
[yìn dì yǔ]
Indo European Indian languages
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Hindi Devanagari : न्् or न्; latin alphabet Transcription: Hind ī; English: Hindi language), also called Hindi , Yes Indo European Indic The next language. Hindi is the eighth language in the world in terms of the number of countries that use it [1] On January 26, 1965 India central government Of official language Hindi and Urdu (collectively referred to as Hindustan )The main difference is that the former uses Devanagari Letter, the latter used Arabic alphabet , introduced by the former Sanskrit loan More, the latter Arabic and farsi Borrow more words.
It is the most popular language in India. In addition, on the mauritius Fiji U.S.A Trinidad and Tobago Guyana Suriname There are also a considerable number of Indians speaking Hindi among Indian residents in other places.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Tiancheng characters: न््हहहहहह or न्हह, Latin alphabet transliteration: Hind ī; English: Hindi language
Hindustan, नुुुताननन, Hindustani
Language family
Indo European - Hindi
Central and northern India, Fiji Equidistant
The third largest language in the world

Language Introduction

Hindi standard speech There are 11 vowels and 43 consonants. 54 Phoneme One vowel and five consonants are foreign sounds, which are only used for Loanwords Medium. The original 10 vowels of Hindi have corresponding nasal forms. Consonant is not only clear Stope , erasure, etc Aspirating sound media , voiced affricate Flicker There are also corresponding aspirating sounds. Aspiration and Unaspirated sound It has a distinctive function. Generally, there is no stress or tone. Grammatical ratio Sanskrit It is greatly simplified. Nouns include feminine, masculine, singular and plural categories. In a few pronouns, the case remains. The form of noun case has disappeared. The relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence is used after the noun or pronoun Postposition To represent. When a noun or pronoun has a postposition, its form changes to a certain extent.
Hindi grammar
In addition to the categories of person, sex and number, verbs also have the categories of aspect, tense, form and state. Fundamentals of Sentences word order It is subject object predicate. In terms of vocabulary, Basic vocabulary Mostly from Sanskrit It evolved. The recent trend of terminology in various disciplines is to directly take from Sanskrit, or to create new Sanskrit words with Sanskrit word formation. stay Muslim During the rule, Hindi absorbed a lot of farsi and Arabic loan During the period of British rule, it also absorbed a large number of English borrowings, and constantly absorbed new borrowings from English. At the same time of absorbing loanwords, it also absorbs some word formation means of loanwords. Hindi usage Devanagari letter. This is a kind of Vowel Tagged Text , by the ancient Brahmi It evolved. Write from left to right.

language system

Main entry: Hindi Urdu phonetic system
Retrogingival/hard palate
p pʰ b bʱ
t̪ t̪ʰ d̪ d̪ʱ
ʈ ʈʰ ɖ ɖʱ
k kʰ g gʱ
(c)tʃ (cʰ)tʃʰ (ɟ)dʒ (ɟʱ)dʒʱ
s (z)
ʃ (ʒ)
(x) (ɣ)
Flashing sound or playing sound
ɽ ɽʱ

Linguistic grammar

Hindi is a subject object verb language, which means that the verb is usually located at the end of the sentence rather than before the object (while English is often the subject verb object). Hindi also shows partial ergativity, so in some cases, the verb is consistent with the object of the sentence rather than the subject. Unlike English, Hindi has no rules article If you need to emphasize, you can use numeral ए क (ek, "1") is an indefinite singular article.
In addition, Hindi is used in English preposition Used in Postposition (This is because they follow nouns or pronouns). Other differences include sex, honorific Interrogative words The use of case and tense. Despite its complexity, the Indian language law is fairly formal, with relatively limited Irregularity Regardless of the differences in vocabulary and writing, Hindi language method is almost the same as Urdu language method. The concept of punctuation other than complete pause was completely unknown before the arrival of Europeans. Hindi punctuation uses commas exclamatory mark And question mark. Sometimes a full stop is used to end a sentence, although the traditional "complete pause" (a vertical bar) is still used.


In Hindi, nouns have two natures. All men and male animals (and those animals and plants that are understood to be masculine) are masculine. All women and female animals (and those animals and plants that are understood to be female) are female. Things, nonliving objects and abstract noun It is also divided into positive and negative according to custom. This is the same as Urdu And many others Indo European Language such as Spanish , French, Italian, and Portuguese This is a challenge for people who only use English. Although it is an Indo European language, it has almost eliminated all inflections.

