One of the Western Mythology Systems
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synonym Ancient Greek mythology (One of the Western Mythology Systems) Generally refers to Greek Mythology (One of the Western Mythology Systems)
Greek mythology (in Greek: ε λ λ ην I κ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. [1]
Greek mythology is primitive Gentile society It is the earliest literary form in Europe. It came into being in the 8th century BC. It formed a basic scale on the basis of the long-term oral transmission of the ancient Greek aborigines and the use of myths spread to Greece and other countries. Later Homer Of《 Homer Epic 》And Hesiod Of《 Divine Scripture 》And ancient Greek poetry, drama, history, philosophy, etc Myth Story , which is divided into two parts: the story of God and the legend of heroes.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Greek: ε λ ην I κ                  58879
English: Greek mythology
Molding time
8th century BC
ancient Greek And the ancient Roman cultural circle
Important literature
Homer's epics, divinities, Greek myths, etc
Main God
Zeus Poseidon Hera Demeter etc.
Main Heroes
Heracles Perseus Achilles Hector etc.




Paris and Helen
Mythological narration plays an important role in almost every Greek literature. Nevertheless, Pseudo Apollodorus《 Library 》( Bibliotheca )It is the only collection of Greek myths preserved from the ancient Greek period. This work contains a large number of original materials about Greek mythology (such as the genealogy of the gods), mainly hero mythology, which is an important document for modern scholars to study ancient Greek mythology. In ancient times, this work was believed to have lived in Athens between 180 and 120 BC Apollodoros However, it has been proved that this is a pseudonymous work or a character of the same name. In fact, it was written in the 2nd century AD. Therefore, it is customary to call the author of this book "Pseudo Apollodoros".
The earliest references are Homer's two epics:《 Iliad 》And《 Odyssey 》。 In addition, the epics in this area are all attributed to Epic Cycle, but these works have been lost, and now there are only sporadic fragments and paraphrases. There is a group of epic poems that praise the gods or sing about the deeds of gods. They are called "Homeric Hymns", but they have nothing to do with Homer lyric A hymn handed down from the early period. [2] Hesiod, a poet of Homer's basic contemporaneous period, comprehensively recorded the formation of the world, the gods, Titan And the origin of the giant in early Greek mythology as well as detailed genealogies, folk legends, and myths of human disease history. Hesiodian《 Works and Days 》It systematically recorded the knowledge of agricultural production at that time, showing a peaceful and beautiful rural life scene. It includes descriptions of Prometheus, Pandora and five eras. These poems give advice and panorama of the best way of life in that dangerous period. [1]
Lyric poems often use myths as the background, but their descriptions often deviate from the facts and add more authors' fantasies. The more famous lyric poets in ancient Greece include Pindar Becryades Simonides And pastoral poets Theocritos Their works contain a lot of mythical elements. [3] In addition, mythology is also the central theme of classical Athenian drama. Three Tragedies Aeschylus Sophocles and Euripides Most tragedies of mythological age Of heroes and Troy War For the background. Many famous tragic stories (such as Agamemnon and his children, Oedipus, Jason and Medea) have been used as the theme of classical tragedy. Comedian Aristophane He also took mythology as the theme of his works "Birds" and "Frogs". [2]
historian Herodotus and Theodorus And geographers Pausanias and Strabo All of them have traveled across Greece. They have recorded the stories they heard along the way. Their records have proved that there are a large number of unknown versions of myths and legends in different regions. [3] Herodotus, in particular, studied a large number of traditions and discovered many historical or mythological roots of Greece and the East. He also tried to reconcile these origins to blend different cultural concepts.
Greek civilization and ancient Roman poetry are more literary and artistic. Nevertheless, it still contains many important details lost in other works. These works mainly include:
  1. one
    Roman poets: Ovid (《 Chronology 》), Statius , Gaius, Seneca and Virgil As well as the works and notes of Selvius;
  2. two
    Poets in recent ancient Greece: works of Nonus, Antoninus Leiblaris and Quintus Smyrnaeus;
  3. three
    Hellenistic period Poets of Apollonius Kalimacos , works of pseudo Eratosthene and Badini;
  4. four
    ancient Greek And the novelist of ancient Rome: Epulias, Petronius , Lorianus and Heliodoros Works.
  5. five
    Roman writers, such as Aenus, regarded fabrication and astronomy as the two most important outlines of mythology. old Philostratos And the imagination of little Philostratos and the description of Callistratos are the other two sources of myth.
  6. six
    Finally, Anobius and some Byzantium Greek writers perfected the details of mythology based on early Greek works that are now untested. The preserved books of these myths include the Suda dictionary of Hesikios and the monographs of John Tayzer and Eustacius. Christianity Quote Greek mythology for enlightenment: ἐ νπα ντ ὶ μ ῳ κα ὶ τ ὸ Δα δδ≤ λ ο νμ ὸ/en panti muth ō i kai to Daidalou musos ("Every myth has Daedalus "). Sudais, who is knowledgeable, believes that the image of Daedalus is consistent with Pacifi's Poseidon The "evil interest" of the transformed bull: "Since the origin and fault of these demons are attributed to Daedalus, and he is hated by them, he has become the protagonist of the proverbs."
Most ancient Greek myths or legends originate from ancient Greek literature, including, for example, Iliad and Odyssey in Homer's Epic, and Hesiod's Work and Time and Divine Manual, archaic period The pseudonymous Homer Ode and other classic works, as well as Aeschylus Sophocles And Euripides.
Greek mythology originates from ancient Aegean civilization , and China Shang and Zhou Dynasties There are some similarities between civilizations. They are the ancestors of Western civilization, with outstanding nature and extraordinary imagination. In that primitive era, they felt mysterious and difficult about natural phenomena and human life and death, so they kept fantasizing and pondering. In their imagination, everything in the universe has life. However, after the invasion of the Aegean civilization by the Dorians, they had to expand their living space due to the overpopulation of the Greek Peninsula. At this time, they worshipped heroes, which produced many national hero stories intertwined with people and gods. These stories of people, gods and things created by people, through the tempering of time, are collectively called "Greek mythology" by historians, and between the 11th and 12th century BC to the 7th and 8th century BC are called“ mythological age ”。 At first, fairy tales were handed down by word of mouth. It was not until the seventh century BC that Homer, the great poet, recorded them in Epic.

Archaeological certificate

19th Century German Legendary Archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann Discovered Mycenaean civilization And 20th century British archaeologists Arthur Evans Discovered by Sir Crete Of Minoan civilization They all provide explanations for a large number of questions raised about Homer's epic poems, and also provide archaeological evidence for many details about the myths of gods and heroes. Unfortunately, Mycenae and Minos' immortal evidence of myths and rituals Linear B The scroll of is mainly used to record the inventory, although there are many names of gods and heroes in it.
In the geometric design of pottery in the 8th century BC, many people besieged the city with Troy or Heracles The theme is adventure. The importance of the visual expression of these myths is shown in two aspects: first, many Greek myths appeared on today's pottery far earlier than written records, such as the twelve achievements of Heracles. Only the capture of Cerberus has written records of the same era as pottery, and other written records are later than Pottery Painting; Secondly, pottery design sometimes even depicts some myths or scenes that do not have written records. Sometimes the first-hand record of a fairy story comes from geometric art, but when it appears in today's written records, it is often several centuries later.
During the Ancient Wind Period (about 750 to 500 BC), the Classical Greek Period (about 480 to 323 BC) and the Hellenistic Period (about 323 to 146 BC), Homer style and many other mythological scenes emerged in large numbers, which were confirmed by written records. The Apollo Sun Temple was discovered by archaeology in 2002.

