
Prime Minister of Northern Song Dynasty
zero Useful+1
Lvduan (935 - May 9, 1000 [1] ), the characters are easy to be straight, Youzhou Anci County (today's Hebei Province Langfang City Anci District )People. Northern Song Dynasty Prime ministers and poets in the early years, Later Jin Dynasty Military Ministry Assistant Lv Qi His son, Shangshu Zuo Cheng Lv Jieqing 's brother. [43]
Lu Duan was born in a family of officials, eager to learn and make progress. In the late Jin Dynasty father's protection , Alternate Prepare yourself Week after When, as Works by Zoran , Zhishiguan. After the establishment of the Northern Song Dynasty, he served as the magistrate of Junyi County Dingzhou General judgment [4] Tai Chang Shaoqing Chengdu Prefecture Magistrate. Honest and thrifty, people are peaceful [6] Song Taizong He ascended the throne and served as a judge of Kaifeng Prefecture. He was demoted to the rank of Shangru Secretary for military affairs and moved to Taichang Cheng, [9] Take office Caizhou Zhizhou, with good political achievements, has successively served as the county magistrate of Kaifeng and the meritorious examiner Wai Lang and To serve as an official Know chores Household doctor Judge Taichang Temple and Courtyard, Dali Shaoqing, pay homage to Youjian doctor, Kaifeng Mansion Judge Guard Shao Qing, Privy Scholar Enquiry into political affairs In the first year of Zhidao (995), he officially worshipped the Prime Minister and took office Minister of Household Waiter Same story , promotion Servant Minister of War To have a broad sense of politics and to be simple in handling affairs“ Little things are muddled, big things are not muddled ”。 After the death of Emperor Taizong of Song Dynasty, he defeated the plot and helped to stand up Song Zhenzong Enthrone Right Minion Shooting In the second year of Xianping (1999) Crown Prince Zhishi.
In the third year of Xianping (1000 years), Lv Duan died at the age of sixty-six and received a gift Sikong Posthumous title "Zhenghui". Complete Song Poetry 》Record two poems [2]
Lv Zhenghui Lv Sikong
Words are easy to be straight
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Youzhou Anci County
date of birth
Date of death
May 9, 1000
Key achievements
Erect Song Zhenzong
True name
Official position
Servant, Secretary of the Ministry of War, Crown Prince
Posthumous gift
Posthumous title

Character's Life


Cover Lizhou County

Lu Duan's Father Lv Qi Former post Later Jin Dynasty Of Military Ministry Assistant When Lv Duan was a teenager, he was smart and eager to learn, and initially compensated for his father's official position Prepare yourself Successive sons of state Registrar , Servant Temple official Secretary Lang , straight Hongwen Hall , and transferred Works by Zoran , Zhishiguan. [3]
Jianlong The first year (960), founder of the Song dynasty (Song Taizu) Establishment Northern Song Dynasty Lv Duan was transferred to Taichang Cheng and Zhi Junyi County Concurrence Dingzhou [4]
shake out dice In July of the eighth year (975), Hao Chongxin, the envoy of Xishange Gate, went on an envoy mission Khitan , the court awarded Lv Duan Tai Chang Shaoqing , acting as deputy envoy. [5] In the same year, Lv Duan learned Hongzhou , has not taken office yet, and has been renamed as Simen Yuanwailang , know Chengdu Mansion , and was given Golden purple Clothing. Lv Duan is honest and frugal, and people far away can be peaceful. [6]

