
The period when a puerpera feeds her baby with her own milk
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The lactation period refers to the period when the postpartum mother feeds her baby with her own milk, which is the period from the beginning of lactation to the end of lactation, generally about 10 months to 1 year.
Special Provisions on Labor Protection of Female Employees 》Article 9 stipulates that female staff and workers who breast feed infants under the age of one year shall, Employer No extension Working hours Or arrange night shift Labor. The employing unit shall arrange one hour for lactating female employees during their daily working hours Lactation time Birth of female employees Multiple births For every additional baby, one hour of nursing time will be added every day.
Chinese name
Foreign name
suckling period
Lactation period
10 months to 1 year

brief introduction


Cycle duration

In order to protect the health of mothers and infants, reduce the number of infants mortality In the world, the protection, promotion and support of maternal and infant feeding have become an important part of maternal and child health work. Nursing care is to guide breastfeeding and nursing health, including the amount of breast milk secreted, factors affecting the amount of milk secreted, feeding methods and breast care, diet, rest, sleep Weaning Etc.
Lactation is mammal Growth and development The important stage that should be experienced. For example, a lion's lactation period is three months; The lactation period of dogs is 30-45 days; The lactation period of female rabbits is generally 30-40 days. The composition of mammalian milk is very complex. Species, food, season, age parity Lactation period And individual characteristics can affect the composition of milk. The milk of all kinds of mammals contains water protein , fat, sugar inorganic salt And vitamins. The proteins in milk are mainly casein , followed by Whey protein and Lactoglobulin


Because the malt in malt will inhibit the mammary gland from secreting milk, which will reduce the amount of milk Baby health Adverse.
2. Spicy and irritant food
as Leek a garlic bolt Pepper , pepper, fennel, wine and other food. Breastfeeding mothers should try to eat less stimulating food. Irritating food is not only easy to damage fluid, consume gas and blood, increase the weakness of qi and blood, and cause constipation. It is also easy to enter the baby's body through milk, affecting the baby's health. However, a small amount of spices, such as pepper, sour vinegar, etc., are still OK.
3. Fried food, high fat food
This kind of food is not easy to digest. The mother's digestion is weak during the lactation period. In addition, the nutrition of fried food has lost a lot during the frying process postpartum recovery Poor health.
4、 Leek , malt water, ginseng and other foods
This kind of food will inhibit the secretion of milk, resulting in insufficient supply of breast milk.
5. Pickled meat and fish
Adults every day Salt content It is 4.5-9g. According to the usual habits, don't avoid salt and don't eat too salty. Too much salt will increase the burden on the kidney, which is not good for the kidney, and will also increase blood pressure. And these things are not fresh, and eating more is not good for your baby's health.
6. Tobacco, wine, coffee, etc
Tobacco, wine and coffee should be kept away from during the feeding period. We all know how much the harm of smoking affects babies. Although a small amount of alcohol can promote the secretion of milk, excess will inhibit the secretion of milk. Coffee contains caffeine Breastfeeding mothers also had better drink less or not.

Eight Mistakes

1. Feeding when angry: When the mother is angry or just gives birth to gas, she will let the baby inhale toxic Milk juice Poisoning can cause sores in the mild cases and illness in the severe cases.
2. Feeding after exercise: the body will produce lactic acid Lactic acid is trapped in the blood and makes the milk taste bad. Therefore, nursing mothers should only engage in some mild exercise, and after the exercise, take a rest before feeding.
3. Sleeping and lactation: It is easy to be dangerous to feed the baby in a hazy way from a busy day to the night, especially when the baby needs to nurse in the second half of the night. No matter how tired a nursing mother is, she should sit up and feed as in the daytime. The feeding time line should not be too dark, and the baby's Skin color After feeding, hold the baby upright and gently pat the back. After the baby burps, put it down. Observe for a while, and turn off the light if you fall asleep safely.
4. Laugh when feeding: if the baby laughs because of teasing when feeding, it can make glottis Open it, the milk inhaled may enter the trachea by mistake, which may cause choking in the light and inducing in the heavy Aspiration pneumonia
5. Weight loss during feeding: weight loss during feeding can lead to the decline of milk quality, which is harmful to the baby's health.
6. Regular feeding: now advocated“ Breastfeeding on demand ”That is, whenever the baby cries or the mother thinks it is necessary to feed, she will pick up the baby and feed it. Generally, after a period of time, it will gradually form a certain pattern of the baby itself.
7. Only wean during work: storing breast milk not only allows the baby to continue to enjoy breast milk, but also keeps the mother's milk secretion to prevent pain. Milking available Milker Or hand squeeze. The extruded milk should be placed in sterilized glass or Plastic bottle Inside. Ideally, breast milk storage bags should be used, domestic market They are also sold. The stored milk can be stored for 12 hours at room temperature.
8. Feeding only one side at a time: feeding only one side at a time will reduce the stimulation to the breast, lactation Naturally, there will be less. For this reason, try to feed both sides every time you breastfeed. Even if the baby ate one breast Milk When she is full, her mother should empty the other breast.


