brand image

Brand concept
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Brand image refers to the individual characteristics of an enterprise or its brand in the market and in the public mind. It reflects the public's evaluation of the brand, especially consumers' cognition Brand image and brand are inseparable. Image is the characteristic of brand, which reflects the strength and essence of brand. Brand image includes product name, packaging, pattern advertising design, etc. Image is the foundation of brand, so enterprises must attach great importance to shaping brand image.
The brand image is the aggregate of all the associations of consumers to the brand, which reflects the picture of the brand in consumers' memory. The formation of brand association results from both marketing activities and non marketing activities. Consumers' brand associations can be obtained through channels controlled by enterprises or channels not controlled by enterprises. [1]
Chinese name
brand image
Foreign name
brand image

Brief overview

Brand image is the interaction between subject and object. The subject perceives the object in a certain way under a certain perceptual context. From the psychological point of view, image is a psychological schema produced by people reflecting the object. In his book Image, Kenneth Bolding proposed that a symbolic image "is an intricate rough generalization or symbol composed of various rules and structures".

Evaluation method

The brand image can be examined by quantitative method. Commonly used to measure Brand image There are two indicators for
One is Brand awareness
But we think this is not enough. Brand image should also include brand reflection, brand awareness Perceived Brand Quality Brand reputation, brand communication brand loyalty And brand following degree.
Brand awareness
Brand awareness refers to the degree to which a brand is known by the public, and it is a quantitative indicator to evaluate the brand image. The survey of popularity can be conducted from three different perspectives, namely, public awareness, industry awareness target audience popularity.
The so-called public awareness of a brand refers to the awareness rate of the brand among the whole public.
The so-called industry popularity is the awareness rate or effect
The so-called target audience popularity refers to the brand's influence among target customers.
Brand reputation
Brand reputation refers to the degree to which a brand is trusted, supported and praised by the public. The investigation of reputation can also be conducted from three aspects: public reputation, industry reputation and target audience reputation. Brand reputation reflects the quality of the brand's impact on society.
Brand responsiveness
Brand responsiveness refers to the degree of reflection of the brand to the public perception. It mainly shows people's instant reaction to a brand.
Brand awareness
Brand awareness refers to the brand that attracts public attention ability , mainly refers to the brand's degree of eye-catching in contact with the public.
Perceived Brand Quality
Brand awareness refers to the degree to which a brand is recognized and reproduced by the public. In a sense, it refers to Brand characteristics , the extent to which functions are understood by consumers.
Brand beauty
Brand beauty refers to the brand from vision Whether the psychological impact on people can give people the enjoyment of beauty.
Brand communication
Brand communication It refers to the penetration of brand communication, mainly discussing the communication impact of brands.
brand loyalty
Brand loyalty mainly refers to the public's choice of brand products.
Brand following degree
Brand following degree mainly refers to whether brand users can follow the brand with the change of the brand, which is a further requirement than brand loyalty.
The evaluation of brand image is often achieved by means of market research, which is impossible to be complete in practical work, so more than several indicators should be selected for comprehensive evaluation.

Creation method

1. Win by quality
Namely, the quality of brand products or services is the efficiency to meet people's needs and the core of the brand. The cornerstone lifeline is also one of the pillars of the brand's enduring prosperity and popularity. In order to forge brands and create famous brands, first of all, we should have high standards in design and in-depth understanding of market demand; Secondly, on the road of brand growth, innovate constantly and maintain quality; Finally, we should use science and technology to improve services, promote quality leap, and achieve further improvement of the brand. Brand forging depends 90% on the quality, and 10% on the quality. For example, when traditional old brands were founded, they did not have modern means of publicity, but relied more on interpersonal communication, which should be directly based on personal consumption experience of products or services. Good product or service quality, coupled with good consumption experience, can form a good reputation. Almost all old brands win by quality and win good reputation from consumers. Only through interpersonal communication can they become famous. Modern brands need to be established for a long time. To become a real brand, we should also take quality as the basis, and can not do without the inspection of consumers, and can not do without high-quality quality.
2. Win by service
With the increasingly fierce market competition today, service has become another core of enterprise competition and an important strategy of the whole brand strategy. Become the focus of market competition. Service is an important part of brand strategy. Good service awareness can win more customers and good reputation for enterprises, and also enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises. The competition between many enterprises has not only stayed at the product level, but also the service of enterprises has become increasingly important. Therefore, to create a good brand, service is also very important.
3. Win by advertising
What we say here is to win by advertising, which not only means who spends more advertising expenses, but also includes the advertising methods adopted, and ultimately depends on the effectiveness of advertising. The enterprises with sufficient funds mainly choose the advertising mode with more spending and faster effect, such as TV advertising or print advertising. This advertising model is obviously not suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises that are short of funds and lack experience in brand building.
Small and medium-sized enterprises prefer online advertising with low cost, quick effect and easy operation, which is also known as online promotion. There are also many network promotion modes, and some enterprises choose to do Baidu Auction This method works quickly, but the cost is also high, although it is much lower than TV advertising. The other is to publish information on the network or promote with the website as the core. The release of information is mainly in the form of business platform, enterprise blog or group email. The premise of website based promotion is to improve the ranking of websites in major search engines. Although the cost of these promotions is relatively low, it requires more manpower and longer time to operate. Many enterprises have chosen to use marketing software to assist operations. Several mainstream marketing software on the market have been accepted by SMEs favor