Repeatedly rejected

King of Qi (later named King of Qin) Zhao Tingmei When he was appointed as Kaifeng Yin, Lv Duan was called up as Wai Lang, a meritorious examiner, to serve as Kaifeng Mansion Judge [7]
Taiping Revitalization Four years (979), Emperor Taizong of Song Dynasty Zhao Guangyi Conscript Northern Han Dynasty Zhao Tingmei will be assigned to stay in Kaifeng. Lv Duan said to Zhao Tingmei, "My lord travel all the time You should follow the guards first because you are close relatives and have good reputation. Now you are in charge of the remaining affairs, which is not what you should do. " Zhao Tingmei then begged Zhao Guangyi to accompany her. [8] Shortly afterwards, Lv Duan was demoted to Shangzhou Si Hu Joins the Army Later, he was transferred to Ruzhou Si Hu to join the army, and returned to Taichang Cheng Taichang Temple Transaction. [9]
Later knowledge Caizhou , was requested by the officials and the people because of his good political performance Borrow and retain One term. Post grant Ancestral Temple Department Yuan Wailang, Zhi Kaifeng County , transferred to the position of meritorious examiner Wai Lang and To serve as an official Knows about chores and once served as an envoy Korea He was transferred to the position of Minister of Household, Judge Taichang Temple and Courtyard, and then transferred to the position of Dali Shaoqing, who will worship him soon Right advice doctor [10]
King Xu Zhao Yuanxi When he was appointed Kaifeng Yin, Lv Duan was also appointed Judge After Zhao Yuanxi died, someone reported that he was confused by his beloved concubine, Zhang Shi, and made him do more illegal things. Lu Duan was demoted to Guard Shaoqing. Soon after, he was restored to his old post and served as a Privy Council straight bachelor. One month later Enquiry into political affairs , becomes the secondary phase. [11]

Rongdeng Phase

Lv Duan has served in and out of the court successively. Although he did not make great achievements, his calm, dignified, and general ability of governing officials has become increasingly known. Zhao Pu, the prime minister, once praised Lv Duan and said, "When I saw Duke Lv's report and the emperor's approval, I could not see him showing his pride; when he was discouraged by others, I could not see him showing his depression or fear. He was happy and angry and did not show his face. What a talent to be a prime minister!" Later, Zuo advised the doctor Kou Zhun He also became a political advisor. Lv Duan asked to be placed under Kou Zhun, and Taizong immediately appointed Lv Duan as Zuo Jianyi doctor, ranking above Kou Zhun. When Emperor Taizong favored Lv Duan, he often summoned Lv Duan to the side hall alone and discussed for a long time. Later, Lv Duan was promoted Minister of Household Waiter Ping Zhangshi [12]
Lv Duan is handsome, generous, loyal and forgiving, good at making friends, loyal, light on money and good at giving. He was outstanding in handling affairs and administration, and was gradually loved and valued by Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty. As early as Lv Mengzheng When he was a minister, Taizong had the idea of reusing Lv Duan. When Taizong discussed with others about appointing Lv Duan as the prime minister, he was opposed by some courtiers, who thought Lv Duan was "confused". Taizong immediately said, "Lv Duan Little things are muddled, big things are not muddled 。” In fact, the determination to appoint Lv Duan as the prime minister has been strengthened at this time. At that time, Taizong also wrote a song Fishing poem There are two sentences written as follows: "Before the golden hook is deep enough, Pan Xi must be a fisherman." The meaning of this poem is that there is no dispute about the appointment of Lv Duan as the prime minister, and the position of prime minister must belong to Lv Duan. [13] A few days later, Emperor Taizong asked Lv Mengzheng to change his position as a counselor and Lv Duan to become an official Servant He also served as minister of the Ministry of War and officially became prime minister. [14] When Lv Duan paid homage to the Prime Minister, he was already 60 years old. Taizong regretted that he had put Lv Duan in an important position too late. [13]
After Lv Duan was appointed as Prime Minister, he handled affairs with prudence, fairness and integrity, which won praise from all aspects of the court, both at home and abroad. The memorials that Taizong heard were mostly commendatory words, so he certainly had a better impression of Lv Duan.
In order to balance all aspects of the relationship, Taizong Kou Zhun It was feared that Lv Duan, an official, would take the lead over Kou Zhun, which made Kou Zhun feel unfair, so he took a temporary transition as a stopgap measure. Taizong asked Kou Zhun, who was then a political adviser, and Lv Duan, the prime minister, to "divide the day" Pledge class Zhiyin, Tongsheng Political Affairs Hall ”。 That is to say, let Lv Duan and Kou Zhun take turns in charge of the prime minister's affairs the next day. They are on an equal footing, while Taizong observes from the side.
At that time, there were many memorials sent to the central court, and the central court also had various opinions, but there were different opinions, no decisive opinions, "only Duan Han Jianming 。” After a period of observation, the palace gave Taizong a personal injunction: "From now on, you can only hear what Lv has to look at in public affairs." This edict is undoubtedly Taizong's greater trust and importance to Lv Duan. Lv Duan felt that this was the end of the matter, and it would be inappropriate to be modest, so he gladly complied with the order and performed his official duties without any hesitation. In fact, Lv Duanchai really became a real, competent and powerful prime minister at that time. As a result, several years later, Lu Duan's reputation spread far and wide, and was passed on to future generations. He was called a famous prime minister. [15]

