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Primitive atmosphere

The atmosphere at the beginning of the earth's formation
The atmosphere at the beginning of the earth's formation.
Chinese name
Primitive atmosphere
Foreign name
primitive air
Related terms
Atmospheric evolution
Disciplinary branch
Atmospheric physics


Incipient Primitive atmosphere It should be the most abundant light matter in the universe: hydrogen helium and carbon monoxide Mainly.
As a result of the solar wind (stars will emit a large amount of material flow, which is at the beginning of the sun's formation) and the earth's warming, the original atmosphere gradually expands into the space and escapes. It is estimated that there was no atmosphere on the earth 4.5 billion years ago or later [1]
The main ingredients are: water vapor, hydrogen, ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, etc. The original atmosphere has no oxygen.


4.5 billion years ago, the earth was impacted by meteorites intensively and frequently from a frozen planet. Meteorites collided at a high speed, and their kinetic energy was converted into internal energy, generating a lot of heat, making the earth's surface reach 1500 degrees Celsius. These star shaped objects collided with each other, making the earth form a molten state, and a large amount of gas originally contained in meteorites was volatilized. Due to the high nuclear transformation energy, strong impact and strong heat radiation in the earth's interior, the surface temperature has always been higher than the boiling point of water, and water vapor cannot be condensed into water. At this time, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapor, the main gas components, almost all accumulate in the atmosphere, forming the densest volcanic atmosphere. The atmospheric pressure is very high, which forms the initial appearance of the earth's air [2]

Miller experiment

Miller – Urey experiment is an experiment to simulate thunder and lightning in the reducing atmosphere of the original earth [3]
Figure 1 Experimental device designed by Miller
Figure 1 Experimental device designed by Miller
As shown in Figure 1, pour water into the 500ml flask at the bottom left.
First, remove the air from the glassware. Then open the left piston and pump CH four 、NH three And H two Mixed gas (simulating reducing atmosphere). Boil the water in the 500ml flask to make the water vapor (H two O) It circulates continuously with the mixed gas in the closed glass tube, and undergoes spark discharge (simulated thunder and lightning) for a week in another large flask with a capacity of 5 liters. After cooling, the finally generated organics accumulate in the solution at the bottom of the instrument (shown in black in the figure) (organics generated in the simulated original atmosphere are washed into the original ocean by rain) [4]