Promotion method

Key point 1: Themed promotion
Based on product promotion, due to less consideration of the cluster effect between different product promotion, product selection is often messy, lacking clear and consistent product image design. Therefore, when carrying out brand promotion, we should first draw the existing product distribution map, so as to find the basic value proposition hidden behind the product, and use it to guide the basic promotion theme and auxiliary promotion theme. In the actual promotion work, we can consciously and systematically select the products that best meet the theme to promote, prevent the casual phenomenon in the usual product promotion, realize the concentration of the product promotion theme, and improve the deferred effect of the promotion investment. In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, which is rich in traditional resources, Guilin Tianhe selected the field of external plaster to promote the theme of modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and the way of selling traditional Chinese medicine to the west, and soon stood out to establish its own comparative competitive advantage in this subdivided field.
Key point 2: Stylized promotion
In the constant updating of products, in the constant transformation of demand and fashion, the product style is also changing. Product based promotion often focuses on the trademark design effect of a single product, without considering the consistency of style among all products, but the result is that every new product launch needs to inform consumers from the beginning, Unable to take advantage of the previous product effect. When carrying out brand promotion, it is necessary to carry out a lot of preparations for the construction of the product identification system, integrate the common brand value into the appearance design of different products, so that consumers can feel its positioning and value, and improve consumer loyalty. Widely accepted Graphic designer Through effective design positioning, design language and human-computer interface operations, and through modeling, color, texture, operating system design and other elements, Apple Computer, which is highly praised, has formed a clear and unique Apple style and established and maintained a large number of "Apple fans".
Key point 3: Advantage promotion
Many manufacturers have abundant product resources, some of which are good in appearance and have the potential to become star products. However, due to the constraints of current earnings, manufacturers tend to distribute limited resources equally, regardless of size, resulting in mixed product structure and ambiguous product roles, even after years of product promotion, It also failed to form a competitive product portfolio. The brand promotion abandons the original resource distribution mode, and adopts the strategy of distinguishing the primary and secondary, building echelon, highlighting the main attack, and shaping stars, which not only makes the distribution of profit contribution points more balanced, but also improves the market influence of the entire brand, thus improving the resource integration ability and market competitiveness of the entire enterprise. In the field of health care products, the product resources and enterprise strength of different manufacturers are almost the same at the beginning, Madam Oral Liquid However, it has been able to stand out for ten years, which is closely related to its abandoning decentralized product promotion and concentrating resources to adhere to the advantageous promotion strategy.
Key point 4: Fashion promotion
Whether FMCG It is also a high-tech product, whose market demand is constantly changing with the times, maintaining a distinctive fashion consumption color. Although product promotion lacking brand awareness will deliberately use some fashionable language to express themselves in the promotion work, most of them are divorced from the product value, which is difficult to really touch the heartstrings of consumers. When the product promotion is converted to brand promotion, the possibility of fashion will be conceived from the basic value of the brand to prevent the pasting of external fashion labels, so as to gain the praise and admiration of consumers. In the emerging fruit juice beverage market, when more new entrants are making imitation shows about Tongyi Orange, Coca Cola It launched the cartoon style "Queer", which won the love of new urban people with its vivid and jumping fashion colors.
Key point 5: Continuous promotion
Any specific product has its own specific product life cycle The short life of the product shortens the product promotion income period, narrows the space for continuous promotion, and almost eliminates the possibility of obtaining deferred income. The transformation from product promotion to product brand promotion can effectively extend the life cycle of products, delay the aging of products, and even get rid of the restrictions of product life cycle through product improvement and brand reengineering, so as to obtain sustainable income in flexible response to market demand. In the process of product brand promotion, if you pay attention to Corporate brand The accumulation of assets can in turn provide powerful and rich endorsement for new products, reduce barriers to new products entering the market, and support the rapid growth of new product brands. In the field of central air conditioning, Yuanda has insisted on investment for many years, improved its reputation through mass promotion, established its reputation through professional promotion, and built rich brand assets in the mainland market of China.