The difference between God and man

In Greek mythology, the gods and people are alike. They have not only the beauty of human body, but also the seven emotions and six desires of people. They know how to be happy, angry, sad, and participate in human activities. The difference between God and man is only that the former lives forever without death; The latter has a limited life, with birth, aging, illness and death. The gods in Greek mythology have distinct personality, without asceticism and rarely with mysticism. The beauty of Greek mythology is that God still has a destiny, still trapped by love, and will do bad things for his own interests. Therefore, Greek mythology is not only the soil of Greek literature, but also has a profound impact on later European literature.

Main deity


The gods of the early dynasties

Primitive gods are ancient creation gods that represent the world. They are listed in the order of birth:
There are different versions of Greek mythology. The birth order of the gods is different in each version. There are also some gods that are not found in other versions (such as the god of time Kronos And the goddess of number Anangke It is the unique god of the Orpus sect. God of Chaos chaos As the original god, there was no father or mother, while the Orpus sect believed that Kaos was the child of Kronos. Eurynomor She is the daughter of Okeanos, the god of oceans and rivers. She is an ordinary sea fairy, Pilaki People regard her as the creator of the world.
Here we take Hesiod's "Divine Manual", which is the most widely spread at present, as the standard:
chaos (Khaos/Chaos)
The heaven and earth are not shaped, and those who cover everything and fill the world are actually one phase. Today's name is chaos Chaos first appeared in all things, and then Gaea, the mother of the earth, Tartarus, Eros, Erebus and Nyx were born. This is where the world begins.
Gaia (Gaea)
The earth goddess, the first generation god, was born after Caos. The mother of all things and the noumenon of the earth, she gave birth to the god Uranos, the sea god Pontus and the mountain god Ourea.
Then she gave birth to twelve Titans with the god Uranus, representing the first things in the world (sun, moon, heaven, earth, time, space, etc.), and five children with the sea god Pontos, representing different seas. She can be regarded as the mother of the gods (the ancestor of Olympus).
Tartaros (Tartarus)
The god of hell, born after Gaia, represents the underworld, the body of the underworld.
He was born under Gaia, and later he gave birth to Gaia's youngest son, Monster Typhon (Typhon)。 He is an invisible abyss, located at the bottom of the world. Since then, he has been the place to hold demons, monsters and some gods. Zeus imprisoned some Titans in Tartaros.
Eros (Eros)
The god of love, born after Tartaros, represents love, fertility and sexual desire. It was he who gave birth to the birth and love of the gods, and he was the embodiment of all lusts.
Erebus (Erebus)
The god of darkness was born after Tartaros. Nix's brother and husband, the embodiment and body of darkness, located between the earth and the dark earth, were the first places where the dead passed.
Nyx (Nyx)
The night goddess was born after Erebus. Erebus' sister and wife represent night. She not only gave birth to three children with her brother, but also gave birth to a large number of evil gods alone.
aether (Aether)
The god of space, the son of Erebus and Nix, Hermola's brother and husband, represents heaven.
Hermola (Hemera)
The goddess of the day, the daughter of Erebus and Nix, Etel's sister and wife, represents the day.
Ulanos (Uranus)
The first god king, the son and husband of Gaia, represented the sky.
Pontos (Pontus)
The first emperor of the sea, the son and lover of Gaia, and the husband of Talasa, represented the sea.
Talasa (Thalassa)
After the early sea, the original sea goddess, the daughter of Etel and Hermola, and the wife of Pontos.
Oure (Ourea)
Mountain god, the son of Gaia.

Second generation gods

The second generation of gods is only the Titans.
First generation Titan
Cronus (Kronus)
King of Titans, the second generation of god king, the youngest and leader of the twelve Titans. Rhea's husband.
Okeanos (Oceanus)
The god of the Ocean River, the eldest son of the twelve Titans, the husband of Tethys, the father of three thousand river gods and three thousand ocean gods.
Sepperion (Hyperion)
The ancient sun god, Tea's husband, father of Helios, Selene and Eos.
Coeus (Coeus)
The god of the Milky Way, the husband of Phoebe, the father of Leto and Asteria.
Cleos (Crius)
Celestial god, husband of Eurybia, father of Astraeus, Perseus and Pallas.
Iapertos (Iapetus)
The ancestor of mankind, the husband of Clymene, and the father of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menotius.
Ruiya (Rhea)
Earth Mother, the second generation god, the wife of Cronus.
Tethys (Tethys)
The goddess of the sea, the first queen of the sea, and the wife of Okeanos.
Theia (Theia)
The ancient goddess of light, the wife of Hypolion, and the mother of Helios, Selene, and Eos.
Phoebe (Phoebe)
The oracle goddess, mainly in charge of the Delphi oracle, the wife of Koos, and the mother of Leto and Asteria.
themis (Themis)
The goddess of law, Zeus's second wife, is the mother of the three goddesses of timing and fate.
Moneymore (Mnemosyne)
The goddess of memory, the fifth wife of Zeus and the mother of the Muses.
Second generation Titan
Helios (Helios)
The sun god, the son of Hypolion and Thea, is a twin brother and sister of Selene.
Selene (Selene)
The goddess of the moon, the daughter of Hypolion and Thea, and the twin brother and sister of Helios.
Eos (Eos)
The goddess of the dawn, the daughter of Hypolion and Thea, and the wife of Astraeus.
Leto (Leto)
The goddess of breeding, the daughter of Coos and Phoebe, the sixth wife of Zeus, and the mother of Apollo and Artemis.
Asteria (Asteria)
Meteor goddess, the daughter of Cous and Phoebe, and the wife of Perseus.
Astraeus (Astraios)
The god of stars, the son of Cleos and Eurybia, and the husband of Eos.
Perseus (Perses)
The god of destruction, the son of Cleos and Eurybia, and the husband of Asteria.
Palas (Pallas)
The god of war, the son of Cleos and Eurybia, and the husband of Styx.
Atlas (Atlas)
Optimus, the son of Iapetus and Clumene, was punished to heaven for his failure to resist Zeus.
Prometheus (Prometheus)
The god of the prophets, the son of Iapetus and Clymene, the creator and protector of mankind.
Epimetheus (Epimetheus)
The god of hindsight, the son of Iapetus and Clymene, is the most stupid god.
Menotius (Menoetius)
The god of arrogance, the son of Iapetus and Clymene, and the shepherd of the Hades.
The third generation Titan
Hecat (Hecate)
The goddess of the road and night, the only daughter of Asteria and Perseus.
Estraia (Astraia)
The goddess of justice and the stars, the daughter of Astraeus and Eos.
Hesperos (Hesperus)
God of the white star, son of Astraeus and Eos.
Fosphorus (Phosphorus)
The god of enlightenment, the son of Astraeus and Eos.
Niche (Nike)
The goddess of victory, the daughter of Pallas and Styx.
The fierce god, the son of Pallas and Styx.
Zelus (Ζῆλος)
The god of passion, the son of Pallas and Styx.
Kratos (Cratos)
God of strength, son of Pallas and Styx.

