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The goddess representing harmony and harmony in Greek mythology
Hermonia (Harmonia) is the goddess representing harmony and harmony in Greek mythology. It's the god of war Ares And the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite 's daughter. The corresponding gods in Roman mythology are Concordia Concordia Eris (Eris)。 [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ares Aphrodite
semele Polydorus Otonoue

Unfortunate necklace

Hermonia is Cadmus 's wife. When Athena When Thebes was granted governance to Cadmus, Zeus He betrothed Hallmoneya to Cadmus' wife, and the gods also came to congratulate him. Cadmus will Hephaestus This magic necklace is made and given to the young wife. This necklace is the "Halmoneya necklace" that brings misfortune to people. Later, this necklace Seven Against Thebes Caused disasters in the war Alcmeion The death of. Later, two sons of Alchemion presented the necklace to the Temple of Delphi. [2] Everyone who once held the necklace has suffered misfortune, even after it was dedicated to the temple. The tyrant Phayllus stole the necklace from the temple to please his mistress Ariston's wife. She wore the necklace for a while, but finally her youngest son became crazy and burned the house where she and all her treasures were.

Literary image

according to Hesiod Of《 Divine Scripture 》, she is Ares and Aphrodite She is also said to be Aphrodite and Hephaestus 's daughter. And based on Theodorus of Sicily , she comes from Samotheres , Yes Zeus And Electra Her brother spread the mysterious ceremony of Demeter on the island Iacion (Iasion)。 Finally, Hermonia is integrated with Aphrodite Pandemos, which is "the love connecting all people", and is also a personified god of order and social solidarity, corresponding to the Concordia
The work from Samotheres Island mentioned that Cadmus went to Samotheres Island after receiving the secret instrument, saw Hermonia, and took Hermonia away with the help of Athena. When Cadmus is forced to flee Thebes And Halmoyani followed him. When they arrived at Enchelei, they helped the local people fight back Illyrian Later, Cadmus became Illyria king. stay Euripides The Lady Companion of Dionysus( The Bacchae )And pseudo apollodorian《 Library 》In other classical works, there are references to Hermonia becoming a snake. [1]