Embrace the True Sect

To Dao In February of the third year (997), when Taizong was seriously ill, eunuch Yemi Inform political affairs in secret Li Changling Li Jixun, Zhizhigao, Commander of the Palace Hu Dan And waited with Taizong's wife Queen Li Work together to establish the eldest son of Taizong Zhao Yuanzuo , attempting to launch a coup. [16-17]
On March 29, Lv Duan went into the palace to ask for illness. At this time, Taizong was in danger. Lv Duan saw that only Wang Jien and Empress Li were around Taizong, but not the prince Zhao Heng He was afraid that things would change, so he wrote on Wat“ become worse ”Two words, ask your trusted follower to give it to Zhao Heng and ask him to enter the palace as soon as possible. [16-17]
When Taizong died, Queen Li asked Wang Jien to come Secretariat Tell Lv Duan. Lv Duan knew that there was a change, so he stepped out of the pavilion and locked Wang Jien in the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Pavilion and sent someone to guard him. He came to the Hall of Longevity from Zhongshu Province, based on Taizong's will and Empress Li's theory, so that he remained silent, and finally supported Zhao Heng to the throne, which was for Song Zhenzong. After Zhao Heng ascended the throne, he hung the curtain to introduce the officials. Lv Duanping stood on the steps of the hall and asked his courtiers to roll up the curtain. He went up to the hall and examined it. He confirmed that Zhao Heng had retreated from the steps of the hall and led his courtiers to worship and shout "Long live". [16-17]
Xianping In the summer of the first year (998), because Lu Duan had been ill for a long time, Zhenzong issued an edict to exempt him from the ritual of daily worship. When there is something to do, you should rely on letters to communicate with others. In October, Zhenzong granted Lv Duan Crown Prince Zhishi. Three hundred days after his leave, Zhenzong still ordered a company to pay him. Later, Zhenzong visited Lv Duan in person. At that time, he was seriously ill. Zhenzong comforted him even more. [18]

Died of illness in Bianjing

The third year of Xianping (1000), the third day of April (May 9) [1] )Lu Duan died at the age of 66. Posted by the Imperial Court Sikong Posthumous title "Zhenghui", and posthumously granted his wife Li as the wife of the Jing State, and appointed his son Lv Fan as the crown prince Zhongshe Ren Lv Xun, Dali administrative judge Lv Wei prepares for thousands of oxen, Lv Aiwei Dianzhong Province Enter the horse [19]

Main impacts

stay Song Taizong Lu Duan played a vital role in the process of passing down the throne to the True Sect. At the beginning of Zhenzong's accession, the political situation could not be stable without Lu Duan, who was treating Yongli Zhao Yuanzuo The group's people are very stable and experienced. He first asked Empress Li's younger brother Li Jilong In order to show respect, he went out of Chenzhou. Then, Lvduan Yemi Li Changling The charge of "leaking the forbidden language" was handed over. Wang Ji'en was severely punished by (settling in Junzhou), and Li Changling was only demoted to a large extent (demoted to Sima, a loyal military officer). Handling Secretary Supervisor Hu Dan He only said that he drafted the imperial edict with "quite arbitrary mind" and slanderous words, Delisting Exiled to Xunzhou, the treatment is also biased. However, during the handling, Lv Duan did not indicate that they were offended by supporting Zhao Yuanzuo, and everyone except Wang Jien was also given leniency. [20]