Three generation gods

The third generation gods are only Olympus.
Zeus (Δ /, Zeus) (Emperor of Heaven, Universe, Thunder)
Twelve main gods of Olympus The first, the third generation god king, the god of heaven and thunder. The third son of Cronus and Rhea, whose symbols are eagle, oak, throne and mountain peak; His favorite sacrifice is a female goat and a white bull whose horn is painted gold.
Hera (Ἥ ρα, Hera) (days later, marriage, childbirth)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, Tian Tian, is in charge of marriage and fertility. The third daughter of Cronus and Rhea, the third sister of Zeus and the seventh wife (the main house). The sky was Hera's radiant face. The symbols are cuckoo, lion, lily, etc. The theory of peacock is unique to Roman mythology. This bird with colorful feathers and stars is a symbol of the beautiful and spectacular night sky.
Poseidon (Πο σ ε δδν, Poseidon) (Neptune, ocean, horse, marine organism)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the emperor of the sea and the god of the sea. Cronus and Rhea's second son, horse and cow, are his sacred objects. He likes horses very much and also created horses. Therefore, after he ruled the sea, he changed several horses into fish horse hybrids with tail fins. In this way, they also pull a cart for him in the water.
Demeter (Δ δητρα, Demeter) (agriculture, grain, harvest)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the goddess of agriculture, the second daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and the second sister and fourth wife of Zeus. She and Zeus gave birth to the afterlife Persephone. She gives life to the earth. It can make the land fertile, the plants flourish, the crops grow well, and the land wither, everything withers, and nothing grows. It can make people have inexhaustible wealth, and at the same time, it can make people destitute and destitute.
Hephaestus (Ἥ φ αδσ το, Hephaistos) (flame, casting, manual)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the god of fire, the god of forging and craftsmanship, the patron god of blacksmiths, and the son of Zeus and Hera. He is good at building temples, making various weapons and metal articles with superb skills, and is known as the ancestor of craftsmen and the patron saint of forging. In Limnos, Sicily and other islands, he was initially regarded as the god of earth fire. It is said that he was forging iron when the earth roared and the volcano erupted.
Apollo (A πό λ λ ων, Apollo) (light, prophecy, art, poetry and medicine)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the god of light, the god of oracle, the god of music and poetry, the son of Zeus and Leto, the eldest son of all the children of Zeus, and the twin sister and brother of Artemis, the goddess of hunting. It is one of the protectors of human civilization, and has the most remarkable ability of prophecy. Sometimes in the 5th century BC Helios confuse. The laurel tree is his holy wood, and his favorite pets are dolphins and crows.
Ares (Ἄ ρη, Ares) (war, war, warrior spirit, chariot race)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the god of war, the son of Zeus and Hera. The god of strength and bravery represents the cruelty and blood in the war and the disaster of human beings. The vulture is his holy bird, and his pet is the bird of Steenfalo Lake. Some people think it is a hunting dog.
Athena (Ἀ Ἀνη, Athena) (wisdom, art, needlework)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the goddess of wisdom, one of the three goddesses, and the daughter of Zeus and Metis. The patron saint of female labor, the goddess of music writing and war dancing, the goddess of spinning technology, gardening, navigation, court, military strategy, and talent. The olive tree is her holy wood, and the snake, owl, spindle, and gown are also her holy objects.
Artemis (Ἄ ρτ ε μ∨, Artemis) (hunting, nature, wild animals)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the goddess of hunting, the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo, the god of light. One of the three goddesses, the goddess of nature and mountains, caves, wild animals, wilderness, the goddess of breeding and newborn babies, the goddess of plague death and recovery, the early fertility goddess, sometimes associated with Selene confuse. Cypress is her holy wood, deer and hounds are her favorite pets.
Aphrodite (Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ) (beauty, love, libido)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the goddess of love and beauty, was born in the waves of the sea, with white porcelain skin, blond hair and blue eyes, and the perfect figure and appearance of ancient Greek women. It symbolizes the beauty of women and is considered the highest symbol of female body beauty. Myrtle is her sacred tree, dove is her love bird. Swans and sparrows are also favored.
Hermes (Ἑ ρμ ῆ, Hermes)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the messenger, mainly serves Zeus, the son of Zeus and Maia. The god of commerce, market, tourism, traffic, the god of travellers and thieves, and the extradition of the underworld are agile and elegant, wearing sandals with wings, wearing a low hat with wings, and holding a golden wand coiled by two snakes.
Dionysus (Δόόό νόό, Dionysus) (wine, grape, carnival)
He succeeded Hestia as one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the god of wine, drama, banquet and harvest. The son of Zeus and Semele. Except for Athena's unborn brother Boros Dionysus was the son of the second Zeus who was predicted to be the next god king. It has a dual personality. It can bring happiness and intoxication, but it is also cruel and irritable - just like wine.
Hestia (Hestia) (stove, flame)
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, he gave his place to Dionysus. The goddess of fire, the goddess of family, the first daughter of Cronus and Rhea. One of the three goddesses, she has the power to control all the stoves in the world. She has a very high position. She is the chief of all the goddesses in Olympus and can share the golden throne of Zeus with Hera.
Hades (Ἅ δη, Hades) (hell, death, ghost)
In some versions, he is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus (Eleusismith), but he is generally excluded because he is the ruler of the underworld and does not live on Olympus Mountain. Hades, god of hell. The first son of Cronus and Rhea, in charge of human death, the souls of the underworld sometimes send plague to humans. The elder brother of Zeus and Poseidon. I like black best, and my favorite sacrifice is black ewe or black bull wrapped in black gauze. Poplar is his sacred tree.

Secondary deity


General term of combination

Oniri (Onirii)
God of dreams
The sons of Nix and Hupnos, 3000 in total, are the embodiment of all dreams.
Bothamus (Potamoes)
River god
The three thousand sons of Okeanos and Thetis, who were in charge of all the rivers.
Ochianides (Oceanides)
Ocean Goddess
The three thousand daughters of Okeanos and Thetis were in charge of all the oceans.
Animii (Anemoi)
Four wind gods
The son of Astraeus and Eos, the god of the north wind Boreas , Nanfeng God Notus Dongfeng God Oros He Zephyr Chevalier Ross
The god of stars
The number of the sons of Astraeus and Eos is unknown.
Merriades (Meliades
Three Goddesses of Ash
Born from the blood of Uranus; Commissioned by Rhea, Zeus was raised. They belong to the Goddess of Nature. They are warlike by nature. The barrel of spear made by human beings is ash tree.
Erinius (Erinnyes)
The Three Goddesses of Vengeance
Born from the blood of Uranus; They are Alecto, Megaera and Tisiphone.
Caritas (Graces)
The Three Goddesses of Beauty
Daughter of Zeus and Eurynomor; The singers and dancers of the gods mainly serve Aphrodite and bring beauty to the world. namely Agria (Aglaia, goddess of glory), Euphroshne (Euphrosyne, goddess of joy), Talia (Thalia, goddess of feast). Among them, Agria is the wife of Hephaestus.
Moirai (Moirae)
Three Goddesses of Destiny
The daughter of Zeus and Themis; In charge of destiny. namely Clotho (Clotho, the spinner of destiny), Lachesis (Lachesis, the distributor of destiny), Atropos (Atropos, the terminator of fate).
Horae (Horae)
1. The three goddesses of time sequence: the daughter of Zeus and Themis, in charge of natural order; namely Dice (Dike, Justice), Onomia (Eunomia, order), Erine (Eirene, Peace).
2. Three Goddesses of the Season: daughter of Helios and Selene, respectively Tarot (Thallo, goddess of spring), auxo (Auxo, goddess of summer), Kalbo (Carpo, goddess of autumn).
Muse (Muses)
Goddess of art
The nine daughters of Zeus and Monemosyne; namely Calliope (Calliope, epic), Cleo (Clio, history), Urania (Urania, astronomy), Melbourne (Melpomene, tragedy), Talia (Thalia, pastoral poem), Telpusicore (Terpsichord, dance), Erato (Erato, love poem), Polyhumania (Polyhymnia, hymn), Otelpe Euterpe.
Nereides (Nereids)
Sea Fairy
The fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris, who are mainly in charge of the Mediterranean. The famous ones are: Amphitrite As the wife of Neptune Poseidon, Tethys She is the mother of Achilles, the great hero.
Nayades (Naiades)
Mainly in charge of fresh water, springs, lakes, streams, etc. The famous ones are: Aegina As the mother of hero Iakos, Eurydice The wife of Orpheus, the hero.
Deluades (Dryades)
Forest Fairy
The fairy who protects and manages the forest trees, and the maid of Artemis. The famous ones are: Xu Renke , pursued by Pan Shen.
Oriades (Oreades)
Mountain Fairy
The fairy in charge of mountains and caves, and the maid of Artemis. The famous ones are: Erco The sad death turned into the echo of the mountain forest.
Lampardes (Lampades)
Hell Fairy
When night falls, they hold a torch to carry out a ceremony with them or invite ghosts, the maid of Hecarte.
Heliades (Heliades)
Sunlight Three Goddesses
The daughter of Helios. They are Eguale (Brilliant), Egele (Brilliant), AETERIA (Sunny).
Hesperides (Hesperides)
Twilight Three Goddesses
The daughter of Hesperos. Be responsible for guarding the golden apple tree that Gaia gave to Hera as a wedding gift. They are: Egler (afterglow), Errutia (red glow), Hesperaritosa (dusk).
Xu Addes (Hyades)
Bi Xingtuan Seven Goddess
The daughter of Atlas and Ploigne. They are: Ambrosia, Eudore, Pedile, Coronis, Polyxo, Phyto, and Thyone.
Pleiades (Pleiades)
Pleiades Seven Goddesses
The daughter of Atlas and Ploigne. They are Electra, Maia, Taygete, Alcyone, Merope, Celaeno, and Sterope. among Maia Is the mother of Hermes.
Alcoonides (Alcyonides)
Kingfisher Seven Goddess
The daughter of the giant Alcoynius, their father was killed by Heracles in the battle of giants, so the seven sisters were overcome with grief and threw themselves into the sea. Later, after being pitied by the sea king, Amphitrite turned into a kingfisher.
Telkanes (Telchines)
The nine gods born to Pontos and Talasa were entrusted by Rhea to raise Poseidon.
Guigantes (Gigantes)
Snakefoot Giant
There are 150 people born from the blood of Ulanos. The leader is Alcoynius and Bolferion , was defeated in the war with Olympus and was sent to hell.
Cookrops (Cyclopes)
They are respectively: Brontes (β τ ντη, lightning), Stelopes (∑τε ρ πη, lightning), Argos (Ἄ ργ η, flash).
Heca and Chris (Hecatoncheires)
A hundred armed giant
They are respectively: Briareus (β ρτ≤ ρε ώ, strong), Kotos (ό ττό, hostile, jealous), Gugos (Γό, a piece of land).

