Absorption ratio

The ratio of insulation resistance of measuring equipment to ground for 60s to 15s
zero Useful+1
Absorption ratio refers to the absorption ratio of 2500 Ω Megger Measured for 60s insulation resistance The ratio of the value to the insulation resistance value at 15s.
Absorption ratio refers to measuring equipment The ratio of insulation resistance between 60s and 15s when insulation to ground is applied DC voltage Different time lengths have different effects on equipment humidity and other conditions, so comparing the ratio of two times can determine whether the equipment is affected by humidity insulation resistance , absorption ratio when insulation is damp minimum value Is 1, and the absorption ratio is greater than 1 when drying. Absorption ratio test, usually used for capacitance Large amount of electrical equipment. The absorption ratio should be consistent with the Specific environment Consider in combination.
Chinese name
Absorption ratio
Foreign name
Absorption ratio
Measurement purpose
find insulation Be affected with damp
Absorb some substances from the outside to the inside
minimum value

Basic concepts

The purpose of measuring the absorption ratio is to find that the insulation is affected with moisture. The absorption ratio can not only reflect the insulation moisture, but also reflect the overall and local defects.

Relevant regulations

Standard for Hand over Test of Electrical Equipment in Electrical Equipment Installation Engineering AC motor Mandatory provisions for experimental projects.
After transformer overhaul Electrical test One of the items is measurement winding Insulation resistance and absorption ratio.
The Regulations on Handover and Preventive Test of Electric Equipment of State Grid Shandong Electric Power Group Company 2007 stipulates that the absorption ratio is not less than 1.3 at room temperature; When R60s (resistance at 60s) is greater than 3000M Ω, the absorption ratio can be exempted from assessment requirements.
The absorption ratio Km is the ratio of the measured value RM60s when the test voltage is applied for 60s to the measured value RM15s when the insulation resistance is measured. The value greater than 1.3 or 1.2 is qualified—— Motor Experiment Technology and Equipment Manual