Health is the foundation of beauty. Only with health can we keep beauty! During pregnancy, expectant mothers need to use their own nutrition to supply the fetus, and a lot of blood is lost during childbirth. Although they are constantly replenishing during pregnancy and postpartum, it is not enough to rely solely on diet for the lost nutrition and blood. At the same time, long-term lactation is required after delivery, which further aggravates the yin injury.
Although lactation of postpartum women is a normal physiological phenomenon, traditional Chinese medicine believes that milk is transformed by blood, which is the yin blood of the human body. The continuous loss of milk during lactation will make women's body Blood score The state of relative deficiency is just like "women's birth is more than qi, less than blood, and bleeding by its number", which will lead to women's physique entering the "physiological maintenance period" of "constant yin deficiency".
At the same time, we should pay attention to the tense life rhythm and heavy working pressure , environmental impact, etc“ Injure yin ”The existence of the factor of immunity Down the menopause The physiological stage is advanced, accompanied by fatigue, amnesia, insomnia anemia . The skin loses its luster, and even wrinkles, white hair, tooth loss, staggering and other symptoms occur. If postpartum women want to pursue a beautiful face, moist skin, and slim figure, they must pay attention to nourishing yin and health care after lactation.

Lactation food

Shrimp creeper has a strong lactating effect, and is rich in phosphorus and calcium. It has a tonic effect on children and pregnant women, and is good for baby's skin texture and development. But the premise is that you are not allergic to shrimp crawlers and don't eat too much. Pregnant women who are allergic should not eat, and ordinary pregnant women should not eat too much. At the same time, pay attention to selecting fresh shrimp crawlers.
The function of the spleen and stomach of the parturient has not yet recovered after delivery, and the breast begins to secrete milk, Mammary duct It is not smooth enough, and it is not suitable to eat a lot of greasy food Prolactin (Whole milk) food. In cooking, use less frying and more easily digested stewed food with soup. It is better to be light, follow the tradition of "clearing before delivery and warming after delivery", and eat less Cold food Avoid eating food that affects the secretion of milk malt , malt milk extract Beer Etc.
If your mother's milk is insufficient, you can try the following food therapy: Luffa Crucian carp Fish soup (live crucian carp, loofah can also be replaced with Bean sprout or Herbage ); Clear stew Black bone chicken (Live Black bone chicken fruit of Chinese wolfberry ); Qigan Decoction Pig liver Astragalus); Stewed Pig Feet with Peanuts (pig paws, peanuts); Stewed Yam with Hen (Live hens, yams, astragalus Codonopsis pilosula , Red Jujube ); Quick fried pork loin Kidney Dried yellow flower Vegetables), etc.

Contraceptive methods

Lactating women Optional contraception There are many methods. The general principle is not to affect the secretion of milk and the growth and development of the baby. Each person can choose according to his own actual situation to pass the lactation period smoothly. with Male condom , female contraceptive diaphragm Plus contraception ointment It is better. No Oral contraceptives , because it will affect the secretion of milk and the growth and development of infants.