Sea boundary

Amphitrite (Amphitrite)
After the sea, the daughter of Nereus and Doris, one of the sea fairies, and the wife of Poseidon.
Triton (Triton)
Prince of the Sea, the only son of Poseidon and Amphitrite.
Halia (Halia)
The sea nymph, the daughter of Pontos and Talasa.
Tethys (Thetis)
One of the sea fairies, the daughter of Nereus and Doris, the wife of the hero Peleus, and the mother of the hero Achilles.
Eurybia (Eurybia)
The daughter of Pontos and Gaia, the power of the sea, and the wife of Cleos.
Nereus (Nierus)
Son of Pontos and Gaia, the sea is friendly.
Doris (Doris)
The goddess of rich fishing grounds and pure water, one of the ocean gods, and the wife of Nereus.
Thaumas (Thaumas)
Son of Pontos and Gaia, a wonder of the sea.
One of the sea goddess, the wife of Thomas.
Forcus (Phorcys)
The son of Pontos and Gaia, the anger of the sea.
Cattle (Ceto)
The daughter of Pontos and Gaia, the danger of the sea, and the wife of Forcus.

The underworld

Persephone (Persephone)
After death, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, the wife of Hades.
Charon (Charon)
He is the son of Erebus and Nix.
Tanatos (Thanatos)
Death, the son of Nix.
Shupnos (Hypnus)
Sleeping God, the son of Nix.
Minos (Minos)
One of the three judges of the underworld, responsible for judging thought, the son of Zeus and Europa.
Ladamandis (Rhadamanthys)
One of the three judges of the underworld, responsible for judging speech, the son of Zeus and Europa.
Iacos (Aeacus)
One of the three judges of the underworld, responsible for judging acts, the son of Zeus and Eguina.
Fabatore (Φοβητώρ)
One of the three great dream gods in the underworld, the dream god who is in charge of "dreams of beasts", is the son of Shupnos.
Morpheus (Μορφέας)
One of the three great dream gods in the underworld, the dream god in charge of "human posture dreams", and the son of Shupnos.
Fontasus (Φαντασός)
One of the three great dream gods in the underworld, the dream god in charge of "dreams in the form of objects", and the son of Shupnos.
Makaria (Macaria)
The goddess of rest, the daughter of Hades and Persephone.
Melinoue (Melinoe)
The goddess of the dead, the daughter of Zeus and Persephone.
Zagreos (Zagreos)
Horn god, son of Hades and Persephone.


Typhon (Typhon)
Born to Gaia and Tartarus, Gaia's youngest son, a terrifying monster, and the father of demons.
Ekadna (Echidna)
Half man and half snake monster; Tifeng's wife, the mother of demons.
Haidera (Hydra)
The nine headed serpent born to Typhon and Ehudna is also called the Great Serpent because it lives in the marsh of Leerna.
Ladon (Ladon)
A hundred dragons, born to Tiphon and Ehudna, guard the golden apple tree.
Scura (Scylla)
The sea demon between Italy and the Strait of Sicily, born of Tiffany and Eckardona.
Cerberus (Cerberus)
The three headed dog of hell born by Tycoon and Eckard guarded the gate of hell.
Orthrus Orthru
The monster born to Typhon and Eckard has two heads and a snake tail.
chimera (Chimaera)
The sphinx and sheep monster born to Tiphon and Eckard breathed fire and was finally killed by Bellerophon.
Sphinx (Sphinx)
The Sphinx, born of Othus the double headed dog and Chimera, went to Tebai to kill his father because of Oedipus.
Nimea Lion (Nemean Lion)
The giant lion, born to the two headed dog Othus and Chimera, is particularly vicious, greedy and cannibal.
Gorgons (Gorgons)
The three female monsters with snake hair, the three monster daughters born to Falcus and Keto, of which Medusa One of Poseidon's lovers.
Graeae (Graeae)
The three white haired banshees, three monster daughters born to Forcus and Keto, share one eye and one tooth.
Siren (Siren)
River god Acheroos Our daughters. They lived on an island, lured and killed sailors passing by with their songs.
Pergasos (Pegasus)
Poseidon was born with Medusa. When Perseus cut off Medusa's head, he jumped out with Chrysaor.
Chrysaol (Chrysaor)
The monster born to Poseidon and Medusa, the brother of Pegasus.
Minotaur (Minotaur)
The minotaur in Crete likes to eat human flesh, especially children; The famous Crete Maze was built for house arrest.
lamia (Lamia)
The half human and half snake banshee living in the underworld is famous for hunting children.
Halpier (Harpy)
The number of harpies is uncertain, ranging from 1 to 5.

