the Vedas

[fèi tuó]
The oldest literature materials and stylistic forms in India
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Veda, which means knowledge, is India The oldest Documentation The main styles are hymns, prayers and incantations, which are passed down from mouth to mouth by Indians from generation to generation and gathered over the years. "Veda" means "knowledge" and "enlightenment". "Veda" is written in ancient Sanskrit Indian religion The foundation of philosophy and literature.
Chinese name
the Vedas
Hymns, prayers and incantations
It means understanding and knowledge
The oldest literature materials and stylistic forms in India
English translation
Classic example
Rig Veda 》、《 Sama Veda 》Etc


the Vedas
It includes many specific classics, usually including“ Four Vedas ”, respectively:
①《 Rig Veda 》(ṛgveda) [i.e., "Praise and recite Ming Theory"]
②《 Sama Veda 》(sāmaveda) [i.e., "Singing Ming Theory"] ,
③《 Yerouveda 》(yajurveda) [That is, "sacrificial ceremony"]
④《 Adavaveda 》(atharvaveda) [That is, the theory of avoiding disasters]
More broadly, there are other classics. Such as“ Upanishads (Upaniṣad)”“ Bhagavad Song (Bhagavad G ī t ī) ", etc.

Philosophical thought



Four Vedas , especially《 Rig Veda 》Although most of them are myths and hymns to God, they also contain abundant "thinking sprouts" of human childhood. Rig Veda 》The first seven volumes of Polytheism Pantheism , God man God animal God thing isomorphism or homogeneity. Starting from Volume 8, gradually Monotheism Transition: At the same time, the Vedic philosophers began to Cosmic origin Philosophical exploration of human nature. They expressed their own views, and some of their views are still fundamental philosophical issues. [1]

Ontological theory

Rig Veda 》Later, in theology, polytheism or pantheism transited to monotheism and skepticism; Philosophically Pluralism Transition to monism and dualism. At this time, there appeared many different or opposite views on the universe itself. Some Vedic philosophers believe that one God (the Creator, or Brahna) created the universe; Some believe that the universe originated from matter; Others“ dualism ”It not only recognizes that one god (the living god) is the main body of the universe, but also believes that the origin of the universe is the material element - water. Rig Veda 》The view in the 82nd Song of the Creator in Volume 10 is a typical example of this opposite dualism:
Before heaven and earth,
Before the heavens, before the non heavens;
What kind of embryo hides? Water bears first,
All gods appear in it?
You don't know, they make people,
There is another thing in your body.
The author of this divine song is the Immortal Di Youzi. On the one hand, the immortal said that the creator god existed before heaven and earth, before God and non God, which meant that the universe had no beginning and no end, and was absolutely unique; On the other hand, he also believed that everything originated from water, not from the abstract creator god, and said, "What is the womb? Water bears it first.". In this case, "embryo storage" refers to the embryo or fetus. This is the birth of the universe, the birth of all gods, the birth of all living beings, that is Subjective world and objective world Where you were born. This wonderful birth was conceived in "water" at first, and it was bred and matured by water. "Water bears first" implies that water is the origin of all things. Due to the contradiction between the first opinion and the second opinion, another Vedic philosopher, the Master Zixian, raised the question of whether the Lord of all things is God or not in the 121 song of the same volume. Such contradictory reflection《 Rig Veda 》Philosophers in Ontology The problem is hovering between the two views of spiritual primacy and material primacy.
"There is another thing in your body" in No. 82 implies that there is an "I" in the body. This "I" is created by "that", which has an inseparable relationship with "I", that is, the relationship between "Brahman" and "I" later. On《 Rig Veda 》In, the concepts of "Brahma" and "I" have not yet formed, but the rudiments of these two concepts are clearly reflected in several divine tunes, especially in the divine song "Primitive Song". [1]

Primitive theory

This is《 Rig Veda 》The theory proposed in Vol. 10, No. 90. This theory develops the "original man" from the "life master" of one god, and combines the life master and the original man into one. It believes that the life master is the body and the original man is the use, and they are one and two, two and one. While recognizing that the absolute noumenon of the original man is the life master, it endows the original man with the characteristics of omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence. Songs 1 and 2 of this song say: Library
The god of the original man, appearing subtly,
A thousand heads and eyes, and a thousand feet;
Wrap photography Earth, up and down four-dimensional
Stand tall, ten fingers away.
Only this original person is everything,
It is both the past and the future;
Only this original man, the immortal master,
Enjoy sacrifice and sublimate things.
This is from Space and time To express the objective performance of the original person. Space and time were originally not objective reality, but they were taken inside and outside the original person, so there is no space and time away from the original person, and the so-called space and time are just the appearance of the original person.
The 12th song of the song says:
The mouth of the original man, born Brahman;
Their arms are long and powerful;
Their legs produce barking houses;
The feet of that person are the head of the Buddha.
This song shows that the original people not only appear in the objective world, but also appear as the ancestors of human beings. Vedic philosophers believe that human beings are generally divided into four castes (four stages): Brahman, Sadiri, Veshe, and Sutra; The first three castes originated from the mouth, arms and legs of the original people, and are relatively noble; The latter surname comes from the feet of the original people, so it is relatively cheap. This song is History of India Last First About caste of India Text record of division. It reflects that the transition from primitive commune society to slavery society in India is nearing completion. In philosophy, it also implies that the original person is the greater self, and the person generated by the original person is the ego; There are differences between the two in form, but their natures Cognate The same, the big self and the small self, the opposite is the opposite, which is one is two. The theory of the union of the living God and the original man is after the Vedas“ I am just like Philosophical thought The bud of. According to the original people Objective idealism The theoretical model of the. [1]