Interrogative words

The standard question words in Hindi include "कौनन" (kaun, who), "क्ाायायाायोा" (ky, why), "कबबब" (kab, when), "काााऽऽााााााााााााााा76 साााााााा屬ााााााा (kais 屘宐नााा, how many), etc. The Hindi word क्याा can be used as a general question word often placed at the beginning of a sentence, transforming a sentence into General question This is very clear when asking questions. question It can also be formed simply by changing the intonation, which is completely the same as some interrogative sentences in English.


Hindi has only one sexual first, second and third person pronoun. So unlike English, there is no difference between "he" and "she". More strictly, the third person pronoun is actually the same as Demonstrative pronoun ("This"/"That"). Verbs usually indicate sexual differences when they are transposed. Pronouns have extra Binge and Genitive , but not vocative Pronouns are dichotomous in the objective case Variable lattice Note that for Second person Pronouns ("you") have three levels in Hindi honorific :
  • आप (/a ː p/): formal and respectful "you". There is no difference between singular and plural. Used for formal occasions and talking about people who are high in work or age. The plural number can be emphasized by saying आपलोग (/a ːपससब) or आपसब (/a ːːə b/, "you all").
  • तुम (/t ̪ um/): informal "you". There is no difference between singular and plural. Used informally and to discuss people who live at work or age. The plural number can be emphasized by saying तुमलोगतमलोग (/t ̪̪̪᝺/, "you people") or तुमसबब (/t ̪̪ə b/, "you all").
  • तू (/t 810720ː/): very informal form of "you". The complete singular, its plural form is/t ̪ um/. It is considered offensive in India except for very close friends or poetic language involving God.
imperative (Request and command) Formally corresponding to the level of honorific used, verb Inflectional change To show the desired level of respect and politeness. Since the imperative tone may have included politeness, the word kripay , which can be translated as "please", is less used than in English; It is generally only used in books and announcements, and even used in daily spoken language to express ridicule.

word order

Hindi Standards word order Generally, it is subject object verb, but this rule can be easily abandoned where different emphasis or more complex structure is required (if nouns or pronouns always follow their postposition or case markers). More specifically, Standard word The sequence is: 1 Subject 2 Adverbs (in their standard order) 3 Indirect object And any of its adjectives 4 Direct object And any of its adjectives 5 negative Lexical item Or question words (if any), and the last 6 Verbs and any auxiliary verb (Snell, p93) Negation is formed by adding the word नन̃ (nah 299̃, "no") to the appropriate position in the sentence, or in some cases, it is realized by नन (na) or मत (mat). Note that in Hindi, adjectives precede the nouns they qualify. The auxiliary verb is always in the Active word After. Generally speaking, Hindi speakers or writers place words to achieve stylization and other social psychology In effect, they enjoy considerable freedom, although not as free as in highly inflected language.

Tense and aspect of verbs

The Hindi verb structure focuses on the features with some differences based on tenses, which are usually displayed by using the verb ोनााााा (hon , "to be") as auxiliary verbs. There are three kinds of physical features: habitus( imperfective aspect ), progressive aspect (also called continuum) and perfect aspect In almost all cases, it is appropriate to use "ोनााानाााोभनााााोा236 Inflectional form To mark tenses. There are four simple tenses in Hindi: Present tense , past tense Future tense (hypothetical) and virtual (many linguist It is called a tone). Verb transposition Not only the number and person of their subject (first, second, third), but also their sex. In addition, Hindi has imperative And conditional mood. Verbs must agree with the person, number and sex of their subject, if and only if This subject is not followed by any postposition. If this condition is not met, the verb must be consistent with the number and sex of the object (if the object does not have any postposition). If this condition is not met, the verb does not agree with the two. This kind of phenomenon is called mixed ergodic lattice.


Hindi is a weak inflectional language for case change; The relationship of nouns in a sentence is usually determined by Postposition To show. Hindi nouns have three cases. The direct case is used for nouns that do not follow any postposition, and is typically used for subject and object. Indirect lattice Any noun used after a preposition. Adjectives that modify nouns in the indirect case are also inflected in the same way. Some nouns have independent vocative There are two kinds of numbers in Hindi: singular and plural - but they are not clearly shown in all variants.