Other gods

Eris (Eris)
The goddess of strife, the daughter of Nix, and one of Zeus' lovers.
Moros (Morus)
The god of misfortune and destiny is the son of Nix.
CeReS (Ceres)
Ghosts and gods, the daughter of Nix.
Momus (Momus)
The god of ridicule, condemnation and satire, the son of Nix.
Carl (Ker)
God of destruction, son of Nix.
Oizys (Oizys)
The god of poverty, sadness and anxiety, the daughter of Nix.
Nemesis (Nemesis)
The goddess of retribution, the daughter of Nix.
Apate (Apate)
The god of deception, the daughter of Nix.
Philotis (Philotes)
The god of sexual desire and lewdness, the daughter of Nix.
geras (Geras)
The god of aging, the daughter of Nix.
kakia (Cacia)
Goddess of evil virtue, daughter of Nix.
Eurynomos (Eurynomos)
The god of corruption, the son of Nix.
Styx (Styx)
The Goddess of Oath is also the goddess in charge of the Styx River, the eldest daughter of the Ocean Goddess, and the wife of Pallas.
Clumene (Clymene)
The goddess of fame, one of the goddess of the ocean, is the wife of Iapetus.
Pacitia (Pasithea)
Goddess of Elegance, one of the Oceanic Goddesses, is the wife of Hupnos.
Metis (Metis)
The goddess of wisdom and reflection, one of the goddess of the oceans, the first wife of Zeus, and the mother of Athena and Polos.
Eurynomor (Eurynome)
The goddess of water grass pasture, one of the ocean goddess, the third wife of Zeus, and the mother of the three beautiful goddess.
Perseis (Perseis)
The goddess of combustion, one of the goddess of the ocean, is the wife of Helios.
Ploigne (Pleione)
The goddess of Mount Kilini in Alcadia, one of the goddess of the oceans, and the wife of Atlas.
PRONOYA (Pronoea)
The Goddess of Vision, one of the Goddess of the Ocean, is the wife of Prometheus.
Philyra (Philyra)
Goddess of perfume and writing, one of the ocean gods, lover of Cronus, born centaur chiron
Clutia (Clytie)
The sunflower goddess, one of the ocean gods, is the lover of Helios.
nephele (Nephele)
The goddess of the clouds, one of the goddess of the oceans, is the wife of Athamas, the king of Boethia.
Tyche (Tyche)
Lucky Goddess, one of the Ocean Goddesses.
Leuce (Leuke)
Poplar Goddess, one of the Ocean Goddesses, is Hades' lover.
Ate (Ate)
The goddess of enchantment, the daughter of Zeus and Eris, the eldest daughter of all the children of Zeus, and the goddess who seduces or drives the gods insane.
Boros (Poros)
The god of opportunity and creation, the son of Zeus and Mephis, and the brother of Athena, was predicted to overthrow Zeus and become the fourth generation god king. Zeus swallowed up Mephis before he was born, so Polos was not born.
Herb (Hebe)
The goddess of youth, the daughter of Zeus and Hera, is the cupbearer of Mount Olympus and the wife of Hercules.
Eltya (Eileithyia)
The midwife, the daughter of Zeus and Hera.
Eni Russia (Enyo)
Goddess of war and destruction, daughter of Zeus and Hera.
Heracles (Heracles)
Hercules, once one of Argo's heroes, was the son of Zeus and Alcmene.
Asclepios (Asclepius)
The god of medicine, the son of Apollo and Thessaly Princess Kolonis.
Hermonia (Harmonia)
The goddess of harmony and harmony, the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, and the wife of the hero Cadmus.
Deimos (Deimos)
The god of fear, the son of Ares and Aphrodite, often accompanied his father Ares to the battlefield.
Phoebus (Phobos)
The god of terror, the son of Ares and Aphrodite, often accompanies his brother Demos.
Eros (Eros)
The god of love, commonly known as the little god of love, is the son of Ares and Aphrodite; Personality is "giving love", and his "weapon" is magic javelin or bow and arrow. The person who is shot will have an uncontrollable love for the first opposite sex he sees.
Antelos (Anteros)
The god of love, the son of Ares and Aphrodite, often accompanies his brother Eros; Contrary to his brother Eros, his personality is to "repay love".
Schmenaeus (Hymenaios)
The god of marriage, the son of Dionysus and Aphrodite.
Priapus (Priapus)
The god of procreation, the son of Dionysus and Aphrodite.
Hermaphrodites (Ἑρμαφρόδιτος)
The bisexual god, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite.
Acheroos (Achelous)
The river god, the son of Okeanos and Tethys, is the longest among all the sons.
Skamandros (Scamander)
One of the river gods; It appeared in the Trojan War.
Chloris (Chloris)
Goddess of Nature, the wife of Zephyrus, the god of the west wind.
Irias (Iris)
Rainbow goddess, the messenger of Olympus; Daughter of Thomas and Electra.
Arce (Arce)
Neon goddess, messenger of Titan God; Iris's twin sister.
Pan (Pan)
Faun, the son of Hermes, is an excellent composer and flute player. She often dances with the fairies in the mountains.
Ker carving (Circe)
The witch goddess, the daughter of Helios and Perseus, is a powerful sorceress who can turn people into livestock.
Calypso (Calypso)
The goddess of the sea, the daughter of Atlas and Ploigne; Fell in love with mortal heroes Odysseus , but Zeus failed to marry him due to his obstruction.
Luchetia (Leucothea)
The goddess of the sea, Poseidon saved Odysseus after he broke his ship.
Amartya (Amalthea)
The sea fairy has a horn from which to take food. After Hercules broke the horn of Acheros, the river god, she gave one of her own to Acheros.

Human era

Greek poets Hesiod When describing human society, the four metals of gold, silver, copper and iron, whose values are gradually devalued, are used to name the different periods of human history that are increasingly degraded.

golden age

The first generation of human beings created by God is the human beings of the golden age. At that time Cronus (the father of Zeus) ruled the world in heaven. This generation of human beings has no disease or aging. When they were alive, they did not have to work. The earth gave them everything they needed. When they died, they became merciful protectors, wandering in the clouds.
The golden age was destroyed by the ten year Titan War.

silver age

The period of the second generation of human beings created by God. In this era, Zeus shortened the spring and divided the four seasons. This generation of human beings has a hundred year old life. Most of them maintain the appearance of children. When they grow up, they will also die. They behaved recklessly, were rude and arrogant, had disputes with each other, and no longer offered sacrifices to gods. When they die, they can wander on the ground as demons.
The four seasons have been clearly defined, but human beings (still only men) have become confused. It's unreasonable to live at home for a hundred years. It's not easy to grow up, but the future is numbered. They were emotionally developed but intellectually deficient. They had disputes with each other and did not respect gods, so Zeus sent them to the dark underground kingdom. [5]

Bronze Age

The father Zeus created the third generation of mankind. This generation of human beings is cruel and tyrannical. They only know how to wage war and kill each other. When they died, they fell into the gloomy and terrible underworld.
The Bronze Age ended in the Great Flood. [4]

Heroic era

Also known as the demigod era. In this era, human beings are more just and noble than ever before. They are what the ancient people called demigod heroes. When they died in war and disaster, Zeus gave them Blissful Island to live and live there.

Black Iron Age

This generation of human beings is totally corrupt, greedy and arrogant, and advocates violence. To defy heaven, to deceive all living beings; Father is unkind, son is unfilial; Brothers are cruel to each other, but friends are unjust; When a liar gains power, he is good and wronged. Human life is full of evil, and God is sending new disasters. Astria, the goddess of justice, sadly covered her face with a white robe and fled the world forever, becoming a distant constellation of Virgo. On the earth, only the vengeance of pain and despair runs rampant, and chaos and disaster dominate this generation of human beings.