Historical evaluation

keep to a principle [21]
Zhao Pu : Watching Duke Lv's performance, I was not pleased with the reward, not afraid of setbacks, and did not form words. It was really a tool for supporting the platform. [22]
Zhao Guangyi : ① Confused with trivial matters, Don't be confused [22] ② It is so wild that we can proclaim mercy and harmony. Support Wang Zuozhiwei's talent and live up to the expectations of human relations. Lift yourself up to the pivot, and experience the heat again. Send strange troops to the temple and ask for advice but consent; Gong Chang spoke in the tent, and Jian Jie was commendable. When we seek justice properly, we will see the bow of the bandits. He also knows the general situation, knows more about the old chapter, uses obscurity to make it clear, and stands firm in the middle. The king and merchants were generous, which was far more intimidating than Qiang Rong; Xie Fuyuan is empty, so he can sit on the refined and popular. It is advisable to practice the position of the public platform and allow the vision of the master Yin. [23]
Zhao Heng : When you are old, you will have a sense of foresight. Mao Tongyin is bright and has won numerous awards. [23]
Zeng Gong : His posture is beautiful, and his sense of harmony is abundant. He has been rejected repeatedly and has never thought of it. [24]
Zhang Xuan : Mr. Lv Zhenghui has a magnificent posture. He is generous and forgiving. He is good at banter and has an open mind. Although he has been rejected for many times, he has never felt sad, and is deeply accepted by the world. He is good at making friends with others, easy to make money, and never asks about family affairs. [25]
Lu Zhong : ① Lv Duan should be aware of the general situation and lock Yemi The big plan will be decided in the pavilion. When Zhenzong ascended the throne, he threw the curtain and raised his shoes, examined and then bowed down. His boldness and strategy are all effective. [26] ② At the beginning of Zhenzong, there was Lv Duan; at the beginning of Renzong, there was Wang Zeng All of them are famous officials who secure the country and set the state. [27]
Desquamation : Lv Duan advised the King of Qin to stay, which indicated that the great things had been seen, and Kou Zhun In the same phase and often let it go, stay Li Jiqian Mother is not to blame. The establishment of the true religion, closing the king's favor in the room, to break the empress Li( Queen Mingde )Different plans should be made; Once standing, please go to the curtain, go up to the hall to examine, and then worship. Taizong calls it“ Don't be confused ”Those who know that a minister is better than a gentleman. [22]
Xue Yingqi : Shen Tu sat down and Deng Tong Chief inspector, Song Jing Standing in court and prospering( Zhang Changzong )Crawling, Lvduan locks the pavilion and hesitates after grace, Han Qi Defend loyalty by making threats( Ren Shouzhong )Dethrone; Wang Jia You can't be too happy to be angry, Yang Zhen Lian Shu can't go to a nurse, Xiao Wangzhi To be trapped by a master Shi Xian Zhao Ruyu Use precious and precious water to make them loose( Han Tuozhou )There is nothing else here. The power lies in the weight and light. [28]
Return to light : It is a loyal minister who relies on the cultivation of virtue, the sustenance of living people, and the stability of the country. It lies in the ancient, if Compensation Take off Turn over a spoon spit in the face Such things can be said to be honest and kind. The larger one, such as Cao Shen Zhou Bo Bingji Di Renjie Guo Ziyi Pei Du Lvduan Wang Dan Han Qi's disciple is also. [29]
