels; Tianjin Port is International Shipping Center , logistics center and domestic northern shipping center.
everything Port resources Advantages. Caofeidian has 69.5 kilometers of usable shoreline, which is neither frozen nor silted, and the water depth of the first 500 meters of the island is up to - 25 meters. There is a deep trough that is 6 kilometers long from east to west and 5 kilometers wide from south to north. The deepest point is - 36 meters, which is the deepest point of the Bohai Sea. Caofeidian is the only natural and diamond level port along the coast of the Bohai Sea that can build 300000 to 700000 ton large berths without digging channels and basins. As early as 1919, the great Democratic revolution Pioneer Sun Yat sen turned his deep eyes to Caofeidian《 National strategy 》It is pointed out that "the planned port is located at one of the nearest deep-water points of Zhili Bay (Bohai Bay). Considering our ideal, we will develop this port in a limited period of time, making it as large as New York world trade The road ". The location of Caofeidian is also clearly marked on the blueprint of the northern port carefully drawn by Dr. Sun Yat sen. The port coastline of Caofeidian can be planned to have more than 260 berths, with an annual design throughput capacity of more than 500 million tons.

Governance development

Caofeidian Port It is characterized by draft depth, wide channel, etc., suitable for transportation Bulk cargo our country Iron ore The import of crude oil and other raw fuels has been growing, Marine transportation The tonnage of the ship type is getting larger and larger, which needs a deep-water port to undertake. The construction of Caofeidian Port is conducive to improving China's ability to undertake the import of energy ores, alleviating the shortage of coal ship port capacity and Transportation of coal from north to south The contradiction of. The growth rate of Tangshan Port ranks first among ports above designated size in China!

economic construction

Goods completed at Tangshan Port in 2010 throughput 250.62 million tons, an increase of 42.1%, making it the 10th domestic port with a throughput of more than 200 million tons. Among them, Caofeidian Port Area The throughput was 130 million tons, an increase of 84.4%; Jingtanggang The regional throughput was 120 million tons, up 14.0%. stay Port cargo throughput Among them, steel increased by 89.9%, coal by 75.4%, iron ore by 5.6% and containers by 14.6%. scope of business It covers coal, ore, oil, steel, fresh aquatic products import and export and other fields.


At 11:30 on April 7, 2023, the "HS HONG KONG" ship started from Jingtang Port Area of Tangshan Port, and will travel to Ho Chi Minh Port in Vietnam and Linchaban Port in Thailand via Nansha Port in Guangzhou. The first international shipping line for Southeast Asian containers of Hebei Port Group was officially put into operation. [9]


In 2008, the cargo throughput of Tangshan Port exceeded 100 million tons, reaching 102.39 million tons, Year on year growth 72.27%, including 71.24 million tons of Tangshan Port Jingtang Port District, up 69.7% year on year; Caofeidian Port Area of Tangshan Port completed 31.15 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 78.5%. The handling capacity of Tangshan Port has exceeded 100 million tons, which is an important milestone in the history of Tangshan Port's construction and development, and marks that Tangshan Port has taken a more solid step in its journey towards the goal of a national important port.
By the end of 2009, the cargo throughput of Tangshan Port had reached 175.59 million tons, up 61.79% year on year. among Foreign trade goods The throughput reached 101.71 million tons, up 85.72% year on year. 13.14 million tons of steel were completed, up 19.88% year on year; 90.72 million tons of ores were completed, with a year-on-year increase of 79.41%; 63.5 million tons of coal was completed, up 60.07% year on year. two Dagang District China: Jingtang Port District completed 105.41 million tons, up 37.89% year on year; Caofeidian Port completed 70.18 million tons, up 118.80% year on year.
Tangshan Port's growth rate ranks first among ports above designated size in China!
In 2018, Tangshan Port completed a cargo throughput of 637.1 million tons, up 11.14% year on year; Among them, the foreign trade throughput was 267.72 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 8.01%; Coal throughput reached 262.81 million tons, up 48.16% year on year; The ore throughput was 219.83 million tons, down year-on-year eleven point one seven %; The throughput of oil, natural gas and products reached 24 million tons, up 24.06% year on year; The steel throughput was 54.33 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 4.52%; Container throughput was 2958332TEU, up 16.91% year on year.
In 2018, China's port cargo throughput reached 14.351 billion tons, ranking first in the world; Among the top ten ports in the world in terms of cargo throughput, China occupies 7 seats, and Tangshan Port ranks the third [2]
In 2021, Tangshan Port will complete a cargo throughput of 722 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 1.4%, and continue to rank second in the world's coastal ports. [3] [5]
From January to August 2022, the cargo throughput of Tangshan Port will reach 502.47 million tons, a new high in the same period of history. [6]
In 2022, the cargo throughput of Tangshan Port will be 768.87 million tons, up 6.43% year on year. The annual cargo throughput will surpass that of Shanghai Port and become the second largest port in the world. [7]
From January to June 2023, the foreign trade cargo throughput of Tangshan Port will reach 160.95 million tons, with a year-on-year growth of 28.80%. [10]
From January to June 2024, Tangshan Port will complete a cargo throughput of 430.33 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 3.5 4%。 [13]

