Other records of famous doctors

Books published by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Press in 2013
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Other Records of Famous Doctors, pharmaceutical works. Abbreviation《 Alternative record 》, 3 volumes. The editor lost his name (the first work is Dow). about be published in book form At the end of the Han Dynasty. It was a doctor in the Qin and Han Dynasties《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》In addition to the supplement of the contents of the book on the medicinal functions and indications of drugs, 365 new drugs were added.
Since this book is a collection of physicians from all previous dynasties, it is called "Other Records of Famous Doctors". The original book was lost early. Liang · Tao Hongjing《 Collection of Materia Medica 》When loading《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》At the same time of 365 drugs, 365 drugs are included in this book, so that the basic contents of this book are preserved.
Other records of famous doctors
Tao Hongjing [1]
pharmacy work
China Traditional Chinese Medicine Press [1]
Publication time
nine trillion and seven hundred and eighty-seven billion five hundred and thirteen million two hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and eighty-two [1]
Completion time
Late Han Dynasty
Study of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties Materia Medica Practical value of
Number of original volumes
3 volumes

content validity

The original book has been lost for a long time, but its relevant contents can still be traced back to the later generations《 Daguan Materia Medica 》, "Zhenghe Materia Medica". Tao Hongjing《 Collection of Materia Medica 》The content of 365 species of Tao Hongjing is recorded from the "List of Famous Doctors". The number of drugs collected in the original book should be more than 730, because this number was selected by Tao Hongjing when he compiled two independent books, and some drugs that he thought were not used subjectively might have been abandoned at that time. From pharmaceutical classification method Look, it's still《 Herbal Classic 》The three grade classification, that is, by drug Therapeutic effect It is roughly divided into upper, middle and lower grades. At the same time, under each grade, plants, minerals, animals and other drugs are roughly classified.
Although the original book was lost early, its relevant content can still be《 Daguan Materia Medica 》, "Zhenghe Materia Medica". The contents of Tao Hongjing's Collection of Materia Medica, 365 kinds of which are recorded by Tao Hongjing from the List of Famous Doctors.
The number of drugs collected in the original book of "The List of Famous Doctors" should be more than 730, because this number was selected by Tao Hongjing when he compiled two independent books. At that time, he may have abandoned some drugs that he thought were not used subjectively. From the perspective of the classification method of drugs, it is still the three grade classification method in the Classic of Materia Medica, that is, the upper, middle and lower grades are roughly divided according to the therapeutic effect of drugs. At the same time, under each grade, plants, minerals, animals and other drugs are roughly classified. For each kind of medicine, this book contains its correct name, nature and taste, indications, alias (or one name), usage, dosage, drug form, place of origin collection and processing method seven human emotions Fear of evil and other projects. This is basically the same as the "Classic of Materia Medica". In the Record of Famous Doctors, a prescription has been attached after a certain medicine taste, such as " Dewy beehive , disordered hair Snakeskin The three flavors are combined to burn ash, and the wine is used to wear a square dagger, which can cure all kinds of gangrene Carbuncle of accessory bone It is rooted in the zang fu organs, swollen in the past, swollen and evil in the veins, and all poisons are poor. "This is the first way to attach prescriptions to herbal works, creating a good practical start for the later generation of herbal prescriptions. In addition, some of the main therapeutic effects of drugs recorded in the Record of Famous Doctors have exceeded those in the Classic of Materia Medica, such as Guike sweating, Hundred root It can stop coughing and so on, which are not found in the "Book of Songs", so this book is very useful for the study of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties Materia Medica It has important practical value. [2]