Disease care

The American Association of Family Physicians breast-feeding 's mother provided the following Medication guidance
·If your mother has to take medicine orally when she is ill, please choose to take medicine just after feeding. At this time, taking the medicine can give the medicine sufficient time to circulate and metabolize.
·In general, Acetaminophen Paracetamol )And non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are safe for pregnant women, which is usually the first choice for doctors.
·How to deal with cold during lactation? Do not take aspirin , which may cause the baby to become irritable and rash The situation.
·When breastfeeding, do not take it for a long time Antihistamine
·During the period of taking medicine, the mother should pay close attention to any side effects of medicine that may occur to the baby. Pay special attention dyspnea , rash and other symptoms.
How to deal with cold during lactation?
Suffering from common cold Our mother should drink more water and have more rest. Our diet should be light, nutritious and easy to digest. If have a fever , you need to go to the hospital for treatment, and ask the doctor to give drugs that do not affect breastfeeding. have a high fever When necessary, breast-feeding can be suspended, but milk should still be squeezed out during the suspension to ensure continuous secretion of milk.
A small recipe of traditional Chinese medicine
If it is Cold Boil some with ginger, scallion white and brown sugar Ginger sugar tea , drink while it is hot, cover your sweat and dispel the cold.
If it is Wind heat cold , can be taken Banlangen Granules Sangju Ganmao Tablets Etc, Cold Don't eat these.
Treatment of severe lactating cold
severe cold For mothers who need medication, they can feed milk before medication and stop feeding within 6 hours after medication. If it is Viral cold It is better not to feed milk, because bacteria and germs may take the opportunity of feeding respiratory tract Transmit to babies. If the cold is accompanied by fever Symptoms: As long as the temperature does not exceed 37.5 ℃, the baby can continue to be fed. If the body temperature is higher than 37.5 ℃, breast feeding should be stopped temporarily, because the concentration of milk when the mother has a fever may cause the baby indigestion , diarrhea and other symptoms.

Principles of medication


Use drugs with caution

Because most of the drugs taken by nursing mothers can be excreted from milk, some drugs such as erythromycin The depth of thiouracil, thiouracil, etc. in milk is also higher than the concentration of maternal blood, and the baby also ate the medicine while feeding. Because the absorption and metabolism process of drugs in infants is not yet mature, the metabolism and excretion of drugs in the body are slow and easy to accumulate in the body. Therefore, nursing mothers must be cautious when taking medicine.
Almost all drugs can be transferred to the milk through the plasma milk barrier, and breast fed infants can suck 800-1000ml of milk every day. Therefore, attention should also be paid to medication during lactation. The factors affecting the drug transport to milk are as follows:
1、 Route of administration : The peak time of drugs in maternal blood is different. Such as antibiotic vein Administration After that, the peak value appeared in the maternal blood immediately. Oral administration varies from drug to drug. It usually takes 60-120 minutes for the peak value to appear. The peak value in milk is generally 30-120 minutes later than that in plasma, and its peak value generally does not exceed that in plasma. The drug dissipation in milk decreases with time, and the rate of reduction is slower than that in plasma.
2. PH of drug: pH of maternal blood is 7.35-7.45, and pH of milk is 6.35-7.30. Practical proof Weak basic drugs such as erythromycin Lincomycin , isoniazid, etc. are easy to pass through the plasma milk barrier, and the drug concentration in milk can be the same as that in plasma, or even higher than that in plasma. On the contrary, weak acid drugs such as penicillin Sulfonamides If it is difficult to pass through the barrier, the drug concentration in milk is often lower than that in plasma.
3、 Liposolubility High and low: drugs with strong fat solubility are often non-ionic, easy to penetrate lipid Cells, soluble in breast milk Of fat; The drugs with low fat solubility are difficult to transport into milk even if they are non-ionic.
4、 Plasma protein binding rate : Drugs and Plasma protein After combination, it is difficult to pass Biomembrane Therefore, the concentration of free drugs affects the transport of drugs to milk, such as sulfonamides with high protein binding rate, Oxacillin sodium It is difficult to transfer to milk.
5. Molecular weight: drugs with molecular weight less than 200, such as alcohol morphine tetracycline Through simplicity Diffusion It can be transferred from plasma to milk, and heparin insulin etc. Polymer compound It is difficult to transfer to milk.
6. Maternal factor: the fat content in milk is high, which is beneficial to Liposoluble drug Transfer to milk. However, the maternal liver Renal insufficiency It can reduce the detoxification and excretion function of drugs, and drugs can accumulate in the blood. as Aminoglycosides The concentration of antibiotics in maternal blood can be significantly increased due to maternal liver and kidney dysfunction, so the amount of drug transported in milk is also relatively increased.
As for the effect of drugs on lactating infants, it mainly depends on the nature of drugs themselves.
Some drugs are safe for babies, but some drugs can cause adverse or even very serious reactions, such as pathologic jaundice Cyanosis deaf , liver and kidney function damage or vomiting, therefore, nursing mothers must be careful to use drugs. It is wise to explain to the doctor that you are feeding milk when you need medicine. Try to use medicine that cannot pass through milk, and do not take medicine at will.