Cardinal number word

0 शून्य
1 एक
10 दस
100 सौ
2 दो
20 बीस
1000 हज़ार
3 तीन
30 तीस
100,0000 दस लाख
4 चार
40 चालीस
5 पांच
50 पचास
6 छः
60 साठ
7 सात
70 सत्तर
8 आठ
80 अस्सी
9 नौ
90 नब्बे
10 दस
11 ग्यारह
12 बारह

Temporal phraseology

What time is it?
कितने बज रहे हैं? (kitanē baj rahē haiṁ?)
समय क्या है? (kyā samay hai?)
कितना समय हुआ है? (kitanā samay hu'ā hai?)
It's one o'clock
एक बज रहा है (ēk baj rahā hai)
It's quarter past one
सवा एक बज रहा है (savā ēka baj rahā hai)
It's half past one
डेढ़ बज रहा है (ḍēṛh baj rahā hai)
It's quarter to two
पौने दो बज रहे हैं (paunē dō baj rahē haiṁ)
It's two o'clock
दो बज रहे हैं (dō baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past two
सवा दो बज बज रहे हैं (savā dō baja baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past two
ढाई बज रहे हैं (ḍhā'ī baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter to three
पौने तीन बज रहे हैं (paunē tīn baj rahē haiṁ)
It's three o'clock
तीन बज रहे हैं (tīn baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past three
सवा तीन बज रहे हैं (savā tīn baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past three
साढ़े तीन बज रहे हैं (sāṛhē tīn baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter to four
पौने चार बज रहे हैं (paunē cār baj rahē haiṁ)
It's four o'clock
चार बज रहे हैं (cāra baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past four
सवा चार बज रहे हैं (savā cār baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past four
साढ़े चार बज रहे हैं (sāṛhē cār baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter to five
पौने पाँच बज रहे हैं (paunē pām̐c baj rahē haiṁ)
It's five o'clock
पाँच बज रहे हैं (pām̐c baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past five
सवा पाँच बज रहे हैं (savā pām̐c baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past five
साढ़े पाँच बज रहे हैं (sāṛhē pām̐c baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter to six
पौने छह बज रहे हैं (paunē chah baj rahē haiṁ)
It's six o'clock
छह बज रहे हैं (chah baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past six
सवा छह बज रहे हैं (savā chah baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past six
साढ़े छह बज बज रहे हैं (sāṛhē chah baja baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter to seven
पौने सात बज रहे हैं (paunē sāt baj rahē haiṁ)
It's seven o'clock
सात बज रहे हैं (sāt baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past seven
सवा सात बज रहे हैं (savā sāt baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past seven
साढ़े सात बज रहे हैं (sāṛhē sāt baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter to eight
पौने आठ बज रहे हैं (paunē āṭh baj rahē haiṁ)
It's eight o'clock
आठ बज रहे हैं (āṭh baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past eight
सवा आठ बज रहे हैं (savā āṭh baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past eight
साढ़े आठ बज रहे हैं (sāṛhē āṭh baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter to nine
पौने नौ बज रहे हैं (paunē nau baj rahē haiṁ)
It's nine o'clock
नौ बज रहे हैं (nau baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past nine
सवा नौ बज रहे हैं (savā nau baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past nine
साढ़े नौ बज रहे हैं (sāṛhē nau baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter to ten
पौने दस बज रहे हैं (paunē das baj rahē haiṁ)
It's ten o'clock
दस बज रहे हैं (das baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past ten
सवा दस बज रहे हैं (savā das baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past ten
साढ़े दस बज रहे हैं (sāṛhē das baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter to eleven
पौने ग्यारह बज रहे हैं (paunē gyārah baj rahē haiṁ)
It's eleven o'clock
ग्यारह बज रहे हैं (gyārah baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past eleven
सवा ग्यारह बज रहे हैं (savā gyārah baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past eleven
साढ़े ग्यारह बज हैं (sāṛhē gyārah baja haiṁ)
It's quarter to twelve
पौने बारह बज रहे हैं (paunē bārah baj rahē haiṁ)
It's twelve o'clock
बारह बज रहे हैं (bārah baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter past twelve
सवा बारह बज रहे हैं (savā bārah baj rahē haiṁ)
It's half past twelve
साढ़े बारह बज रहे हैं (sāṛhē bārah baj rahē haiṁ)
It's quarter to one
पौने एक बज रहा है (paunē ēk baj rahā hai)
it's midnight
आधी रात हो गई है (ādhī rāt hō ga'ī hai)
it's midday
दोपहर हो गई है (dōpahar hō ga'ī hai)
in the morning
सुबह (subah)
in the afternoon
दोपहर में (dōpahar mēṁ)
in the evening
शाम को (śām kō)


Hindi usage Devanagari Alphabet writing. Tiancheng literature is a kind of Vowel Tagged Text The consonant itself has an inherent default following vowel, namely schwa. When consonants are spelled with other vowels, additional symbols are used. The characters are written from left to right, and the letters are connected by the top bar. The following is Tiancheng characters for Hindi alphabet