Wang Fuzhi : ① Dezhao( Zhao Dezhao )Death, Tingmei( Zhao Tingmei )The way of chaos is the great Te of Taizong. He who sets up his court is called upright, then Doucheng Yao Tan It is said that Tin Tin Zhang Qixian Li Fang and Lv Duan are called Founders; They are all called virtuous ministers. However, he bowed his head and tongue tied, listened to his patience and personality, and did not dare to think of the founding emperor. [30] ② Song Zi Yongxi Later, the six masters who were appointed as Pingzhang, Zhizhi, Tanyuan, and the chief Baikui took charge of the six masters were just like the masters of clumsy chess. Yi examines his person, if Song Qi Li Fang Li Mu Zhang Qixian Li Zhi Wang Mian Chen Shu Zhang Shixun Kou Zhun, Lv Duan Chai Yuxi Su Yijian Xiang Minzhong Zhang Ji Li Changling Although there are many lucky people in their leisure time, there are also many people who can do their best to maintain public order. [30]
Zhu Shi : Being Taizong Yanjia is very unpredictable. Although there are great talents, farsightedness, and both civil and military resources, it may not be certain. In Russia, the decision is made from the beginning, but the decision is made from the rear, and the decision is made from the next step. Then, the decision is made from the next step, and the decision is made from the next step. Then, the decision is made from the first step, and the decision is made from the second step. Then, the decision is made from the next step. Then, the decision? The trace covers Lizhou County. It is in the same voice, circling around in the same column. People are not party members. It's a silly little thing. How can you talk about it! [31]
Aixin Jueluo Hongli : I read the History of the Song Dynasty until Lv Duan closed Wang Ji'en's room, entered the Zhenzong, and then went up to the hall to examine and worship. It was not unwise for me to make a big plan and want to see him as a man. When Emperor Taizong ascended to heaven and Li's rear area objected, the Lord had a hard time when he was young, but Duan was calm and determined. With his evil plan and his wings, he immediately succeeded the monarch At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, during the Qingming period, he trusted the good ministers, and Duaneng remained silent. He was good at dealing with emergencies when he was in the position of Yan Ru. The end of the instrument is wide (Que), the talent is a symbol, and the true family values elegance Taizong once said that "Lu Duan is not confused about important matters". It can be said that he knows the truth. [32]
Yu Minzhong As for the early Song Dynasty, the Five Dous, the Second Song Dynasty, the Second Hu, and Wen Ze Zhao Pu Lv Yuqing Lvduan Border Returning to the Communist Party Zhao Shangjiao Liu Zai's Drama Can Be Long, Wu Ze Zhao Zan Liu Tingrang Gao Yanhui Li Huaizhong Tian Re advanced Liu Chongjin Li Qiong Zhang Hui Ma Quanyi Liu Shenqiong Zhang Zangying Dong Zunxiao Yan's talents are also flourishing. [33]
Bi Yuan : He has a good reputation. Although he has retreated from the seaside for many times, he has never felt sad and has no assets. And for the phase, a sense of the general, to clean simple for business. [34]
Yun Yuding : In the Song Dynasty, all ministers heard about the palace. Such as Wang Wenzheng (Wang Dan), Lv Zhenghui, Lv Wenjing( Lv Yi Bamboo Slips )It can be rectified in case of major events. [35]
Cai Dongfan : If you build a reserve Monarchy This is the most important code. Taizong is nearly weeks old, but he still hasn't reached this point Feng Zheng How can you be so lax when you are reading? Fortunately, Kou made a decision in a few words that the main weapon would return, so Wang Jien could not be selfish. Lv Duan was able to hold the temple upright, close the temple, and present himself to the Allah in the temple. People regard him as Mei Lv Sikong. I call him a meritorious Kou Laigong. He should be a guest. If he is too late, he will sigh that it is impossible? [36]
Nan Huaijin The so-called "Zhuge is cautious all his life, and Lv Duan is not confused about important matters." This is a famous couplet and a good motto. Lv Duan was a famous prime minister in the Song Dynasty. It seems that he is stupid, but in fact he is not. This is his cultivation. When dealing with important matters, he will never be careless. [37]