location advantage

Tangshan Port is located 80 kilometers southeast of Tangshan City Tangshan Seaport Development Zone Domestic, Bohai Bay North Bank. Tangshan Port Annual average temperature 10.2 ℃, annual average precipitation 616.8 mm, pleasant climate and moderate temperature. Tangshan Port is located in the network of Beijing Tianjin Tangshan first-class economic zone, Bohai Rim It is the central area of China and the key open development area of the country.
Tangshan Port is located to connect North China, Northeast China and Northwest China The nearest sea port of Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan Chengde Zhangjiakou Waiting for 20 seats Industrial city , occupying the traffic throat of North China and Northeast China Beijing Kowloon Railway Beijing Shanghai Railway Jingguang Railway traffic Great arteries Connected with Beijing Harbin Railway Beijing Chengde Railway Beijing Baotou Railway Eurasian Large channels are connected. The hinterland is vast, the supply of goods is sufficient, and the transportation is convenient. Tangshan, a direct economic hinterland, is an important energy and raw material base in China and an area rich in a variety of agricultural and sideline products. It has formed ten major coal, steel, electricity, building materials, machinery, chemicals, ceramics, textiles, paper making, and food pillar industry It is also a commodity distribution center and transportation artery connecting Northeast China and North China, with a large number of domestic and foreign goods transported every year. Indirect economic hinterland can cover Hebei, Beijing, Shanxi Ningxia Inner Mongolia And Shaanxi.
Railway: 77.3 km in total Transportation capacity 12 million tons Luan Port Railway Luanxian County Tangshan Port) and national railway trunk line Jingshan Line Beijing Qinhuangdao Railway Track connection.
Highway: Tangshan Port 90km Tangshan Port Highway, Port Luanxian County 70km Luan Port Highway Circum Bohai Sea Three highways high-class highway And 205, 102 National Highway 107 Connect.
Expressway: 80km long Tanggang Expressway And Tianjin Tangshan Expressway Beijing Shenyang Expressway Converge into "X+O" type expressway in Tangshan highway network It has greatly shortened the distance between Tangshan Port and Beijing, Tianjin and provinces and cities in the northeast. It is only two hours' drive from Tangshan Port to Beijing and Tianjin, 233 kilometers and 208 kilometers respectively.

Future Outlook

Tangshan Port is indeed the youngest port in China. There is no doubt that many people still don't know where to go. The ports around the Bohai Sea are already dense enough, and the country is still spending huge amounts of money to build new ports. Isn't it repeated construction and excessive release of funds? This is not the case. The country is cautious on this issue and has finally made up its mind after several deliberations.
China's economy will surpass that of Japan this year and next, and that of the United States around 2035. With the rapid development of China's economy, the import of energy, raw materials and other bulk goods will increase day by day, Import and export trade It's even bigger. In terms of strategic layout, Hong Kong and Shenzhen in the south Shanghai Port Excellent congenital conditions, can be completed Historical mission However, the situation of ports in the north is not optimistic. Tianjin Port has a shallow waterway and heavy silt, so it does not have the congenital conditions to become a world-class port in the future. Manual mud removal can ensure the port basin, but it is never enough to ensure the smooth passage of the entire waterway. The current trend is very strong Dalian Qingdao's two ports are both alone on the top of the peninsula, bringing their own Economic hinterland The second is to promote the development of land to port transportation cost The abnormal length of. With other options, these two ports are not good strategic fulcrums. Of course, others such as Yingkou Weihai These smaller ports also have inherent weaknesses.
In contrast, internationally, with the Suez Canal and panama canal Two golden watercourse The transformation is basically completed and has a huge scale Cost advantage There are no obstacles to the mainstreaming of ultra large ships. These ships are seriously challenging the limits of northern ports in China. Will all ports in the north really become sub ports?
China's Tangshan Port, under the call of history, has gracefully entered the high-level vision - here is the excellent port making canal bestowed by heaven, which is enough for our country Deep water port The construction and maintenance cost is the lowest historically; There is the deepest natural waterway in the Bohai Bay directly to the main area of the Yellow Sea, making all the largest ships predictable Omnipotent smooth operator. The endless saline alkali beach is Ecological New Town Development and Harbor industry It provides the most abundant and cheapest platform, including high-quality steel, equipment manufacturing petrochemical industry Power, shipbuilding... too many super large industrial models in northern China will focus on the transfer to Tangshan Port. The industry will start with the port, and the port will prosper with the industry. Tangshan Port, which is full of youth, will exert its passion and strength under the support of the most developed and vast hinterland in northern China China's five great mountains In the new round of big port reshuffle, we will establish our prominent position as the largest port in the north and the world's first-class port.