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Historical concept

People's generalization and summary of historical facts
history Concept is people's understanding of historical facts generalization And summary, it contains a specific meaning. The types of historical concepts include characters, events, documents, classics, laws, systems, works, conferences, parties, ideas, theories, etc. The basic elements that constitute the concept of history vary according to the type.
Chinese name
Historical concept
Foreign name
Historical concept
It is the object of philosophy, logic and other disciplines
Semantic item name
People's generalization and summary of historical facts

Classification of historical concepts

The ability of classification (classification) is the basis of the development of thinking ability. Classification in history always develops from phenomenon to essence. If we can consciously and reasonably classify historical phenomena or concepts, we can treat them and analyze them according to different types, thus laying the foundation for solving historical problems.
Step 1: Understand the concept type. The concept of history can usually be divided into the concept of historical facts and the concept of historical theory. The concept of historical facts can be divided into historical events, historical figures, historical documents and history according to the types of historical things themselves Rules and regulations And the concepts of historical objects and relics; The concept of historical theory can also be divided into political concepts (such as revolution, state, nation, international relations, etc.), economic concepts (such as trade, tariff, productivity, technology, etc.), cultural concepts (art, literary creation Art genre ), philosophical concepts (internal and external causes, contradictions, inevitability, quantitative and qualitative changes, etc.), and historical philosophy concepts (time and space in history, historical materials, historical theories, etc.). Some concepts are comprehensive and become the common research object of several disciplines. For example, the concept of nationality can be studied in politics, history, geography and other disciplines.
Step 2: clarify the classification criteria. In this process, you can do some two-way exercises, such as giving examples by type standards, or classifying the listed concepts, and then pointing out the standards. For example, three to five examples are given for each of the above concepts: "Historical events: the Opium War Counter-Japanese War Etc; Historical documents: Records of the Historian, Spirit of Law, etc; Historical rules and regulations system: imperial examination system, three provinces and six ministries... "Then discuss the classification criteria, that is, understand" what is historical events, historical documents, rules and regulations ". It should be noted that classification is multi-dimensional and relative. Do not regard a certain classification as absolute. The same historical thing has different sides, connections and levels. Each subcategory is not strictly different and mutually exclusive.

The Logic of Historical Concept

1. Determined space-time positioning
The time, space, characters and events defined by the historical concept are all definite. There is a fixed coordinate in the long history of people's cognitive ability. Although the passage of time is like this, "the old stronghold is still there". The certainty of studying the concept of history is to give a more accurate position to history. For example, although "reform and opening up" began in 1978, people can still feel the happiness of "born in 1977/1978" today. Thirty years later, people can better understand that the most distinctive feature of the new era is reform and opening up, and the symbol of the new era is reform and opening up. In 1978, it gained coordinate significance due to reform and opening up.
2. Diachronic and synchronic
Diachronic refers to the longitudinal development process of the historical events defined by the concept of history, which has undergone the emergence, development (or transformation), and end (completion or extinction). Synchronicity refers to the horizontal connection between the historical events defined by the historical concept and the politics, economy, culture, space, etc. of the same period. For example, the capitalist world market has experienced New route opening It began to take shape in the middle of the 19th century, and finally formed three periods in the early 20th century. Until today, this market is still developing and showing the trend of economic globalization. According to the horizontal connection, when discussing the initial formation of the capitalist world market, we should pay attention to the synchronic problems in the mid-19th century, such as industrial revolution , political reform (reform and revolution), colonial expansion, progress in transportation, etc.
3. Structural
The so-called structural relationship of historical concepts refers to the temporal structure of the concept itself, which evolves with time, and the logical structure formed by the association of the concept with other concepts. For example, monopoly organizations have experienced a sequential structure of private monopoly, state monopoly and international monopoly over time. Monopoly organizations can also The Second Industrial Revolution This concept forms the logical structure of cause and effect. Examining the structural relationship of historical concepts can better test the examinee's ability to obtain and interpret information, mobilize and apply the knowledge learned to solve practical problems, grasp the stage characteristics or trends of historical development, and Logical thinking ability Can effectively distinguish the ability level of candidates at different levels and open the gap between them. Many examinees lose points in front of this type of questions.