At the beginning, people's understanding of brand image is basically focused on various factors affecting brand image, such as brand attribute, name, packaging, price, reputation, etc. Design Motor believes that brand image is a collection of images and concepts about various elements of a brand that exist in people's psychology, mainly Brand knowledge And people's main attitude towards the brand. The definition of design motor to brand image is analyzed from the perspective of psychology.
From the perspective of brand strategy, Ronz and Guntman proposed that "brand image is a collection of associations with the meaning of differentiation of a product or service in the competition". They also listed the strategic ways of brand image operation: product cognition, emotion or impression, trust, attitude, image personality, etc.
Si Zi proposed that a brand should have a personality image like a person. This personality image is not determined solely by the substantive content of the brand product, but should also include other content... So far, the understanding of the brand image has entered the personality level of the brand.
Parker They put forward that "brand image originates from marketers' concept of brand management, and brand image is a method of brand management". They believe that any product or service can theoretically express its image with functional, symbolic or empirical elements.
Yake again linked the brand image with the brand assets and liabilities in 1991. He believed that the name can be added or subtracted through symbols.
Brand image is a comprehensive concept, which is eager to be established by marketing activities. It is influenced by the subjective feelings and perception methods of the image perception subject, perception prospects, etc., and is an associative aggregation formed psychologically. Brand image is an asset, and brand image should have a unique personality.
The original meaning of brand image is consumers' psychological experience of the brand, which is created by the brand's temperament identification. Brand temperament is a psychological feeling and aesthetic experience generated by consumers after hearing the brand, and brand temperament can also be called brand personality and brand personality. However, most of the brand treatises define the psychological experience of consumers on brand as brand personality, which constitutes a unique brand image.

Driving factors

The most important factor that leads to the establishment of brand image is people's association with the brand, or consumers will think of something when they mention the brand name. This association connects the brand image with many things and drives the establishment and development of the image.
The image of the product or service itself
The functionality of a product or service itself is the content basis of a brand image. The image of a product or service can be expressed in terms of price, speed, function, durability, comfort, application, etc. in terms of its hard image, and in terms of its soft image, it may be a sense of youth, elegance, decency, cherish, pride, nobility, charm, etc.
Product or Service Provider Image of
The image of the product or service provider is also an important factor driving the brand image. As the old saying goes, "A strict teacher makes a good apprentice, and a willing man makes a tiger". People often evaluate the brand image according to this concept. The rigid indicators of the provider's image include scientific and technological capability, enterprise scale, asset status, service status, personnel quality, etc. In the process of establishing brand image, marketers often use the existing corporate image, such as Wuliangye Group When launching a new brand of alcohol, the advertising slogan used is "It is a famous family", and the good image of "Wuliangye" is intended to drive the establishment of the new brand image.

Tangible factor

The tangible elements of brand image include products and their packaging, production and operation environment, production and operation performance, social contribution Employee image Etc.

product lines

product lines It is the representative of the brand image, the material basis of the brand image, and the most important tangible image of the brand. Brand image is mainly expressed through product image. Product image includes product quality, performance, shape, price, variety, specification, style, design, grade, packaging design, service level, product innovation ability, etc. The quality of product image directly affects the quality of brand image. A good product can make consumers choose one after another, while a poor product can only make consumers tired of expectation. Only by providing high-quality, high-performance, beautiful products and high-quality services to the society to create a good product image, can brands be recognized by the society and remain invincible in the competition.

Environmental image

The environmental image mainly refers to the brand's production environment, sales environment, office environment and various ancillary facilities. The cleanliness and greening degree of the brand's factory environment, the scale and decoration of production and operation sites, and the technical level of production and operation equipment all reflect the brand's economic strength, management level and Spiritual outlook It is an important window for brands to show themselves to the public. In particular, the design, shape, layout, color and various decorations of the sales environment can be better displayed Brand culture And brand image, for strengthening brand awareness and trust Marketing efficiency Has a more direct impact.

Performance image

Performance image refers to the brand's business scale and profitability, which is mainly composed of product sales (business volume), capital profit rate and return on assets. It reflects Brand management The strength of the ability and the level of profitability are the direct manifestation of the brand's production and operation, and also the root of the brand's pursuit of a good brand image. Generally speaking, a good brand image, especially a good product image, will always bring a good performance image to the brand. And a good performance image will always enhance investors and consumers' confidence in the brand and its products.

social image

Social image refers to the brand building a good brand image through non-profit and public relations social behavior to win social recognition and goodwill. Including: abiding by the law, honest operation, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers; Protect the environment and promote ecological balance; Concern about the prosperity and development of the community and make their own contributions; Pay attention to social public welfare undertakings, promote the construction of social spiritual civilization, etc.