Famous people


Related figures

Sort by English name:
Achilles (Achilles)
The son of Peleus and Tethys, he is impenetrable, and his only weakness is his ankle; The greatest hero in the Trojan War.
Aeetes (Aeetes)
The son of Helios and Perseus, the brother of Pacifae and Kerche, and the father of Medea.
aegeus (Aegeus)
King of Athens, father of Theseus.
Eguptos (Aegyptus)
The son of Beros, the brother of Danaus, has 50 sons.
Aeneas (Aeneas)
The son of Aphrodite and one of the heroes of Troy.
Egypt and Russia (Aeolus)
The son of Heling, a friend of the gods, is in charge of all winds.
Agamemnon (Agamemnon)
Son of Atreus; Greek commander in the Trojan War.
Young Aas (Ajax)
The son of Oreus, a hero in the Trojan War.
Great Aas (Ajax)
The son of Telamon, a hero in the Trojan War.
Alkmene (Alcmene)
The wife of Amphitrion, king of Thebes, who was seduced by Zeus and gave birth to Hercules. After the death of Amphitryon, she married Radamandis
Alcetis (Alcestis)
The daughter of Pelias and the wife of Ademethos, who was famous for her loving husband, died when she volunteered to take his place.
Alcoone (Alcyone)
She is the daughter of Russia and the wife of Ceyux.
Ilion (Areion)
The son of Poseidon and Demeter is a god horse and can speak human language. It is also another name for Troy.
Amphitryon (Amphitryon)
King of Thebes, adopted father of Hercules. His wife is Alcmene.
Andromache (Andromache)
Hector's wife, known for her love for her husband.
Andromeda (Andromeda)
The wife of Perseus, who was promoted to andromeda
Antirocos (Antilochus)
One of the Greek generals who attacked Troy, famous for his handsome and brave, is one of Achilles' close friends.
Antigone (Antigone)
The daughter of Oedipus, king of Tebai, and his mother Iocaste.
Antiop (Antiope)
The daughter of King Thebes. Her beauty made Zeus, the main god, moved, and she was the mother of Pheon, the king of Tebai.
Ariadne (Ariadne)
The daughter of Minos and Parsifae, the wife of Dionysus, the god of wine
Atalante (Atalanta)
The daughter of Iasos and Clumene, a beautiful and wild female hunter.
Atamas (Athamus)
The son of Russia and Erneret, the king of Boethia, and the husband of the ocean goddess Nefele, abandoned his wife and married another, and persecuted his children.
Atreus (Atreus)
The son of Pelops and Hippodamia, the grandson of Tantalus.
Astianax (Astianax)
He is the son of Hector and Andromache. It is said that his mother fell from the broken city of Troy and died.
Esteparao (Astypalaea)
Beautiful woman on earth, Europa's sister, one of Poseidon's lovers.
Belus (Belus)
The king of Egypt, the son of Poseidon and Libya, the brother of Agnor, the Phoenician king, and the father of Danaus and Aeguptas.
Briseis (Briseis)
The famous beauty of Troy; Captured by Achilles, her beauty caused a disagreement between Greek generals.
Cadmus (Cadmus)
Phoenician prince, brother of Europa, founder of the city of Tebai.
Cassandra (Cassandra)
The daughter of Priam and Hechab; She was a prophetess who predicted the destruction of Troy.
Kenieus (Caeneus)
His real name was Kenneth, who was famous for her beauty. She was originally a female, but after being forcibly occupied by Poseidon, she asked Poseidon for an invulnerable male body, and finally became a hero of Lapitaine who died bravely in the war against human beings.
Keryux (Ceyx)
The son of Hesperos, the husband of Alcoyne, the king of Thessaly.
chiron (Chiron)
A centaur with both civil and military skills; The son of Cronus and Philola. The teacher of many Greek heroes.
Chrysaeus (Chryseis)
The daughter of Apollo priest in Troy, captured by Agamemnon, who refused to return her to her father, resulting in the revenge of the sun god.
Clytemnestra (Clytaemnestra)
Agamemnon's wife killed her husband, exiled her little daughter, and was finally killed by her son.
Colognes (Coronis)
Princess Thessaly, the daughter of Threguas, the king of Sali, gave birth to Asclepius, the god of medicine, with Apollo.
Kratos (Cretheus)
The son of Russia and Inarete, the city of Iokos was built.
Danae (Danae)
The beautiful woman on earth is one of Zeus' lovers and the mother of the great hero Perseus.
Danaus (Danaus)
The son of Egypt's King Burrows, he has 50 daughters.
Daedalus (Daedalus)
The most famous construction master in Greece, good at various techniques.
Demophon (Demofeng)
The second king of Athens, son of Theseus and Hydra. He participated in the Trojan War and participated in the Trojan War as an ambush sergeant.
Dikalion (Deucalion)
The son of Prometheus and Pronoah, the husband of Pila; They were the only two left when Zeus sent a flood to destroy mankind.
Diomedes (Diomedes)
A famous Greek hero in the Trojan War.
Endymion (Endymion)
The handsome son of Etrios, the most beloved lover of the moon goddess Selene.
Epaeus (Epeius)
The famous craftsman in the Greek army built a wooden horse.
Eriktus (Erechtheus)
King of Athens; The son of Gaia and Hephaestus, who was raised by Athena.
Uttercles (Eteocles)
The son of Oedipus and Iocaste, he resisted the attack on the Seven Nobles of Tebai and died at the hands of his brothers.
Europa (Europe)
Phoenician princess, one of Zeus's lovers, daughter of Phoenician king Agnor, mother of Minos and Ladamandis.
Eurystus (Eurystheus)
Perseus' grandson; Hercules was punished to do twelve great things for him.
Ganimedes (Ganymedes)
Zeus's lover, the only male pet, was promoted to aquarius
Hecuba (Hecuba)
Queen of Troy, mother of Hector and Cassandra. Troy was killed after it was destroyed.
Hector (Hector)
The son of Priam and Hecarb, the brother of Paris, the bravest hero of Troy, and the old enemy of Achilles.
Helen (Helen)
The daughter of Zeus and Leda, the world is unique; The wife of Menelaus; Abducted by Paris and triggered the Trojan War.
Herring (Hellen)
The son of Pyra and Diocalyon, a Greek, came from him.
Hesione (Hesione)
The sister of Priam, rescued from the sea monster by Heracles, married Telamon.
Hippolyte (Hippolyta)
Queen of Amazon, daughter of Ares, the first wife of Theseus.
Hippolytos (Hippolytus)
The son of Theseus and Hippolyte, he was cursed to fall in love with his stepmother because he pursued Artemis and despised Aphrodite.
Hippomenes (Hippomenes)
Atalante's husband asked Aphrodite for a golden apple in pursuit of his wife.
Huras (Hylas)
Hercules' favorite lover; The beautiful man was robbed by the water demon.
Sepernistra (Hypermnestra)
Daughter of Danaus and wife of Rinkos.
Jacintos (Hyacinthus)
Apollo's favorite lover; The son of the king of Sparta city, as beautiful as the gods on Mount Olympus, is also an excellent shooter.
Kalyke (Kalyke)
She is the daughter of Egypt and Russia. She married with Etryos, the king of Eris, and gave birth to Endymion, the lover of Selene, the goddess of the moon.
Laios (Laius)
King of Thebes, father of Oedipus.
Leda (Leda)
Zeus, queen of Sparta, was fascinated by her appearance. When she took a bath in the river, she turned into a swan and became close to her. She was the mother of Helen.
Icarus (Icarus)
The son of Daedalus died when he flew near the sun and fell into the water when he fled Crete with his father.
Io (Io)
The daughter of the river god, one of Zeus' lovers. Finally, she became the Egyptian goddess Isis.
Ixion (Ixion)
King Lapi of Thailand, the son of King Phleguas of Tesari, was bound to the wheel of the wheel and punished in the underworld forever because of his intention to be unreasonable to Hera.
Iacion (Jasion)
The son of Zeus and a sea goddess who was killed by Poseidon for his attempt to pursue Demeter, the agricultural goddess.
Iocaste (Jocasta)
The wife of King Laios of Tebai, the husband married his son according to tradition after his death.
Manto (Manto)
The daughter of Teresias is also good at prophecy.
Medea (Medea)
The beautiful witch mage was jealous. She killed her own brother, helped Jason get the golden fleece, and married him; Later, she killed her two sons and designed to kill Jason's new love because he was moved to another love.
Medeus (Medus)
The son of Iazon and Medea, raised by Karon.
Menelaus (Menelaus)
Son of Atreus, brother of Agamemnon, husband of Helen; A high-ranking Greek general in the Trojan War.
Narcissus (Narcissus)
A handsome man, he fell in love with his own shadow, but did not know that it was him. He could not help admiring himself and became narcissus after death.
Nessus (Nessus)
A boatman who ferries passengers across the river, a centaur; Hercules was killed by him for molesting his wife, but his dying plan was to kill Hercules.
Neoptolemos (Neoptolemos)
He is the son of Achilles. He took part in the Trojan War. After the siege, he captured and admired Hector's widow Andromache. Later, it was killed by Orestes, the son of Agamemnon.
Neros (Nireus)
The son of the spring goddess, the most handsome of Greek generals.
Niobe (Niobe)
The daughter of Tantalus, the wife of Amphionne, was killed by Apollo and Artemis because she offended Leto.
Oedipus (Oedipus)
A tragic figure in Greek mythology, he killed his father and married his mother without knowing it.
Orestes (Orestes)
The son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, in order to avenge his father, killed his mother and her lover.
Orion (Orion)
The son of Poseidon, a handsome and strong hunter, and an admirer of Artemis, he became Orion
Pandora (Pandora)
The first woman on the ground made of clay by Hephaestus was sent to the first woman as punishment for Prometheus' stealing fire, and the gods gave her more attractive charm. The wife of Epimetheus.
Paris (Paris)
The prince of Troy, the son of Priam and Hecarb, led the Trojan War by abducting Helen, the best beauty in the world.
Patroclus (Patroclus)
Achilles' close friend died at the hands of Hector. His death made Achilles take part in the war against Troy again.
Pasifah (Pasiphae)
The daughter of Helios and Perseus, the wife of Minos, and Queen Crete.
Perops (Pelops)
Son of Tantalus; He was cooked by his father for the gods to eat, and later resurrected the Goddess of Destiny.
Pelias (Pelias)
The uncle of Jason, who usurped the throne that should belong to Jason, was killed by Medea.
Penelope (Penelope)
Odysseus' wife; After her husband disappeared in Troy, she refused all suitors and waited for her husband to return.
Perseus (Perseus)
The son of Zeus and Danae; One of the famous heroes in Greek mythology, who became Perseus
Phaethon (Phaethon)
Son of Helios; He fell from the sky to death due to forced driving of the solar car.
Phaedra (Phaedra)
The daughter of Minos and Parsifae, the second wife of Theseus.
Fregus (Phlegyas)
King Thessaly, father of Ixion and Colognes.
Philoctetes (Philoctetes)
Hercules' friend, Hercules gave him his bow and arrow when he was dying.
Friksos (Phrixus)
The son of Atamas and Nefel, he sent the golden fleece to Aeetes in return.
Priam (Priams)
King of Troy, father of Hector and Paris.
Pilar (Pyrrla)
Daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora, wife of Diocalyon; The only two people who escaped the flood of Zeus.
Sarpedon (Sarpedon)
The son of Zeus and Europa, King of Lydia, a great warrior. He led the tribal soldiers to help Troy resist the Greek allied forces.
semele (Semele)
The daughter of Cadmus and Hermonia, one of Zeus' lovers, and Zeus bore Dionysus.
Sisyphus (Sisyphus)
The son of Eolos and Inarete, the most cunning man; After death, he was punished in the nether world, and pushed the huge stones up the mountain forever, but the huge stones on the top of the mountain fell again.
Tantalos (Tantalus)
Son of Zeus and Pluto, friend of the gods; Because he killed his son and entertained the gods, he was punished into the underworld and suffered from hunger and thirst forever.
Telemachus (Telemachus)
The son of Odysseus; After his father returned from the Trojan War, he helped his father kill all suitors.
Toklos (Teucer)
The son of Skamandros, the river god; The first king of Troy.
Teresias (Tiresias)
The prophet Tebai accidentally spied Athena taking a bath, which led to blindness. Athena could not restore his sight, but could only help him become a great prophet and give him honor and guide to compensate him.
Titius (Tityus)
The son of Zeus and Elary, who was killed by Apollo for being rude to Leto, was punished in the underworld, and his liver was pecked by eagles.