And Tao Hongjing

bright Li Shizhen The Tao family was named Tao Hongjing, so《 Alternative record 》And《 Collection of Materia Medica 》The content is mixed. It is generally believed that the original content of this book was not written by Tao Hongjing, but the existing provisions of this book have been collated and compiled by Tao Hongjing. The original book was originally written as "Sutra attached"(《 This Sutra 》)In the form of "Weishuo", not only the supplementary content of drugs in the "Classic", but also the new drug articles, the so-called "famous doctor's sidelines", became an important part of the early "Classic" Concentrated note Addendum. Tao Hongjing "studied this supplement to cover troubled provinces", edited and corrected it, and determined that there were 365 kinds of "famous medical accessories", and 730 kinds of drugs in this book. Tang and Song Dynasties Category book This herb has also picked up the leftovers from the research of Tao Hongjing, so today Real existence 369 new products were added to the Bielu. The writing order of the contents of each drug is the same as that of this Classic. First describe the nature, taste, good poison, main therapeutic function and synonym habitat , and a large number of additional records name of origin , collection time, month and processing method, etc. The increased efficacy is practical (such as liquorice for relieving cough banxia Stop vomiting, etc.), rarely involving the theory that immortals are not old. Nearly 100 new products are still commonly used. First 100 Loquat leaf relieve a cough, Betel nut Torreya grandis Insecticidal efficacy. It is rich in content, so later generations also regard it as a classic herb second only to the "Benjing". Nigeria has a long history, and a considerable number of "Bielu" drugs do not know their varieties. The New Book of Tang · Biography of Yu Zhining“ Yan Hua Leaf shape Color, assistant envoy and minister ", however, there are few such contents in the lost text of this book today. Tao Hongjing compiled this book into《 Collection of Materia Medica 》Chinese, written in ink, With The content of Zhu Zi's "Benjing" is different. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, this book was still popular. Although the records of the Song Dynasty have been recorded, no one has quoted it. This book has never existed before. Its content is transcribed and stored in "Zheng Lei Ben Cao".

And Ji Zhu

Alternative record 》Drugs are classified according to three categories, and each category is also classified according to natural quality Orchestration. The medicines in Ji Zhu are classified according to their natural attributes, and each category is further divided into three grades. The survey and comparison are carried out from two aspects: drug category and drug literature.
1. Drug list comparison After comparing the two books, we learned that jade, grass and trees and other medicines of the top grade in Bielu are similar to the corresponding top grade medicines in Jizhu Inferior The same is true for all kinds of medicines. Such as the top grade of Bielu Cinnabar (P.2)、 Polyporus umbellatus (P.16) is similar to the corresponding types of red sand (P.129) and polyporus (P.187) in Jizhu.
There is a kind of unknown medicine in Ji Zhu, which can be found in all kinds of medicines in Bie Lu. Such as Ji Zhu Sapphire (P.516) and extract grass (P.532) can be found in the top grade (P.12) and the bottom grade (P.274) of the "Bielu".
Due to the difference between the two volumes in the combination and segmentation of a few drugs, their drug categories are slightly different. Such as《 Alternative record 》Fu Shen (P.16) Cinnamomum cassia (P.36), etc., which were combined with Poria cocos (P.188) and Fungus cinnamon (P.215). Bai in Ji Zhu Winter melon (P.477), pockmarks (P.500), which are respectively combined into White melon seed (P.92) and (P.97).
The difference is Bielu Leech (P.301) is attached with fish sticks, fish skin, garlic (P.312) and Yuntai, while the same article (P.459497) of the "Ji Zhu" is not attached. Collection Notes Dan cock (P.402) Aliphatic acid, etc, Antelope horn (P.411) Attached Sheep pulp However, the same article of Bielu (P.79172) is not attached.
In Bielu, there are shrubs and grass (P.293), and in Jizhu, there are Pentachromatic stone grease (P.143) and iron (P.164), which are contained separately in each book.
In addition, the two books use Drug name There are also some differences. Such as《 Alternative record Withered and withered (P.22), vinegar (P.314), composition withering (P.197) and sorcery (P.514) in Jizhu.
2. The two books are basically the same. The difference is that there are 48 "You" words in Bielu, such as "You, Shilong, a Fang Bao It is mainly used to treat insects, especially insects, and not to consume food. These contents have not been seen in the Collection Notes. However, there are Tao's annotations in Jizhu, for example, after the body of the medicine Suanjiang (P.301), there are "many people have it everywhere... it can also cure yellow diseases and have multiple effects". None of these contents are found in Bielu.