Species theory

The theory of the original man points out that human nature is the same as the original man, but it does not involve how human consciousness came into being. Another Vedic philosopher made an important supplement to this question, explaining that human consciousness originates from the first thought. The first thought is also the first consciousness, or“ Species identification ”。 Rigveda, Vol. 10, No. 129, Ode to God, No. 4, says:
Rudimentary Lust , enter there,
Snemona, the first kind of knowledge.
In this ode, Vedic philosophers affirmed that human consciousness originates from spiritual factors. "Desire" is the spirit, "Beinei" means inside the embryo, "Mona" means consciousness, and "the first kind of knowledge" means this consciousness is the seed of knowledge. The seed knower is the foundation of the subjective world, on which all consciousness activities or spiritual phenomena arise. This view was later extended to the extreme of idealism, which believed that the objective world also appeared according to it, and developed "desire" into "ignorance". Primitive Buddhism Philosophical Twelve Nidanas mahayana The Eight Knowledge System, the Twenty Five Principles of Number Theory Vedanta The development and system of this theory are the ignorance and illusion, the four person theory and the five self theory. [1]

Element theory

Rig Veda 》It is believed that the universe originates from five material elements, namely earth, water, fire, wind and space. Some Vedic philosophers hold the "raw water theory", that is, the universe originated from water; Some Vedic philosophers believe that water, fire and other elements combine to produce all things. Water and natural energy mate to form the universe "embryo". After long-term thermal cultivation in water, the universe will emerge from all things when it is mature. This is a kind of Simple materialism Thought, with strong romanticism meaning. In Song 6 of Song 129, it is clearly stated that "the world comes first, and the heavens rise later". It means that the world is material and the heavens are spirit; There is substance before spirit. These are simple materialism Thought is the origin of materialism philosophy after Veda. [1]

dialectical thinking

In the process of exploring the origin of the universe, Vedic philosophers also observed that things are sometimes not, sometimes not Lifetime The contradictory phenomenon of extinction, seeing that things are constantly moving and changing. At the same time, they also saw that things have not only a contradictory side, but also a unified side. Vedic philosophers put forward a model of "unity of being and not being": "nothing is neither there nor there".
This model can be interpreted in two ways: (1) logically, "existence and absence" are contradictions; "Non existence, non non existence" is the negation of contradiction, so as to achieve the unity of the two. ② According to ontology, "existence and non existence" are phenomena, and "non existence and non absence" are noumenon; "There is nothing" is not real. When they return to the noumenon, there is only one and the same thing. This mode has certain Dialectics factor.
In addition, Indian philosophy Other important theories, such as karma, reincarnation, liberation, dharma, etc《 Rig Veda 》Although they have not yet been specifically formed, their respective origins can be found from them. [1]