Language distribution

The distribution of native speakers of Hindi around India
Hindi and Urdu together are the second largest languages in the world, with a population of more than 500 million, second only to Chinese. In 1997, the survey found that 66% of Indians would Speak Hindi 77% of Indians regard Hindi as the common language of the country. In India, about 422 million people use Hindi as their mother tongue, and another 300 million people use Hindi as their mother tongue Second language use.
The number of Hindi speakers in countries other than India is:
US: 100000;
mauritius :685,170;
South Africa :890,292;
Yemen :232,760;
Uganda :147,000;
Singapore :5,000;
New Zealand :20,000;
Germany :30,000 。
Urdu, which is closely related to Hindi, is the official language of Pakistan, with a total of 108 million users. In other countries and regions Hindi is important minority language , such as in Fiji Guyana Suriname Trinidad and Tobago and The United Arab Emirates
In India, Hindi is Andaman Nicobar Islands Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Delhi Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchir And other official languages. Bollywood All films in the film industry base are made in Hindi.

Five dialects

There are five major dialects of Hindi, namely western Hindi, eastern Hindi Bihar Rajasthan And mountain Hindi. Each Major dialect There are several dialects in each. The standard language is based on the Kripoli dialect, which is widely used in the areas near Delhi and Merat, and belongs to western Hindi. Like most languages in northern India, Hindi is derived from Sanskrit. Hindi and Action Pakistan Urdu, the official language, is actually the same language, although the former uses Sanskrit Letter Write, the latter use Arabic alphabet Writing. Most words in pure Hindi come from Sanskrit Urdu has many borrowings from Persian and Arabic. Both Hindi and Urdu are based on Hindustan (Hindustani), which is a kind of spoken language, has been used as a communicative language in many parts of India for more than four centuries.

Hindi major

Shanghai International Studies University In 2013, the undergraduate major of Hindi was opened.
With regard to Hindi employment in China, there are not many Hindi job opportunities in China, but more translators.
Indian official language There are two languages, English and Hindi. Indian enterprises mainly use English in their trade with foreign countries. It's Hindi Professional students The biggest problem of employment, unlike Vietnamese , Thai, etc.
China Radio International (CRI) is the only company in China that uses Hindi to send South Asia State broadcast media. Hindi radio was officially launched on March 15, 1959. CRI Hindi radio is targeted at South Asian countries mainly in India, including India Pakistan Nepal Bangladesh, etc. At present, CRI Hindi radio broadcasts five times a day, one hour each time. The broadcast time is Beijing Time 21:00-22:00 (18:30-19:30 Indian time), 22:00-23:00 (19:30-20:30 Indian time), 23:00-24:00 (20:30-21:30 Indian time), 00:00-01:00 (21:30-22:30 Indian time), and 11:00-12:00 (8:30-9:30 Indian time) the next morning. In addition to the 10 minute news and current affairs commentary broadcast in the daily program, there are also some fixed columns, mainly including:《 Tibet Today 》, South Asia Weekly, Walking in China, Urban Tea House, Easy Weekend, Friends of the Audience, Audience on Demand, Come and Go, and Daily Chinese.
except Shortwave broadcasting In addition, it also launched Chinanet Inditext International Online Hindi website, Hindi Bridge magazine, Mobile Mobile client micro-blog Public communication platform Facebook and Twitter
CRI Hindi radio has listeners all over South Asia, except India, The People's Republic of Bangladesh Malaysia , Pakistan Fiji , Nepal and other countries have many listeners. In recent years, with the continuous increase of broadcasting platforms, CRI Hindi radio and websites have a growing influence on Indian audiences, with the annual incoming letters of 200000. In order to better listen to CRI Hindi radio and exchange listening feelings, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and other countries have also established more than 600 CRI Hindi radio audience clubs.
In recent years, the Hindi Broadcasting Department has planned, organized and participated in a number of large-scale activities, including the online contest of "Chinese performing Indian songs and dances", the online selection of "Chinese fate · top ten friends"“ China City List ”Global network selection, "I hope Olympic ”"China South Asia Expo" Theme song Songs collection activities, etc. In addition, the Hindi Broadcasting Department also compiled《 Chinese Hindi Classified Dictionary 》, completed one hundred episodes of Indian TV series《 miracle 》The translation of "Daily Chinese", "Happy Chinese", "Learn Chinese with Me"《 800 Chinese characters 》Translation of books.
Hindi translation includes interpretation simultaneous interpretation , localization, video listening and translation, foreign-related conferences Translation services