Main works

Complete Song Poetry 》He recorded two poems: "Send Master Yinggong back to Zhongnan" and "Send Master Li". Another sentence [2]

Anecdotes and allusions


Be calm

Lv Duan crossed the sea as an envoy Korea The storm broke the ship's mast The people on the ship were very afraid. Only Lv Duan was still reading, like Zhai Pavilion Same time. [38]

Don't be confused

The Legend of Fame and Appearance: The Complete Biography of Lu Duan, written by Li Zheng
The History of the Song Dynasty, The Biography of Lv Duan: "Taizong wanted to help each other. Or: 'Duan is confused
This sentence comes from Taizong of Northern Song Dynasty An irrefutable evaluation of Lv Duan's behavior after years of experience, and it really reflects the true situation of Lv Duan's character and talent. There are two examples that can be found in history books that can explain Lv Duan's "little things are muddle headed, big things are not muddle headed":
First, Taizong once asked Lv Duan for advice. He said that since the Han and Tang dynasties, there had been a matter of appointing a wet nurse as his wife. He wanted Lv Duan to make a decision. What should he do now? Lv Duan replied: "The Han and Tang dynasties were different from the present. At that time, it was either because of the national university or because of good reputation that they did so for a reason. It can be said that there was no fixed law and no custom ceremony." Lv Duan's words made Taizong happy.
Second, Lv Duan, in terms of phase, has been active for several years. He has asked the saint general to give the phase to Kou Zhun, who will take over as the prime minister. Lv Duan himself has become a counselor who has the position of minister and has no right to consult political affairs. Later, Kou Zhun also did some political consulting work. It is reasonable to say that Lv Duan was in the front and Kou Zhun was in the rear. There is no dispute about their ranking. However, Lv Duan just told the Holy Master that he wanted to be listed after Kou Zhun, and got the approval. Lv Duan disregarded fame, wealth and status, took the overall situation into consideration when encountering problems, and acted on the principle of honesty and simplicity, which was widely reported at that time.
There is such a fact. In addition, Lv Duan and Lin Chao seldom speak loudly at ordinary times. Some people mistakenly believe that Lv Duan is a muddle headed person. However, Song Taizong thinks that these are all small things. Lv Duan is just "small things muddle headed", and "big things don't muddle headed".
Taizong's words are well founded. In the Song Dynasty, the world's wars rose one after another, and there was not enough internal unity. Xixia Li Jiqian The rebellion upset the western border, and Song sent troops to attack Xia. The security forces captured Li Jiqian's mother, whom Song Taizong wanted to kill. To this end, Song Taizong summoned Kou Zhun alone and asked him what he thought. At that time, Kou Zhun did not disagree with me. When Kou Zhun retreated, Lv Duan saw him. Lv Duan guessed that there must be something important in the Imperial Court. Let Kou Zhun stop to ask the truth. Lv Duan asked Kou Zhun: "Did your majesty mean to discuss things with me?" Kou Zhun said, "No!"
Lv Duan thought to himself, "I don't need to know about ordinary things at the border. If there are military and state affairs and we discuss big plans, I, Lv Duan, as the prime minister of the dynasty, can't help but know." Kou Zhun heard Lv Duan's words, felt that this matter was really important, so he told Lv Duan truthfully that Taizong just summoned him to deal with Li Jiqian's mother. Lv Duan asked Kou Zhun, "What is the Emperor going to do?" Kou Zhun Answer: "The Holy Spirit means to put her in the Bao'an Army The people outside the north gate were beheaded in public, and they intended to use this method to restrain those who rebelled or rebelled. " Hearing this place, Lv Duan hurriedly said, "If this is the way to deal with it, it is not a good way." So Lv Duan went to the court to memorialize the book in person and proposed not to kill Li Jiqian's mother. In order to persuade Taizong, he also persuaded him with the story that Xiang Yu of Qin and Han wanted to kill the father of the state. He said:“ Li Jiqian He is a rebel. He killed his mother today. Can he catch Li Jiqian himself tomorrow? If he can't, he will end up with even greater hatred, and will he be more determined to resist? " After hearing what Lv Duan said, Taizong thought it was very reasonable and asked, "What should I do with Li Jiqian's mother?"
Lv Duan saw that the Emperor Taizong had a living story, so he told him his own thoughts. He said, "In my humble way, please think about whether to put her in the Yanzhou Go to that place and send someone to take good care of her, so that Li Jiqian can change his mind and stop rebelling. In this case, although Li Jiqian can't surrender to the Song Dynasty immediately, we can tie his heart with his mother's presence in the Song Dynasty. As for his mother's right to life and death, it is not in our hands. "