Argo Hero

Sort by English name:
Ademethos (Admetus)
Participated in the Kaluwin boar hunting, one of Argo heroes.
Amphiaraos (Amphiaraus)
Famous prophet, hero of Argo ship and one of the seven Tebai heroes.
amphion (Amphion)
King Tebai, son of Zeus and Antiop; The magic of the harp built the palace of Tebai.
Oguas (Augeas)
Poseidon's son; One of the Golden Fleece heroes.
Boruadai Brothers (Boreads)
Zetes and Karais, the son of Boreas, the god of the north wind.
Brother Dioscuri (Dioscūrī)
Castor and Pollux, twin brothers born to Zeus and Leda, became Gemini
jason (Jason)
Argo hero leader who captured the Golden Fleece; Medea's husband.
Lynceus (Lynceus)
The son of Aeguptas and king of Argos.
Moleagulos (Meleager)
A famous hero who hunts Kaludon boar.
Neleus (Neleus)
One of Argo's heroes.
Oileus (Oileus)
One of Argo's heroes.
Orpheus (Orpheus)
One of Argo's heroes, son of Apollo; His music moves mountains and rocks, tames wild animals. Rise to Lyra
Peleus (Peleus)
One of Argo's heroes; The son of Iakos, the husband of Tethys, and the father of Achilles.
Telamon (Telamon)
One of Argo's heroes, son of Iakos.
Theseus (Theseus)
King of Athens; The son of Aegus, one of the famous heroes in Greek mythology.

Attack Tebai Qixiong

Sort by English name:
the Seven Powers
Adrastos (Adrastus)
Argos King; Attack one of the seven Tebai heroes.
Amphiaraos (Amphiaraus)
Attack one of the seven Tebai heroes.
Capagnus (Capaneus)
Attack one of the seven Tebai heroes.
Xibomo Winter (Hippomedon)
Attack one of the seven Tebai heroes.
Parthenopios (Parthenopaeus)
The son of Atalante and Hippomenes, he attacked one of the seven Tebai heroes.
Polynices (Polynices)
The son of Oedipus and Iocaste; Attack one of the seven Tebai heroes.
Tydeus (Tydeus)
Attack one of the seven Tebai heroes.

Legend of the Twelve Constellations



Athamas, the king of Teharia, married Nefel, the goddess, and gave birth to a pair of twins. However, the king had an extramarital affair with Inova, the princess of Tebei, who drove Princess Nefel out of the palace and made Inova the new princess. When Princess Enova had a child of her own, she decided to kill the only twins left by the former Princess Nefele (her brother was Friksos and her sister was Heller). She bribed the diviner to tell the king that if she did not give Zeus the child born to the former princess as a sacrifice, the gods would be furious and there would be famine that year. Nefel asked Zeus for help when he knew it, so Zeus sent Hermes to lead the golden goat in the sky to take the two brothers and sisters to the other side of the sky. Because of her speed, her sister fell into the sea. Golden Goat looked back at her sister and guarded her brother, forming today's Aries.