Formation time of works

The Vedas are divided into four parts. Rig Veda 》At the earliest time, most of its contents were probably formed in the middle of the 2000s BC, and all of them were compiled no later than the early 1000s BC. Therefore, this period is usually called "pear club" Vedic Age or Early Vedic Age Samaveda 》、《 Yerouveda 》And《 Adavaveda 》It was generally formed in the first half of the 10th century BC, and the Adavaveda was completed at the latest; This period is often called the Late Vedic Age. work Vedas The era of the Vedic period in India. It uses more than India Sanskrit The older language, known as Vedic
Rig Veda 》, which means "poetry of wisdom". This is a collection of more than 1000 poems from 1500 BC to 900 BC dedicated to the Aryan gods. From the extreme of reverence and meditation to the secular life, poetry expresses joy and satisfaction. Vivid and colorful language describes Indra He is a person who "splits the belly of the mountain" and lets the water rush out of the "thunder" with his earth shaking deeds. A beautiful and frank poem of prayer Dark sky Goddess's blessing, because her glory can "drive away the darkness". These excellent poems vividly show the early stage Vedic Age The life scene of. From these poems, there are also Aryan Description of. In the mid 2000s BC, many came from Central Asia Regional calisthenics Indo European The white tribes of Punjab They call themselves Aryans, meaning "born nobly". Aryan people say that the local people are black, "without nose"; And call them“ Mleccha ”, which means barbarian, or "Daza", which means enemy. Since there are many fragments describing the Aryan war against Dharma in Vedic literature Harappa The hypothesis that culture was destroyed by Aryans. But this hypothesis is not based on sufficient facts, so it cannot be concluded Harappa Culture The real cause of death. about Aryan In itself, many problems remain unsolved. It is generally believed that they invaded India from Central Asia in the mid 2000s BC, but this is also a hypothesis. The white Aryans of the early Vedic period were different from the inhabitants of the Harappa period. They had no cities and lived on livestock. The main content of praying to God is to pray to God for cattle and call war“ Qu Wei "Shiti" means "eager to get cattle". Apart from cattle, Aryans have been domesticated sheep goat , donkeys, horses and dogs. Aryan people seldom kill livestock to eat meat. They raise livestock mainly to obtain milk and use it to make cheese Aryan entry Indus River After the drainage basin, gradually learn agriculture and use cattle to pull Wooden plough Cultivate land and use sickles to harvest grain. They also learned to irrigate. Hunting also played a considerable role in the early Vedic era. handicraft industry There has also been some development. There are already metal utensils, such as pots. Metalworking The metal used is called "Ayas", which may be copper or bronze. There were also leather workers who made barrels, bow strings and belts out of cowhide. Carpenters include joiners, house builders and cart builders. Exchange has appeared, but there is no currency yet. Cattle, gold and ornaments are the medium of exchange. Aryan Life is simple. Their clothes are made of wool, and their food is mainly cheese, vegetables and fruits. Cattle are only killed during sacrifices and feasts, and meat may also be eaten during grand festivals and family gatherings. Rig Veda 》Land measurement has been mentioned. Father is the head of the family, and men have played an important role in society. Women are not inferior in managing families. Some of the Vedic hymns were composed by women. Monogamy It was the main form of marriage at that time. Different industries have emerged in the society, but the industry has not become fixed and hereditary, and people have not been divided into unequal positions due to different industries social groupings On《 Rig Veda 》It was first mentioned in the last volume of social position Four different levels, namely Brahman Chadili , barking and Sudala Aryan They gradually turned some of their conquered Dasha into slaves, so the word "Dasha" Hindi It also means slave. Aryan clan tribal organizations still exist. The tribal system is in the dominant position. Below the tribe, there is "Granma", which means "village". The village may be composed of several families of the same clan, and will gradually become rural communes There is also a public meeting in the clan and tribal organization, which is held when the tribe encounters major events. The tribal leaders are elected by the people's assembly, but they are actually hereditary. The leader's position is mainly military, and his power is growing in the constant war. There are also village heads and budding special priesthood in the tribe, and their status is gradually improving.

Vedic literature

Veda has both broad and narrow meanings:
The narrow sense of Veda refers to the four most ancient Veda anthology , i.e
Yerouveda (Sacrifice to Ming, Yajurveda, Yajurveda), and
General name“ Four Vedas ”Or "Vedic Anthology". The first three kinds of the four vedas appeared earlier, and were often called "three vedas" before BC. The Atharvaveda appeared late, and together with the first three Vedas, it is called the four Vedas. The Chinese translation names of Siveda are: Singing Ming Lun, Praising Ming Lun, Sacrificing Ming Lun and Rang Disaster Ming Lun.
In a broad sense, besides the four Vedas, the Vedas also include the Sanskrit《 Forest book 》Upanishads and scriptures. In addition, it also includes the Vedic branch, also known as the Ming Lun branch excerpt, that is, six auxiliary disciplines related to learning the Vedas: ① cross theory (phonetics); ② Elaboration( Phonology );③ Piagena theory( Grammar );④ Nero's theory( etymology );⑤ Vertical bottom sediment theory (astronomy); ⑥ Jiebo Theory (Yigeology). These six disciplines are scattered in the Vedic literature itself, and some are discussed in special books. The Veda in its broad sense is also called "Vedic literature".

Vedic Divine Comedy

the Vedas
Four Vedas Medium《 Rig Veda 》It is the oldest and most primitive, and was produced around 2000 BC, Aryan Invade India from the northwest and emigrate Indus River Cross-strait period; The last three Vedas belong to it derivative works , and later published books. The divine song of the last three Vedas is not《 Rig Veda 》The retelling of some divine songs is the development based on it. The Vedic Divine Comedy has its own length and length. The long song is one song with many chants. A short song is a song with several songs or only one song. Most of them are composed of four sentences, and a few of them are composed of three sentences. Rig Veda 》10 volumes, 1028 divine tunes, 10552 songs in total. Sama Veda 》2 volumes, basically set《 Rig Veda 》Of its 1549 verses, except 75, the rest are found in Rigveda. Yerouveda 》It is divided into two parts: Dark Night Soft Veda and White Night Soft Veda. "Black" refers to the text and interpretation( Sanskrit )It is not clear that "Bai" means that this article is clearly distinguished from the explanatory text. The rhyme and prose of this book are mixed, and the prose part is divided into Sanskrit The first prose genre. Atharvaveda 》20 volumes, 730 divine tunes, 6000 songs in total. Most of the divine songs of the first three Vedas are hymns and hymns to pray for gods and worship heaven; The divine song of Atharvaveda is《 Rig Veda 》The development of spells is mostly mysterious witchcraft, good or bad spells, sometimes Scientific thinking ancient India Medicine originated from this.