After hearing Lv Duan's thought, Taizong thought Lv Duan was really smart. I think there are so many ministers in my court, and no one has ever put forward such brilliant opinions as Lu Duan, which almost missed my important task. So he adopted Lv Duan's advice, put Li Jiqian's mother in Yanzhou, and sent a special person to serve her until she died of illness in Yanzhou. Later, Li Jiqian also died, and his son Li Deming Nian temporarily submitted to the Song Dynasty for the sake of treating his grandmother in the Song Dynasty. [39]
A more important event is the struggle of support and opposition on the issue of supporting the succession of Prince Zhenzong. When Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty was still alive, he was ill, so he arranged the affairs of the future and appointed Emperor Zhenzong as the prince, in case he would succeed to the throne and take charge of the Song Dynasty, and asked Lv Duan to be responsible for the prince's study, life and living. When Taizong was seriously ill, there were some attendants and ministers in the court who disagreed about who would succeed him after his death, which even turned into a court struggle.
There is an internal attendant in the court Yemi He was jealous of the prince's superiority and was afraid that his succession would be detrimental to him. He became evil and evil, contacted and consulted about political affairs Li Changling Commanders in front of the palace Li Jixun official in charge of secretarial matters Hu Dan They told them to set up a new prince so that they could let the right person inherit the throne.
Taizong's illness ended without treatment. Taizong died, but the court must not lose its owner for a day. The queen ordered Wang Jien to summon Lv Duan. Lv Duan realized that something might happen, so he asked his men to lock Wang Ji'en in his house and send someone to guard him. Then he rushed to the imperial court. After Lv Duan was summoned to the imperial court, the empress said to him, "The emperor is not alive. It is reasonable and logical to set up a prince to let him inherit the throne. What should we do now?" Lv Duan listened to the empress, He said without hesitation: "The first emperor set up the prince just for today. Now the first emperor has left the world. How can we do something against the order of the first emperor? There can be no objection to such an important matter that concerns the future and destiny of the country." The queen listened to Lv Duan's words and let the prince sit on the throne in the Funing Court.
When Prince Zhenzong ascended the throne for the first time, he dropped the curtain to meet the courtiers. When Lv Duan and his officials came to the temple for an interview, they would rather stand in the temple than worship. At that time, the queen asked Lv Duan why he didn't pay homage? Lv Duan thought for a moment and said, "Please roll up the curtain and let the prince sit in the right place, so that we can see clearly before we worship." At this time, the empress asked Zhen Zong to roll up the curtain and sit in the right place as Lv Duan said. Lv Duan saw clearly that it was the prince who was sitting on the throne. Then he led his officials to kneel down, and called for three cheers.
Then Zhenzong demoted the traitors who plotted to set up another prince one by one, making Zhenzong's position more stable.
After Zhenzong succeeded to the throne, every time he met the ministers in the court, he was very respectful to Lv Duan, bowing solemnly without calling him by name; Because Lv Duan is tall and fat, and the palace steps are slightly higher, Zhenzong especially cares for someone to help him up. When he was summoned to the palace to discuss military and state affairs for a long time, Lv Duan was able to tell his priorities, and he was well organized. Lv Duan's opinions are always adopted by Zhenzong.
In 1976 Mao Zedong At a call Ye Jianying At that time, he dictated a poem: "Zhuge was cautious all his life, keep to a principle 。” One is to evaluate Ye Jianying's decisiveness in the face of major issues of right and wrong, and the other is to express his worries about the state affairs in the future, hoping that he can stand up in times of crisis. [40]

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
Family background
Lv Yan
The last official of the Tang Dynasty went to Cangzhou Judge of temperance Was killed later.
Official in the Later Jin Dynasty Military Ministry Assistant
Peer generation
She was the wife of Jing State.
Lv Fan
He was once a doctor of Guozi.
Lv Xun
He was once a doctor of Guozi.
Lv Wei
He was once the prince Zhongshe Ren.
Lv Ai
Table Reference: [22]

Commemoration for future generations

Mingxian Square is located in today's Hebei Province Langfang The northwest corner of the intersection of Aimin East Road and Dong'an Road is actually a street park. In the park, there are 17 Langfang books including Lvduan from ancient times to the present, or statues of famous people who have a direct impact on Langfang. [41]

Artistic image

2009 large-scale new historical story drama Hebei Bangzi Lu Duan, the prime minister of Song Dynasty, whose actor is unknown. [42]

Historical data index

History of the Song Dynasty ·Volume 281 · Biography 40 [22]