Through the Benas River in Hamonia, Greece, King Benas had a beautiful princess Europa One day, the princess and the maids went out to pick flowers and play. Suddenly, a white cow appeared and looked at Europa with tender eyes. In fact, the cow was changed by Zeus, who admired the beauty of the princess. At first, the princess was really surprised, but she still walked to the tame cow and stroked it gently. As the bull seemed very clever and tame, the princess climbed on the back of the bull and tried to ride. Suddenly, the bull ran and jumped into the Aegean Sea. The princess hugged the cow, and all the creatures in the sea came out to salute Zeus. The princess finally knew that the cow was the incarnation of Zeus. When she arrived at Crete, she held a wedding ceremony with Zeus. Zeus and Europa, who were incarnated as cattle, lived a happy life.


Infatuated with the Princess of Sparta Leda The beautiful Zeus incarnated as a swan in order to get close to her. The two gave birth to twins, the god son Pollax and the man's son Castor. Both of them are brave and adventurous warriors who often make great contributions together. They also have twin cousins, Idas and Links. One day, four people were going to catch cattle. They caught a lot of cattle and were going to divide them equally. Greedy Idas and Links took advantage of Polax and Castor brothers' unpreparedness to take all the cattle back. The two angry twins had a big argument, and Idas stabbed Castor to death with an arrow. Pollax was so sad that he wanted to go to heaven with Castor, but he could not do so because he had eternal life. His grief moved Zeus, who set up constellations for them to live in the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of death.


Zeus and the human girl Alcmene gave birth to their son Heracles, who later married the princess of Debye and had a child and lived a happy life. Because of the curse of Hera, the queen of Zeus, Heracles cut his wife himself and was about to commit suicide. In order to make him atone, Zeus appointed him King Jerestes. He had to experience ten adventures, the second of which was to subdue the monster Haidera living in the swamp. Haidera is a huge snake with only nine heads, eight of which can't be killed. Hiding in a cave near the marsh, Hercules threw a torch at him. The enraged Haidera was spitting poison gas to attack. At this time, Hera asked the crab to bite Hercules' foot, and the crab was crushed, and Haidera was also subdued. Hera was sentimental about its death and set up Cancer in the sky.


Heracles, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, was appointed king of Jerestes to perform ten difficult tasks. The first task was to subdue the immortal man eating lion in the valley of Nemey. This lion ate livestock and villagers, and everyone was afraid. Someone had subdued it before, but no one survived. When he came to Nemeth Valley, he also lost his way for many days before he found the track of the lion. Hercules wanted to shoot an arrow, but the lion's skin was too hard for him. When he cut the sword with his sword, he also bent it, so he made a thick stick from olive tree and beat it hard at the lion's head. At this time, the lion who was not afraid of the bow and sword was also afraid of the angry Heracles, who tied his neck and was finally defeated by him. Hera, the goddess, set up a Leo in the sky in order to remember the lion.


In ancient times, both human beings and gods lived on the earth and lived happily together. However, human beings became more and more intelligent. They not only learned to build houses and pave roads, but also learned to intrigue, cheat, and other bad habits, which made many gods unbearable and left humans to live in heaven.
But among the gods, the daughter of Astraeus, the lord of the stars Estraia She is a goddess of stars, justice and chastity. She is not discouraged by human beings and still lives with them. However, human beings are becoming more and more fierce. In the Black Iron Age, there began to be war. The events of killing each other took place. The virgin of Estraia, the last god of heaven, left the world of bloodshed due to killing. Become Virgo.


This is the Libra used by the Goddess of Justice Estraia when judging good and evil for human beings. Estraia has two wings, one holding a thunder and the other holding a torch. In the Hellenistic period, they usually held a Libra. In the past, gods and human beings lived together peacefully on the earth. Although God had eternal life, human life was limited. Therefore, the lonely gods had to create human beings continuously. However, people at that time were aggressive and evil karma ran rampant. The gods returned to heaven after being disappointed with human beings. Only the goddess Estelia was reluctant to return and stayed in the world to teach others to do good. Even so, human beings continued to degenerate, so war started and fighting and killing began. Finally, even Estelle gave up human beings and returned to heaven. And the sky is high with Libra, who loves justice, peace and justice.


In ancient Greece, the son of Poseidon, the sea god Orion He is a famous fighter. He is not only a beautiful young man, but also a man with strong physique, so he is very attractive to women. He is also very proud of himself, and has also announced that there is no better person in the world than me! Gaia was very unhappy when she heard this, so she sent a poisonous scorpion to catch Orion and banished him to the original place. Scorpio sneaks up to Orion and stabs him in the heel with his poison needle. Orion has no time to react and died. Because of this merit, there is Scorpio in the sky. As soon as Scorpio rises in the east, Orion (Orion) hurries to hide and sink toward the western horizon.


Once upon a time, there was a half man and half horse race, which was a barbaric race with human upper body and horse lower body. However, among a group of brutal clansmen, only chiron As a wise half man and half horse, he not only knows music and divination, but also is the teacher of Hercules. One day, Hercules clashed with his clansmen, and the hunted one fled to the Karon family. Angry Hercules aimed at the centaur and centaur and repeatedly shot arrows, but did not know that the teacher Karon was also involved in it, and shot him in the foot. Because the arrow is stained with the blood of the monster Haidra, and Charon is immortal, he cannot be liberated from pain. He gave the immortal body to Prometheus and died peacefully, becoming Sagittarius in the sky.


Pan, the god of the herd, is the son of Hermes, the messenger angel of the gods. His appearance is very strange, with goat horns, hooves and beard. He is a very excellent musician. Because Pan can perform wonderful music to bring joy to the gods, he is often invited to the banquet. Once, when he was invited to participate in and play for the gods, the monster Tifeng suddenly appeared and threw himself into chaos. Tifeng rushed into the banquet, and the gods all fled. Pan also turned into a fish in his hurry and jumped into the Nile. Suddenly he heard the cry of Zeus, so he saved Zeus. He mispronounced the spell. Only his lower body turned into a fish's tail, and his upper body was still like a goat. Zeus pitied him and turned it into Capricorn.


Cheklops (έέέ ρωψ, K é kr ō ps in Greek) was the first king of Athens. It is said that he was born Gaia Born, the upper body looks like a man and the lower body is like a snake or fish tail. He was the founding monarch of Athens. During his reign, Athena became the patron saint of Athens after defeating Poseidon in a match judged by him. The two gods agreed to give a gift to the Athenians, and the one they preferred was chosen by Ceklops. Poseidon pierced the Acropolis rocks with a trident, and a spring appeared; But the spring water is salty and people think it is useless, while Athena gave people evergreen olive trees. Ceklops decided that the olive tree was a better gift because it brought wood, oil and food, so he accepted Athena as the patron saint. Ceklops was a cultural hero who taught Athenians wedding, literacy and funeral ceremonies. He once sacrificed water to the gods, and the water in the treasure bottle became the fountain of wisdom of the gods. This is it. aquarius Origin of.


One day, the gods held a banquet by the river because of the good weather. The music loving gods sang and played musical instruments happily, and the atmosphere was very warm. Suddenly, there was a shrill cry. This was Tifeng, a monster with big wings, with a hundred snakes growing under his shoulder. When the gods saw something bad, they fled everywhere in a hurry. Zeus turned into a bird, Apollo into an eagle, Hera into a cow, and all the gods fled as animals. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, and the god of love with her son Cupid He became a fish and escaped into the Euphrates River. At that time, they decided to tie their tails together with ribbons and never separate, so they escaped from the monster smoothly. In this way, the mother and son are connected by their tails and never separate from each other. This is Pisces The origin of.


The worship and sacrifice of gods is a very important part of ancient Greek life.
At the end of January every year, we worship Athena, Dionysus, the god of wine, and Apollo in autumn. There is a sacrifice to Zeus every four years. Since 776 years ago, the sports competitions held at the Olympian festival to Zeus have become Modern Olympic Games Origin of.