Employee image

Brand employees are the main body of brand production, operation and management activities and the direct shapers of brand image. Employee image refers to the overall image of brand employees, which includes controller Image and employee image. The image of managers refers to the impression of the brand managers' collective knowledge, ability, boldness, quality, style and business performance, especially the brand owners, on the brand employees, brand peers and the public. The brand owner is the representative of the brand, and its image directly affects the brand image. Therefore, many brands today attach great importance to the shaping of the brand owner image. Employee image refers to the service attitude professional ethics , code of conduct, spiritual outlook, cultural level, operating skills, internal quality and dress and appearance to the outside world as a whole. Brand is a collection of employees. Therefore, employees' words and deeds will certainly affect the brand image. A good image of the manager can enhance the brand's centripetal force and the public's trust in the brand; A good image of employees can enhance the brand's cohesion and competitiveness, and lay a solid foundation for the long-term stable development of the brand. Therefore, many brands attach great importance to employee image in the process of building a good image.


Brand association is an important way for consumers to establish brand image. Kohler believes that brand association is formed by long-term contact between customers and brands, which reflects customers' cognition, attitude and emotion towards brands, and also indicates customers' or potential customers' future behavioral tendencies. Brand association generally reflects the brand image and determines the position of the brand in the minds of consumers. Therefore, through the analysis of brand association content, we can more carefully understand the process of consumers' brand image generation, which is of great value to guide us how to build a successful brand image.
Generally, consumers' association with a brand includes the following contents: company image User image , product or service image, expectation of product or service, own previous use experience or other people's use experience, events, etc. It is worth noting that consumers' emphasis on brand association is different according to different products and industries, and because of the differences in consumers' individual needs, consumers' attention to these contents is also different.
1. Corporate image
Because the history of market economy development in China is not very long, consumers' understanding of brands is not deep enough, and some even confuse enterprise names, trademarks, "brands" and product category names. In the previous planned economy period, most of the product brands produced by enterprises were named after the name of the enterprise, which fostered the habit of consumers to only recognize the manufacturer when buying goods, but not the brand. This is an important reason why Chinese consumers attach great importance to the company image. Of course, a good corporate image is more conducive to building a successful brand image in the minds of consumers. Consumers are more inclined to buy the products of well-known enterprises with strong financial strength, large scale and strong technical ability, which can reduce the purchase cost and risk of consumers and maximize benefits.
2. User image
When consumers consume the products and services they buy, they pay attention not only to the quality of the products or services themselves, but also to other consumers who consume the same products as themselves, such as age, gender, occupational background, income, education, etc. When consumers feel that there is a big difference between them and consumers who consume the same products or services, they will think that the products of this brand are not suitable for their own consumption, so they will switch to other brands. This is also one of the reasons for market segmentation and targeting consumers.
Another situation is that some consumers have never consumed a brand of goods, but consumers who consume a brand of goods have certain characteristics that they expect to have. In this case, these consumers will try their best to own or use the brand of goods in order to be recognized by others as a brand of goods Target consumer groups A member of. Even if such consumption cannot be realized, consumers can also get psychological comfort and satisfaction in the process of pursuing the brand goods. A typical example is the consumption of luxury goods. For precious jewelry, the vast majority of consumers do not have the ability to demand, but the brand image of these luxury goods is still very recognized and yearned for.
3. Image of product or service
For different goods in different industries, the image of products or services may differ greatly. For those low value and consumable daily commodities, consumers pay more attention to whether their packaging is exquisite and their color matching is appropriate; For household durable goods, such as refrigerators and washing machines, consumers pay more attention to function and quality; For fashion accessories, consumers value their appearance design and whether they conform to the trend of the times; For service goods, consumers pay more attention to the environment of the business place, the clothes and behaviors of service personnel.
When purchasing brand goods and services, consumers will choose their favorite packaging and designed products, and receive services in their favorite environment. When consumers find that the products of a certain brand can always meet their visual and psychological needs, they will have a good impression on the brand. In the next consumption, he will give priority to the products of this brand. Over time, the brand has established a positive brand image in the mind of this consumer, and consumers' loyalty to it has also increased.
4. Expectations for products or services
Consumers' expectation of a product or service is actually an assumption of the value of a brand commodity after consumers accept the information of a brand. Consumers actually believe in the information conveyed to consumers in the process of brand communication before they first come into contact with a brand product. They will always assume that the content in the advertisement of the brand goods is authentic until they experience or listen to others about the actual value of the brand goods. During this period, the information spread by the brand will help the brand establish its brand image. Of course, the information expressed in the process of brand communication should be able to meet the needs of the target consumer group, stimulate consumers, and guide consumers to purchase.