Continuous lactation

Except for a few drugs that are forbidden during lactation, the excretion amount of other drugs in milk rarely exceeds 1%~2% of the amount of drugs used by mommy. This dose will not damage the baby's body. Breastfeeding should not be interrupted for the use of safe drugs.

Adjustment time

When using medicine, in order to reduce the amount of medicine absorbed by the baby, mommy can take the medicine immediately after breast-feeding and postpone the next time as far as possible Lactation time , at least every 4 hours, so that more drugs can be discharged from the body of the mother, and the drug concentration in the milk can be minimized.


acyeterion With Testosterone progesterone And estrogen derivatives, which will inhibit Prolactin It can reduce the amount of milk secreted, and the breast milk secreted is not enough for the baby to eat. and, Contraceptives In Active ingredient With the milk entering the baby's body, the boy's breast will become larger and the girl's vaginal epithelium will proliferate. Therefore, nursing mothers should not adopt Drug contraception Method.

Cautious use of traditional Chinese medicine

Some traditional Chinese medicines are effective for postpartum moms Nourishing yin and blood Promoting blood circulation and removing stasis Can strengthen the physique and promote Uterine contraction And prevention Puerperal infection However, some Chinese medicines will enter the milk to make it yellow, or have the function of returning milk, such as rhubarb Stir fried malt , Xiaoyao Powder, peppermint, etc.
Gongxuening Capsules It can be used for bleeding due to uterine contraction after childbirth or abortion, but women in lactation should be able to stop feeding and stop breastfeeding for a week, during which time they can take Gongxuening capsule. Of course, if you want to continue breastfeeding, you should stop the treatment before feeding, so as not to affect the baby with drugs.

Be extra vigilant

① Long term use Sedative hypnotic , can cause children Lethargy and Growth retardation
② Medication“ hyperthyroidism ”Sulfur and oxygen addiction can cause infants Hypothyroidism
③ Take toluene Sulfodine pulse can make children's Islets of langerhans Function drops.
④ Children can be induced after taking tetracycline Anaphylactic reaction and Drug resistant strains At the same time, it coincides with the newly formed bone of children and the calcium deposited in the teeth, causing tooth pigmentation and enamel Hypoplasia , which is easy to happen dental caries
⑤ Acetylation of Isonicolin metabolite Yes, baby Hepatotoxicity Sulfonamides And Vedanza can cause haemolytic anaemias If children lack glucose —6— phosphoric acid dehydrogenase The mother can not only cause poisoning in children by taking orally betamethasone, but also eat Broad bean It can also cause acute hemolysis.
⑥ On Animal experiment It is found that quinolones can cause puppy Bearing capacity of Joint injury , so children and nursing mothers cannot take it norfloxacin ciprofloxacin Enoxacin Ofloxacin Levofloxacin Etc. In addition, mothers should never use it during lactation Antipsychotics Anticancer drug , cannot Alcoholism Or taking drugs. There are three principles for nursing mothers to use medicine: first, try to reduce Drug pair Influence of offspring; Second, since human milk is continuously secreted and does not remain in the body, if the mother needs to take medicine, she should take it 6 hours after taking it (one of the drugs Plasma half-life )Re feeding; Third, if the medicine has too much effect on the child, stop breastfeeding and temporarily replace it with artificial feeding. What are the medicines that affect children's health?
Aminoglycosides can cause hearing loss in children Nerve injury Jano Ketones Drugs can affect children's bone development; Tetracyclines Can affect) the tooth development of seven children; Aminophenol xanthamine( Ganmaotong )Can cause children hematuria Norepinephrine And doxorubicin can cause renal damage in children. Therefore, children should not only be careful when choosing drugs, but also pay attention to the dosage.