Important questions

Studying《 Alternative record 》There are several doubtful points that can not be ignored when it comes to the issue of "Ji Zhu".
1 Why Don't You Record Preface If Bielu is a separate book, it must be orderly. Since Tao Hongjing wrote a preface to Ji Zhu, why didn't the same author write a preface to another work? The original works of Benjing and Jizhu have been lost for a long time, but Two books Prefaces have been reproduced in "Zheng Lei Ben Cao" for generations. Why is there no preface to Bielu?
2 From《 Newly revised materia medica 》The medicinal materials of the past dynasties in Bie Lu are advancing on the basis of inheritance and development. Newly revised materia medica 》850 kinds of drugs are loaded, 730 of which are from Jizhu, and 120 kinds are added《 Newly revised materia medica 》Add. If there was another Bielu containing more than 700 kinds of drugs before that, and this book was written by Tao Hongjing after he finished the Jizhu, he said that famous doctors attached sutras, because the Jizhu was limited to 365 kinds, it would be inexhaustible Data compilation be published in book form Then the drugs《 Newly revised materia medica 》Must be collected, but 120 new drugs are not indicated to be from《 Alternative record 》。
3 Why Tao Hongjing compiled a book with repeated contents? Through the comparison of the two volumes of this book, we found that Jizhu almost contains《 Alternative record 》There are also more detailed notes on Dow. The difference is that there are 48 drugs with "You" words in Bielu, and several drugs are different. The author believes that these differences are not the original appearance, but the problem of data processing when compiling. Since Tao has compiled Jizhu, why should he compile a Bielu with the same content as Jizhu? If it is for 48 "you" words and several different drugs, then these 44( Borneol , fish branch Fish skin 4 kinds of drugs attached to Ji Zhu (Ji Zhu), Ke Ji Yun Tai (Ji Zhu) are not included) "You" words can be added to the corresponding drug articles in Ji Zhu, and different drugs can also be treated by appendixes and consolidation, so as not to compile another book.
Tao Hongjing explained in the preface of Jizhu:《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》Three grades, 365 together, are the main products, and also the famous medical accessories, 365 together, 730 kinds ". It is clearly explained here that Jizhu is a combination of the medicine of the "Benjing" and the medicine of the "famous doctor's supplement". The preface of Jiayou Materia Medica: "The old scriptures are only three volumes, and there are 365 kinds of medicines to stop them. They lived in seclusion in Liang Tao and became famous doctors again Alternative record There are also 365 kinds of notes, which are divided into seven volumes. This is the "supplement of famous doctors" in Daoming's "Ji Zhu", that is, "other records of famous doctors". New Tang Dynasty Book Yu Zhining It is mentioned in the biography that Yu Zhining answered the emperor's question and said, "Those who have not been recorded since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Wu Pu Li Dangzhi It is recorded that the shape and color of the flowers and leaves are used to assist the envoys to meet the needs. The sutras are attached to the sutras, so the grand view is recorded together. This also shows that the "supplement of famous doctors" in Jizhu is "other records".
Through comparison and questioning, we can see that Bielu is not a separate medicine book. In the preface of Jiayou Materia Medica, it is clearly stated that: "Those who have entered Tao's seclusion are called famous doctors.".


The cursive script of medical experts in previous dynasties used to treat the root causes, combining the drugs in the "Book of Songs" with《 Alternative record 》The two different words for medicinal use are expressed in color because Jizhu is composed of drugs in the Book of Songs and drugs in Bielu. Otherwise, it is difficult to distinguish between them. Kaibao Herb 》Preface: "Mr. Liang Zhenbai, Tao Hongjing refers to his" Book of Songs "with" Bielu ", Zhu Mo miscellaneous books Time means understanding ". [2] In order to make the medicine in Bielu different from that in the Book of Materia Medica, the word "Bielu" has been prominently expressed in the herbal books of all dynasties, which is one of the reasons why Bielu was mistaken for a separate book.
The argument between Bie Lu and Ji Zhu should end. Broadly speaking, Bielu and Jizhu are the same book; In a narrow sense, Bie Lu refers to the second half of Ji Zhu. However, the "Bielu" mentioned before by Tao Hongjing in the Liang Dynasty in his Jizhu refers to Wei-Jin period During the period, many famous doctors added materials in the "Benjing", that is, "the supplement of famous doctors", or "attaching classics as saying". This conclusion should be attributed to Shang Zhijun Mr. A's painstaking work of collecting lost information. If the two editions of Bielu and Jizhu were not published, this mystery would be difficult to clarify and the debate would be difficult to stop.