Principle of diet


Food taboos

During breast-feeding, for the health of herself and her baby, the mother should avoid taking some food that will affect the secretion of milk or some personal special hobbies, so as not to damage the good feeding effect.
1. Food that can inhibit the secretion of milk: such as leek, malt, ginseng and other foods.
2. Irritating things: Postpartum diet It should be light, and do not eat those irritants, including spicy flavoring , pepper, wine, coffee and cigarettes.
① Alcohol: Generally speaking, a small amount of alcohol can promote the secretion of milk, and has no effect on infants; In case of excess, it will inhibit the secretion of milk and also affect the uterine contraction, so you should drink less or not.
Female lactation
② Coffee: It can make the human body Central nervous system excitement. 1 cup of 150ml coffee, which contains 100ml caffeine Normal people should not drink more than 3 cups a day. Although there is no evidence that it is harmful to babies, mothers who are breast-feeding should drink or stop drinking moderately.
③ Spices that are too irritating: such as chili, lactating mothers should control them.
3. Fried food and food with high fat: such food is not easy to digest, and has high calories, so it should be taken appropriately.
4. Cigarettes and tobacco: If a nursing mother still smokes during feeding, nicotine Will soon appear in milk It is absorbed by the baby. Research shows that nicotine has adverse effects on the baby's respiratory tract, so it is best for nursing mothers to quit smoking and avoid inhalation Second-hand smoke
5. Drugs: For nursing mothers, although most of the drugs will not affect the baby at ordinary doses, it is still recommended that nursing mothers should actively tell the doctor about their breastfeeding before taking the drugs themselves, so that the doctor can prescribe drugs suitable for taking, and select drugs with short duration to minimize the amount of drugs through milk.
In addition, if the mother takes medicine after feeding the baby's breast milk, she should feed the baby when the concentration of medicine in the milk reaches the minimum, so that the baby will be safer.
6. Allergies: Sometimes the newborn will have some allergies. Postpartum mothers may wish to observe whether the baby's skin appears Erythema And evaluate their own diet as a reference for early detection and treatment. Therefore, it is recommended that postpartum Mom Hello Breast milk, and avoid any food that may cause baby allergy.

Diet attention

1. The nurse must not be partial or picky in her diet, Coarse grain Fine grains, meat, vegetables, melons and fruits should be eaten willingly, so as to improve the quality of milk and be beneficial to the growth of infants.
2. Breast feeding mothers should also try to eat less stimulating food, because when they eat stimulating food, it will enter the baby's body from the milk and affect the baby's health. However, it is OK to eat a small amount of condiments, such as pepper, sour vinegar, etc.
3. Nurses should not eat more chocolate because of the Theobromine It will penetrate into breast milk and accumulate in the baby's body. Theobromine can damage nervous system And the heart, and make Muscle relaxation , increased urination Infant indigestion Sleeping instability and crying incessantly. If a woman eats more chocolate, her appetite will be affected and her body will get fat.
4. Lactating mothers can't drink more malt milk because malt Will inhibit breast Secreting milk, reducing milk, is bad for baby health.
5、 Confinement During this period, the puerpera can eat some Hawthorn And hawthorn food, because hawthorn can help pregnant women's uterine contraction and Lochia It is good for the recovery of health.

Supplemental nutrition

Mothers during lactation should contain the following nutrients: one kilogram of milk per day. Can be Milk , low-fat milk, fat free milk Condensed milk Or milk powder, six times. To ensure adequate intake vitamin C , of which fruits and vegetables must be eaten raw for 2 times and should be eaten for 2 times Orange Grapefruit , tomato, raw Cabbage or Berry To ensure adequate vitamin A You should eat a dark green leafy vegetable or a light yellow leafy vegetable. Meat poultry Fish should be eaten at least once a day, and in large quantities, it is better to eat two meals. The nutritional value of animal liver is very high, so you should take some occasionally. One egg a day. Cereals and bread Three times a day, should take all kinds of vitamin B Of pure cereals. There's something more to add vitamin D To ensure the absorption of calcium in the diet.

matters needing attention

New moms are paying more and more attention to breastfeeding, and the role of breast milk has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, if the following seven situations occur, stop breastfeeding immediately, or it will be harmful and not beneficial to the baby. Let's take a look at the seven situations below?
Breastfeeding refers to the way of feeding babies with mother's milk. Studies have shown that breast fed Infant development More healthy. However, if you insist on breastfeeding, your mother must be healthy. If the following situations occur, your mother should stop breastfeeding temporarily or completely.
1. When suffering from infectious diseases
When the mother suffers from serious infectious disease, she cannot feed milk to prevent it from being transmitted to the baby. If mother suffers from hepatitis lung disease You must stop breastfeeding.
2. During medication
When the mother has to take medicine when she is ill (such as cold, fever, etc.), she should stop breastfeeding and wait until she recovers and stops taking medicine before feeding. However, it should be noted that the milk should be squeezed out according to the feeding time every day to ensure that the milk is secreted at least three times a day. Don't squeeze out the breast milk Hello The baby should eat it to avoid the adverse effects of the drug ingredients on the baby.
If suffering heart disease nephropathy diabetes According to the doctor's diagnosis, the mother can decide whether to breast feed. Generally, mothers who suffer from the above diseases but can give birth can breastfeed, but they should pay attention to nutrition and rest, and shorten the time of breastfeeding according to their physical conditions.
4. Severe Chapped nipple and mastitis Hour
If your mother suffers from serious cracked nipples, mastitis and other diseases, you should stop breastfeeding and treat her in time to avoid aggravating her condition. But you can squeeze out breast milk to feed your baby.
5. Proceed Radioactive iodine treatment
Since iodine can enter the milk and damage the thyroid function of the baby, lactation should be stopped temporarily. After the treatment, check the amount of iodine in the milk Radioactive material After reaching the normal level, continue feeding.
6. Exposure to toxic chemicals material Or pesticide
Hazardous substances Infants can be poisoned by milk, so avoid contacting harmful substances and keep away from harmful environment during lactation. If already Contacts , lactation must be stopped.
7. After exercise
The human body will produce lactic acid Lactic acid remaining in the blood will make the milk taste bad, and the baby does not like it. According to the test, this phenomenon can be caused by exercise of medium intensity or above. Therefore, mothers shouldering the heavy responsibility of breast-feeding should only engage in some "gentle" sports. After the sports, take a rest for a while before feeding.
Insufficient breast milk Or if the milk is not enough, add rice flour as a supplement to feed the baby. However, some parents only use rice flour to feed their babies, which is inappropriate.
Rice flour, as its name implies, is a food made from rice. Including: 79% carbohydrate 5.6% protein, 5.1% fat and B vitamins Etc. In the growth stage, infants need protein most. The protein contained in rice flour is not only poor in quality, but also low in content, which cannot meet the needs of infant growth and development.
If only rice flour food is used instead of milk Protein deficiency The specific manifestations are: growth retardation, affecting the infant nervous system Blood system And muscle growth, and Resistance Low, immunoglobulin Insufficient, easy to get sick. The babies fed with rice flour for a long time grow slowly in height, but their weight does not necessarily decrease. Instead, they are white and fat, and their skin is full of fat converted from excessive sugar intake, which is called mud paste in medicine. But these children often suffer from anemia rickets , susceptible to infection bronchitis pneumonia And other diseases.
Some parents Neonatal period It is even more inappropriate to add rice noodles. Pancreatic amylase It is about 4 months before the baby reaches the adult level, so the baby within 3 months should not add rice flour food. After 3 months, properly feed some rice flour food, but not only rice flour, even with milk Mixed feeding It should also be mainly milk, supplemented by rice noodles.